This guy is listing down everything that Hillary and Comey has pretty much been convicted of and even some of which I didn't know.
Other urls found in this thread:
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
So first thing mentioned is Obama dares to oppose Netanyahoo. Congress still pozzed and I'm not blackpilling I had to turn it on off that shit makes me mad especially with the traitorous laws being considered recently.
Click what? And I doubt the 96K other people listening to Steve King are on some list dumbass kike. Bet you are pretty sour I stole your first post though.
Steve King is kind-of pseudo /ourguy/ at times. It was expected of him to say such things. I won't believe it until I see it, personally.
gib webm or fag
So its all a war between kike factions afterall and the bibi/trump faction won out
So Hillary criticized first off for opposing Israel. Gets arrested. Alt life goes crazy with ecstasy and immediately falls in line to fight for ZOG. At the same time, criticism from both your wallet and mouth is banned and punished. I think lefty obama drones flipping out was the bait. Now get ready for the switch. Follow Trump for the glory of Zion, right to Iran to die. Again no blackpill, just be vigilant.
His first fucking sentence. Not our guy.
Can the same not be said of AIPAC in every fucking US election?
I give up, op can just be a faggot.
So is it really habbeningz?
How big is file?
Openly said no one has done anything for civilization other than white people.
let's get this started.
Of all her crimes and subterfuge/corruption, just you watch. This is what they'll hammer her with. Just don't criticize this though goy! That's illegal! Here, buy some nasty rotten kefelterfish. Yes you have to.
We do a lot for the yids too. We do nearly everything. He said that on tv? Capitalizing on increasing sentiments that couldn't be ignored by any politician with a brain. In a little bit more intimate company, as this vid shows, he reveals the leash Israel has around his neck. Israel is ISIS.
He's great. The video of him talking about the reasons Greeks are no longer blonde is also great. King likes dispensing redpills.
Except that isn't what happened in your video, you clickbait-posting nigger.
Video contents
Hillary and Obama hurt our mission objectives goy! Join up to reverse the damage oy vey! They're either setting us up or they're dropping her. Get your opinions on the situation in while you still can!
Fucking based Steve King.
26.0 MB, what's the limit?
12MB is the limit but you can downscale using ffmpeg to make it fit. Jewgle howto.
Dupe of
Check the catalog next time, it's literally pinned
That is a fucking hilarious quote. Of all the pictures to paint, fuck.
ehfukit, webm for ants
Is it actually happening?
Not yet. OP's a complete faggot.
I see lots of shilling in this thread. SHARE THIS VIDEO. THIS Mr.KING summed it all up NICELY. SHARE THIS VIDEO AND GET IT OUT!
It's true what they say. OP's faggotry knows no bounds.
HOLY FUCKING SHIT HE NAMED SOROS. Is this real? I am doubting it. The audio of that video is a little off too. Who is the dude speaking? He needs a fucking medal for awesomeness.
I know. Even the saging going on this thread is proof. The Kike cries out while hes being attacked. HE NAMED SOROS!!!
Soros will be dead before any investigation is finished
If you watched him under the election he could hardly speak, what soros has been doing was never a 1 man job but a huge collaborative effort but (((they)))want to present it as such. Thats why the media has been namedropping him so much the last 1-2 years.
Soros is just a front man for Rothschild . Same with Macron .
I believe your right. But it's something. Soon as the public wakes up and understands there are people we don't even know pulling all the strings. They are going to be hard pressed to sell anymore lies. People will wake up the trickery.
C'mon, man. Don't get my hopes up like that. Steve King speaking on the floor does not mean the legislature is issuing a warrant for arrest.
Just use hooktube (basically like archive) you niggers so they don't get views. I wish all youtube links were automatically filtered into hooktube links. Fuck their views.
Hook tube makes it web and automatically archives
just change YT to hooktube in the URL
as an Iowegian, i am really proud of Steve King that fucking kike-lover
Steve King for Speaker of the House, when? How are we not fucking memeing this, you should all be ashamed, I'm even ashamed of myself!
looks like Holla Forums has allies in congress and senate. Hillary will be on death row in three years. Probably pardoned when the next democrat gets into office, unless it is a Bernie Bro, than she hangs
If we do this right, Democrats won't be in power for at least 20 years.
Would love to see the US free themselves from the chains of the ZOG, but I doubt it. Unfortunately the average Joe always finds something to complain about and the jew funded media is pretty good at directing hate toward the current administration, which in a political system like the US leads to the two parties cycling. If it could really be managed to bring the trust in media below the trust in a Republican lead congress and oval office, it could work but that's hard work. Then again. I wouldn't have dreamed that Trump will actually become POTUS. Guess everything is possible in this timeline
Nice triple dubs, but the idea is to crack down on fraud votes by passing a federal-wide picture ID law. Dems have long relied on illegals stuffing the ballots to win elections. Without that, they may be hopeless in the next few elections.
I guess we traded the old Talmudvision kikes for the alternative media kikes (Jewtube, Alex Jonestien, TRS). But I put more faith in people on the internet than those in front of the boob tube. Also there are plenty of redpills available online, which is more than I can say for the absolute zero available on the electric jew.
triple double checked.
Made a high quality WebM
It's a nice summary of the recent crimes Hillary and Obama committed and I'm glad it's at least still being talked about in congress.
OP inhales cocks for the misleading clickbait title, but holy shit King is awesome
Steve King was ok.
Matt Maetz did even better speech calling to lock her as up though
It's a clip for the judiciary hearing where they send a letter to DOJ asking them to investigate the reasons for Comey being fired. More is in the judiciary hearing thread