Or you could just get good with money yourselves, Holla Forums. Why so butthurt? Invest in real estate or your 401k or something and shut up.
Jews are good with money!!!
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I hope you do it for free.
i have to wew at that one
Real good at academia too. Seems like all the major power holders in finance and education, are Jews. And what's been ruining our countries? Finance insitutions and academia. But that's just a koinky dink.
That make no sense.
No. Jews worship money. That's why the Jews are evil and the cause of all problems.
The very worst people are disproportionately of Jewish blood.
Most Jews are just normal people.
Jews act as an international tribe always willing to help to benefit each other but also this tribe makes sure its opposition feels bad if it was to do it. White people can't be tribal since the philosophy they've been taught derives from this internationalism, similar to how international capitalism is essentially global slavery. Where slave labor competes with white people trying to raise a decent family, and who wins there?
Well the Jews were the ones behind the African slave trade to North America, a weapon to use against whites in its time but over the decades got millions more killed in brother wars, and so on till this day.
Jews are a decent adversary but we havn't even begun to fight yet.
Lazy. If you're not a shill, don't let your jewish "friends" cloud your judgment. There are no good jews.
t. has never met a kike in his life
Most jews are manipulative with sociopathic tendencies. Many jews turn to faggotry, furry shit and assorted cancer. Also these stereotypes about jews doing most bizarre shit to earn money? They're not lies. I knew a kike who would buy ice cream and cones from a local store and sell them to kids at primary school for 10 cent profit each. Kikes are the worst.
Hey, are you Jewish? Just asking.
Goldman Sachs doesn't create jobs. The geniuses of Goldman specialize in generating obscene salaries for themselves while helping send American jobs abroad.
Trump said he wanted rich people to do for the country what they had done for themselves. Here's what Gary Cohn did for himself: He oversaw the mortgage department at Goldman Sachs in the run-up to Wall Street blowing up the economy with the 2008 mortgage meltdown.
Under Cohn, Goldman's role was especially egregious, as described in detail in a 600-page report issued by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations headed by Republican Sen. Tom Coburn and Democratic Sen. Carl Levin, after a two-year review.
As Goldman was furiously betting against worthless mortgages for its own account, it was hawking this toxic paper to its customers.
Goldman's customers could be wiped out with no skin off Goldman's back. But Goldman was doing the same with its trading partners, and the problem with scamming people on the other side of a bet is that, by winning, you might bankrupt them, and they can't pay you back.
But that's where you come in, taxpayer! To ensure that kazillionaires at Goldman recouped 100 cents on the dollar after the crash, taxpayer money was used to bail out the losers in these transactions – primarily AIG – so that they could pay back Goldman and other Wall Street banks in full.
It was the biggest taxpayer bailout of banks in U.S. history.
Is that what Gary Cohn is going to do for the economy?
Real fucking smart for the young men here. If you're 20 now you'll be 65 in in the 2060s. 45 years from now that's 2 generations.
A whole lot can go wrong in 45 years. And when governments have solvency problems the first thing they do is dip their fingers into retirement plans. Good luck. In the 21st century if you want to be an investor you have to think capital mobility. You need to be able to shift your capital between countries. You cannot do that with a 401k. It's one of the least mobile assets you could have.
Or you know you could come shill for me
Also, faggot. Christians were forbidden from practicing banking or usury in the MIddle Ages which naturally gave Jews an edge. Furthermore, Jews are highly nepotistic. Meaning, they take over media, churches, finance, banking, military and then promote each other. They even have done this in porn.
Exactly. We need our own fucking banking system.
We should become our Jews man.
Jews are good at infiltrating altruistic societies and destroying them with their own generosity.
This is why they all have to die.
Kill yourself OP
Spoken like a true kike. Enjoy the rope, OP :^)
Jews haven't existed since the Second Temple was destroyed, otherwise they'd have built the Third Temple by now.
Meanwhile, the temple of Baal was destroyed a few years back and the (((Rabbinic Jews))) immediately build hundreds of temples to Baal all across the world.
nice one, Shlomo
That's a idsturbing ID.
That's not why we hate kikes, you kike. Go read the Talmud, find out the shit that happens in Israel and what Jews really think of non-Jews and tell me kikes aren't evil.
i hate kikes because they talked my dad into getting my penis mutilated, not because they have more money than me
it'll never matter how much money i have, my hatred for you will never subside. never.