Hopefully they go after anti-white professors next.
Trump to go directly after anti-white admission policies in colleges
Other urls found in this thread:
What did we do to deserve this man?
You have to be kidding me.
Universities are unsalvageably pozzed, but I appreciate the sentiment.
The salt will never stop flowing.
Im sure Trump knows how much of a disaster they are, im sure he just wants to fuck their shit up.
its what liberals and jews did to deserve him, friend. ;)
What's going on, I thought he belonged to Zion?
Get fucked shills.
Oh my fuck it's beautiful
It's nothing a little purging can't solve.
To be fair we need more than keeping niggers and spics out to unfuck our universities.
We have to start somewhere.
Oh shit niggers, it's personal.
9/10 woman
Bump for awesomeness.
That right there is a woman worth procreating with.
Make colleges responsible for half the loan if the student can't find employment with their degree and we are good to go. Campus Commies will bite in too, not realizing it forces colleges to trim the humanities fat.
Cue the ShareJew shills in 3…2…1…
And the (((media))) is too busy reporting on Seth Rich to care. What a great day this was.
No, it'll be mgtow robots that shill this one.
The fallout from this will be glorious. Maybe we'll even see another berniebot wig out and turn assassin.
but at least the message prevails.
Gas the kikes race war now!!!
About fucking time.
Need a summer verison
But winter is comfy.
And they told me Trump wouldn't do a single thing for whites.
What's the matter, Chaim? Don't have some bullshit way to spin this into D&C?
Anybody have the .gif to post of this or a webm?
Absolute madman. Too bad college is a complete waste of time and money.
This is just the first step in a long road to fixing that user.
"reverse racism" is a cancerous term. Anti-White is an accurate description.
Don't encourage them, or they'll slide it if they can't fuck up the thread proper.
We're breaking the conditioning
Not necessarily, Ivy League is a ticket to the elite class since success depends a lot on who you know more than what you know, and Jewish overrepresentation/suppression of qualified white applicants is obscenely disproportionate in Ivy Leagues specifically for this reason. This could have long term serious impact on reshaping the future elite classes.
Preparing for when whites become a minority in burgeristan?
(((trump))) throwing another tiny bone to distract attention from when he goes full zog
Pictures very much related.
Okay bud.
They don't have a shill tactic pre-planned for something like this and it's past working hours. Expect a tidal wave in a few hours.
The dominos are falling faster the closer we get to the wall. I've never woken up to good news this many weeks in a row before. It's beautiful.
Holy shit, that glorious bastard is actually doing it.
Good man.
It really is like night and day when they're not prepared to schill on an issue ahead of time. I fully expect them to try and derail this into some "christcuck" d&c asap as soon as they clock in.
Id expect them to go for the d&c of the genders as per . But yea, it'll be obvious either way.
It's like an implicit red-pill and they didn't know they just dropped it. They just called niggers and mexicans stupid.
An attempt was made. Not even going to quote this shit.
I have a summer version that's going to take an hour to video process because i'm on a crappy laptop. I could send it to someone faster than I could process it to under 12mb
user, the sort of purging that would be necessary can hardly be called little.
It's going to be huge, dubs user. Believe me.
oh I know get back to the kitchen and bedroom finally?
The digits confirm, White Imperium soon.
3500 hours in windows movie maker
thread is getting buried for some reason, I'm guessing because it's just pure good news
I bet she'd look good wearing a sundress in a wheat field
Smugness level: pretty damn smug.
yes yes kill all the jew in education pretending to be white spewing marx puke.
I am glad I supported Trump
We had faith thatvthere was still some good in this world.
We saw a spark of it in Trump and our energy tipped the balance, allowing him to win from an unwinnable position.
The Lord moves in mysterious ways.
Praise Him.
I was going to call the whole election if he didn't win Florida. That was the most tense moment of it.
You and me both, lad.
We got a wild one in the White House?
He is a beautiful mess…but a mess. He has to talk about the ancient eternal life programs which are active TODAY.
Funny propaganda by the type, "/ourguy/".
Checked you and (shamelessly) myself. Let's do this
So now can we officially declare that Trump is at the very least not anti-white? Because this is not something that any anti-white would ever do.
On another note I think that a way to salvage America if it does go minority white is to allow people to legally segregate and to devolve powers from the federal government and the states to local communities.
He obviously isn't anti-white. The only point of real contention is whether or not he's sufficiently anti-jew.
I just hope the rest of Gen Z follows suit so that the next generation of artists won't be pozzed trash.
pretty sure he knows their schemes or he would never have become a billionaire and the argument he has jews as in-law meaning infiltrated' yet has a awesome white wife now.You can't pick your inlaws we aren't white sharia the hole personal freedom kinda blows that out yet if my daughters shacked up with a nigger or jew I would disown them however maybe Trump wasn't always redpilled and the grandkids even with inferior genetics are still his blood and that is a major way the jew whore infiltrates and subverts whites as they don't have any actual power that can't be taken away from them at any moment the rat jew has evolved to subvert and intermix for survival not only because all jews are basically first cousins and literally need out group dna to fend of retardation and birth defects as well as psychosis.Jew are degenerate genetically I am sure he is aware and none to happy his offspring have falling for the jew bullshit and quite possibly and only naturally be upset about especially ivanka and what to exact revenge or at the very least understands jews are biological feces.
Make us all proud and fuck the social sciences into the ground
Oh boy he's attacking the commies. George Rockwell is smiling from heaven.
Wrong. This is just standard controlled OP damage control. Academia must burn to the ground.
Eesh, I hope so as well. I'm not too impressed with all the students there leeching off of the reputations of established universities (e.g. the Ivies, Stanford, MIT) before obtaining worthless social sciences degrees and getting hired straight into the nearest coffeeshop. I am somewhat of an artist myself (mostly a musician with many classical and rock projects), so it's heartbreaking to see what I love corrupted by (((them))) and the useful idiots they take each year.
Of course. I am interested in an engineering and business route, so I won't concern myself with them. However, I will try my hardest to delegitmize what they teach. Maybe with satire, maybe with research and hard science.
Any pushback is appreciated, but it won't be long until this crackdown is deemed antisemitic by the sheer number of jews perpetrating hatred and discrimination against whites. Beyond that, this problem has been neglected so long you could probably arrest every single staff member of the top universities at this point.
You'd be surprised what fund cutting can accomplish
Hahahahahahaha its fucking game over
Because that's where all the kikes, niggers, and feminists are ending up these days right? gas yourself kike, the rig is coming to an end
get genocided by kikes?
t. german
You need to be 18 to post here
No you don't.
Is this part of the Trump curse?
I was just thinking about a similar topic the other day and havent got all my facts yet to create a Meme
#oppressedmajority needs to start trending with statistics showing Whites being locked out of Jobs/promotions/schools , police shootings where whites are over represented , crime where once again whites are over represented as victimes of hate crimes by blacks/hispanics, terrorism where Europeans and US whites are over represented as victims of islam, forced criminalization of white neighborhoods through sec8 housing scams perpetrated by the ((govt)). collage scholarships where any non-white will get more money and pay less tuition while the white working class kids shoulder the costs. and how we our opinions are silenced and delegitimized by Marxist anti white racist terminology such as racism/sexism/xenophobia i had more but since this might start trending maybe its time to fire up those twatter accounts and inform the normies that there is no bigger oppressed class of people in this country than white males.. with white females coming in at a close second.
Should I submit this to FBI tips?
Ah, that explains a lot.
i would prefer having 13-19 years old lurking this board than having old fuckos doing it. Get them young and they are yours forever
Shh, that's the point. Let the kikes come out of the wood work screeching how anti-jewish it is to support whites. Let them further expose themselves to the regular populace.
I think I can picture the loss of aqueducts now.
It's the fucking jews. The kikes have to go first and then everything else will fall into place. A nigger on a basketball scholarship is nothing compared to the army of kikes currently attending, teaching and running higher education.
Pic related sauce:
Ayy Hol up, you mean we wuz gun do schools based on, y'know, performance n shit?
I want to believe. Please let this be real. (I'm not even white or American.)
It'll probably help the Asians the most. Kek, Trump touching the education system might begin the fabled another shoah, since it is a fragile bubble.
Babysteps user, we're setting a precedent that anti-white discrimination is coming to an end. This will also radicalize the left and make them go full-on SJW at precisely the time that they need to try to reel themselves back in and focus on plain-jane economic issues.
Checked. This is the REAL issue. Because Jews disguise themselves and pretend to be white when convenient, even IF universities have to start accepting more whites, they'll really just accept more jews. And the ONLY way to identify this problem would be for the government to break down the demographics and see that the majority of the "whites" going to ivy league schools are actually yids.
But again, this is still a great start in terms of changing the zeitgeist.
This is concern shilling, your masters ought to praise you because this is at least mischling 2nd generation concern shilling.
You can be sure they are checking their minority boxes when they apply. Removing the intentional discrimination against whites by focusing on merit based admission will MASSIVELY benefit whites and men and may minorly benefit asians. Jews being retarded and mentally diseased will not compete.
I'm concern shilling by showing how jewish nepotism results in massively disproportionate representation? Come on now.
This would be true if and only if the hiring process were somehow fully automated. But it's a well-established fact that the way kikes end up disproportionately represented is because the kikes in charge of the universities and admission offices will always make sure to prop up their fellow chosenites. Just seeing a name ending in -berg or -stein is enough for them to bring someone for an interview that they would not have considered otherwise. Likewise, having an interview and having your interviewer be a fellow member of the tribe is enough to give you a massive edge, even if neither of you explicitly talk to each other about being kikes. These aren't official policies, obviously, but it's just what happens when jews are involved in hiring/enrollment processes.
I've seen this shit happen personally. I know yids who got into medschools their grades, accomplishments, and MCAT scores would never have warranted. But they were able to pull strings with fellow chosenites from within the medschool, arrange a back-door personal sit-down interview with higherups in the school (who were jewish) and they talked about jewish things. Boom, somehow they get accepted.
I don't have the data off the top of my head, but people have done analyses on this sort of thing and have discovered that there's an "affirmative action" effect for jews, despite jews not having any actual policy enforcing it like there is with niggers or spics. That is to say, they get lower scores on average relative to their admission rates. Meaning that something else is causing them to get accepted/hired more often. For blacks/latinos it's AA, for jews it's nepotism.
I'm just saying this will still be a problem.
This shit happened to me when I tried wasting my time there as a young dumbfuck. They held back course placings for niggers, it was an amazing red pill.
Jews are minorities on private applications and fellow white people when in public.
A great clue is if someone claims a parent is adopted and has no idea about where their huge schnazz came from.
cool now maybe i can get the scholarship i fucking earned. probably not though. fuck affirmative action.
atleast i didnt do anything retarded to get into school, like join the fucking military and get blown up in some shit desert war
same here. i couldnt get scholarships because im white, so i tried to take some useful classes non-matriculated. but half the classes i wanted to take were "full". i decided fuck if i care, im here to learn, and went to the class anyway. the class looked like a generic diversity=strength stock photo, and i realized id been bamboozled. i managed to go to a couple more classes before they realized i wasnt supposed to be there. left college entirely and never looked back. meanwhile my friends all racked up about a 1/4 million debts like it was nothing. not that mad, but it still stings
This kind of delightful surprise is what makes me love Trump. With all the shit that needs fixing, affirmative action wasn't even on my radar screen, but the madman went and did this anyway. It's like getting flowers for no reason.
Anyway, if this beautiful young RWDS girl had been a sheboon who claimed to have been discriminated against for having a low IQ, the kike media would be describing her as an uncompromising civil rights campaigner.
Fuck the Media Jew. Heil Trump!
Every time you see the term "generally disadvantaged groups," read it as "low-IQ groups," and you'll understand why they're irredeemable fuckups.
Sick kikes can't burn fast enough
Jewgle images can't find anything resembling so I guess it your OC. What sources did you use?
If he repeals the 1965 immigration act, I'm going to ejaculate in the middle of my gym.
record it please, for keks of course.
It's not my OC, some another user made it. All you need to calculate the numbers are the demographics of each racial group in America and data on the average IQ of each group. The rest you can figure out using normal distribution calculations.
The bottom-line of the data is that the "jews are over-represented because they're so smart :^)" thing doesn't make any sense. While ashkenazis are smarter on average, there are also very few of them, so no matter what intelligence cutoff you arbitrarily pick, there will always be many times more smart whites than smart jews. Even when intelligence is factored in, jews are way overrepresented. The conclusion is obvious: jews are over-represented because they're ruthless, cutthroat, and use nepotistic practices to prop up their own.
Lol that just makes it even worse for them. Super special snowflake whose destiny is to become a ruler of the world completely defeated by a "nobody." A tale as old as history.
do you guys understand how big this is? this would set precedence for future cases. if this succeeds against universities and they actually have to take that "ruling" class shit to court and they lose, whites from then on will be able to sue for discrimination against other institutions as well, citing "the people vs harvard university" as the precedence.
got a black boss that fired you or refused you a raise? (((they))) wouldnt hire you into wapo? you will now be able to sue and much more likely be able to win. this is a step to removing hate crime laws and affirmitive action. this is a big deal if they actually succeed.
Sauce, nigger?
trump just signed in an anti russia sanctions law.
Yes, yes he did a two super majority backed sanctions bill. He did add a bit at the end that basically said we're fucked thanks to this bill.
yeah he could of fucking vetoed it.
And do absolutely fucking nothing as his own veto gets overturned.
he could of bought more time, and gotten on an anti warhawk tirade on twitter. People would of listened and harrased those cucks in congress.
Ten days to wait, then veto gets overturned and then it becomes law anyways. There is no "stopping this bill" once it passes with two super majorities. The only way the bill can die now is simply due to a lack of enforcement.
It doesn't help that America just had an icbm test.
wrong thread niggers.
nobody made a thread for it. Just, trying to break people from this fog ridden daze.
You ain't a Mod so you can fuck right off with your content policing.
quit shitting up threads when there's already a thread, you summerfag.
you have to break from this daze, shit got real and clinging to this bullshit thread is just ultimately /r/donald damage control.
Wake up, we're back in some dumb cold war, were icbm tests are going to be prevalent for the next few months.
Fuck off with your derailing.
You should know what sort of reality you live in, this is the future you chose.
Deny all you want, it wont help anyone.
The only thing we could do is actually make everyone's life in congress a bit harder, they chose to fuck with the country, so they're now liable to getting their personal life leaked out into the public sphere.
reported for off topic derailment.
Colleges also would not accept 60+ old faggots, tards and mentally disabled who need an IEP and extra "help" if that would happen.
If you can't shill about the current topic you start kvetching about a different one, user.
Wouldn't have changed anything except for revitalizing the Russia-Trump bullshit. Any other masterful ideas that completely ignore reality and act as if nobody is trying to fuck over Trump?
Thread is worthless without salt
man, its just depressing, but not worth giving up on. If anything happens this blood will fall on GOP and rabid leftist sjws.
how about stopping taxpayer support to colleges entirely?
If that ever happens, tuition costs would have to go down. Least trade schools would have the chance to become accredited, and expand their workforce education systems. Because alot of private companies would make deals with them.
Wut? You could transfer credits for electrical trade school to an electrical engineer credit in most universities.
yeah but some of these tradeschools have problems with eachother within regions. It would be best to just have them all be able to compare their education and transfer accordingly.
Its just that this non accredited bullshit for profit colleges, have fucked over the market, and scammed the shit out of people.
The bigger universities depend on these scams to keep their tuition costs high so they can get more pell grants and federal student loans.
There's some token whites in the Ivy League but none of them are from Protestant backgrounds. If you have a Protestant background you won't gain admission under any circumstances.
We get to see politicians defend the American homeland in our lifetime. 4th Reich in Europe soon.
Return to the true church, fam.
Good he finally does something right. Good for Asians too, they get penalize 50 points on their SAT's automatically by Jewish run ivy league schools.
I was going to rip on this kid for being from leddit then I saw the digits and digits of those replying to you.
Good on you, maybe your generation really will finish what we started.
we've always known this
vid related
also he's working on dismantling the 1965 immigration laws
thread is already up on that
We suffered for decades under the yoke of the Juden.
Not when Congress is in recess, it expires.
I was denied access to an Ivy League college because I was a white Christian man. I had just made the cutoff, but they dropped me, and a number of other whites, in favor of giving spots out to spics and brown feminist exchange students.
The Gen X and Gen Z crowd is full of absolutely brilliant white people who have been forced to mop up puke and bus tables just to keep the lights on and the water running.
The fools have created two entire generations of extremely intelligent people who despise the system above everything else and have had the racial and cultural homogeneity they crave sneeringly denied to them. They have fomented the very rebellion that will one day destroy them.
The Golem always turns on the Jew in the end. It is their fate. They are accursed by God.
I know that feel, user. A couple years back, I was applying for a really good job at the VA, and the interview went great and the director talked like me being hired was a done deal, and just needed to be made official.
Well, some times goes by and I get nothing. I reach out to see what's going on. The direct says he isn't sure, and there's some sort of holdup with HR. Eventually he gets back to me and regrets to inform me that they picked someone else. Only way this makes sense is if the guys there wanted me, but were forced to pick someone else after they were cockblocked by HR and told they need to hire a nonwhite. And it's a government institution, so we KNOW how they are about these things.
Ended up not mattering too much in the end, but still.
They have tried to doom us to a pointless and purposeless life where we are slowly rendered obsolete.
More the pity them, as we have now found our own purpose. Removing them.
True. The irony of fucking us over is it causes many young white men to get pissed off, and we all know what happens when whites get sufficiently pissed off. They would've been better to continue coddling us and keeping us fat and happy and complacent.
literally not pasta
Yes, it is.
Am I the only one to notice a very sudden shift towards more pro-white policies ever since certain people were removed from Trump's administration?
Same thing happened to me with a job at the Post Office. Marked down as "would definitely hire", but they chose to hire niggers instead. Not a single one of those niggers works at the Post Office anymore, and I refuse to reapply out of principle.
Well, they sure do love making their white populace completely and utterly disaffected with the government, don't they.
Tell me about it. This was right smack in the middle of Kang Nigger's reign, too. They still try to get me to apply, but I tell them "Nah, go fuck yourself." The only way a white male gets any kind of preference with them is if he is a veteran. A regular white guy that scores high on their tests? Fuck you, we'll hire these niggers.
Halfcuck Goon detected.
what did he mean by this?
fucking incredible user, 11/10
My libtard friend is happy about this. His girlfriend has been trying to get into USC law school, and she was wait-listed while dindus from Inglewood with 30% lower LSAT and GPA got in for free, meanwhile her ovaries are drying up looking at the tuition costs.
I don't mean to D&C, but forbidding your best scholars from breeding for 2000 years has not done you a whole lot of good.
no, i've read that same post before here, a few days ago maybe. might be the same guy, might be pasta, but it's not new.
Show me my pasta. If it's a pasta, you should be able to put my post in quotes and find the exact post.
And yes, I have talked about this before, weeks ago was the last time IIRC. I suppose personal anecdotes are like RPG potions that can only be used once, right?
Already on it, user.
Someone please explain these retards the difference between White and (((white)))
God bless.
with what archive?
i'm just saying it's not new, that's why the first guy posted the pasta image.
if you are the OP, then by all means, continue telling your story. it just seemed weird to see it again.
polite sage
Kek is truly with us this day. Checked and fuck social sciences.
Praise Kek!
i remember when this pic was so small. Oh how great things have gotten.
It's in the title of the story, which is better than having it in the body. Using contradictory terms together is an armorpiercer of sorts. It's not to be discounted entirely.
Chegged. I am glad that we beat the shills and started the Trumpenreich.
They are all genetic trash.
My body is ready.
Ho Lee Fuk
Methinks we will need a much, much bigger picture soon.
I guess that explains it. Fuck this gay Earth.
God fucking dammit, I can almost here the kike in my ear whisper:
"Based" degenerates my ass.
Common Filth had the right idea
Has it ever occurred to you, you fucking autist, that maybe a lot of people have really similar stories on this topic?
Or does the fact that this is happening to large numbers of people, and the fact that more than one person has a similar-sounding story, just not click with you?
Its like shes a racist for saying she was discriminated against.
Its still a step forward, with any luck shell get colleges full of whites again fags or not, then pence can come up and shock em straight
It's one thing for a 'similar sounding story' than two parts of it being nearly identitical, namely:
1) he says the boss was going to hire him, it was a practically gauranteed deal, but an HR rep subverted the plan
2) he says it didn't matter in the end, explicitly
Two differences:
1) it might not have been the VA that was being applied to
2) previous fag said the boss told him it was due to HR, not that it 'might have been HR'
The story and details are way too similar, though. Probably the samefag. Why he's so defensive (and you too) about him having posted it before, I don't know. Just saying he was the samefag would've ended it, but the two of you are making it seem a lot more than that
If not Islam vs. Jews then they'll use Islam vs. Homosexuality as D&C
Dubs of truth. Never shame someone for being young, only ignorant.
Shame a person for being youthful and they grow up believing they are entitled to their opinions because they aged.
Shame a person for being ignorant and they learn to excise bad ideas from their worldview, expanding their mind with the truth of the world.
Holy shit.
There is a line between confirmation bias and legit pattern recognition, and we have clearly crossed it.
We loaded the world's most vicious and effective meme cannon with the best election memes a campaign has ever seeen and we hosed him down with it to his benefit.
He got it for free to. He owes us.
He better get his ass to work throwing the net neutrality bullshit out the window too because its on the doorstep.
Isnt it funny that our genetics render us to behave in this specific way, and believe and act in these specific ways? Like what the fuck does that even mean in the grand scale of things? simply because these particular elements are arranged in this formation they experience this particular brand of life and feeling. That blows my fucking mind. anyways, continue. fuck the kikes, gas the left. Race war now.
There's already an army of useless people in place and employed specifically to carry out this kind of hiring/educational opportunity doling so it's obviously going to continue even if the law or policy says no.
Swallow your pride and reapply user, we need more good white men in USPS
How have I never watched this show?
The jews continue claiming anyone as their own that they can't sufficiently defame with their false news. They know everyone hates them so being one of them or working for them is the worst mark they can make on someone.
Fortunately, no one is buying the bullshit and you can't pretend he is still working for jews with even a little nudge like this.
I don't think it would matter what they did after the 90s, it was a matter of time before there was a critical mass of whites that weren't just going to sit back and watch everything fall apart.
wasted dubs by a subversive (((rat)))
yea fuck off shlomo you are getting the gas whether you like it or not.
fuck off shlomo wasted dub dub to fucking subversive jew faggot.
That won't be kept up forever if Sweden completely becomes Swedenistan.
I know a dude who is white and works for the USPS, not doubting your story, but I guess he got lucky.