IBM study: 90% of governments plans to invest in blockchain by 2018

According to a recent IBM Blockchain research report titled “Building trust in government – Exploring the potential of Blockchains”, government organizations across the globe are exploring use cases for blockchains that can impact their jurisdictions. The IBM Institute for Business Value surveyed 200 government leaders in 16 countries on their experiences and expectations with Blockchains.

One of the outcomes was that nine in ten government organizations plan to invest in Blockchain for use in financial transaction management, asset management, contract management and regulatory compliance by 2018. And seven in ten government executives predict Blockchain will significantly disrupt the area of contract management, which is often the intersection of the public and private sectors.

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How when has no moneys?

This horns been tooted for 7 fucking years, unless the team behind bitcoin gets compromised the jews have to sway.

Article suggesting coin go up, not down…

The bitcoin gold rush already happened, it went from $10 to $3000. Anybody that invested heavily would be filthy stinking rich, although they'd probably have trouble converting their wealth from BTC. I think the next gold rush will be on the crypto that replaces BTC, whatever it is.

For SHTF, silver is a better option because it's a physical object that can only be pried from your cold dead hands. If you get a power outage, you can't access your BTC wallet.

The upcoming fork will probably create a good opportunity for crypto-newfags to get in the game. Anyone who actually has control of their wallet (i.e. doesn't use online wallets like (((coinbase))), etc.) will have their balances duplicated on the new chain. A lot of people will probably sell off their duplicate coins on whichever chain they don't want to use which will temporarily flood the market. Throw in the perceived instability from the fork and I expect to price to drop a lot this week. A lot of people are still waiting to see if the fork is a bluff but if it actually happens the price will drop and then go back up after things stabilize.

I've heard people say ETC might be the next major e-currency due to it being run entirely managed by code.
Plus it's dirt cheap compared to bitcoin at the moment.

The one that keeps getting fucked with? The controlled by kikes?

I put 3 bitcoins in Coinbase years ago when they were more lax. Niggers won't give me my bitcoin because I used a fake name.


Unless the August 1st (((Update))) has consequences. A monetary system which removes Jews from becoming an integral role and where all transactions are crypto secure could ruin their money changing schemes.

What's the difference between ETH and ETC? Isn't ETH controlled by some shady (((banks))) or (((monetary fund))), so same with ETC?


Since this is now the crypto thread. What are the consequences supposed to be for the August 1st fork? I pulled my money out of everything earlier in the week (mostly ETH). Should I go back into ETH?

value goes to 0

Nah, sage.

If coinbase is so shit, then what's a better option for buying coin?

That's my fear as well. I'll be awake to see the crash in real time. I left a small amount of money in USD on coinbase in case it dips a crazy amount. /biz/ is full blown panicking right now since the coinbase backlogs are enormous.

Why is this garbage on pol

lurk /biz

BTC will always be a gold substitute, theres not enough of it in circulation and theres serious restrictions on speed of use that cripple it from being a currency substitute. Ethereum is a much better candidate but I think there will be newer, more agile forms of blockchains that'll eventually eclipse it and bitcoin in value and become as common as USD. Fiat currency is and always will be a ponzi scheme and eventually we're all gonna reject it as a valid form of money.

cool just bought 100k

Coinbase isn't shit. Every fucking exchange gets sketchy during high volume price swings. Coinbase isnt bad as far as exchanges go.

Use mycelium for wallet

I have an old blockchain wallet account with like 33 bucks in it. What should I do with it?

invest in cocaine

Finite crypto coins are a useful fake jew scam to get all those with a little fiat money to give it up and stop using it for real goods being exchanged.
Gold/silver certainly helps though.

What about BitBay? Some user was going on about it, even talking about getting Holla Forumsacks hired as memetic operators for them officially, but dropped off the map before finalising anything.

At this point in time why are you not assuming anything that target /po/acks specifically is not a honeypot or trap unless it started on Holla Forums itself?

Ignoring the control this would give bankerjews over the goys, the idea is retarded from a technical perspective

Go to coinmarketcap > all currencies, and look for coins in the bottom half of the list that are less than 1000 satoshi with a low circulating supply, then go to whatever exchange its on and buy as much as you can.

Also make sure that the coin's developer is still active

You're a fucking retard, from a technical perspective.
Yes, blockchains are (generally) public ledgers, meaning transaction records are public. However, tying an identity to an address is not easy, you can still be far more anonymous than you would be with a traditional credit card transaction.
Also, some blockchains like Monero, despite the ledger being public, are perfectly anonymous.

I'm not sure he's complaining about the privacy so much as it being unwieldy or unsustainable.

that would be ETH

Bought stuff for a mining rig back in May and have mined enough that I could pay about half of it off. It's currently in USD over at Kraken, but I was thinking of just converting it to BTC for the upcoming fork. Anyone else doing anything similar?

With all the hype behind BTC I still can't use it for anything useful. You can buy drugs on the internet and that's pretty much it.
As far as I'm concerned if you can't buy groceries with it then it's useless.
If crypto was going to go somewhere why would it be BTC anyway? I'm not an expert in this stuff but why couldn't the Jewish bankers make their own crypto or just pump and dump BTC and make everyone panic sell?

I just still don't see the usefulness in it for broad applications and I think it's too overpriced to buy in now (though people were saying that when it broke $200).

That is a problem at the moment. Depending on how practical Layer II tech is (Lightning network, for example), it might be mitigated. As a last resort, we can use pruned sidechains to handle the bulk of tx and then consolidate back onto the main chain.

What about your power bill?

It's stocks for poor people, that's why it gets hype.

Bitcoin isn't the best crypto out there. But USD certainly isn't the best fiat out there either. Both only have value because of their utility.
USD is the most supported fiat in the world. Bitcoin is the most supported crypto on the internet.
Regardless, due to the fact that its inflation is capped, it's still good that it's gaining mainstream traction and, if the fork goes well, utility.
So long as the jew controls the Fed, it has infinite pockets. Bitcoin cannot be inflated beyond 21,000,000 and nor can it be easily tracked. It's kike kryptonite. They're begrudingly buying in because they know that, inevitably, crypto is going to displace traditional currency.

My electricity is less than half the national average. I just don't run the ac as much, which kind of sucks in the summer, but I'm writing it off because it'll supply my heat in the winter.

Do you know anything about Dash/Darkcoin? I mined some of it when it cost like $3 a coin and now it is expensive. I think I still have my "wallet" or whatever saved on another drive I don't use, but I remember even then it took a long time for the wallet or whatever to be up to date. If I wanted to open that after a few years how long will it take for it to catch up? Can I even turn it into real money? I don't think it's a lot of money but it is something considering how high dash has gone

Pretty sure it's not that big to sync Dash's chain. I did it in a few hours about 6 months ago. And considering its value, you should go find that drive. You might be able to pull your keys out without even having to sync the chain.
Never done it personally though.