What is some manlet woes kino?

What is some manlet woes kino?

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ill pas


I like all those times he goes on and on about how important marriage is for white ppl but I dont think its ever been confirmed he even has a girlfriend. Or if he has he's never shown her off or talked about her. As far as Im aware.

Procreationist incontinence is a betrayal of your brethren and of the cause. It's one thing to propagandize it to the cattle that will breed the soldiers and workers of the future, it's quite another to demand it of the revolutionaries who will most likely have to sacrifice all of their time and all of their being for the battle against time.

He's a fag. He has a video where he says he likes men and he is a part of the homosexual wing of the alt kike.

this is really embarrassing

Let's see the source baby.

That schizo is cringe af

The guy makes YouTube videos on the internet. What exactly is he doing thats so revolutionary it takes up ALL his time? kek.

Act like hes gone off on some grand crusade to retake Constantinople or some shit.

Smh familam. Smh.

He is confirmed fag
CF was right about alt right, its full of sodomites

inb4 >wews >intellectual
He has a platform, and a will to see things through. That's more than most people.

I'm sure there's a source for that claim.

40 seconds into this.

The song is great though, it perfectly describes the alt kike.

You're right. He's an ok guy I guess.

Sinead pls. That 3 second clip could be out of context. I want the full video where he says that.


He had a gay lover in college. He was bisexual. Said he's straight now. So take it for what you will.

Nah, im not the biggest fan of this "pop songs parodies" trend that has been going on in the right.
What happened to good old RAC? What happened to originality, skinhead bands and speaking about your ideals without shitty pop melody playing in the background and masquarading it as a "parody"

Heavy metal is kinda dead.

Again, no sources.

He said it himself. Just trust me. Dont feel like getting sauce. Find it urself if u care so much.

Yeah, it's not like he's a political dissident on the somewhat sexual puritanical rightwing, or anything.

RAC ranged from punk to death metal though, so you had bands like Skrewdriver and No Remorse who were more punk/rock and bands that played harsher notes like Wolfnacht for eg.

Really great stuff, its a shame that americans never really had a true Skinhead RAC movement like in europe, but again what can i expect from bunch of 56% degenerates

90% of RAC is complete garbage. Folk music is much better.

There's more in that same video. He says he is attracted to men three quarters of the time and then sounds like he is about to imply that he is attracted to feminine men but cuts himself off before he says it. He's definitely a faggot.

Not that guy but I just posted a clip of him saying he is attracted to men. He himself is the source.

My favorite music is country music myself. I listen to other stuff sometimes though.

At least it takes more effort than shitty pop songs parodies made by aut right


Jesus i cant believe i used to listen to TRS, i cringe at the very memory of this, im glad CF has exposed them for filthy reprobates they are, the whole enoch affair only sealed the deal

he is literally gay

Are you implying that video is made in good faith? Just give me the time stamps pls, I can't watch all of it. It's just too cringe, not because of the ecelebs, but because of the author's clear intentions.

Sinead, you need to stfu and open bob and vagene. I never asked you about Enoch, did I?

You mean Peinovich right.

Enoch is the meanie racist, racial slur using asshole character he plays on the radio.

Why american politics is such a gigantic fuckup? From the mainstream to the fringe its just like one big disaster

Sinead pls. You haven't proven your initial claim. All I want is a video source with the full context, and if you are proven correct, the entire Alt Right will know that Wews is/was gay, and they can take it from there.

At least you're not my retarded friend who knows they're scheming cunts and still listens to their low brow shit. He really is hopeless.

I'm obviously not that cunt you schizo.

chemicals in the food

I don't care. By the way, nice modernist weltanschauung you got there.

meant for

It's good music and it goes hand in hand with folk imo.

It's not just that most of it is bad on a technical level (it is) it's that the message is garbage too. It is trash tier music for retarded skinheads. Parodies are infinitely superior to the vast majority of RAC because they are accessible and haven't been tainted by the skinhead "culture".

It's a cringe comp. Are the brony cringe comps made in bad faith because the people featured in them look retarded? He says he is attracted to men but only a quarter of the people he is attracted ro are men. Do you struggle to watch it because you are an alt kiker?

I don't watch this guys channels so I don't know what video it is. What other contex would he be saying those things in though? He is clearly a fag.

Pleb that has never been in a skinhead group detected
How does it feel not to have band of comrades to sing, drink and beat immigrants with?

you btw

What are you talking about you dumb kraut?


No, I struggle to watch it because I've seen the absolute state of Renegade, and le ebin feminist natsoc squad. They're not really in a position to criticize.

He could literally be quoting someone?

Even a broken clock is right once a day

Well, if we're going for cliches, I'd say that they're the exception that proves the rule (that a broken clock is right once a day).

It's jewish, they are taking tye Hollywood spin on what it means to be a proud white man and embracing it. That's what I mean when I say they are retarded, I'm sure a handful of them are actually pretty smart but they are still retarded for embracing this jew crafted image. Also the whole skinhead culture is tied in with niggers and reggae so they are double retards.

But that video is just a compilation of alt kikers, it's only connection to renegade is that it was made by them. At least renegade have been calling this alt kike shit out for what it is for the last few years and they were right about it.

They've been right about almost everything in the political sphere. They get more retarded outside of that arena but politically speaking they have been spot on for years.

Sineas is right. A lot of the 'thought leaders' on the alt right do promote unironically toxic attitudes towards women. I guess they think it makes them look tough or something. But really its pretty silly. Thats why Holla Forums is a radical centrist board. Waifus arent to be despised. But cherished!

Unless your waifu a shit. Like Lena Dunham.

Yeah im sure all those skinheads in eastern europe during the 90 took their image of right wiger straight from hollywood jews.


My only problem is with the superficiality of it all. I want conclusive evidence on the claim that wews is a fag (and I mean conclusive, not a 3 second clip out of context). Kind of like the evidence on Peinovich being married to a kike, and the evidence on Southern being a coalburner. Remember when they were trying to character assassinate Southern for being a kike, and that claim was BTFO? I want none of that stupid shit.

Who cares? They did try the purge the women in the movement, but those women were Southern, who's an admitted coalburner, and McCarthy, who's part Indian. Besides, there's ample philosophical foundation to consider the movement a mannerbund, which means that roasties need to GTFO and mind their own business.

Woes is a beautiful gentle soul. Please do not bully him.

the kekistani poster

He says that he is attracted to men and that he is 25% homosexual, what other context is there for that? How new are you? There was a lot of posting about this on brit/pol/ when it happened.

Southern is a bottle blonde coalburner that kvetches about the holocaust and has poo-pood the idea of white genocide on multiple occasions. I'm not 100% certain she is a jew but she might as well be.

I made my case. It has to be a video in full context. .

We know your just trying to be annoying user.

I'm not invested in what you think about this guy, I posted the clip of him saying he is a fag because I watched it recently and it is relevant. Go through his video library if you care, it is probably tagged with something like "gay" or "homosexuality" and shouldn't be too hard to find. As I said there is no other context for him to be claiming he is attracted to men and is 25% faggot and even if there was he is clearly apologetic for faggotry in the third clip of that compilation.

Also just look at him in OP he looks like a semitic bum bandit.

I mean, you remember the Simonsen pictures right? And the fucking retarded "implicit" tweet from Spencer which was supposed to incriminate him. Those made the rounds for a full year before someone took the time to actually look into them.

Apologetic for faggotry means nothing, let's be honest. It's not ideal, but there are bigger fish to fry.