Jews Blame JFK Assassination on Russia

Jewish Media tries to Blame JFK Assassination on Russians

And notice how they say it was "Russia" and not the Soviet Union. Fucking Kikes

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More Jewish projection

So how long until Russians are responsible for the lolercouster?

Russian Jews maybe. Lee Harvey Oswald was a Soviet guest worker and was allowed to keep a rifle in his home while living in the USSR. He also spent time in Odessa which is where the soviet assassin school was.

I wonder if they made this their symbol on purpose

They'll be behind 9/11 in less than a year.

It was Jewish Mafia and Israel who murdered Kennedy.

Yeah, that's what I've been thinking for a while now… Their inevitable move is to blame Russia for some crackpot 9/11 conspiracy to justify war against them. The Jews just never stop

Didn't see this coming…

btw anyoen have links to the boxer testimonial for trump's presidency about how he went into trump tower to get hired and he was hired on the spot? Also a link to the one where trump gave dinner to police protecting his hotel or something like that

More evidence that the kikes are responsible.

Did we ever get anywhere with Ted Cruz's dad and Oswald?

forgot pic



How do you know that kennedy (or someone else) was shot by jews.
When said jews blame someone else for it. Eg. Russians.
Because jews own media. Someone did somethig=they did something, otherwise it wouls not be mentioned


Well I think it's safe to say that Russia had no part in it.

Russia will never be blamed for the Holocaust. It will always be evil Aryan Notsees.


I'm starting to enjoy sentences that begin: "Newly released documents," and "Unnamed sources say. . ." What follows is nearly always translated straight from Hebrew. Fucking lel.


Oswald was a Marxist just like commiefornia

9/11 is old news, and too much has been done to pin it on the Jews' Middle Eastern enemies. Watch for the next one, though – Boston came close, with the terrorist being a Chechen, but more is needed before we clamor to nuke Russia. Watch for the fabled (((Russian Mafiya))) to pull some shit like a random apartment bombing in Newark. The very next day, literally every media outlet will be on the same page about how this was clearly the work of Putin. After all, newly released documents prove it, goyim!

In the Jew's mind, we are all guilty. Forever.

fuck these (((people)))

Oswald, if he was in fact involved at all, was just a small piece of the puzzle.
I personally do not think he was involved and I instead believe it could have been mafia or (((them))). It may have even been a deep state coup d'etat. But the only thing certain is that it's deeper than just Oswald.





We all know who it really was

Nahum Goldman and the World Jewish Congress gave the final order.

Don't forget that JFK had gone to West Germany in June of 63. JFK was very popular with Germans and sought improved relations. I think this may been another reason the Jews had him assassinated.

To be honest, it probably was Russia.

If you look at Oswald's life it's blatantly fucking obvious that he was a KGB agent. They didn't want the public to know this because they didn't want it to escalate into WW3, so they escalated the proxy war in Vietnam instead because they didn't know what else to do.

Now of course what they kikes don't want people to remember is that:

1) The USSR does not equal 'Russia'. The USSR was a Jew communist social experiment that failed.

2) It was actually the Jews since they had near total control of the Soviet intelligence services and secret police. They were working in tandem with the Israelis. The USSR was the "Israel" before Israel was created.

NEWSWEEK! A publication so respected and revered it had to go online-only. Jesus fucking Christ.


Let's not forget Jack "Ruby" (((Rubenstein)))

Never both the USSR and Russian Federation were/are massive proponents of the holocaust myth second only to Israel

This is excellent

Not that I know of, however the whole Cruz and involvement in the fair play for cuba campaign in NOLA seemed pretty legit to me.
Why Lee was involved is a really murky mystery to me though.

(((Breaking news)))! New documents reveal that JFK was murdered by that evil bigot, Vladimir Putin! Oy gevalt, what a shoah!!!

I'm going to use that whenever I encounter obvious bullshit.

Some good potential for reaction macros in that first one.

Lel. They sure rev up those scapegoats recently.

We got him to drop out of the race, seriously anyone who thinks it's bullshit pay attention to the time frame between the evidence and discussion about teds CIA dad and his leaving the running

so true

Very interesting

The shame of it is how would we even get justice for it? Strip the families of all assets? All the people involved are old or dead.

Lol. CIA did it, literally a Mossad company.

You all got jewed and will die of creep same as any country which got jewed.

I wonder how many fucksticks are just going to believe this crap because they were told to? We've fucking known it was the (((CIA))) for decades now.

I thought it was Soviet Union back then.

But it was Russian NKVD [98% jews] Russian secret police during the Soviet Union who orchestrated the Holocaust lie. The Russians of today have nothing to do with the soviets of back then. Most of the Soviet cancer has fled that Republic and infiltrated in our Europe, went to Israel or fled to the US, especially when they found out that the Russian government after the Soviet collapse was not going to placate to them on hand and feet unlike the US.

This isn't a well-researched topic but I reckon it's a potential gold-mine.

People should look into the per-cursor of the CIA which is the Office of Strategic Services

It was full of both Jews and Shabbos Goys

Holla Forums got jew fatigue?

Is there a more normie friendly version of that second pic?

Are you trying to imply the USSR wasn't 100% Jewish?

Sick and tired of posting it user. I assume it be common knowledge that JFK was alerted to the US uranium theft by the FBI and JFK was planning to boycott Israel over these treasonous acts if they did not return all of their Uranium and start the de-manteling process of Dimona. Due to israel's illegal pursuit to nuclear energy and it's nuclearization with tactical yields was the main reason JFK got executed. Not only that, they knew his son knew the truth as well and when he decided to run for senator vs Hillary, they killed him in plane crash to prevent having to deal with him when he ran for president. His presidency was simply confirmed the moment he ran for senator.

Off course to normies this shit is all 'muh conspiracy theory'.

Not only that, the current Russian state still upholds the holocaust lies and passed sort of hate laws against kike hatred.

Not only that they actually tried to use the UN to make denial a international crime.


Their families are still at Yale, Harvard the alphabet agencies and silicon valley and they are still fucking the country up.

No, the CIA made him think he was working for the ussr when in reality it was the deep state. This is why Oswald was killed.

I'd recommend everyone interested in this thread read Final Judgement by Michael Collins Piper (OP's third image) which exposes the assassination as being a (((Mossad))) plot using the (((Lansky Crime Syndacite))), the Central Intelligence Agency (particularly their Cuban exiles), and Jewish run corporation Permindex. I've only just started reading it myself (I'm just past the forwards and all that), but it lays down a pretty good case so far.

One of the interesting details I've read so far is that the guy who would usually handle Kennedy's public appearance routes wasn't allowed to because his visit to Dallas was designated as a non-political appearance, so it fell to local elites to determine his travel route. Unsurprisingly these elites turned out to be (((elites))). They published the travel route in newspapers to give (the patsy) Oswald a way to have known about what specific route Kennedy would take. Where Kennedy got shot was basically a perfect killzone for a sniper. Two other good places (other than where Oswald allegedly shot Kennedy) to take shots would be the infamous grassy knoll and the much less discussed Dal-tex building, which was co-owned by (((David Weisblat))), who was a major financial backer of the ADL and housed the office of (((Morty Freedman))), who was an attourney, a garment manufacturer and a Jewish affairs activist. Freedman was partnered with ((((Abe Zapruder))), who is well known to be the person who profited most directly off of the assassination having coincidentally been the one to film it,

Anything to deflect it off themselves


I believe that N.Korea has Israeli-made nuclear weapons, purchased from Iran.

(((They))) REALLY want war with Russia, don't they? It's insane. The insane neocons probably want their end times moonbatshit insane garbage to be fulfilled.
