Other urls found in this thread:

Citing "multiple sources," The Post's Page Six reported that Scaramucci's wife, Deidre Ball, filed for divorce after three years of marriage because of Scaramucci's efforts to get close to President Donald Trump.
Ball, who worked as a vice president for SkyBridge Capital, the firm founded by Scaramucci in 2005, reportedly "despises" Trump, according to the Page Six report.
Scaramucci and Ball were said to have started dating in 2011 and married in 2014.
"Deidre has left him and has filed for divorce," one source told The Post. "She liked the nice Wall Street life and their home on Long Island, not the insane world of DC. She is tired of his naked ambition, which is so enormous that it left her at her wits' end," the source said, according to the gossip publication. "She has left him even though they have two children together."

Scaramucci was named the White House's communications director on July 21, which was immediately followed by White House press secretary Sean Spicer's resignation.

Scaramucci appeared to respond to reports of the divorce news by tweeting on Friday: "Leave civilians out of this. I can take the hits, but I would ask that you would put my family in your thoughts and prayers & nothing more."

He seems like a real shit bag. Those sort of guineas are essentially the same as Jews, it's no wonder he ended up married to a Jewess.

Bitches being bitches. New western woman wedding vows. For better or whenever I change my mind.

Are you sure she's a kike?
That's about the most non-heeb name you could think up.

She did this specifically to give the kike media ammo for the next 6 months as their divorce proceedings go public and she claims he abused her and her children and their dog and everyone else under the sun. I'm sure she will also get a generous child support and alimony settlement for the next 20 years.

I wouldn't be surprised if she was literally paid millions by the DNC to do this.

Deidre? That's completely a kike first name. "Ball" you can assume is short for some kike name. She ain't Lucy's daughter, that's for sure and with the nose on her…it's a 95% chance.


It's a very Irish name.

Jumping Jesus that nose.

She has to be a Jewess with that face. I'd be shocked with that face.

Excellent! Good luck!

Not in the ZOG. That's a Jewess name. As you can see by the nose, it speaks for itself.

This is pure evil,that's why never marry kikesses let the black men have them.


No wonder she went out. Hopefully he made a prenup.
I think Sharkamucci has a decent dating pool opening up though


Jewish women prefer Black men anyway, that's why their people are always pushing it.

Trump is going to live to regret having this guinea around him. And the children of that marriage will be something like the Anti-christ. the Jew-Guinea combination is fucking lethal. And this fucking asshole..I grew up with these type of scum, they are barely human.

Fucking hell lads, that's a god damn strapon nose.

Look at that fucking beak

Well judging by that nose that literally dwarfs the rest of her rat face I would guess definitely a jew,after a little digging so far all I can find on her is vague references that she was raised by a jewish family and is a religious jew, can't find anything concrete linking her ethnically.

Unfortunately this isn't uncommon those fucking harpy's attach themselves to upwardly mobile goy constantly.

Personally I don't give a fuck about that stupid whore and getting rid of that rat preibice is definitely a plus.

if only thing this guy ever accomplished was getting rid of Rinse Penis, its enough

(((Aronberg))) is looking like he's been taking poz loads in the neghole for a while now. She's cute for an older lady, hard to tell what she is though.


My thoughts exactly.

Imagine the face without makeup first thing in the morning if that's what it's like with professional makeup and a $700 shekel haircut.

Whew, user. You really hate these people. Did they kill your dog or something? or your goat?

Its Rinse Penis.

Fuck off, Scaramucci is exactly what he needs to be.

Only an Italian could piss off his kike wife like this. God I love those spaghetti niggers.

Jews utterly BTFO

Hideous for sure and proly something like pic related.Whats funny is the divorce seems to be because she is an anti Trump liberal shitstain.LOL



Just think what that looked like before surgery.

So is Harrison Ford

Absolutely JIMPACTED


Does that mean that most of the "white" women who date blacks are actually jewish?

It's a well known fact that jewish chicks love black dick.

Can he reject it?

Nigger, it's the CY+2.

I don't know about dating but in porn this is definitely the case.



What's he responding to?

War were declared
There are combatants and civilians

praise kek

No woman trying to divorce her husband says "leave the children out of this." They always try to manipulate the children.


Agreed. Women are shallow and vicious. They will use children as weapons any way they can!!

don't forget that before he got a job opening he was openly against Trump in every way possible
this faggot is the fidget spinner of politicians

If he goes against Trump in any way he gets the axe, and he knows it.


holy shit



that 2nd pic Mooch looks like he is about to go mma on that little rat Rinse Penis.

He's in a power pose for fucks sake.

scaramucci sounds like a jojo character

Requesting MP4 of Mooch with shark eyes with Captain Quint voiceover. That was awesome OC


We're living the Modern Day now.

Yea like …



That's what you get for marrying a Jewess, dumb guinea.

Obviously the cunt doesnt understand that there are more important things than money. Watch the bitch try and take custody or some shit.


The Mooch Confirmed Lightning Thrower

Silhouetto Men on suicide watch.


Holy fuck, if that's true than Scaramucci literally chose Trump over his wife

(Checked) trip ducks

Jew nosed wall street urchin wife BTFO

what a great reality this is

Mooch reveals he might actually be a real /ourguy/!

We memed too hard when we started the Teflon Don meme and now he's becoming an actual mob boss




Check'em dub dubs

Race realism aside, I don't understand the logistics of how you could even kiss a woman like that without getting stabbed in the eye with that honking fucking beak.

plz don't burry in desert




feels good man

Should be a banner tbh.






Wait, what?
Is… Is it time?

The rat acknowledges he's doing it for the jewblins and yet it still isn't enough for the cunt? Imagine that, a woman that isn't satisfied.


Someone with some photoshop skills needs to make The Mooch glowing-eye my power is growing meme while he's belt posing.

holy shit

Didn't he have a kid with this kike? He added to world jew count.


ive been out of the loop for a few months, can anyone tell me why mooch hates bannon?

He's sounds lie a faggot. He would fit in well with that gay homoerotic manga and their faggy poses.

The best way to deal with a Jew is to become like the Jew.

Benis is that you?


Hey Holla Forums what number are you?


From the bits I've seen so far, seems like they disagree on the moves Trump should be making right now.
Also seems like they both see each other as only wanting to get close to Trump to gain power.

what does it mean?

it means you're part of civilization

I can live with that.

Exactly what I was thinking.
Here's the thread:


Is pagesix a load of shit? This is pretty entertaining.
The amount of alleged kvetching is priceless.


Mines like that too. I'm about 1/4 each of English, Scottish, German, and Austrian-Hungarian for that it's worth. Anyone have the other images to this with the nose or know their source?

tfw Golden haired, red bearded fair skinned man with english, celtic, german, and italian genes and my foot falls under the greek category? American white genetics are fuckin weird.

Greek foot, despite being spaghetti nigger / german.

> Honey, you need to choose. It's ME or Trump!.
< Easy choice babe, I'm heading for Washington tonight.

im some kind of mutt between roman, greek, and egyptian. im italian. my toes go in order from bigger to smaller from left to right, but my left 3 toes are the biggest by a lead like the roman toe, but my "index" toe is about as long as my big toe.

Many Italians have Greek genes. Not the Turk-contaminated modern "greek" genes, but original Greek genes. The original Romans came from Greece.

Hey Sean, have you found work yet?

For a reportedly ambitious man, he didn't set his sights high when it came to a wife.

sicily was essentially an island greeks moved to from ancient greece. before the enrichment.

luckily many of them that lived in the mountains didnt get enriched because arabs are too lazy to climb a mountain.


Weapons are made to be used. "Production for use".

Seems legit.


Calm down, Sean.

He posted that he's deleting old tweets so as not to be a distraction; he Trump man through and through now so his personal opinions don't matter. Apparently, he thought that tweet should be left up.

Go back to reddit, wop.

Get rinsed, benis.


You too spaghetti nigger, back from whence you came.

It's sure not going anywhere now.


Checkin that creation of concensus.

Likewise. I'm Germanic/Austrian and French.

Roman reporting in.

Have some mediocre OC that I'm really impressed with because I have no editors installed and did it through the command line

Scaramucci is the sort of man that gives warning to his enemies, just because he likes the smell of their fear.

but user, now Rinsed Penis is a bigguy and Mooch is a manlet…

u rike?

I guess I have guido feet.

Poor Mr. Spice. But I don't feel like he can compete with Scaramucci in any way.

nice, that blew my sides into orbit

definite rikes banner men user.

You guys realize he's being critical of Hitler here, right? He's saying Hitlers stance against the Jews was based on envy and jealousy, and that taking such positions destroys society. He married a Jew for fucks sake, he's obviously not Jew wise and demonizes his political opponents with "literally Hitler!" just like everyone else in our Jew run society.

Why would he marry a jewess with a nose double his lenght? Long noses are useful in the desert for cooling the hot air but not in NY.


how about whatever literal meaning he may have had with that tweet meming it into something else entirely is always possible whether he personally agrees with it or not.

Maybe he is jew wise now considering they are getting divorce.Best to stay positive and make memes reality.

Hitler didn't always hate jews either yet grew into detesting them as the truth of them was revealed maybe mooch will have that same watershed moment irregardless no more rinsed penis so net win.

Why play into ahh hur dur thats not what he meant by that goy when instead we can rock it till the wheels fall off and btfo some rat faces?

Next you're going to say Ben Garrison doesn't really hate jews and niggers.

There's no meme potential here. Attempting to twist a statement into what you want it to be isn't savvy or clever, just desperate and pathetic. And how are you going to "BTFO" anyone but yourself by engaging in that kind of wishful thinking?

Sometimes I think a lot of you are so disconnected from the day to day world that your only social interaction comes from this website. How else do you explain interpreting a tweet that way? You view Hitler so positively you forget how he's viewed by the normalfags and that any reference to him is pretty much always going to have a negative connotation.

Cadre shills and idiots want you to believe otherwise, user.

Pink polo. Ever fucking time. Ah, what a nice little cuck. She is fuckable and will find a real man easily.

Whose feet are these? Because the second picture is literally me.

It's the same as that ridiculous ad comparing Trump nationalism to Hitler nationalism. It made both Trump and Hitler look good.

Greek, which is weird as I am Nordic and potato nigger.


She's qt. I hope she ends up finding a nice dude while cucky there gets eternally meme'd on by friends and family.


Greek? My parents never came from greece!

assumptions and negativity you spewing indicative of a kike in constant butt hurt,you trying to wean off your ssri's nigger.

No meme potential ? Yet its already being memed you black pilled faggot.Why don't you take your crying bitching shitskin jew ass back to 4 cuck nigger.

Give him time. He thinks he's john gotti. He has the Jew attitude only without the tribe and the guilt complex to back it up and excuse their crimes. Just awful human beings who only understand actual violence/impending violence.

Watch it unfold and deconstruct over coming months (weeks) and then you can think back to this thread. He thinks he can get away with anything now, charging around white house it those fucking sunglasses. it won't stop until Trump has to shit can him, or he goes to jail.

Fucking daily mail is so bad, they don't even bother to block out the idiot's license plate..


Two kids. But at least the kike ain't going to raise them.
Does Scaramucci look like the kind of guy who would let someone take away his kids?

You know how I know you're a leftist shill?

He's just a poor boy from a poor family, he dindu nuffin.


Underrated post

Your tribe has gotten away with a lot more than you've punished for Hymie. You're still here causing bullshit.

SJWs always project.

Soon sheenie.

Who cares, with that tweet up we can meme him into being whatever we want him to be.
Ben couldn't resist us, what chance does this guy have?

Crawl back to whatever hole you came from faggot.

Imagine Mooch as being just your typical guy who comes to the chans to see what all the fuss is about and ends up getting so redpilled that he can no longer look his wife in the face without his blood boiling.

If you're reading this Mooch, you're welcome nigger.

Sean, you will always be my mobile suit of choice.

That was in 2014. Things change. People learn. Redpills get taken.
God forbid we pull up some of your thoughts from years ago.

Anyone have the Mooch with shark eyes MP4 handy?

No. Now he gets to parade the spawn upward as "his" while they think of him as nothing more than a host. Completely parisitic strategy.


datamining 101

It's all good for Mooch. He gets to hang out with the President and become the subject of many dank memes. He's going to like his new life.

He didn't choose the Mooch life.
The Mooch life chose him.

I can vouch for this. Women initially have 1 power over men. Pussy. After they bear your children they then have 2. After a while they will slack off greatly in the bedroom as they now use the 2nd option of power. When u finally say screw it and try to leave them and no longer care about their pussy they will double down on 2nd option. Motherfucker you wont ever see ur kids again, this and that and blah blah blah. They always throw the kids in the mix. My husband cheated that sorry bastard. How could he do this to me and the kids! When the guy prolly just got not getting laid anymore and working his ass off to support her ass and getting shit in return.


This one had to be done.

guineas have a Jewess weakness because they think all Jews are great financial minds like Meyer Lansky. John Gottis wife Vicky was half Jewish. Louie Milito's wife was Jewish. I think after a while they see through the bullshit as most wiretaps I hear they are railing on the Jews, beating them down, shaking them down etc. Similar to Joe Pesci in Casino going off on De Niros character telling him he is a no good Jew motherfucker and he will bury his kike ass in the desert if he ever tries to back door him again. Then he fucks the Jews wife for good measure showin him who the cuck is.

Dangerous times will Scareacoochie. They prefer a sure thing. The easy road. She'll beg to come back when after the dragon has been slain

She's his dragon

My ethnic mixture is Celtic and West Germanic (with some Central) but I've an Egyptian foot. Doesn't surprise me, since the founding Egyptian civilization was done by Nordics, with many red-headed Pharaohs. I was born with red hair but it darkened over time, and it wasn't ginger either, it was proper red.


We need ppl with balls to to the job not these faggot cucks and trans like penis or michele

Men rule this world its not our fault just the way it is and them bitches better fall in line or get shown real quick they aint a man and do what the fuck they told.

inb4 mysoggarussia ilafnlnlfdnbadfnglanrvlnglrnalfvnalsfvn

Its just nature fucking deal 2 gender a cock and a pussy period stop being a fucking jew faggots

Holy shit you could land fighter craft on that nose.


I have these feet. I am a mutt of white races on my fathers' side, but appear a very typical Welsh. My
mother is spanish (as in spain) and salvadorian

These are underrated. I can't tell if they are different from each other, but their size ration is good, and you've left just enough of their shoulders visible to get a better read on their body language.

is awesome, but a little forced.

Great contributions, everyone.

Scaramucci Scaramucci!
He went after Jew pussy!



loyalty to the (((tribe))) is placed above all else, even family.
similarly, it could be said that is the reason (((benis))) got fired…he had other (((agendas))) that were in direct conflict with "MAGA/America First"
it's also the reason globalist dicksmack (((kushner))) needs to go next.