Have we reached the bottom yet?
$130 Battlefield 1 Collector's Edition Doesn't Come With the Game
fuck you asshole I'm buying 5 EA shares
Not even close yet, I'm sure it is going to get much worse.
This once happen with Wolfenstein TNO too
The people at EA were like "Sell shit without the game? This is GENIUS! That's even better than making a full game ripping out parts for later DLC!"
Hahahaha, holy shit, this is great. Has this ever actually been done before? Where a company sells a "collectors edition" without the fucking game its supposed to given in conjunction with?
I hope the idiots buy this and rage at Dice. Best case scenario EA loses even more customer brand loyalty
All this without the game itself? How?
Patches aren't free anymore or something? What is this crap?
I don't think it's that kind of patch, somehow.
It would be even more ridiculous if it were though.
Reading and searching by myself : amazon.com
user, this is EA we're talking about.
Nothing they do surprises me anymore.
They mean a physical patch. Like for clothing.
Also, you guys are misunderstanding the point of the TV show. It IS the "game." Think about it. With how much these games have taken to playing themselves, and with the increased linearity every new version, it's the next logical step. A game that you can watch.
It's disturbingly brilliant, in a way.
I thought we'd reached the bottom when everyone stopped making expansion packs with new content and instead started releasing DLC with small samples of content that was intentionally cut out of the original release.
I thought we'd reached the bottom when EA started selling day-one DLC.
I thought we'd reached the bottom when Nintendo and Activision started selling physical DLC.
I thought we'd reached the bottom when Valve and Bethesda tried to put a price tag on mods.
I thought we'd reached the bottom when Valve enabled subscription-based mods.
Paying $130 to not buy a video game is certainly a new one.
I ain't even mad, that shit is incredible. I hope things get even worse just to see how far we can go. This is amusing.
This is some advanced jewry
No matter how bad it gets, remember there will always be people defending it for free.
Didn't either Watch Dogs or Mirror's Edge 2 did this shit as well?
But goys guys! It means you can now pre-order the game then the Collector's Edition without wastefully buying the game twice! Battlefield 1® really is putting the players first!
This isn't really that bad and you guys are getting your panties in a bunch.
What they are essentially selling you is a separate merchandise package.
This means you can go ahead and buy the game used or even fucking pirate the thing and if you like it enough you can get all that collector's edition shit later on.
Bonus being that since it is separate from the game itself, people will generally not just gobble it up. So here's what happens, it sits in a shelf somewhere and collects dust.
It will soon go on sale for half the price, maybe even reduced more.
You guys really need to stop being so god damn reactionary little tumblrites about this retarded shit.
A question before you get stormed by (You)s : What kind of video game marketing would go too far for you?
What's wrong with it?
>the cooler hibiki
It's barely pronounceable gibberish.
Marketing that goes too far? Well i'm not personally really easily tricked by marketing practices so it doesn't really matter to me. I would say, in principle, marketing that goes too far for me is the recent tactic of trying to guilt people into buying into something.
Take the way the Ghostbusters reboot was marketed. A narrative crafted out of a handful of shitty youtube comments that was basically trying to guilt people into seeing the movie. The old fans specifically being mostly white males in or near their 30's. A huge demographic they demonized to do two things, one to guilt those idiots into paying for the movie and 2 to make all the other idiot demographics see the movie as a sort of "fight the power" type of deal.
That goes too far for me.
I think what you're really thinking of is merchandising.
Again, that doesn't really bother me.
Amiibos were brought up earlier but I see no problem with them. Even if they are physical DLC they are at least something to show for the DLC purchase. I have a physical little plastic statue that is an icon of the game, will work with the games (and many other games, mind you) and will last long after anything else. All the other DLC will simply be non-recoverable since 95% of it exists in non-physical means on some servers somewhere.
Although I will say that people can be ripped the fuck off and blatantly too.
Art books that are filled with just images of the in-game model renders are a big fucking rip off.
Oh, and that practice where they gave different pre-order bonuses depending on what store you pre-ordered from. That is complete and utter bullshit to me.
I also find it bullshit that pre-order bonuses aren't given away for free eventually. To me, the whole point of a pre-order was to guarantee securing the physical copy of the game, to be able to play it as soon as the game drops. Since that is no longer an issue, pre-ordering SHOULD only give you an advantage (by some pre-order bonus maybe) that should become available for everybody maybe a month down the line for FREE.
That never happens though. That irritates me.
If people wouldn't buy the special collector's editions in the first place, none of this would ever happen. In 6 months time, the majority of the player base for this game will have moved on anyway, what's the point in artificially inflating the price of what amounts to swag you'd get at a convention? I don't know who's worse; EA, the dipshits that will actually buy this, or the scalpers who will sell these on E-bay for twice the original asking price.
You know, this was the exact kind of shit that Comics went through in the 90's before the market completely shit the bed. How long before the same thing happens to gaming?
As retarded as that is, it DOES at least give you a copy of the game. Digital only, sure, but you DO get the game.
That's miles ahead of THIS bullshit.
It's not like the people who were buying the pre-order addition to Battlefield bothered to read what they were going to get, cares about their consumer rights, or wouldn't defend this shit in the first place.
I'm amazed how low we can get.I want to see to what they will think next time.
I saw people playing the beta and,as many suspected, it's just a reskin of BF3/4, hell they brought back the blinding sun rays too.Without forgetting that half the soldiers of the German/British empire are blacks and France and Russia are out as DLC.It's a trainwreck and i hope after Hardline and Battlefront 3, this will be the game that breaks DICE forever.
I didn't think we could hit any more bottoms after this point.
at least you don't have to pay $130 + $60 = $190
You look at the industry today and still say how it doesn't affect you
oh so you are a corporate whore
So you find the pre-order bonuses bad, this very bonus in the OP being bad(you know they aren't giving this shit out free) but just the post before you say "This isn't really bad".
You need to have some rethinking on your standards with buisness policies with games.
It's just writing "the cooler Hibiki" in cyrillic
Are they going to keep trying to pilfer money from idiots until no one buys? Who am I kidding, idiots actually want this game and will buy nothing to show it off.
I think you have comprehension issues, amigo.
Those collectors editions are not ONLY for preorders.
Wolfenstien did the same fucking thing. You can go to thinkgeek and buy up that collector's edition (at a reduced price now) and it also doesn't have the game with it.
Because why should it need to?
Its nothing but a big ol pile of merchandise that is extra.
Also, I like how you completely disregard my reasoning. Why is it that faggots who spend money on figurines of anime girls aren't called out? Oh, is it because you can "hot glue" them like the sad little degenerates you are? Can't really find it in yourself to "hot glue" Luigi huh?
Really, go fuck yourself and get off this board. You retard.