Fighting Games: Ikari Edition

Story Mode confirmed to be Arcade Mode but with CGI cutscenes and it'll have special endings for certain combinations of the team besides the 18 regular ones.

Demo is out on the PSstore. It has 7 characters (Kyo, Iori, Shun'ei, Nelson, Sylvie and King of Dinosaurs). Only the final release will be compatible with PS3 sticks.

Ikari team trailer is out, Another World trailer coming this thursday.

Definitive Edition to be released on September 20th.

Former Sony exec Adam Boyes joins Iron Galaxy.

Dizzy's already out and Diorama mode coming sometime later this fall.

Juri was released but EU region and people can now buy her with fight money.

Garou getting ported to PS4 and PS Vita.

SNK and Sony are having a pool to gather interest on what game/franchise they should port next:

Blade Arcus from Shining: Battle Arena has been released on Steam:

Download and register for Fightcade here:

Get the full rompack over here:!EoJjwSLB!Tukuk9bZAa7YXXxKNVHorw

website with mods:

Steam group:


For most fightan in general:

For fundamentals in ST (still applies to other games):

Maj's footsie guide:

The Beginner's Incomplete guide to KOF:

Other urls found in this thread: King of Fighters XIV - 24 Minutes of GAMEPLAY.mp4

Obligatory mains template

Excellent. Shame I'm not as wowed by the demo as I was hoping. Things feel off on a DS4.

Oh well, repostan:

It depends on your strategy. You earn a new free meter bar every time your character is defeated. Even using your first character if it means a certain kill, I would aim for a 1 bar combo at least be it with a DM or MAX cancel combo.

He's a KOF MC, of course he'll be. He has great normals and insane damage with meter.

Mai is high tier in '98 and a counterpick against Goro and Chizuru who are in fact top tiers. She looks great in XIV by the way with good anti airs and total air space control once she has meter for her Climax.

You mean Blue Mary, right? I would like Kasumi more in a Anti-Kyokugen theam like said. Besides, Eiji and Malin were fun in XI.

Well, look who's going to get cosplayed?

By the way, the next trailer should be Another World. Then K' and Women Fighters will be the last one.

Can you guys explain the current state of sfv? I don't own it right now, am I missing out on something?

I remember back then at release it had barely any characters, I remember there being some censoring and dlc characters and shit like that. Also, do I remember correctly that you have to grind to unlock shit?

It's a $60 game with F2P grind and it's just not very fun.

It depends on what platform you want to play.

PS4 has 8f lag.
PC is easier to put a mod to complete all survivals easily and pick up enough fight money for all characters in a year or two, not counting the money you get by playing online.

The core gameplay is good, the netcode is shit as long as you don't play more than 4/5 bars.

Pick it up at half price for PC if you're into street fighter.


Mercenary Ladies Team
Life is Sour and Sad.

There is only one acceptable option when it comes to Whips. Accept nothing less than the best. I've actually never played AoF. I should do that.

I think everyone in here would want to watch the latest episode of Capcom Pro Talk. It's pretty interesting

Serious question, I'm not really interested in SFV so why should I watch?

Sorry m8, my whip user can at least make a projectile with her whip and don't need cheap tricks to win matches.

And you should. AoF3 is not a perfect game, but the animation is SF III tier and is fun.


This week's Pro Talk was great. It's been a while since i've seen Mike get that mad.

Basically host Mike Ross gets destroyed with his main and throws a shitfit, while the guest K-Brad plays like an idiot and wins games. Pretty funny, even if you don't like SFV.

Oh snap, check those sexes!

And by the way: her Inspector Gadget trench coat is the worst costume I've ever seen as well.


The Urien is the Cherry on top though. But Mike didn't fight him cause he was "bein' a dummy".
perfect CPT episode

And Lenny is three years older than Whip too. So, she is the veteran fighter. Damn, she deserved a chance.

got a link to it?

Whip doesn't get discouraged when someone taunts her, she has NESTS enhancements and military training, and she is not afraid of fighting dirty.

Right, so she needs a fucking gun even when she already have a whip, is enhanced and have NESTS and Heidern backing her up. Fuck dude Shingo have more balls than her, and that's saying something!

Shingo's just some lame copycat.

the link will probably be out sometime tomorrow


Wait, so having a gun and using it makes you a coward? Why are you so afraid of guns, son?

No fam, using a gun in KoF, when not even soldiers like the Ikari team uses them, makes you a coward. Using a gun in, let's see, MK, makes you a cool bastard. At least most of the time.

>Yamazaki uses a knife He's being kind, since he could easily rip you apart without it.
>Fio. I know it's Maximum Impact, but it still counts

doesn't ralph punch people with grenades in his hand? breaking the laws of physics also breaks the rules of a fair fight too if your gonna punch a person in the face with a grenade when the other guy has nothing.

So how do you feel about how you're doing with your mains?

I want to try and measure how people feel about themselves and their main, so I have this chart here and I'd hope some of you fill it out.
Don't base it off the character in some tier list, base it on how you feel you preform with the character and how effect you feel they are.

Damage you feel you can pull off with a BnB's on average (no meter or the like used)

When you bring momentum to your favor (got them in the corner, got them in hard knockdown, 30% HP advantage, Ect) how well do you feel you preform with this character from there.

How difficult do you feel the inputs of this character are to consistently pull off.

This is more objective I guess, how much punishment can they take till KO.

How you feel about the reach of the characters normal's in Neutral

How good you think their speed on normal moves are

Please answer honestly.

merry christmas motherfucker

She shots you with a gun. That is not a staff, an iron ball, a glove with needles, a weird rapier, cards. That's MK level of edginess.
And she shots you when you are down too.
But I agree won Maxima. I have no idea what a Canadian Terminator is doing on KOF to this day.
By the way, most of the weapon users are gone, so, think about it.
And Lenny still best whip.

Fuck that chart it looks like shit

I've been learning Rachel in BBCPEX recently so I'll do this for her
probably on the lower end in the cast for bnbs. Rachel isn't terrible damage wise but she's not amazing for basic midscreen combos, they're more for corner carry.
I think Rachel's corner pressure is great, her instant overhead j.A with wind is amazing along with throwing out George XIII to keep them locked down, setting up rods helps pick up if they try something too so you can control a lot of corner space to avoid them getting out too easily
I Don't think she's too difficult once you get the hang of her but she's definitely not beginner friendly as there's a lot to manage in terms of screen control and meter usage, also if you can't do her wind stuff you're going to go flying all over the screen unintentionally and just get yourself fucked up.
Rachel seems pretty weak for health, also her reversal options aren't too great, basically need to bank on 2C and have meter to RC it on block.
Her normals can feel a bit short which is where having wind comes in handy as you can use wind with Pumpkin, normals, or jumps to cover distances and keep the combo going.
They're okay, I don't think they're super fast or anything, I think the real danger is at any point in her blockstrings basically you're in danger of getting hit high or low due to stuff like j.A wind for instand overhead or just gattling into a 2B or 3C, which you can both make safe with further chaining or special cancel in 3C's case.


That is cute coming from someone defending literally a clone of K's sister and a replacement for Billy Kane in '96 but was discarded in favor of Leona.

Also tfw SNK new video on their channel.

Kyo plz go and stop getting mad at the better character.

Thanks, the chart is just for convenience of just having it drawn out in 6 easy lines instead of having it be 6 sentences explaining, thanks for putting in the extra effort.

i want the rest of the gang to be in it. I also feel like clark needs a move set redesign. grappling characters grow stale if their moves all take a minute to complete.

Sex confirms Lenny>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shit>>>>>Whip

I want to murder my hands

Have a Phonon.

KI, KOF14 or GG Xrd? SFV not allowed

I go to bed, and I find several anons defending Whip. I'm okay with this.

In what universe are guns edgy? Had she been able to teleport behind people and say 'nuthin personell', I could see it, but it's just using her equipment to it's fullest. Leona throws exploding earrings, several people using magical fire and lighting which could be worse than gunfire thanks to the burns, and a titty ninja, and you still think somehow guns are out of place because it's edgy?

It's more likely that Heidern, Whip and Maxima will be playable in the next Metal Slug over the main Metal Slug cast being added to a KoF game.

I'm biased toward SNK games, so KoF XIV with GG Xrd as a close second.

When will KOF14 go to pc?

If they go buy the same time as the did for XIII; just under 2 years.

But think it will be must faster since they now Hues and Chinks don't console game, plus XIII's PC sales was one of the reasons they got back into gaming. So maybe 4 to 6 months.

Aren't Whip and Heidern in one of the mobile Metal Slugs, too?

I'm biased away from KI because the only way to play on a computer is with Win10, so I'd say either KoFXIV or GGXrd since Xrd has a PC release, at least.

Yeah. Kyo, Benimaru, Goro, Iori, Mature, Vice, Athena, Sie and Chin are in Metal Slug Defense too.

Neato, its always nice to start your day with a pinch of Mike Ross salt.

Not just edgy, but frankly just plain stupid and shameful for the character.
Almost all of the other soldiers in the game don't guns. The majority of the NESTS team don't use either. It just breaks the character. But, just to give you a better perspective: Only Whip have a handgun in KoF.
About the Malin example, everywhere you look, you see that her weapons were illegal at the tournament, so there is that.

But dude, understand, you can like the character. She was present in more games than many favorites like Yamazaki or Geese, but that was a stupid design. And in fact, now both of her old teams are on KoF XIV, but there was no space for her.
Believe me, I know it's annoying to not see your main in a game for some reason. But Whip is not best whip.

KoFXIV pretty much wins by default for me.
Maybe when there's a iteration with Baiken and Testament, I'll give Xrd a shot.

Orchid looks a lot prettier than I gave her credit for. Not sure but the hair looks longer than it is though.

Side note, it's nice that Capcom are doing these but they're starting to get ahead of themselves, trying to shove everything in the SF canon.

Obligatory mains post

I've really stopped expecting much from Capcom's "writers". With how poorly SFV's story played out and how much of the story that was placed before and after SFV that is outright ignored, I think it's safe to say the SF writers are barely qualified to write Saturday morning kids cartoons.

Holy shit when he threw the stick. Unreal. K-Brad was funny as hell. Good stuff.

Yeah it's like a "what could be" if capcom wasn't so shit.
To be devils advocate she is in the same universe as Cammy so she could get in but video game characters appearing in other video games goes on forever.

but seriously the best part was Zangief, because he was butt-fucking hilariously broken, and he has never had anything to do with the SF story ever, it was ridiculous how phoned in it was.
Hopefully the dolls will be playable.

In her universe, Cammy became Delta Red and teamed with Nash and Arthur. That's Namco x Capcom level of craziness.

she has one boob like tha girl from that movie that i wish to not mention because i cant stream it.

Why are 6k loops so fucking hard, bros?

i don't play ki, but of the other 3, xrd r is the only that's delivered on it's promises. hopefully snk manages to do this too

Oh yeah, that's what I'm saying, and I agree Gief was the best part about that story mode hands down. I just actually had hope that it would be, at least, put together in a cohesive manner, but I guess they can't even manage that.

FANG might prefer being second best but he was best. So absurdly hammy that everyone else looked like a wooden dummy whenever he was on screen. JP VA also does a freakin' awesome job.

The entire KOF94 roster is in that game

Didn't know that, never played it. On just saw the KoF Pack Vol. 1 under it's DLC list in steam

GGxrd, since it's actually good, and also because I won't get KOF xiv until it comes to PC and so don't know what it will be like.

GGxrd I play every day, and Xiii only a small amount (I got a PC bug that refuses to save my game, so meh) but I'm really looking forward to it.

KI looks like MK to be honest, and win 10 doesn't appeal to me.


Oh, I guess for anyone who cares about crowdfunded shit and Early Access, Combat Core is on Steam apparently. I might check it out and see if it's any good, or if I should stick to Power Stone. Haven't played Last Fight, but I'm not buying until they fix multiplayer so that you can do a free for all.

does anyone here still play vf?
what am i supposed to use goh's roll for?

Oh, boy.


Sorry, I beat you.

it's gonna be a good year for big guys

ralf is too small

why does early nona art look so weird?

Not bad…

You forgot to say that Polygon fucked up posting a 25min video of the final version during the embargo and got a strike from Atlus.
I downloaded the video but I don't know to where upload a 600MB file.

I used and typed the blocked URL:

I really hope SNK doesn't go full ArcSys/Capcom with their costumes prices.

You could at least put Leona in 98(UM) and King in XIII. Or a random slot if you're so good.

Also my temporaly updated mains. I don't know if I'll stick with them once I have my hands on the actual game.

I'll try making one later.

I wonder if Takehito Koyasu can still do the Shingo voice, or got permanently typecasted for the Shuu/Dio voice.

I'd suggest volafile but I'm not exactly sure of how it works.

forgot my image but you get the point

Are you guys still playing SFV?

I stopped at gold when ragequitting made me sick of playing.

Well, it worked. King of Fighters XIV - 24 Minutes of GAMEPLAY.mp4

four inputs with three frames of leniency

What the fuck is with Mian and divekick spam? This character doesn't look nearly as fun to play as I thought she would be.

Im still playing mostly offline, found a local weekly Ive been going to as much as I can

I didnt play KoF enough to really have a team honestly, I just would end up picking a random character and get eaten alive when I played.I know, Im a filthy casual

I have the same problem with making up my KoF team in each game. Usually, I'll pick Terry and have two other characters, I'll get my shit kicked in online, and then feel too discouraged to try any new characters besides terry.

Yeah, daily.
I still make lobbies with people on this group's Discord and record some moments.

You can airgrab Guile's flash kick if it's not EX if you do it frame perfect, just exactly before the active frames start but Guile is already in the air
It's retarded

The game is still fun and even more with mates.
For me the game was released on beta and stopped being a beta after Ibuki/Balrog release to become early access till we get more stages transition that are on the way and around 25-30 characters


I only just started playing fighting games on a somewhat serious level. I don't play a lot of games, I'm waiting for KoF 14 and currently playing SFV and I play Third Strike at my local arcade that no one goes to. I am still trying to improve.

I mean, I like KoF, I really do. But XIII was the only one I played for more than like 2 hours. I either didnt own the game or I was more focused on a different one at the time.

Mike is meme gold

Pick Ralf. Mash punch. Feel good. That way, when you lose, at least you had fun.

I've been wanting to pick up either Ralf or Clark, but I don't know which one I should main. Who's better anyway? Ralf or Clark?

anybody know where i can find this hat?

lol ask juicebox

How do I get into this?

As I'm shit with grapplers, I say Ralf, but it's up to you. You might pick up Clark and find he's a blast.

ralf tends to be better and his moves dont take a fucking minute to end.

Generally, Clark. But they're opposites now post XI. Ralf is the punching man with great normals and Clark is a grappler with better mobility than Goro Daimon but do less damage.

Jokes on you, she looks hella fun to play and the perfect time scammer character Her divekicks looks hella unsafe.

Play '98 on fightcade. With pals and not with hues/south americans using scripts or koreans general. If you both are on the same level, it would be better to play for fun.

Does the game still have stubby normals and weird hitboxes? I think Cammy and Chun-Li were the only ones that I could play at my friend's house. After seeing what they did to Ibuki they made Sarai and slapped a Ibuki skin on top I stopped caring for the game at all.
Note that I have buyer's remorse with SSFIV and later with USFIV. But I love 3rdStrike and SuperTurbo is fun but hard on execution

I played in tournaments at some anime conventions KOF 2002, '98, XI(my best game at time) and embarrassed myself in MvC2 and CvS2 years ago.

I remember a Tom&Jerry game that was pretty fun with my brother years ago.

They play differently.
Clark is the staple grappler of KoF. Get close to your opponent, do grabs, win.
Ralf is different. Before KoF 2000, Ralf was a charge character that punched shit really hard and did a fuckload of chip damage with his vulcan punch DM. Then, he gained more utility moves, like his HCB+K, which has a fuckload of guard points, or his j.QCB+P.
Then, in KoF XIII, he was redesigned. He lost his grabs, utility moves, and his ability to do chip damage and gained a QCF+P that can be linked afterwards, a non-charge anti-air, and a different DM.
For me, pre XIII Ralf is about poking and punishing shit, and XIII Ralf is about hitconfirms into big damage.

How would I upload SFV replays on here?



I don't know about the stuby normals and weird hitboxes, it still has some weird hitboxes that happen once in a hundred games, like what I showed before of me playing Vega and grabbing Guile out of his flash kick like it was nothing.

I never liked SF4 and I think of it like one of the worst SF and V like a lesser Alpha game and slightly worse (for now) than 3, keep in mind that for me Alpha 2 is my favourite SF and 3 my second, V would be 3rd or 4th position for me.

Posting some retarded things for you. Ok the Bison thing is not retarded hitbox, its just i-frames and Vega's CA lacking i-frames cause fuck you thats why

Also notice how Nash hitbox, for some reason, dodges the knee of EX flying barcelona.

Nash is the only character that has fucked up with my Vega so far so much besides Zangief Borsch Dynamite grab with a range of Russia-Spain.

I'm retarded at taking in game footage, I have OBS but I don't know how to use it properly.

meant to reply to

Well, I use Nvidia shadowplay, so I cannot help you with OBS really. Sorry.

one of the things that' bugs me about V, and I've seen it enough times to make note of it, the opponent goes and whiffs a grab, I whiff a grab, they get a grab off, and none of us move during these exchanges of whiffed grabs, and somehow I or they don't tech, despite both of us obviously mashing grab.

I can't really look into bobby scar (((neumann)))'s eyes

Testing with a soundless webm of my shit ken gameplay.

How do I combo in Tekken I don't get it, you like bounce them and buttons but when I actively look for videos showing they just do things I'm sure you can't.

If Akuma came back into V, what would you want his skill and trigger to be?

Nash is the most fucked up character in the game, worse than mika
His dash has invincibility
Easy as shit hit confirms
Most of his normals and some of his specials are safe on block
Ridiculous recovery
He's even got a get out of jail free card as his v trigger
I don't get how anyone can say he's not top 3. Nightmare matchup for Alex

V-Skill roll.
V-Trigger idk, like the blackout of raging demon without the demon? 6-7 seconds of darkness.

310 is best boy

Xrd. I truly think that it's the best fighting game right now and I am having great time with. It's not like I hate other games or something. Even SFV is okay but I hate input lag (I don't feel the game at all) and hurtboxes/hitboxes suck ass.

>Sarai and slapped a Ibuki skin on top
She could have been a npc promoted to a new character like Poison but noooooo….. That would have made the SFxT teamup with Rolento make more comedic sense. Rolento wanted someone with explosives training and got Ibuki instead. Haha.

Dizzy or Karin?

Chun Li is the only character with good length of normals. Urien seems to be coming that way as well but I'm sure they'll fuck that up too.

- Ryu's is short, doesn't combo with fireball, isn't a true blockstring
- Vega's now supposed to be a mixup gorilla instead of a character with strong neutral, his with the claw is utterly atrocious
- Ken's a fucking midget dinosaur
- Zangief can't confirm into anything when not deep into someone's ass
and so on

Before the game came out people said Ken and Mika would be bad because they have the shortest normals of the bunch. Till everyone realized range doesn't matter and the game meta evolved into dash+throw/strike/pressure, and no whiff punishing because of 8f. The only real semblance of footsies are shimmy sham wow throw baits.
Every character they seem to design in the mindset of rushdown, even characters like Guile and Juri. Waifuists threw a bitchfit when she came out lol.

There are multiple instances of horrible hitbox placement like Ryu's which you can't anti-air without trading, almost all of Ken's jumping tatsus which avoid every anti-air other than Flash Kick. Other characters have aas with hitboxes inside of hurtboxes so good luck not getting hit.
Jabs are the best aa normals, and every heavy aa other than Ryu and Ken (just by the virtue of being 6f) are slow and incredibly prone to trades.

And you know, I could live with all of this, if ragequitting didn't murder the game for me.
Unless the things I've listed don't bother you, buy it once they fix it lol.

V-Trigger could just be raging demon, a bit like Vega's rose where you can just activate it

v-skill will be a teleport
v-trigger is shin form, gets 2 air fireballs and shakunetsu which he doesn't have otherwise

I think V-Skill will be demon flip and V Reversal will be teleport

The whiff grab happens because when you try to grab, your hitbox moves forward slightly. This is not a bug or anything weird, notice how the character moves forward a big while whiffing, sometimes you even press a button to punish that whiff and then moving your hitbox forward for them to grab you before your active frames are taken into account.

You can't tech a grab if you are in a whiff or in another animation.
If both of you have air grab, since there are no tech in the air, whoever did it first wins and gets the grab, if somehow you both do it at the exact same frame, Player 1 wins the grab.

Since when Nash dash has i-frames man? Only Bison has.

Nash is Top 3. Chun and Ryu are better than Nash. These three will get most probably nerfed in December.

Ryu crMK comboes with fireball, comboes with CA, comboes with EX Tatsu.
Vega's best poke is MP, not crMP, he still has the longest range besides Dhalsim with his claw on, then Chun comes because Capcom can't make Chun less than top tier in any game.
Zangief can confirm his MP into MK into bear grab or lariot, he can use his knee as a poor man's green hand.
But there are user, what the fuck, do you play the game? Even in tournaments you see whif punishes.
Yes it does, that is why Nash is one of the biggest counter for Ken in fact. Karin has good range normals that can confirm into anything.
Guile STILL is a defensive character with now a V trigger to apply pressure.

It's true about the anti airs however, only a few has good anti airs, and Ryu is one of the best with anti airs mind you. For Ken's tatsu, you can just dash since it's so slow to land.

No I didnt

polite sage



I haven't played tekken in ages, if I remember right the basic shit was like a string into a launcher into a smaller string. Shit gets complicated once bounds get involved though.

Dizzy, best mom of the year.

I wanna take Mian bowling.

Dizzy all day erry day

This. Perma V-Trigger Akuma could even be a boss character.
I imagine they could make him a unique character like in SFIII and give him 2 CAs (one being the RD).

I like this idea. maybe even make him transform into Oni and give him the air dash and in-air Demon.

It combos with fireball in the range where you might as well use cr.MP which is plus on block and faster.

Which is nowhere near the length or utility of any of his previous iterations. Making him a motion character and balancing him around it was a mistake.

Like I said if you're aren't close enough to move them as you continue to walk. And mp doesn't link into mk.
Confirm into a grab. Ok.

Nash is a counterpick to everyone. His range is mediocre, it has nothing to do with it.

You consider, and normals with good range?

Slower aa, longer boom recovery along with no invincibility and worse in every way normals make for a great defensive character.

Post one example which isn't a throw bait.

*Like I said if you're aren't close enough to move them as you continue to walk lariat will whiff

If the redesigns they've been posting are anything to go by, Akuma pretty much IS Oni now (kinda silly since SFV's timeline is pre-SFIII).

Speaking of redesigns, you can't do pic 2 related and just leave a nigga hanging (no Moonman pun intended). It ain't right.

No because Ryu's crMK at max range won't combo with crMP, hadouken does.

This Vega is in a better position than previous ones, I would dare to say that this is the best Vega besides SF2.

Yes, he can hit confirm into bear grab since the animation of the bear takes a while, meanwhile people realise the grab is done. If it is blocked, they have more reaction time and can easily jump out of it. Backdashing is not an option against Bear grab since it follows you.

Yes I consider Karin's normals good range, because Im comparing them with the rest of the cast in V. When you compare characters, you compare them on the same game.
Her stMK has better range which can combo.

He has three good anti airs, the fuck are you talking about. On this game some characters have problems to anti air, and he has none of that.
Yes he has, EX flash kick.
He can combo into fast overhead, he has really good damage, decent range, best projectiles in the entire game that can be powered up with his V-skill and give him V meter so he can go Marvel wanna be.
Guile is one of the best characters in the game and his defense is one of the best in the game.

Look, I know that it's cool and hip to go into the bandwagon hating everything like everyone else, but if you want to throw shit at something, throw shit at what the game is doing wrong as previously mentioned, because it has problems (as an example that you need Dantarion's mod for better Dinput for some sticks or the stick won't work). But bringing up bullshit just for the sake of it won't do.

oh yeah, Sodom would be sick. Didnt play much of him but I always liked the design.

Final Fight Sodom is way better than Alpha Sodom
At least in Alpha3, you had the choice of Sodom with katana.

You have no clue what hitconfirms are.

This is either your first sf game or you've never played Guile in your life. One chance per round to get a corner only combo doesn't make him one of the best characters in the game.

It's fine that you enjoy the game, but other people have hell of a lot more problems with it other than atrocious controller support.

It is not a combo per se, I say it's a hit confirm since doing it on block is a guaranteed punish most of the time against Gief meanwhile if the kick hits the bear grab will connect most of the time.

No, I have played Guile previously and I have played all SF except EX and SF3 vanilla (Played the other two SF3).
Again, I'm telling you that when you compare a character to another, you have to do it in the same game. It's pointless.

The corner combo is not what makes him on the top and I never said the best character by the way. He should be around 5-8 position on the tier lists, but again, tier lists are not meant to be followed but just small guides to measure the tools of a character.

He has a really solid defense in V, compared with the rest of the cast, with good normals and solid damage. In a game where most of the characters suffer from lack of defense and some others don't even have a DP/proper reversal, Guile has those.

I never said that the game doesn't have problems, in fact I know about many of them and they are indeed problems, but what you are saying aren't any of 'em.


Personally, I'd say Xrd but I'm biased regarding ASW games. However, there is a demo out for KOF14 on the PS4 to help with your decision. Don't have an Xbone to have any good opinion on KI, but from what I saw, it seems okay

Yeah, when will my PS4 Chun stick work without x360ce? Are they even aware that it's a problem?

Google this: Dantarion SFV Input
First link, download it. It should fix it.

It's a workaround cause Capcom can't into coding for some reason these days.

How would you fix SF5?

Removing those 8f
Fix the controller support so people dont need to use mods from other people
Let the survival have checkpoints so it's less painful to complete or have less rounds but with better AI so it's more interesting, and at the same time completing survival with one character it should unlock that colour for all the costumes.
Improve netcode
Improve Ken's face
Add the soonTM transition to stages to make them more interesting
Add more characters and stages.

In short, releasing the game one full year later instead of what they did.

Scrap it and make Capcom Vs SNK 3

Remove frame delay
Fix those dumb hit boxes
Matchmaking and general net play over haul.
Nerf grabs stun and damage to 3rd strike levels

Karin is pretty hot, but dizzy is more interesting, and isn't a bourgeois cunt.

Remove lag
Remove stubby normals
Decrease homogeneity of play styles
Increase everyone's walk speed
Increase everyone's dash recovery
Make normals actually punishable
Remove grey damage on block
Improve aa system/increase aa damage
Remove 3f aa jabs
Make air-to-air not negative on hit
Increase air-reset time
Remove Ken's busted hitstop
Fix hitboxes so they don't retract into the normals
Add a scroll wheel for input leniency
Make not every lobby a king of the hill
Punish ragequitting
Kill combofiend
Kill this shitty game
Bankrupt Capcom

Thanks lad. It just works!

Glad to hear it mate.

Unfortunately it doesn't work for me, whenever I use Dantarion's .dll the game just won't start for me, switching back to the old one fixes this.
Any idea what could cause the problem here?

Speed up the game a bit, add in a few more mechanics, make the characters individuals rather than clones of the same play style.

Plus all the standard hit box, 8 frames, DLC, no characters, no game modes, tomfoolery.

Weird, I don't know mate.
Do you have SFV updated before applying the mod?
Remember that now the game updates on Steam and again inside the game for some Capcom's weird reason.


Aside from the obvious netcode and input issues that I think everyone agrees need to be fixed, the only other issues I have are with the horrid controller support, especially on PS4, and the wonky hitboxes on certain moves that makes trying to AA so rage inducing.

Won't deny I'd probably prefer a team of "canon" characters but these characters are mostly good in my book and, judging by the story bits that were shown, they probably are canon since the endboss has time-space-dimension manipulation powers.
Just K' and Women teams left then.

How come you don't want SNK characters in a SNK crossover game?

If canon mattered in KoF Ryo would be 49 years old around KoF 2003/XI.

Canon should matter even less then so we get Rock back

Just watch, they'll pump out Garou 2 and in KoF XV will get a Future Sons Team with Rock and Kim's kids.

Different passages of time between games, friend. It's why Chun still looks under 30 in SFV

Oh yeah, i totally forgot about those.
Is the street stage with the bus and the restaurant still the only one with that gimmick?

I was under the impression that the KoF tournaments happened in the years the games were named after. Is that not true? Street Fighter is a fucked mess, don't think anyone cares about it now.

Those might be coming soon actually. They found the animations for them in the juri update

Just like anything remotely good and polished with this game.

The beach stage has the water gimmick and the 10€ CPT one has some gimmicks but they don't have the Chinatown tier of gimmicks.

Chinatown is just the best stage, but thanks to the netcode if you are not 4/5 with your opponent, everyone goes muh training stage.

Karin everyday

I just played some online matches to be sure that everything is up to date and tried it again, still not working.
Damn, but x360ce isn't too bad I guess.

Mui Mui is so HNNNGworthy.

I'm not sure about KoF, someone more knowledgeable on KoF's deepest lore will have to answer that one. But as far as SF, and just about every other fighting game with a story, there's a set time-jump between games. Like SCIV to SCV was like 5 years I think and, if I remember correctly, SFV takes place 2 years after SF4.

Not saying SF has the best story, but I find it enjoyable. or at least I did, back when Capcom was at least pretending to give half a shit.

Yes, a KoF a year, until KoF XI.


Nigga they're more canon than the Fatal Fury and AOF Teams who'll do jack shit in their endings like always. Maybe we'll have at least Blue Mary and Takuma in there.

They're comic book time now for years. Think KOF tournaments as UFC events.
Because of Ash, after NESTS last tournament, Adelheid and Rose ran a few ones but nothing happened so Antonov took the rights and made a new one hiring a bunch of villain rejects (Sylvie, Mian and Kukri) to promote the event. But probably something fucked up happened in the worlds of Love Heart and MuiMui. With the help of Nakoruru(she's a spirit of nature for the last 200 years, I think), they chased the big bad who got into KOF's world right in time for Antonov's tournament.

I think the developers are proud of her final design. (pic related)

Thanks, I noticed the Ryu's cr.MK and Zangief range. I think I gave Cammy a pass just because she's a little faster than most of the cast and have a good anti-air.
But the only characters that I have any affinity are Ibuki, Makoto and Dudley. They already fucked up Ibuki and gave Abare Tosanami to Cammy (but without the possibility to follow up). So I won't care for the game until it becomes f2p.

What's the deal with modern fighting developers? They change of aspect ration from 4:3 to 16:9 but now we have to be even closer to the opponent now. KOFXIII had awful hitboxes but from KOFXIV demo I can already see they changed many things.
In 3rdStrike some characters like Makoto have only dashes and specials to move around horizontally. But if I wanted, I could use Ibuki who was crazy fast with pokes, mixups and fireball punishes. Cammy in V seemed to have the fastest walkspeed but it's no way near the older games.

By the way, SNK released a new KOF Station a few hours ago.

No, Vega and Chun are faster.

Which pirate?

Damn, she is adorable. I wish I had a cute Japanese voice actress to teach how to play the game she stars in. I can't helped be pumped for this game.

Why are pirate girls the best

I would change Nakoruru for Mizuki, but one is a forgotten characters, and the other is one of the most well know SNK characters, so, yeah.

Ruby Heart

We could have a pirates team with B.Jenet, Love Heart, and Captain Kidd.

We would know about her if they did put her in king of fighters games. Would anyone know about the Ikari Warriors if they weren't put in KOF?

It doesn't say in T6 but in Tag2 and T7 it shows you what moves bound/screw your opponent. Also in Tag2 it shows you the commands for the sample combos so you're not left in the dark.

The basic formula for tekken combos is:
launch > filler > bound/screw > filler > ender
In older games it's just launch > filler > ender

She was the boss of SS 2, but became playable in in the next installments. and it's fun to play with her. But, being a a villain and all, she would never have a chance.
Could not find a good gameplay with her, so, have this.

Ikari Warriors and Psycho Soldiers were popular SNK franchises in the 80's. Ralf, Clark, Athena and Kensou got a major redesign for KOF'94. But MuiMui and Love Heart got some changes to their designs for KOFXIV

I'm starting to realize that I love playing with Jenet, really like May in Xrd and Ruby is fun in MvC2. I might give a shot for Love Heart.

I forgot to say that Chun Li is boring since SFII and Vega is even more offensive than FANG at least he's not Blanka So I don't even acknowledge him in the games. But my point that modern games are slower stands. Never played Guilty Gear before Xrd though

Considering the amount of high profile VAs SFV has, they could've done something similar like Blazblue has those Bururaji and this KOF station with the new Yuri VA instead of going full "e-sports" with marketing.

Neo_G wants to make a new Samurai Shodown and she's the most popular boss after Amakusa. So don't give up hope

ahh, thanks mang. so the grab just moves you forward as part of the animation.

Kantzuki !!!!!!!!!!!

I got a SF5 fix that can be done RIGHT NOW. Play SF4Omega

realizing i like kof has been very difficult for me since there's way too many weeb characters and weeb fans

I'm not the luckiest man when we talk about fighting game rosters these days.
I must say that is a little disappointing.

Taki's one of the more iconic soul calibur characters.


I actually liked Natsu and how she's nothing like her design suggested to be. Pyrrha was bad but in the end she was alright with her malfested arm. Patroklos was a loveable asshole in the beginning but I didn't really liked in the end.
Talim style was really missed in that game.

But look what was released in Peru and Mexico:

It's not like I had any money anyways to spend on it but it's still a shitty feeling

easily the best SC character. Scythes are fucking rad.

I had nothing against the newcomers, none of them. But it's a bit weird when characters like Taki, someone who was there since Soul Edge, just vanishes. Talim was unique, Zasalamel was also unique and both were missed, indeed. It's just that I used to play with her, not with him.
Sorry, I can't archive right now

not to mention they got rid of the only PC race they were missing. as much as i hate PC they managed to make him as less of a mingo bingo by saying Zasalemel is the name of the soul he carries and the reason why he shows up late in soul calibur is because it was difficult for him to travel to eurasia since his most recent reincarnation stuck him in an African body this time. his garb in sc3 was hardly african and he talked like some kind of ancient being.

I can't believe I misread that they were taking review code requests a week ago. Oh well - I was too busy playing Ys VIII then, and I've got my review copy of KoF XIV now.

no stem announce?

I'm assuming you mean "steam". No.

He was still pretty black in his ending. And he is intended to be "the black guy" of Soul Calibur.
But the worst thing is SCV has files of him. So he was intended to be in the game before Harada and the rest of Bamco told Daishi to hurry up because Tekken6 had to be released later. So we got only 1/3 of what was supposed to be the story and god knows about characters (Taki was implied to be in Natsu's story), skins (there are many CAS parts not released even in DLC form, also Nightmare, Siegfried and Cervantes special skins) or content in general.

Can you confirm if the review copy doesn't have online? The mexicans and Jebailey said the online is good but the people with the review copy said the online mode will only be available at launch.
Also if the arcade mode has only an intro, a few CGI cutscenes and the endings are like KOFXIII (animated artworks). And those character intros SNK have on their twitter with dialogue happen only with non-edit teams during arcade mode. Also I want to know about special intros that we saw during EVO with Geese x Hein and SNK had a image of Vice x Mature and Ryo x Yuri.

SNK will only talk about the PC port after the PS4 is released.

But that's not Nash having i-frames on his dash.

As you can see in one of my webms playing as Vega, the EX FBA doesnt hit when Nash is dashing towards me, that is just retarded.

I'm trying to understand WHY Nash teleported behind me and thus going through my EX FBA like it was nothing.

Review copy has online, they're actually going to have their QA testers online during business hours on the 16th-18th to play with people.

Look up Bahamian King and his SSV Special videos. You'll find some people use Mizuki even if she is horrible in Special (she can win, but she's not Gaira or the giant demon dude).

Also, SS6 is shit, and Iroha is a horrible character.

Hey you guys

look what I found on cuckchan

Anyone know how to swap character moveset in DOA5LR?

i'm getting kinda upset by the direction a lot of the character designs are going. a lot of the girls look like aliens with their giant eyeblalls and weird body proportions. you can get away with that in 2d sprites but not 3d


Verge's Stage

looks like hes a tiki man

I want to get Elphelt pregnant and then abandon her.

and then these weebs show up


What do you guys think about this?


I'm not a fan of the game but I'm glad they're trying to make use of SFV's carcass.


The guy (or CPU) played like shit with the final boss, other videos will pop up.

Also, Team stories are up:

I dunno what I've expected, but these suck

Voice actor list for the all characters.

In the forseeable future, SFV bombs so bad that Capcom revives USF4 HD Remix. What gameplay balance or improvements or new modes will it have? Go nuts!

Bring back Dramatic Battle (2 vs an AI boss)


That's pretty cool.

I didn't know sonicfox was really good at skullgirls too.


That art looks familiar


Who has KOF14?

I don't have :(
I liked Gouken when I played ssf4. Does anyone else think they went over-board on the characters in 4? I guess I like they tried to satisfy a lot of people but at this point in SF there's no way to satisfy everyone without going full fucking mugen.

Nigga, Hiroaki is working with SNK for years.

These are the same as every KOF
Don't you like a Kyokugen BBQ?

I know, I just didn't realize he did the art for uppers until just now.

Pretty good. Reminds me of in sign people would keep rejecting each other's blitz shield until their tension ran out.

kof art tier list

Where can I find more Ogura art? He's done a couple more SNK pieces other than king of fighters.

I was always fond of Falcoon's artwork.

Niggas, you should watch this.

Shinkiro's weird faces always turned me off. Hiroaki is my favorite

One thing I wonder: Do you guys believe KOF will ever produce Dream Matches again? I mean, 50 characters is absolutely huge, but, of course, so many favorites are out.

the thing about dream matches are a lot of it is just combining 3 games. not that much work is put into them since it re-uses character sprites with a little tweaking here and there. the big thing is bug testing since that amount of characters will yield a lot of bugs.

there was gonna be one after xiii, but they aborted it when they didn't make enough dosh to justify the expense of dot rendering

hirokai, ogura, nona and styleos for character design

shinkiro for illustration

falcoon a shit

Yean, and we kind of had, XI, XII and XIII followed the same story arc. But I'm really happy with the 50 characters. I wonder if KOF will manage to beat MK Armageddon's roster of 63 characters.
By the way, MK Armageddon managed to have at least one extra costume for each character, that was quite impressive.

It makes sense. At least they are trying to start again.
About Falcoon, sorry fam, he is not shit, he was really good. The problem is, when you have to compete wish Shinkiro/Hiroaki/Ogura work and fanboys, you will have a hard time.

If the DLC rumor is true, they will and have 66 characters in total.
And anime games made worse. Like Naruto Storm's roster.

Namco didn't wanted to show old ladies, overall. In SoulCalibur V, Taki, Cassandra and Sophitia should've been 40+, Xianghua, 35+. When you can't age, (Ivy, Cervantes) you're in, and when you have a penis, (Mitsurugi, Maxi, Kilik…) you're in.

But is 63 or 50 characters that impressive when there may be some double ups?

Someone like ermac, noob or rain doesn't impress me as much as it could, and SFV has all characters playing the same style, apparently.

Who has the most impressive, original, and extensive line up in fighting games? Personally I think it has to be guilty gear.

I prefer to not use something like Naruto Storm as an example. Mostly because it isn't a fighting game series as MK or KOF, and there are many versions of characters too, much more than any KOF ever had.

That was something I also thought could be the case with the ladies. Which is frankly stupid, since even Senran Kagura add an old lady, and Power Instinct had the twin hags for years. And All the SC ladies would be far from grannies.

Dude, Ermac, Noob and Rain are really different. And in Armageddon they even had weapons that were different too. And by your logic, GG also have problems, since you have Sol and Ky with some similarities.

In fact, it's OK to have some characters that share stuff. No one is really mad at Ryu-Ken, Sol-Ky, Kyo-Iori, Scorpion-Sub-Zero and so on. I just hate clones, like Evil Ryu or Orochi Iori.

I'm more commenting on them originaly being literal re-colours.

But they were more recolors only in the 2D, which means only two games, UMK3 and Trilogy. From the PS2 era onward they had different costumes and styles.

Who is playing KOF XIV?

A fighting game is a fighting game, fam. Just because it doesn't have quarter circles doesn't mean it suddenly not one.
Take Devil May Cry engine and put a 1v1 capacity on it. This is a fighting game.
Put Dark Souls, 1v1, with way less customisation to have some sort of a character screen. This is a fighting game.
With that same arguing, I heard people said that KI or MKX are not "True Fighting games". The real reason some people thinks this is simply because those games aren't made by Capcom, SNK, Arc System…

If you're talking about UMK3, everyone has the same normals and totally different specials. So everyone were clones? Even Sindel with Jax?

In a way, the ability to swich styles, back in MKDA, MKD and MKA are somewhat the ancestors of MKX's variation system.


Omega Rad!

fuckin drop'd

nygx is this weekend btw
virtua fighter is good.

The last boss in KOF XIV is weird. Also I don't know why the CPU doesn't block most of time when using Joe's hurricane.

In fact, they were better, because you could change them mid combo.

In Zero3, Juni went to lesbo-heaven

That's hilarious.

The fatal fury team's ending is about discussing Joe's techniques being related to 'tiger' and then joking about Andy being a mantis

Also I'm surprised by SNK's attitude towards spoilers.

Embed related.

Oh yeah, I was talking about XIV


Do you think someone like Joe would be considered /cow/ material?


Birdie and Boxer want the Psycho Drive

Taki had the malfested "curse" like Tira and Ivy. Cassandra is inside a sword limbo and Sophitia was pants on head retarded since SoulCaliburIII so she's better dead. Cassandra could be brought back anytime. Also Maxi has the "curse" too.

Spill the beans user


I believe that but is there a source on that?
no surprise it is japan's fear of MILFs/christmas cakes that helped mess up SC5

why can't lily kane and Joe dating be cannon?

Curse your tits, Mai! How could you?!

I only completed fatal fury team, but it's just as I said before>>10370147

See this is why Andy doesn't bang Mai, she ruins everything for everyone.

She'd probably get the Bogards to part ways and subsequently geesed one at a time.

Anyway, now I'm wondering if they'll pull a SFV and start showing redesigns and profiles for the absent characters that are still around?


He god damn knows not to stick his dick in crazy

As long it is Hiroaki and not that fucking guy at Capcom, I'm fine.

Well, keep us updated then. Also if every ending is by Ogura like Fatal Fury or if any other is by Hiroaki or other artist.

Will SNK make new art for the GBA and MI characters?

Women Team are celebrating at PaoPao Cafe, then they annoy Bob to invite everyone drinks/food. Confusion everywhere, previous women team members appear even Jenny, Mary, Vanessa and Hotaru. Bob calls for Terry/Andy/Ryo but they also take adventage of the situation.

Fucking cockteases

If you're looking at the endings, can you tell us what happens in the villians team ending? I'm curious.

Only finished 2 teams. I'll try to get that ending next

That Vanessa is cute

Not to mention stuff like violent ken

violent ken needs to have the afro or it won't even be worth putting in

SNK please

Vanessa is top fucking tier

Xanadu, the leader, is burning a check (the KOF prize money) and just talking no-sense. He compared Chang/Chin with potatoes



well, that's somewhat interesting. Also, is the final boss another case of SNK boss syndrome?


Dayum, they look so cute.

After watching the developer videos, I've decided to try make this one of my main teams. Post which teams you anons are thinking of making.

Team Harambe


Can't be sure, but so far these guys look appealing. I usually go for female characters, but nobody stands out too much above the rest exceptaybe Leona and, god forgive me, silvie, while these three look exciting. I played a little bit of xiii and only really enjoyed playing hwa, in fact I wish hwa was in so I could choose him over Joe.

Nope but that was I looking for. Sorry for not answering earlier but it was 2am at that time. If you want I'll try stream it his movelist (internet speed is low here)

Kim Team ending; Gang-IL mentioned it was his first time on KOF then Kim ask him to take a flight (he wanted his master to go back). At the end Kim mentions he wants to train at the mountains alone so Gang and Luong decide to go with him. (Kim gets triggered)

So kim is getting a taste of his own medicine after dishing it out on chang and choi since 94

Ikari Team ending, Heirden mention there is a list of resurrected? people (you can see Marco and Fio there). Leona is concerned about a certain Gadiel? and that little by little she is feeling unstable. Ralf/Clark jokes that there is no problem and they can control the situation. Ralf call Whip "Whippy" and she says she is getting harrased by Ralf. At the end Leon athanks for being part of Ikari team.

The Metal Slug cameos are nice, though.

So, this is closer to than I thought.

Geese Team ending, they are on a limusine, Billy asks why Geese enter KOF. He wanted to confirm something about old pergamins mentioning the summoning of last boss and that it was incomplete. Then limusine is being attacked. Geese says they are James? minions. At the end Billy and Huen get out the car so they can eliminate them.

I've got a bunch of silly themed teams, The most recent one is the North American Fighting Team Agreement

But if I fall back on my old main; it will be Ryo/Maxima/whoever I can use fill in the spot where Kasumi use to be.

Art of Fighting ending, they are celebrating in a recently opened Kyokugen Restaurant. Ryo thinks that with this the dojo will receive more students. Yuri, Takuma and Robert care more about the restaurant. Ryo gets pissed.

These are so much better than KoF XIII's ending pictures.

Psycho Soldier team ending; Athena's CD are not selling as well as before. They are considering going full digital. Athena says what it matters are heart of the songs. At the end they mention the tickets for her concert are still selling well.

Oh god fallen idol arc.
I don't mind an Athena focused ending but they really dropped a whole character arc for Kensou
You're doing god's work user. My Premium Edition only comes in mid to end of september and most of the people here are probably waiting for the PC version anyway.

How long until this image is canon?

Hey Virtua bro

I'm not getting my hopes up.

Just give me PC ports and I'll be fine.

Well, he didn't finish with Official Team yet.

At this point I don't have any hopes with SEGA. Maybe we might have another character in DOA5LR or KT hire AM2 guys for a Virtua FIghter x Dead or Alive game.

It would be such wasted potential if they don't go with a rival idols angle with Athena and Sylvie. Sylvie getting lots of attention for being the new hotness and Athena being all jealous and bitter, I need to see this.

They just need to stop basing everything around that fucking hedgehog;
and a few years earlier

Seriously, fuck sonic.

K Team ending. They decided to call the last boss Verse.

Because Joe's always the butt of the joke in KOF sadly

Broke street date in spiclands.

Gaidel, that'd be Leona's dad that was killed by Goenitz before '96. Also
That means the New Faces might make a comeback. Rejoice.

Robert looks awful with that moustache. Also nice Marco they still renamed him with that retarded English name, what the fuck SNK cameo.

Mejico team ending; Dinosaur concerned not being Griffon anymore.

So I guess the combination of Ash and K9999 retcons made Angel good and never attacked Foxy then?

China Team ending.

Time for a Break.

Kyo is really babysiting the new guy. Also,
All well when it ends well.

inb4 Shun'ei boss in the next KoF

not for too long

Another world ending; after KOF, Love and MuiMui decided to go to their worlds but Nakoruru decided to stay. Nakoruru then convince MuiMui to go to her hometown to eat delicious food. Love gets angry.

Cinematic Intro

MUIMUI CONFIRMED FOR KOFXV! Or the next SamSho game for some reason

Also, are the endings fully voiced like the win quotes or are they just like KOFXIII? I mean, Bao, Whip, Bob and Heidern having lines makes it hard to believe they are.

Just like XIII

Yagami Team ending


Mature and Vice or other guys?

HOLY SHIT! Kyo&Iori Special ending?

Mature and Vice

But the Orochi one is still Yagami or is a Kyo&Iori special team?

Wut? It is Yagami Team ending. I/M/V

HUE Team ending.


Well, Kyo appears more than Mature and Vice there.

My sides

Nelson had a hard life.

Official Team ending






Antonov paid extra because you're such a cutie-patootie, Mian.


I shouldn't be spoiling myself rotten over this but I can't resist.
Anyway, looks like SNK bothered giving their artists some time to do their work. Waddya know? It makes a difference… :^)


So did Antonov just want an innocent KOF tournament with no suspicious bullshit behind the scenes?
