Deuce Sex Thread

Why didn't you shill this harder to me, Holla Forums?

Finally got to Hong Kong and the game has been maximum comfy for me so far. Extremely immersive despite the muddy 1999 graphics. I like that feeling when a vidya story is so good that my legs turn to jelly when something big happens.

Stealth gameplay is also ait of fun. Definitely good AI for its time. Honestly about on par with modern AI, but that's not saying much, unfortunately.

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't recommend Fallout 4

Gameplay didn't age well.
Without nostalgia goggles and/or hard on for clunky controls of old it's really hard to get into.
Atmosphere, writing and actual plot are top notch however. It's one of these game I'd give gameplay makeover, rather than visual one.

But Thunder Force IV/Lightening Force is great.

it was mediocre

Gameplay is just fine. The physics were pretty bad and the gunplay was an easy 6/10, but the controls were decent for what they needed to accomplish.

remember that non-lethal and lethal makes no difference in the original deus ex. Let it sink in for a moment

Have you checked out Battle of the Eras? It's the best fighting game for DOS.

In the early parts of the game you can get some rewards for going non-lethal (although some of the flags are fucked up). I think there's an option to kill or spare some enemy characters. But yeah, you quickly stop getting any sort of reward for non-lethal and it is much easier to just snipe/blow up everything.

The main draw is definitely just exploring all the areas and soaking in the atmosphere. The amount of gameplay options you get is pretty damn cool and something never seen in modern games but it's definitely true that the gameplay of combat or trying to sneak around enemies/traps aren't really interesting. There's plenty of games like that though, Metroid Prime definitely isn't a top tier shooter but it's still a fucking amazing game. For as much as Holla Forums bitches about how games should only be about gameplay focusing on exploration atmosphere can definitely lead to a great game. Shitty writing and trying shove in blatant ultra-progressive agendas won't, though.

What do you need, an achievement? It alters player behavior and dialogue.

I'm not sure how much harder it could have been shilled here than it has.
Why didn't you listen harder?

How could you possibly hate every game type that exists? Or are you just only playing games that have generals like Deus Ex and E.Y.E.?


Seriously, I was interested in it years ago but finally getting my hands on it. Bloodlines just turned out to be something that could have been much better.

I like the amount of dialog they put into the game.

Oh shit they even wrote in an option for running away.

I don't think it's possible for any game to be shilled harder than this.

Did you install Deus.exe and the Direct3D 10 renderer? If not do so now, I can't see why it would be incompatible with your save game.

You should always check pcgamingwiki when starting a game older than 5 years or so.

yeah its got a lot of different options. definitely worth a few play throughs.

Amazes me that there are still people here who haven't played Deus Ex. The concensus on DX threads is usually that there is nothing to talk about except memes because the game has been talked about so much.


It's okay user you did the right thing.

well it came out in 2000 which makes it older than your average Holla Forums poster.
some idiots like op haven't even played it yet so there's still things to talk about.

you fucked up

A good RPG has combat and gameplay more dependent on character skill than player skill. This does have a habit of becoming clunky in a real-time game but that's the trade off. Even a more modern interpretation of this style like, say, Alpha Protocol has these issues.

I've seen this exact same introduction in an EYE thread before. Are you the same person or is this the new, fresh template to start a Holla Forums favourites thread?
not that I mind a good Dude Sex thread

I've liked everything except Doom and Daggerfall. Just a little too plain for me.

are you retarded?


thats a dead give away for casuls, if everything isnt smoothed and dumbed down they always say this shit

wrong retard, good rpgs keep gameplay and rpg shit as far away from each other as possible. You fucking casuls are so fucking stupid, jesus


So you just want an FPS with the occasional dialogue option?

They really did think of everything.

Even masculine dominatrix with low poly model looks more feminine than most of western dev female characters.

modders have a really good tendency to ruin everything. Just look at thief gold. Anyone who uses modding as a positive point is kind of retarded.

That's bullshit and you know it. There are a few different outcomes during the beginning based on your actions.

it's very very mild narrative differences and you get a few more credits here and there. Narrative. Narrative doesn't affect game play at all.

What do you mean by Thief Gold? Gold developed by LGS or something else?

thief gold hd.

What did they fuck up? I played Thief Gold with some texture pack, but it was different than this one

the faggot replaced one of the painting textures with a picture of his girlfriend, not only was it unfaithful to the original developers vision it's frankly an insult and just illustrates my point that mods =/= a good thing

Didn't notice any weird paintings. Textures I used looked very nice as tapestry or skybox, even tho they were HD in low poly game.

A lot of these games are really gems in the rough. If you can get past the wonky-ness, theres usually some real heart and unique gameplay to enjoy. I can't tell you how many I've found myself thinking to myself "God, why can't modern rip-off these great mechanics/writing and polish off the clinky bits?"

Honestly I can't even play modern games anymore I'm so spoiled with older games. Now I just go through those "best games in X genre" lists and play as many as I can.

Really the only game I've had an issue with lately is FF: Tactics. I want to enjoy it so badly, but I just don't find the combat engaging even though I'm a strategy game nerd and trying to level my guys is even more of a chore than in most JRPGs. Story was really good of what I played though. Honestly I wish there was a version that just gave me appropriate levels and gear for each story battle. I don't want the game to be made easier for me, just less tedious to get to the good shit, y'know?

How about you go play Human Revolution instead, then? They'll drop you 20 extra experience for every nonlethal kill. That's way better, right?

a lot of Holla Forums recommendations are the more experimental western games. they often lack direction, are blatantly unfinished but can be described as games with decent ideas and some pretty good mechanics.

that is better than the originals solution but it's a mediocre solution,

I've actually played more Japanese games on Holla Forums's recommendation in the last year. Mostly stuff for the PS1 and PS2.

interesting. I mostly see the same games thrown around in my decade of time on Holla Forums. vtmb, stalker, deus ex, ss2. God hand is another common one, but rarely do I see more niche games mentioned.

That is an absolutely fucking abysmal solution that is in no way better than the original. It rewards one type of gameplay over another in a mechanical way, rather than a narrative way.

I still haven't beaten the damn game and have like no interest in the one coming out.

here's the thing, we're playing games here. Stories are secondary. One solution actually affects the game play, a primary function of the medium.

Sorry, I'm not some narrative fag. Maybe you should be playing games like life is strange or something if that's what you want.

They have more threads made for them for sure, as I said I've been go through charts like this that were made by Holla Forumsirgins only they are "Best games for PS2" or whatever instead. Almost every game I've touched has been worth my time I feel like, because it usually does SOMETHING extremely well, even if it's just one thing. I find that far more interesting than open world sand box game number 1 billion with 10 thousand meaning achievements.

fair enough. This being a western game thread I thought you were just talking about those handful of hot button first person games Holla Forums jerks off to.

One solution makes one way of playing the game more rewarding than the other through more skills. as said, you can't play heavy weapons without being penalized because you miss out on large bonuses because you killed someone while they were shooting you. That's affecting the gameplay by reducing the number of ways you can play.

Read and understand an argument before you reveal yourself as a retard.

That's a fair assumption, but no. I don't think there's been a good shooter in years even in spite of the fact that FPS are my favorite genre.

you can still play that way, you'll just be given less exp, which is a fairly shallow reward since it's completely possible to max out a desired skill tree in a specific playstyle by the time you complete detroit. Deus Ex 3 had major problems, but failing to accommodate certain play styles is not one of them.

there's been good shooters, just not on PC. Splatoon was easily one of the best shooters around for example.

It doesn't really penalize you because there's nothing wrong with Adam's skills at the beginning of the game at all, any augmentation is just bells and whistles.

You are the modern RPG audience and you are retarded

I don't play RPGs, at least not modern ones. Last one I played was panzer dragoon saga. Western rpgs have been suffering from a bloat of story, even going so far as to create a schism between story and game play.

Yeah, Splatoon was great.

You can rebind every fucking one of the controls. Where is the problem?

the actual feel of movement and shooting in the original is pretty garbage, especially compared to its contemporaries and the games that it directly inspired it.

can we all take a moment to address how fucking shitty revision is? how do you spend so long in development only to completely fuck up so thoroughly.

Then on the other hand you've got GMDX which not only takes the original and seamlessly adds new and cut content, patches bugs, bundles other cosmetic mods, and is still being developed… but they don't get an official steam release, no sir

is there any hope for the DE:MD? I still like Human Revolution but it isn't close to as good as the original and it reeks of cut content

mods suck 9/10 times. I don't really think there is much to discuss there. The farther you deviate from the original base game, the more chance you have of fucking up everything.

Deus Ex is one of the most-shilled games of the past 10 years. If you felt it was under-shilled you weren't paying attention.

If you're enjoying DE so far, you should try VTMB next.


Yes, that guy is a complete faggot and all the art assets he added go completely against the original style used in the game.
I'd suggest the "canon texture pack" which is a group of people making hi-res textures that are as close as possible to the original art style.

Here's a list of textures replaced. You can open some and mouseover to see the comparison.

This is the thread. There's probably a download link buried somewhere in there, but I don't know if anyone has made a new one in the last year I checked.


you're just trying to push him into the wrong direction, aren't you? How horrible.




Has this guy done any updates in while? I haven't checked.

these look pretty cool so far, I'll have to give em a whirl next time I get a thief craving

I can understand both using friends and family member's appearances as a base to make art, and using your own art to replace old, low-res art- so long as it is in the same artstyle and doesn't stick out.

But Jesus Christ.



no not in ages. I'm tempted to webm his glitch play through but its so long I'm not sure its worth it. plus he added comments as annotation to the video rather than text on the video so that would be lost in the webm version.

link to the guy's channel?


While I love Deus Ex I'm going to call bullshit there. The guards didn't even react to corpses.

Honestly prefer it that way. I hate how so many games nowadays try to make a big deal out of killing/not killing enemies. Pacifist runs should be something that's cool to because you weren't even sure it was possible. Not something devs stick a big neon sign over saying "we totally made it possible not to kill anyone in this game and you do the game will call you a bad person for doing so!".

the last one was good too, great music, good graphics, multiple ways to do the missions, ok story..

yeah okay, you fucking kike

Is it just me or is the stealth completely fucked at the beginning of this game ?


Just say, "revision is shitty," you fucking redditor.

I don't remember that one.
You're not complaining about the lack of auto-aiming?

I agree. It DOES make a difference in the beginning of the game, your partners and the veteran that gives you weapons react differently depending on your killscore. But later it doesn't make any difference. When I was attacked by a character I liked I used stunning weapons but never woke up and everyone said I was the killer.

If I don't have an excuse for using non-lethal weapons, I avoid them.

So that's a yes?

I am the bartender.

I am your man.

What? Sure it wasn't Quake, but I thought it was perfectly fine.

Is it possible to not kill her? I thought she was the one character you had to kill at one point or another.

So it's almost been a year again. Time flies by.

Every year in the fall I go to my summer cabin alone and the whole weekend do nothing but sauna, drink and replay Deus Ex. It seems like every time I still find something new in the game, the smallest things, or rediscover something I forgot about.

Best game ever made in my mind, may it live forever.

Fuck no. Are you serious? The AI is awful, and time has nothing to do with it.

Mad respect brother.

You can avoid killing Navarre but at Unatco HQ if you avoid her the game simply acts is if you had killed her. So yeah sort of.

>you will never go on vacation with v to a comfy cabin and do game stuff together

/r/games might have better ones

but you can't, you have to kill her to get the door's code.

you can glitch it

well of course the game isn't designed around glitches.

Deus Ex is one of those games that does account for some glitches, though. If I remember right, there are some parts where, if you get to a destination before it's physically possible, NPCs will have unique dialogue to respond to it. They couldn't account for every little thing players would do to break the game, but they got as close as you reasonably can.

Deus Ex is my favorite game but still.
Imagine what it COULD have been had they been given the time and the funds.
The UNATCO route alone is enough to make me rock hard.

The same could be said of almost any game. Heck, Superman 64 could have been a good game if Titus had had more time and money.

That being said, it really is impressive how close Deus Ex came to realizing it's full potential using the resources it had.

Living the dream, brother.

Well, there's FFT Content 1.3, which, as the name implies, has all the content and features of FFT 1.3, but without the masochistic difficulty.

fuckin A
I used to head up to my cottage and do the same thing except with System Shock 2 but I haven't done it in a couple of years. I'll do another deus ex run after the next release of GMDX

Only the ones with competent devs


You could have given Duke Nukem Forever another 10 years on the burner and it still would have been ass.

I'll never forgive Nintendo for putting out the Windwaker HD with only minor graphical upgrades and streamlined UI. WHY DON'T YOU FUCKERS MAKE THE GAME YOU WANTED TO BUT HAD TO CUT DOWN BECAUSE OF TIME CONSTRAINTS?!

Alright, just got further in Hong Kong in some club now


Okay so there were these two Australian chicks outside a club, and asked me to let them in there for about 40 credits. Yeah, alright, nothing wrong with that. then it's 10 more credits to buy her a drink. Sure, one drink, but she's on her own because after that it's borderline beta provider.

Talk to her one last time and refused to be her beta bitch then she got mad and ignored me.

Theres no way to talk her out of it like an alpha male. Gotta be a beta bitch.

I thought you faggots said this game was red pilled but not THIS red pilled

Take it easy, it's just a videogame


then kill her

Your memeing is not appreciated.

MJ12 took care of it


would you mind not trying so hard to fit in?

I've been here since 2014, but I can tell it was likely either Gamergate or the FatGuyHate ban that made you quit you Reddit.

I used the invis suit to get past a forced dying scene and all i got was a helicopter that would pick me up

The starter squire class has the accumulate skill that increases attack +1 each time it is used and the class also has the skill gained JP up. Put both of these on your characters, kill all but one enemy in a random encounter, have them all use accumulate for as long as you want. Sit back and watch the JP and exp roll in.


You're a sad sack of shit. Please continue announcing what an oldfag you are at the slightest provocation, it's truly impressive.

Good posters don't riddle their posts with memes and epic win images to prove how much they belong.

I can play some, because some good ones do still get made, but it's rare. I've been working on a backlog of games I've been interested in and getting interested in other games along the way. I spent most of last year playing Dragon Quest, this year's theme is Megami Tensei.

I feel exactly the same way. The music is great, the story is actually interesting, but I just can not get into the combat, and I'm no stranger to slow combat in games.

I'll have to try this.