Really poorly designed enemies in great games

You know the one. The monster that is completely out of place and never used in any decent fan made maps? Yeah, pic related.


Those fucking fish, holy shit. Just about to start a playthrough on Master Ninja…having second thoughts now.

I haven't played DMC3 in a long time but I remember the angel guys being a royal and tedious pain in the ass.

At least they fit in with the aesthetic of the game world and were suitably punishing.

Jesus. I forgot all about those.

I find those things so fucking weird. Every other monster has a clear way of threatening the player: Shamblers have got a shitton of HP and use hitscan, scrags can fly around to make places denser with enemies, vores make you take cover (or do some fancy dodging), ogres make you either bait their chainsaw or dodge their grenades and there's common enemy fodder. And then that fucker shows up, and the only applicable tactic to defeat them is use hitscan, jump around a lot and hope they don't allahu ackbar you.

spawns are used a lot in fan made maps OP, you should play some more. The Joke spawn is a common thing in the Quake scene.

I don't think the spawn is a bad enemy, it induces panic, it is difficult to control and tends to be introduced in hordes and cluttered spaces.

At least they got that enemy concept right in 4

I hated those and those stupid green blobs that disappear if you lock-on to them, or those chess pieces that turned to stone and you couldn't hit them. DMC3 had such annoying enemies.

Came to fucking post this fucking piece of fucking shit bastard fucking enemy
XX jump XXX
Fuck them

Exactly and the entire reason I made the thread. The absolute perfect example of a monster design being out of place in a bad way.

I've played plenty. I was talking about GOOD maps. Go to Quaddicted and play everything rated 4.5 or better. I would be amazed if more than 1% of those maps had spawns.

I guess the horde of zendar is a bad map then.

I shouldn't have said never, but very rarely is pretty accurate. It's a shitty enemy.

it's a joke enemy in 90% of those 4.5+ maps. You sound very, very, very new to the scene and might want to play more quake, observe more discussion before you act like an authority.

You also don't seem to understand the place of the spawn in design. It is a useful enemy when invoking panic in the player. It's great for ambushes. There are many scenarios that can make it a pleasure to engage with.

Fuck these things

Just use holy arrows man

The saw corridors with the floating shield guys might actually be the hardest part of Heaven or Hell mode.

Holy arrows, flash bombs and fire arrows.

I've played almost all the maps that are 4.5 or higher. Spawns are used as jokes in 90% of maps (90% of about 1% though), sure, if you say so, but precisely because they're a crazy enemy. The thread isn't about the monster fight, it's about jarringly out of place monsters, which they are.

Holy shit this is a video game board, pull your head out of your ass.

Neither do you pal. They're notorious for being shittily designed and out of place. It's a common opinion. You'd know this if you were in the scene.

Pfft. Which is why they're used in virtually no maps of note. You said so yourself. They're a joke enemy. You can't have your cake and eat it.

There's almost no point to these guys existing.

so what are some of your contributions to quaddicted

They're a meatwall that's there because by that point you have the charred ring that makes you resistant to lava. It's not a good reason, but it's a reason.

are you somehow suggesting that critical comments cant be levied against a game unless youve produced content for the game? What are you, seven?

No, I wasn't suggesting that. I was asking you what are your contributions, I'm curious why you have a hard time in seeing the value of Spawns simply because they aren't featured in the highest rated maps on Quaddicted. It's a pretty mediocre justification.

this thing, it's like a case study in why minecraft is ass.
not difficult to kill, does nothing interesting, irritating, tears up your lawn. videogame pest moles.

Am i being trolled? The fact they are almost never used by top rated maps is excellent justifaction of how piss poor they are. Me making maps is irrelevant.

Are people with severe brain damage irl often used as leading men and women in the imdb top 250? Is that a good indication that maybe they would not be a good fit to make a good film? Should i invite you to make a film to try and disprove this?

The only time in the game I got annoyed. This part took me almost an hour.

'Really poorly designed' is perhaps a bit of a stretch for these guys, but I absolutely despise enemies that require you to use a specific weapon to beat them. Especially in this case, since the weapon you need to damage them, the hammer, is the slowest by far and there's always at least two of these faggots at once, so it's easy to get hit from halfway across the arena while your attack is starting up.

In addition, the unlockable power that does the same type of damage as the hammer doesn't hurt them for some reason and the upgraded dodge that causes damage is a downgrade against them. Since their hurtboxes are so large, dodging anywhere near them results in your squad being KO'd.

I love this game, but I roll my eyes any time these things appear on the screen.

Zombies in Thief are perfectly designed though. They're supposed to encourage stealth, avoiding combat and resource management along with a healthy dose of outright terror (particularly for a first time player). Remember here that the game's combat system was somewhat purposefully hard to use because you weren't supposed to be swordfighting fuckers at every step.

Assuming you don't alert too many it's two overhead strikes to put it back to sleep and iirc only one backstab if they're unalerted. Do it somewhere you can avoid stepping on them again and problem solved. Hell you can outrun them just as easily. They're only an issue for a player who isn't methodical enough to plan for them.

Or you know you can just kill them all?

I fucking hate these things so fucking much.

You don't have to use the hammer to beat them, you can block both variations of their foot stomp which leaves them open to any attack and once they are knocked onto their backs you can whip them in order to damage them further ( it may also remove their shell, I dont remember)

Also an option. It's still more effective to knock them down first since it takes half as much to permanently kill them if they're down. This is particularly important in the Cathedral since there's fucking hundreds of the cunts on Expert and your better gadgets are best saved for the Haunts and Apparitions. Granted an experienced player is going to have less of an issue there.

Anyway my point was Zombies in Thief are an annoyance by design so calling them 'really poorly designed' is inaccurate.

and they never drop their fucking pearls anymore but every mod needs a thousand of them to do anything interesting

This, make this fucker steal shit that belongs to you or dismantle blocked YOU have placed, and when on low health it tries to retreat to it's brethren to try and get you killed or something, or build fucking portals and shit.

Poorly designed enemies you say?

I remember when people were hyped for the release of this thing. They thought it would be a spooky, rare enemy that would fuck you up, but it turned out to be an annoying pushover.

Just make a motherfucker that can grab you, the move to get out of a grab is fucking stick waggling, so it only works half the time. Also let's make every place where you can fight them a small room, and put three of them in it.

I hate bosses that completely cockblock you from entire playstyles and techniques. One that comes to mind is the true final boss in Prince of Persia who pretty much stops you from doing any parkour or blocking. Or the DLC boss in Lords of Shadow who cannot be blocked at all(perfect block counters being a very core part of the game) and by the end of his fight cannot be combo'd at all(you have to hit this weakspot on his arm that's a bitch to reach and you have a few seconds to do it between attacks and the aerial combat is shit and does not allow this in a fun way)

Don't forget that the hitbox is huge, the animation is long, the attack always goes across the room, and its completely unblockable


Just do defensive offensive at the last moment. Barely have any problem with their grab move. They were too mobile and tanky though imo.

I didn't have any problems with this game's bosses or enemies, I tried for over an hour to get that waterfall jump on the last level and just fucking dropped it.