Nazi friend says trump is right and that the fault of all the problems of the usa are the filthy latinos
kek I love this meme keep up with the edits
Does he think of himself as a south American?
I guess my autism paid off in the end.
He says he has pure european ancestry, italian and french i think, he says he is a true latin.
He also posted this image, really made me think
Indeed. So he's a wehabroo
Wow sick ad hominem, remember faggot:
The only correct form of winning an argument is to refute his central point. Which you obviously can't since CA has been blue for half a century now.
It's funny. Whenever I play online games with Trump memeing Holla Forumsacks they are almost always Colombian or some shit.
I never inteded to make an argument in this thread you autismo, i alredy used plenty of arguments that he couldn't refute so he moved goalposts as he does all the time.
Or like you're doing now?
More like a Waffenssboo, though the blank collar patch could mean it's security service.
Why haven't you killed him?
Makes me think about how hard my dick is tbh.
But its hilarious though that he thinks he is "pure european". Most white americans arent every pure european.
Tell him that sakuya is a garbage character.
There's your problem
Which country?
you're worst kind of friend
As someone who is half italian boy do I have some bad news for your friend.
this. Marisa is the true prole 2hu
I want a Kierk meme of this so badly. It would work because he was probably a hunchback
No se puede, tu amigo es negro como el ebano y tiene delirios de blancura, el nunca sera clase consciente
did you know that according to NS race theory it's already irrelevant shiting and destroyed useless genepool if two different european races create a bastard?
he really should read up on that.
What does it mean though?