What's going through his head right now?
What's going through his head right now?
"I could of saved them"
why can't leftypol handle a bit of funposting at the expensive of someone they don't like anyway?
Could have.
I reeealllly fucking hate this guy now
He knows that he would have won Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. And he knows that everyone knows.
He's already making plans to take over the Democratic Party. They need him, and he knows it.
Biggest Cuck in a Year of not being a cuck. He blew it.
Trump is a Lion, and people saw that.
If I were him I'd be laughing my ass off, that's for sure.
Bullets hopefully
He is thinking how he can take over the DNC chair.
He definitely failed.
Whether he failed as a sheep dog trying to drag the flock toward Clinton, or failed as a strategist who thought Clinton could legit win against anyone, we'll probably never know.
trump impeached in the next 6 months, B████ wins election
calling it
I don't think you understand how impeachment workd.
enlighten me
There is a fuckton of anti-trumpers in the House. It is plausible.
Many were anti trump only because they thought they'd lose the election with trump
spoilers: They won
The Republican party basically runs the country now. They have better things to do than squabble over Trump.
It depends on his genuine role in all this.
If he was just sheepdogging from the start, he's probably in the Hillary camp of being devistated by the loss and all the time wasted.
If his bid for the presidency was genuine, but he was being compliant out of some kind of DNC/Clintonite intimidation, he's probably thinking about becoming the Corbyn to Clinton's Miliband.
"Better not raise my voice or Hillary will yell at me again."
If the Democrats are smart, they gonna put him in charge.
They cheated, it didn't prosper
Hillary likely holds no political clout within the Democratic Party and the best she can hope for at this point is minor appointee positions. If this isn't the case, the Democrats have doomed themselves to irrelevancy, and we can look forward to them withering away in the coming years.
It's not about being smart. They know he wouldn't serve their corporate interests, they never will want to do it. Doesn't mean it won't happen anyway. I mean, the RNC didn't want Trump either and look what happened.
I' really liking the new doom Paul.
"The Party is mine now"
Noam Chomsky is 87.
Jane Sanders is younger and has slightly better politics anyway.
Should have praised kek tbh lads.
Bernie will be dead in 3 years.
Hilary will be gone in one
Someone has a pic of Sanders in a heart-shaped box?
Bernie will have a second spring
We got cheated.
GOP was more about Neocons vs Tea Party and Trump belonging to neither getting heavily underestimated until it was too late.
VP becomes Pres, VP then picks new VP.
The brand new house he got paid off with.
Bernie fucked you guys. DEAL WITH REALITY!
"I wonder if the bull was satified with my prepwork."
That reminds me, hass that retard Cher been institutionalized yet?
His house is literally a fucking dacha:
Elisabeth Warren anyone?
She's a worse sell out than Bernard
I too, would like to know where. This is relevant to my interests
umm…on his yt channel?
Oh well, at least he's an entryist who can seize the opportunity to exert influence on the now rapidly shattering Democratic Party.
who cares tbh? they probably threatened to rape her granddaughter or something
I think his gambit worked, he has supported the Lizardwoman as hard as he could, with her failure now he is free to shit on Democrats as he pleases since Clinton's appeals to centrism have proven not to work
He was the man we needed clearly not the one we deserved. Despite what most people think. But let us bow our head in silence as we remember the memes.
Quads and double dubs double confirm Bernie's entryist plan. Operation Perestroika has not been called off.
He's been vindicated, and many people in the party are now speaking freely about how they feel about the whole thing.
DId anyone save the doo bernie images from the cyclical? They'd be really useful right now.
Based Lenin
I hope the Democratic Party completely disintegrates
Bernie for 2020 amirite
A bullet.
From his own gun.
What's Duckworth like?
I don't really follow congressional races outside my own state, so all I know is that she's a badass ex-soldier with a robot leg and I'd totally watch a movie about her cleaning up Washington BY FORCE.
Wish people would stop pushing this huckster. He had his chance. He blew it by not really trying. There are better people out there.
I dunno, he may become the most powerful non-republican elected official once Obama bows out.
If this election doesn't galvanize her to run, i don't know what will
How is she a sell out?
Because she fell in behind Hillary at a crucial time when she could've helped build something with Bernie.
She was only behind her after she won. Do you expect a democrat to side an outsider with an insider that openly?
Someone needs to make a version of the OP image with "YOU COULD HAVE PREVENTED THIS".
Confirmed for not having followed the election at all
I expected someone that always advertised as being a principled person to act on principle.
She only threw her support when there was a clear winner.
And I expected a party member to follow the partyline. Her refusal to pick one candidate is good enough (the only female holdout in a long while)
We already played this game eight hours ago here
You're already believing in a jewish cabal that robbed The People of their candidate.
The stomach needs preparation to digest the red pill.
Uh do you realize that we don't just believe that all economic and political elites are Jewish? And furthermore we do not even believe that it is elites themselves that are the problem but rather the economic systems and political institutions that necessarily divide the populace into elites and non-elites.
It is not the introduction of a malevolent external entity to an otherwise good system that causes failure, rather failure is built into the system itself.
I realize that you don't actually believe what you say that you believe, this is psycho-analysis 101, I though you *plucks shirt* knew that.
She quit her DNC position over her support for sanders so that's pretty cool
“Donald Trump tapped into the anger of a declining middle class that is sick and tired of establishment economics, establishment politics and the establishment media. People are tired of working longer hours for lower wages, of seeing decent paying jobs go to China and other low-wage countries, of billionaires not paying any federal income taxes and of not being able to afford a college education for their kids - all while the very rich become much richer.
“To the degree that Mr. Trump is serious about pursuing policies that improve the lives of working families in this country, I and other progressives are prepared to work with him. To the degree that he pursues racist, sexist, xenophobic and anti-environment policies, we will vigorously oppose him.”
for such an eloquent answer this response is dishonourable tbh poor show
yeah, the saltyness is truly delicious in that sub/r
"All according to keikaku."
The DNC has been exposed as frauds, class consciousness has been raised, people are sick of the establishment, "socialism" is no longer a taboo word, Trump will be a massive disappointment, and at this very moment everyone wishes this slick son of a bitch was the Dem nominee. People who are calling him a sellout aren't thinking far enough ahead.
Eloquence does not merit eloquence in kind.
Wrong. She is a badass ex-soldier with TWO robot legs. She's got a Bidenesque sense of humor and doesn't seem to have many established policies besides "Democrat," which makes her the perfect vessel to carry Bernie's message.
That was Tulsi Gabbard, another good choice for 2020.
I think this obvious, however there is always a section of the population who respond to that kind of disappointment by saying they haven't gone far enough. If the marginalised group is immigrants, then they see the reason the state hasn't become great again is that they haven't done enough. Maybe it's not enough just to stop them coming in, maybe they need to be deported, maybe they need to be systematically discriminated against. This I think will be the reaction of some people, and that kind of rhetoric is very persuasive on a mass scale because it presents an easy solution to what is in reality a very complex problem, and allows people to manifest a what is actually a rather complex ambivalence as a projected hatred of an external 'other' group which is perceived to be the cause of the problem.
The problem socialists have always had is that it's very easy to turn public anger towards hatred of a marginalised group, but very difficult to turn it towards its actual cause, ie. the established institutions of state and private capital. Perhaps this is because the presented solution in the former view is so simple and easy, whilst in the latter view the entire global economic and political system needs reforming or creating a new. And perhaps it's also because the latter view directly threatens those who are currently the ruling class, whereas the former view directly threatens a group or groups who usually have very little power within a society, so have the least means to argue against the marginalisation.
What I think is absolutely necessary to realise is that this swing in favour of reactionary right-wing populism could very well go of of the following ways: 1. those disappointed with people like trump see the light and become socialists. 2. those disappointed with people like trump think it's because they haven't gone far enough and elect people even further to the right, eventually leading to outright fascism, and potentially the suspension of democracy. There's no reason to think 1 is any more likely than 2, and given the current way the world is going I would say 2 looks more likely right now.
Whoops yeah you're right.
Honestly think she's better (for getting elected) entirely on the basis of having issues with muslims because HINDU.