Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology Caught Erasing Record Low Temperatures

How did the aussies get so cucked? I always thought they were brash loud mouth cheeky bigoted cunts

There are Aussies and there are city poofs who live in our Nation but are not Aussies

political apathy and acceptance of (((americanised))) culture allowed the jews to sneak in when things were good and those formerly pacified ockers are only just now starting to notice how fucked things are

also this

Why is the cold temperatures problematic for the media?

there is currently a hot debate regarding australia's continued adherence to the paris accord since trump ditched it, and the relevance of staying on these retarded global warming policies that are serving only to castrate one of australia's strongest business investment incentives; the low cost of energy (the other was cheap land, but that hasn't been the case for almost a decade now. oops!).
the ignorance of your average aussie still means they associate "climate change" with "global warming" and record low temps break the narrative.
also all those juicy government research grants that get handed on a silver platter to retarded do-nothing bureaucracies because we gotta do something to save the planet, right?

it is fucking stunning how fucked this country is despite its people. australians really don't give a fuck and that's what has lead us to this point. the silver lining is that you now have a younger generation that were raised thinking they'd be able to afford to buy their own house at some point and are now genuinely pissed off the boomers sold the country out from underneath us to chinks.

Well it has been one of the coldest winters on record so even the Bureau kike are having a hard time covering it up

Saw an ad on the train today completely in Chinese, it's mind boggling how fast chinks are flooding in.

Brisbane here
go to sunnybank, theres chink ads on fucking billboards. My russian mate and i had to go there one day and it was like going to another country, we were the only whites
shits fucked

we're fighting back, media only reports our efforts in the local news if at all. total media ban on talking about antipodean resistance going on atm


Local What?