RednBlackSalamander Originals Wanted

We've had A. Wyatt Mann, we've had Ben Garrison, and for quite a while we even had Sarah Andersen. Hell, even the degenerate tranny Xophie Labelle couldn't escape our liberating grasp in the ongoing hunt for original uncensored kike-bashing comics, so it's with great displeasure that I have managed to uncover yet another artist whose art has fallen victim to the kikes; RNBS, otherwise known as RednBlackSalamander.

As you can see from the pics related, this one has been by far their laziest operation, with many of his artworks looking satirical due to remaining close to their original forms instead of more heavy-handed edits in the cases of those mentioned above. Below is the source link to all of his kiked out edits, so that you may use them to locate the originals:
Happy hunting.

Other urls found in this thread:

so this creature hates ICE and roe v. wade?

not surprising

The priest should be changed to the rabbi saying "now hand over the 3. Billion for Israel, I have Palestinians babies to kill.

Literally who?

Have fun, lads

Sorry, fixed.

A promising start

Decided to have a go at the ICE one

Also here's one with a black star to conform to the monochrome nature of the original

Trying another

That Rabbi still looks decidely Aryan, user. Thankfully for us you can tell precisely what (((they))) did in order to turn him into a fake priest, including the fact that shiny patch of hair is quite clearly a skullcap.


Nice nice

What retarded propaganda. Why would America lure in illegal aliens just to waste resources catching/deporting them?

You're right user, i dug harder and found the original.


REAL ORIGINAL found. Their first version de-empphasized the second part of the quote.

Original version from the tape backups i acquired.

sorry for all the iteration

Bretty good.

Looks like it suffered from bit rot. text tweaked and star of david fixed.

Nice. Only problem I see at this point is that the hair doesn't look right near the edges if you see what I'm saying. I'd recommend transplanting part of the edit back onto the original version and using a combination of the wand/hue tool instead of a brush/bucket to avoid those jagged edges.

BTW I want the name of that font and being the lazy fucker I am can't be bothered to run the original you found through a font identifier, so I'd like to know what it is.

I don't know why OP didn't post the original version of this, but whatever

damn nigga this one's already 🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯


Good but missing the Jew sideburns.

another OG that OP overlooked. I could do this all day

Noice, very exploitable. They're like smuggies


I honestly don't get this cartoon. I mean, it makes sense on Holla Forums but from a shitlib perspective, I'm stumped

I Know, feel the same way.

double checked

Holy crap, I did it!

The message is: avoid the "purity spiral" and unite the left against fascism, before it's too late. The artist just doesn't know how to meme responsibly.

None of them make a lick of sense honestly. I think the cartoonist might be schizophrenic. Cartoons are supposed to make issues easier to understand.

This, he's clearly mentally ill.



2nd one is actual leaf level shit



that's already a Holla Forums-tier joke, how does he fuck up that bad

Only the liberal mind would find this to somehow be a slight.
I can't even wrap my head around what this cartoon is trying to get across. Honestly, how is that bad or how can it be construed as bad?


Fuck I hate political cartoonists. It's always some obtuse idiot with abysmal artistic talent trying to make themselves seem more clever by masking their opinion in pretty colors, and if the art isn't so on the nose you wonder if it's ironic, they either label everything or write a paragraph in a speech bubble. It's self fellating nonsense, the sad part is that their audience is usually a few degrees more obtuse and stupid than them.