Accelerationism better happen.
If it doesn't I will curse you all as I die in Trumps fascist work camps.
Accelerationism better happen.
If it doesn't I will curse you all as I die in Trumps fascist work camps.
Other urls found in this thread:
Get a rifle, faggot.
this tbh
But it already has, Trump won because of it.
Man I feel bad for LGBT people, Mike Pence is a fucking horrible cunt
Thanks comrade. I'm a trans woman and I literally just spent the last two hours crying with my boyfriend. I have no idea what will happen to me now. I might have to leave the country.
At least you guys have the second amendment, don't let anyone try to take away your rights.
I imagine there's going to be a lot of demonstrations and stuff, get out and there with them and don't let your voice be silenced.
Jesus Christ America you have an obesity problem
Stop falseflagging you unfunny cunt.
fuck off back to reddit
Accelerationism is a meme. It always was a meme.
Oh shut the fuck up you edgy faggot, supporting someones right to exist doesn't make you an "SJW", it's just called being a human being
Capitalism will collapse by consequence of its own internal contradictions. Accelerationism is just trying to make that happen faster.
But if people aren't educated beforehand, it will just lead to fascism surely?
That hammer and sickle post is a false flag you brain damaged cretin.
fuck off back to Holla Forums u salty fuck.
What are you talking about? If Trump wins:
Lol I'm banned from most of the reddit socialist subs
I'll do my best, but at this point I think the US might be a lost cause. I have a Canadian citizenship though, so I can head over there fairly quickly if shit gets bad. Then, I regroup and try to stop the alt right from gaining power in other nations around the world.
Fascism exists as a response to already present socialist movements. It's the last-ditch effort of the bourgeoisie to preserve their ruling status with political terror.
Stop being a histrionic fag, Trump has based his campaign on economic issues far more than the Republican focus on culture wars nonsense like gay marriage and tranny bathrooms
Or did you miss the multiple GOTCHA attempts over his abortion flip flopping
Evangelicals supported Trump in large numbers, though, so they expect him to do at least something on that front.
Also, Pence is totally running for President in either 2020 or 2024.
What really scares me is what the Republican party and Donald Trump will be able to do while controlling all three branches of the federal government.
Stop being such a whiny cunt, Trump is not going to deport lgbt or put them in camps or some shit. Just because your "pro-lgbt" candidate didn't win, doesn't mean that her opponent will put them all in camps.
I'd be thoroughly surprised if presidents actually did make big controversial changes in policy, instead of the usual small changes that are just for show.
Hope Mike Pence gives you a free helicopter ride
As a leftist I find it enjoyable to see closeted liberals on leftypol (who even pretend to be tankies) get hysterical about Drumpster.
Trump controls one branch, he will be given no favours by the GOP, these are globalist pieces of shit to the end. All their funding comes from people who would have no qualms organising a bullet for Trump
I'll take Trump over someone wanting to bring in more religious nutjobs. Absolute worst case scenario with Trump is that gay marriage gets moved back to being a state decision and I don't give a fuck about getting married anyways.
There is a chance Trump may be denied presidency.
1. Electors can vote for whoever they want. If I was Trumpkin, I'd look if they have anything to do with the NeverTrump campaign. This way, if the vote is coordinated (which is not likely) someone else may become the new president or they split up the vote so bad, that Clinton gets the presidency.
2. The Corbyn scenario. The parliamentarian Republicans will coup their own president. So he may end up with like 35 representatives and 10 senators on his side, while the huge majority of Congress Republican establish their own rule. Trump will be essentially a lame duck, Congress will be ineffective, since there are essentially 3 faction of which none has a majority and I doubt it very much, if he gets help from the Democrats.
We may get 4 years of fucking nothing
Nach Trump, kommen wir
right guys?
The people who voted for Trump are so hyped right now no one will get in his way. Look at Brexit. This has all the other hallmarks so it will be the same thing. People have voted for unconsitutional policies, simple solution - we need to rewrite the constitution to make them happen.
Not a burger… Didn't electors already vote (218 vs. 276)?
Spasibo, comrade. I'm in a gay relationship with a foreigner. It's gonna be real rough.
Believing that the class war is what matters and will truly help people does not stop the actions of rightists who run on identity politics from directly hurting me.
Good news is I live in California so even if the federal protection gets rolled back I can still probably get married/not be murdered.
I'm actually happy Trump won
I'll watch from the outside if accelerationism is real
I'm not sure that amending the constitution is doable in this age of hyper partisanship. Judicial reinterpretation seems to be how everything's done these days.
A lot of Representatives and Senators openly denied support to Trump. Now that he is President, they rightfully fear for their career, so before the big purge is initiated, they first take Trump as a political hostage of some sort.
I don't know how this will play out though. But despite Republican majority, there will be blood. Neocons are pissed at Trump's pro-Russia sentiment. Tea Party is vary of Trumps unconventional way of life (that man doesn't care for religion at all), and he is pretty much on his own.
No, the electors didn't vote. The voters elected the electors. The 218 and 276 are people who will go to Washington D.C. on December and formally elect the president. And they are not bound by the voters vote at all. Voter may send them to vote for Trump, but they may decide otherwise. Completely legal.
Can you imagine they actually did though? Given Clinton is ahead in popular vote, you'd be looking at Civil War 2.0 - Memetic Boogaloo
Trump's policies aren't unconstitutional at all
But how likely in reality that they go against voters?
No precedent for it on a large scale whatsoever.
Then again you could say the same about a lot of things this election.
Not likely, although this would be the greatest possible ending of this shitshow.
I think the chance is practically zero when Clinton herself called to concede.
Why? That would be like coffee without caffeine. Burgers need an actual Trump presidency to get it in their spooked heads that it's time to rebuild an actual leftist opposition.
I just want shit to burn pham, doing this would make Clinton even more acceleration than Trump ever hoped to be.
The peculiar part of this one is, it's not up to Clinton to decide.
She can decide whether or not to accept the vote, but she wasted so much money on it, that she probably will. Even more so if backed by popular vote.
And honestly, If Bush's "victory" over Gore by minus half a million didn't cause major riots, then this won't either.
Yeah, maybe you're right, although I suspect that liberals will salvage their hegemony if Clinton returns from the dead. In any case, american comrades made some virtual gains today, now they need to use the opportunity to overthrow their poisonous liberal idpol with socialist ideas. The time is right, liberals have been shown to be irrelevant by history itself.
People are in a very different position than they were 16 years ago. For one thing they're suffering more economically and for another things are far more partisan.
Leftists will be raped to death then hung from the streetlights. So happy I lived to see this day.
nah. the free market will save us, remember
Do you mistake Holla Forums for /liberty/?
Do you mistake Trump for an anti-free market fascist?
How typical
No they really won't tbh
Trump will grab you by your pussy.
hahahahahahah, fucking leftypol. the memes write themselves
scratch a 'communist', watch a shitlib bleed
we're gonna need more accelerationism memes
My goal in the next 8 years is to find and hang each and everyone of you.
Communism must be destroyed at all costs.
Fun fact: pic is of a South Asian guy from a nation where swastikas are still benign peace symbols
We would be insulted if you didn't try.
What do you foresee? Like worst case scenario?
The party itself is dipshits, mostly we're worried about the normalization of neofascism after the classcucks get especially emboldened.
This would have been a problem regardless though, in my view.
There is no reason to think that creating new crises will lead to a leftist upswing, especially in the west. After all, Trump is already a product of the economic crisis of capitalism starting in 2008 along with Brexit and similar movements. However, as the current crisis is no where near anything that happened in the first half of the twentieth century like the great depression there won't be a rise in radical fascism only demagoguery as the capitalist elite uses new words to justify itself.
I'm not even a burger. I really wished for Trump so that Amerika makes a bigger mockery of itself. My only remaining wish is that Trump reduces NATO's importance and isolates America from the rest of the world, like he talked about. You burgers getting divided and paranoid about each other only makes it sweeter.
Your empire is on a decadent path. Islamic communism is coming to Amerika. Allahu ackbar.
Top Taste, but I got an even danker tune :^)
I suspect that Hezbollah are deliberately trying to trigger Israel and the West with their salutes.
You like Islamic communism so much, try Syria. Cause now that Hillary is getting nowhere near the white house ISIS-scummers and Nusrats are about to be pounded to dust.
Stopped listening there
I looked into the future. Accelerationism turns America into a communist dictatorship with Marx Engles and Lenin worshipped as pseudo Gods.
All 10 planks of the communist manifesto are enacted.
But /futureleftypol/ still will say it is not real communism because it has never been tried.
fuck off retard
I'm just making fun of Holla Forums's ridiculous fears. ISIS are not communists, you know that lol, and them being defeated could mean their members flocking back to al-Qaeda, which could be more dangerous for America because their strategy is the reverse of ISIS: "forget about the caliphate, let's concentrate on exporting terrorism to American crusaders".
schizo detected
nah, if al-qaeda sees them their heads aren't staying attached for long
Just shut the fuck up, have you seen Trumps economics plan? It goes against everything a leftist should want
Hillary will hang.
and that makes him different from any other candidate how? people who want what we want aren't allowed to become president
Are you actually autistic or something?
The problem in the middle east is their own ruling classes, the Ayatollahs, the Gulf monarchs, and so on. Trump is going to do nothing about that because he is part of the ruling class himself. "Crush ISIS" is just part of the demagoguery.
A lot of office boys like to talk about "old school." I'll tell you who was old school: Saddam Hussein. Saddam died beautiful. It's the truth and you know it.
he spent his entire campaign criticising lellary for doing the same thing and triggering a disastrous chain of events. so if he's learnt from her mistakes why haven't you?
Its all just demagogeury. He claims that the establishment made "mistakes" because they were so "incompetent" that he will not make. This is all just words. The foreign policy will be the same, namely the ruling classes of the United States will not really oppose the Ayatollahs, the gulf monarchs, and the other ruling classes in the middle east that are causing the problems there. You seem to buy into the bourgeoisie democratic narrative that elections matter and that it isn't all just words.
There are a few important details though… which viable candidate has ever said, for example, that NATO has no reason for existing anymore? That's pretty blasphemous, not just among the establishment types. It's something that is forbidden to be said by the establishment.
I'm not trying to say he won't be an imperialist as a president. But he has introduced anti-imperialism as an acceptable PR strategy. No, this is not Russian imperialist publicly criticizing American imperialism (what Putin does), it was the non-third-party American candidate that got into the generals who publicly criticized American interventionism, and this guy has won the elections.
It's not much, but a whole lot better than Hillary's warmongering. That's damn sure.
Still an american empire, still not better. Compromise is stupid.
Yeah, I guess it would be better if we elected Hillary who makes liberals justify her wars, and then wait for you anarchists to overthrow the government.
Trump criticized the second Iraq war and its consequences sure. But he didn't criticize the larger narrative though. He didn't really oppose the first gulf war and said "we should have done it right the first time." The gulf monarchs, especially Kuwait, are merely US puppets. Kuwait is a small country and it would not have antagonized Iraq immediately after it had fought against the Iranian theocracy in the Iran-Iraq war unless it was told to do so by the United States. American imperialism destroyed Iraq. His criticism "American interventionism" is just empty words.
Regardless though, the problem in the middle east is the ruling classes themselves, rather they are the Ayatollahs, gulf monarchs, or some other ruling classes. Islamic fundamentalism rather it is Shia or Sunni is merely a tool of the ruling classes to consolidate their rule and to oppose secular socialist movements. As the United States is also a bourgeoisie run society its ruling classes have interests that coincide with those of the middle eastern elites. This is why the United States ruling circles and the middle eastern ruling classes both backed the Mujaheddin to oppose the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, their interests coincided. This will continue to be the case as long as the ruling class structure continues to exist as it does.
So fucking what? They are both fucking shit and if you think Clinton's policies are better, then I suggest fucking off back to tumblr.
Quit panicking, moron.
He's not even a fascist.
You'll see just how ineffectual he is in the first few months of his presidency when Pence starts running things.
not sure what to think about this.
btw accelerationism was a Holla Forumsype meme to get us into Trumpwagon.
we really are in the unknown right now.
but i'm sure of one thing, this can go horribly wrong.
i mean 1939 kind of wrong.
time will tell.
Either candidate can go 1939 kind of wrong, that's the beauty of those elections. Just accept that we are on a Mr. Bones' Wild Ride and enjoy the thrill rather worrying how to get off it.
makes you hard does it?
Gross, wouldn't have gay sex with/10
Nigger, please.
Accelerationism is an old idea in leftist circles.
Have you got your screenshot yet Holla Forums
Trump doesn't even believe in climate change, we're all gonna fucking die.
Yeah but not in the dumbass way Holla Forumsacks try to shill it here.
Yep. And this is absolutely awesome.
Human extinction best day of my life.
The elite of humanity will survive climate change, it's all the other species that won't.
I really think most of the time, accelerationists are comfy middle class with nothing to lose in comparison to the working class.
No they won't. There is nowhere to escape besides space. You cannot escape the climate.
What Holla Forums calls "accelerationism" used to be simply called agitation and intensification of contradictory logic. It was a pretty standard strategic line of thought when the left was still alive.
Maybe we now need some of that more than ever in order to resurrect the left.
Don't be so stupid, there will still be some land that's okay to farm on, it'll just be surrounded by armed guards who kill on sight, and even if that plankton oxygen thing turns out to be true, the billionaire class will set themselves up in climate controlled bubble cities.
It won't work because the working class is terrified of the middle class' political judgement now.
That's the outcome "they" don't want.
Geez, that's the whole point. You create such conditions that people revolt without relying on intellectual leaders.
I don't think the billionaires want the earth to be destroyed but since avoiding it would mean obstructing their own power they just don't care at all.
boxed water is actually better though
But I heard Trump will just sit back and let Pence run the government.
Trump is just farce Reagan, an easily steered celebrity who will do as he's fucking told and keep his shit-eating grin on at all times to be divisive & "controversial".
Mike "Give those who like cock a shock" Pence will finally rid us of degenerates like you
Trump is too rich to let PACs manipulate him like Reagan.
Shitty meme tbh, poor effort, expected better from people whose entire contribution to the world is these catchy phrases.
Enjoy the work camps, faggot.
I know it seems callous, but we must now relegate you to the dustbin of history with the other subhumans if we are to progress as a nation.