Australian schools grooming students
website looking at the
what can we do about shit like this? Any australian meme outlets we can access?
I'm furious.
Pedophile agenda in Australian Schools
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This is very disurbing and those fags are politically active. They should be gulag'ed to desert because they are too dangerous.
Someone who says it's both [bigoted to chastise gays] and [being gay is a choice], are saying gays are superior. Makes sense, especially since they act like they are.
So, they're trying to make Brave New World a reality? That will end well…
Roz Ward got sacked from her position about 6 months ago after attacking a trump supported in the street in Melbourne. I think the safe schools program has been dumped.
do you have a source for that? I've got a pit of fuming aussies who'd like to know more.
safe schools was dumped months ago much to the chagrin of fag loving lefties
There was something in The Australian newspaper about it a couple of weeks ago. Behind a paywall.
This bitch triggers me in some weird way. I feel justified to knock her out on site for some reason.
webm pls
create profiles of each person and link them to safeschools, some simple infograph
i think there's some guys who call themselves 'dingoes' who have a podcast or something
there's also mark latham, who's tackling all the weird untalkable shit on his shabby show on rebelmedia
Anotther fun fact: She is an active member of the Socialist Alternative.
Australia is a shabbos goy gulag with superceding pedo jew priest class that is above the government (which is a corporation owned by the Rothschilds). Never, ever, ever come here.
t. ausfag
what reasons are there even to visit australia?
tell me you kangaroo fuckers
no mexicans, beaches are less crowded and free to visit.
Thats a girl?
aren't there abos, gooks and loos though? also what do you mean by free to visit beaches? ofcourse a beach is free to visit.
some burgers have to pay to go to beaches and beaches can be owned there unlike Australia where a beach is considered public property.
I have been to over a dozen beaches in 5 different states and never had to pay to go to any of them. Private beaches are exceedingly rare here, but then again I guess it depends on where you live.
The only closest thing to paying to visit beaches I've known in America when I've visited santa monica is just paying for parking, and it's so you can park right next to the beach.
Otherwise the beach is free if you just want to walk, it's one of the reasons beaches are actually kinda shitty because they are just filled with homeless junkies, credit card hippies, and mud peoples.
any other questions for the ausfags?
what percentage of people live urbanly vs rurally. And what percentage would you say of the urbanly are shitlords? and be honest now.
we lost 2A in 1997 and 1A in 2012. So when they say the second protects the first they are absolutely right.
rural ~ 25%
if you mean shitlords like us, hard to say, but a growing number.
The rural areas here are very white, you forget non whites exist here, the occasional 3rd generation pajeet or chink. IN large cities pajeets and chinks have taken over.
Melbourne 5million
rest of the state (VIC) 1 million
total population 24 million
I guess I just mean casually racist and uncucked. I've heard good things about how Australia is still fairly casual in racism and that is has to with stuff like not easily being able to ignore the subhuman-ness of the aboriginals.
nothing weird about it as dykes are shit human beings. every single one has a chip on their shoulder and a sense of entitlement. if they were born men they would be manlets.
and as the map indicates there are 2 Australia's, the eastern seaboard with 4 major cities which are all state capitals, and there is the rest with is just a big resource to be extracted, to feed the cities , iron , food, water…
If anything goes wrong in the supply line to those cities it will be mad max for sure. Melbourne has enormous sprawl, you could drive for 2 hours from one side to the other. Because Australia is so flat you can see Melbourne skyline from 50 Km (31 miles) away.
ditto, these fucks are backed by the kikes and trying to normalize pedophilia because it produces fucked up adults that will also be pedophiles
Daily Reminder … KEK was a kike plant
The God KEK was the Egyptian God of Chaos, The Mason/Illuminati motto is Order From Chaos
The song Shadilay and band PEPE with a magical frog on the album, and the fact that kikes own all the media and music labels
is no coincidence. The Shadilay song has the frog, magic and the word Jubal on the record label which appears in the old testament.
Genesis 4:21:And his brother's name was Jubal; he was the father of all such as handle the harp and pipe
KEK is idol worship and occult period and "the bringer of light" literally means lucifer. There is no argument against this except by shills. The term "God Emperor Trump" was coined by them and is what is called apotheosis and is occult. I am a Buddhist so all of this is rather stupid to me but it doesn't change the fact that they believe in the occult and it's purpose which is to mock and draw people away from Christianty. Kek is sac religous idol worship if you are a Christian.
This is Biblical scripture:
Revelation 16:12-17—And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.
It is a gateway into occultism and many believe it unironically
The kikes are trying to lead the right under controlled op into occultism/race war
what did he mean by this?
Australia does have a significant population of poorly educated people who were never brainwashed into the multiculti zog agenda. Unfortunately until quite recently they have very little money and were looked down on as stupid and ignorant.
Now as degrees are becoming worthless going to trade school has cut down of the zog programming and skilled laborers (here called tradies) are becoming more wealthy and don't have to deprogram them selves so much. So casual racism is on the rise again, because tradies get the girls not the brainwashed graduates.
Sorry i just cant put a number on it, but its definitely on the increase. In the rural areas it was always quite high.
I tried to be pretty clear borther what don't you understand?
alrighty. what about general brainwashing that occurs k-12 though? I'd say it's pretty standard anywhere you go in the US as far as public school, whether its in a conservative or liberal area, that they're going to teach your child that MLK was basically a saint and a savior to mankind, also that Hitler is the very incarnation evil and that even if you're white chances are hitler would've personally gassed you for finding some kind of fault.
I find it interesting that these fucktards think it's fine if "they" violate someones personal "safe" space, "assault" them, and to take property that isn't theirs (well, actually, that last one seems perfectly in line with their ideology).
The poz is strong in schools and university. I finished school almost ten years ago and didn't come out totally leftist, but definitely brainwashed with pro globalist views. The difference is that even kids in private school here are total shitcunts and will try to get a rise out others, so few people are genuinely on the multiculti train, most just tolerate it. It's university where the leftism is drilled in hard. The left has a pretty strong hold on people here because we literally had a White Australia policy where we only accepted British immigration for most of our history.
Anyway, things have accelerated very quickly here. Since 2000 the poz has been of epic proportions, the clash of cultural forces is quickly on its way. Go to >>>/aus/ and find some of the threads on the amount of Asians, Muslims and Africans coming here. This are definitely coming to a head within a few years.
They felt that they are entitled to be cunts to everyone because no one have same ideology as theirs. Of course some of them wind up in police station or charged.
This is the EU's Red Danny all over again.
you don't need to know any of that shit to install dry wall. so if they ever knew it they probably long since forgot it. Tradies are frequently people who failed at school and only learned enough math to do + - / and x with a smart phone, nothing else was required. I'm sure many would think of the zog programming, why do i need to know this, i can just google this shit later on. On race its harder to brain wash aussies, you get to see aboriginals who drink metho (denatured alcohol) in the street, so you cant tell kids they were proud and noble people that shit just don't wash.
I told one kid about holocoaster, he google it and then he was like "ok it was all bullshit right"
"thats right mate, but don't scream it too loudly."
holocoaster bullshit is taught in school but kids is much interested in the military stuff than bullshits. Lel. Send the kids to private school that aren't politcal corrected because the public school is shitty unless it is in rural.
its worthy pointing out the typical aussie is quite apathetic about intellectual things, even most of the educated people.
Most educated people only care about sports, their house/land value, and how much they can impress their frenemies, and not much else.
For uneducated people just add in more drinking and drugs as interests and it all about the same. Most aussies are Catholics or atheists so no one really care much about what in the bible either.
No surprises here. It's all jewish.
Are most aussies nihilistic to some degree? I mean, in America there at least exists some idea that America can influence the future greatly and therefore and change the course of the future of mankind, but Aussies don't even have the completeness of the British Empire to think about any more and mainly just come across as folksy yokels that just want to get drunk and hate stuff.
Another question I have for Aussies is simply this:
Why are Canadians shit yet Aussies aren't?
I think there is a feeling here that the rest of the world doesn't exist. There is a sense of isolation as much as there is of nihilism. People here just don't think all that far ahead and are politically apathetic feeling that any politician will either sell them out of just be a lone ignored voice. Fatalism is perhaps a better explanation.
In Australia people are forced to vote or get fined $50. think of it, you have to force people to vote, the apathy is that deep.
Any vote too hard to decipher (ie deliberately defaced by the voter due to DGAF ) is considered a vote for the incumbent.
This is the biggest island in the world with just one country on it, and as long as we suck up to the US (and join in with all the little wars) to protect our shipping lanes were find.
In some ways Australia is a US aircraft carrier at the bottom of Asia and its un-fucken sinkable.
There is some anti US sentiment which has its roots in US troops being stationed here during ww2. but mostly people spouting anti US shit are just lefty fucktards.
I imagine most rural people in the US would have a lot in common with rural people here, the differences would be less guns and bibles.
the last important difference is that Australia never fought for its independence, it just got to a population similar to the the size the US was when it gained independence. the British decided it was time to let them form a country to prevent full independence being agitated for. The other issue was that Queen Victoria was getting old, and it was better to get it done while she was alive than to wait and possibly have it happen with a newer, weaker sovereign.
The queen actually died as the paper work was getting finalized but little changed after her death as the deal was almost done.
1900 Australia is now a country not a colony.
Folksy yokels, a lot of Australians don't seem to be able to be social in the normal way without drinking, and once drunk revert to folksy yokel.
The larrikin (fool/ clown / trickster ) is a celebrated meme here so people don't take them selves too seriously when drunk.
its over 70F here about 6 months of the year, maybe it makes us less miserable than the Canadians who live in freezing temperatures. when its over 105F here its basically expected that people will do nothing but swim and/or drink beer and talk shit. I don't know any Canadians.
Some people get angry when they drink some don't. When its over 105F its easy to drink a lot.
11-13 FlOz beer
in the US people buy 6 packs, in Australia we buy a 24 pack.
Its really hard to understand the drinking culture until you get here. In some settings not drinking would be considered a social faux pas, or make you an oddity in the eyes of strangers.
I think we should give every visitor a beer and some BBQ bacon at the airport and if the don't drink the beer and eat the bacon we should just tell them to get on another plane and fuck off.
we don't mind burgers, we just hate the zog, but a lot of aussies cant tell the difference.
Post a webm at least you dumb faggot.
Unless it's cut into parts, not likely.
Jews trying the jew us out of ownership of our own god.
Shows complete lack of understanding of the true nature of chaos, conflating the illuminati version of chaos (war, strife) with the real thing.
Christianity and KEK are compatible. Jesus died to save us, KeK was born to entertain us. Worshipping KeK is stupid, feeding Kek and using it to further the spread of God's kingdom is just fine and dandy. Race war? Nope, Ideological war, with love, family, civilisation and respect vs islam,zionism and cultural marxism.
Does KeK look like it is illuminati/zionist? Sure. The best weapons slide into an enemy's ribs like they are born to live there
in other words. KYS, kike.
pretty much zero blacks and good beaches
Stick to towns though as capital cities are pozzed and full of faggot shit.
There are places where you have to pay to go to the fucking beach?
t. Commiefornian
pretty sure that in vic it kept going, if under another name.
here in a pozzed town in vic the number of gender fluid teens and parents making their little boys wear dresses is staggering - the council even runs events for them.
the only hope for finding sanity in aus is to find a small town that's worth saving - look beyond the 2030 corridors, though they're trying to economically destroy these places at least some white australia culture still exists there
Wake me up. When the (((media))) starts pushing pedophilia 24/7 like they've done with trannies, the goyim are gonna go along with it
NSW and TAS dropped the "Safe Schools". The primary school version was rebranded as "Respectful Relationships" some VIC PM is also pushing to have "Safe Schools" in place in all schools by 2018 not just public, within VIC.
KEK is here with us for the chaotic transition.
Praise KEK
the doctrine of the anti-semantic book reader
This works on most kike scriptures, like poems, essays, history, philosophy etc etc.
Normal books is where you'll find Their 'instructions', –right in front of you: (Think: The protocols of zion)
It's a fact, and at the same time a conspiracy; –that goes under many names,
to name a few of them… They have ONE thing in common; JUDEN.
Most of “their” ideas are btw stolen, from the original men of genius;
Gaius Memmius, Epicurus, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Democritus, Lucretius etc etc.
(A lot from “the holy Doctrine(Enlightenment)” can be found in Epicurus (and Lucretius) texts for example.)
Let us start with an easy text that looks innocent. (like most kike-baal-ah-diarrhea):
First read the entire web-page, it’ll take you a few minutes, then read the following text, which is
exactly how a kike would have read the text from the beginning.
If this interest you, you are soon to discover the world is a much dirtier place than you could ever
have dreamed of, prepare for the second ‘red-pill’ of mental destruction.
You’ll find the doctrine in over thousands of books/pamphlets, back to late 1500 at least.
Remember kids,
The Elijah message concerns every soul on earth, especially believers, particularly those commandments which relate to adultery, fornication, prostitution, homosexuality, incest and rape of being a trouble.
To pass, Elijah said unto him, Art thou he that troubleth Israel?
And he answered, I have not troubled Israel, but thou, thy father's house of the LORD, Baalam.
Elijah's spoke out: the one and only God who, in the final analysis, controls the fertility by divine law, not by human desire.
Why do with thee, thou come unto me to call my sin to remembrance, [and to slay my son?]
Three and a half year drought, was fact, and that it was on Yah's authority that all productivity depended, in basket and womb, and this blessing is the message.
This is the Elijah Message. The (world is fast approaching a state that) Sexual perversion is now the norm.
Fornication, Adultery and Homosexuality has become fashionable!
these sins are simply a sophisticated 20th century version of Baal and Ashtoreth worship!
To preach the Elijah message in these days requires faith and courage, especially the religious authorities who disregard the Almighty's Sabbath days of Baal and Ashtaroth, they detest It, It angers them. They would rather hear smooth words.
The Most angels that sinned, cast them down to hell, into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment.
the old world, eighth person, preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly, with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;
Lot among them, seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds of temptations, of uncleanness, and despise they (they are), selfwilled, they are not angels, and might, bring railing accusation against them.
But these brute beasts, to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
The reward of unrighteousness, as they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you;
full of adultery that cannot cease from sin; an heart they have exercised with covetous practices, Which have forsaken the right way, are gone astray.
Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved Those who proclaim “our enemy is not men, but error!”
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual sin, not Like The low level sins of the flesh: fornication, adultery, prostitution, homosexuality, incest and rape.
The high level sins of the spirit: unbelief, paganism, commercialism in the churches and Sabbath breaking.
The Power of Truth
Elijah taught the Truth: and he backed it up with breath-taking power. He even raised And he stretched himself upon the child three times.
LORD, O LORD my God, let this child's soul come into him again.
the LORD heard the voice of Elijah again, and Elijah took the child into the house, and Elijah said, See, thy son liveth. And the woman said to Elijah, thou art a man of God, among them ye separate the Lord, and touch not the unclean [thing]
you that is unjust, and he which is filthy, and he that is righteous, and he that is holy, let him be.
Never going to happen. Then again, I live in the US. Don't know about Australia.
Chris Adams
teacher told pedo stories to school kids