The level of Holla Forums shitposting thats gonna rock this board will be great...

The level of Holla Forums shitposting thats gonna rock this board will be great. So its better Holla Forums sees this first.
2. We do not care of bourgeois democracy or their candidates
3. We never supported Hillary

Other urls found in this thread:

Sticky please

I just like it when people are proven wrong

Yeah fucking right. Liberals are commies in every way.



I'm just going to add this board to my hosts file I think. I don't lurk anywhere else other than /anarcho/ on Holla Forums anyways, and this place is done for. I can't even begin to be arsed to deal with the shitstorm of autism that is coming Holla Forums's way.


Trump's fascistic demagoguery is a dangerous tendency in America, but that would be so whether he won or lost the election. There isn't yet a mass fascist movement in America. Trump's demagoguery is dangerous exactly because it exploits the real desperation of millions of people, which has been ignored by Obama, Clinton and the Democrats.

Fascism will rise when the capitalist system is truly at peril.

This is absolutely true. The bourgeoisie is best suited by liberal democracy, because it allows free competition between bourgeois interests; but when it's a matter of life and death for the capitalists, they will turn to fascism to crush the working class.

This is what is useful about Trump's (now almost certain) election. He's not a fascist, he's an insincere demagogue. His buffoonery will likely discredit the fascist movement while the Democrats are discredited for losing to him. This is what leaves an opening for the Left.

I don't really care who you support. Leftists are losers. I'm just here to say that we're gonna keep winning until you're sick of it.

To me, the message is clear. The American people absolutely adore being serfs and will fight tooth and nail to be such. They will do everything they can to make sure that their labor belongs to their slavers because if their labor benefits someone other than their lord they will be outraged. Hillary wouldn't be much better, but Trump reminds us how servile the American people are.


Reminder that you can't have it both ways.

That's an interesting perspective. The intractable crisis of capitalism will dominate the course of the next administration. Trump represents a grave danger under conditions of economic and social decay: he is maneuvering for the construction of a fascist movement. In the absence of a truly revolutionary alternative to capitalism, such a movement could gain strength with only feeble opposition from liberals.

Do you really think the left won't totally be discredited in the United States over the next four years? I already have people telling me that because B████ lost to Hillary, he would have been torn apart by Trump. Other people are telling me that it's the B████bros fault that Trump won. Given the Democratic loss today and the fact that it's the Democratic Party which is about to split apart due to neglecting important voter bases (rather than the Republicans, as we predicted), I'd say our chances are gg


To add to this, the actions of the Democratic Party are important because they are what the public at large perceives to represent the left.

Victory has defeated you.

stop being coy, you know you want it.


ned sticky fampai

Nah you fags kept saying "there's no way he'll win" etc. You had a salt thread ready. Kek

you're talking out your ass. the most said was unlikely unless it was some libtard or ctr posting

If you hadn't noticed, the salt thread was outcome-agnostic. Liberal salt is as welcome as aut-right salt.

We aren't Shillary supporters, and liberals aren't leftists. You're better off shitposting on Reddit instead.

I know literacy doesn't come easily to stormfaggots, but if you bothered reading the thread you'd see it was about preparing for either candidate to lose, not just Trump.

Oh, well sorry then.

Read and weep fucktards

It really is retard time.

Some of us supported Hillary out of spite towards Holla Forums though.

Great job, fam


Nice arguments. You really convinced me.

i will copy some of my old posts and other 2 comrades of mine at this point tbh.
We use the other name of cultural Marxism, we call it The culture industry.

Cultural Marxism is about saving culture from the hands of capitalists, ever wonder why the more an artistic medium get capitalized, quality take a back seat to Marketability ? this is the effect of the culture industry

Cultural Marxism "the real philosophy" is the critic of capitalists exploitation and monopolizing the making of culture

Cultural Marxism "the Holla Forumsack scarecrow" is this big conspiracy of the far left trying to have communism by destroying the moral values of the west and cucking them from their wives …..

Now how about you read these people for yourself now ? if you don't that mean you will live in fear from a concept that you yourself wants to be vague and scary.

Even if you took the conspiracy on face value, and actually studied Marx a little, you would find the claim that SJWs replace class with identity, even if true for some, is still missing the crucial endgame of it. Abolishing it. Communists want to abolish class, where's SJW's ingrain and pot identity on a pedestal, rather than abolish it. Their tactics are wholesale reactionary, and tribalistic. Their also funded by Le Soros man, someone who most certainly does not benefit from a society with no classes, state, or currency, which would render people like him completely redundant.

Also, speaking of Soros, does anyone have those article showing him funding anti socialist, or at least anti worker functions?
Again you make the made-up link between gender study and the culture industry "cultural marxism" .

Ever think of how vidya is becoming less good the more the capitalist company behind get wealthy ? ever asked why the AAA sux ?

Cultural Marxism is what will save video games, anime, movies, music etc…

Convince you of what? You didn't post anything to refute, you linked to Wikipedia.

How is liberalism and SJW drivel consistent with historical materialism?


I'm sure DA JOOS are behind this and tricked the white man

for the millionth time

Oh, I understand all this perfectly well.

But I'm still having a wonderful time here tonight. Stay beautiful, you comme faggots.

General is hunting for liberal salt, try going there

You are however filthy globalists who want to see America get browned.





The working class loses as long as any empire is left standing. You silly right-liberals.

You are quite welcome to stay if you want to shit on liberals.





I'm actually laughing.

It's ok fam, enjoy your neo-liberal candidate.

Oh wow gee u sure got us there fam. Yup yup we're all blue haired feminazi SJWs who love identity politics, to be sure. What an accurate assessment, it has Marxism in the name so it must be Marxist, just like Not Socialism is totes mcscrotes the same thing as Socialism, yup yup uh huh you cracked the code you solved the case gg leftism btfo forever.

ffs do some fucking research first goddamn.


When will it sink in that this isn't the candidate Holla Forums promised themselves he would be

Plus that Holla Forums didn't start its existence riding out the angst still after the Bush Administration, that in their current incarnation, Holla Forums would contradictingly support.

You rallied behind an establishment Republican, so I don't think you would find it rude if we called it what it is

You are establishment Republican voters

Trump voters will realize this during the first month or so of his presidency.

"Drain the swamp!"


Not an argument.


Should add:


If anything it seem's were autistically opposed to anyone who might have an identity that's magnetic towards the current biggest trends in idpol.