Anyone want to play this game with me? You can find all the ISOs necessary on TPB

Anyone want to play this game with me? You can find all the ISOs necessary on TPB.

Then we can either do direct IP or hamachi connection. If you have an original CD key we can play on servers thats even better.

Its a four player max but somehow i dont think i'll be able to find two people willing to play this. :(

Bump for the greatest RPG of all time.


As someone who grew up playing diablo and diablo 2, i thought diablo 3 was garbage. Path of Exile is what diablo 3 should have been.

There was this ARPG thread, maybe you will find someone who would like to join you there, if it's still up.

What timezone you in user?

I had fun playing D3 with friends but my god does the game suck playing alone. I have yet to try PoE, is it worth it?

If you have nostalgia for D2 trading servers PoE's a lot of fun. If you don't it's just pretty fun.

get the fuck out


A horrible grindbased RNG clusterfuck?
Like D2 had some RNG, PoE takes it up to 11 and never calms it down

I`ve got an original, would with.

lol why teh fuck would you play this outdated crap instead of a more streamlined Diablo 3? i mean seriously everything you had in Diablo 2 you have Diablo 3 and more. you dont even have to be super autistic about classes you dont loose any flexibility after you rank up

The guy on the cover looks like he wants you to check out his balls.

m8, go play Diablo 2.

I played it up until the little fetish guys when it first came out. Then I traveled abroad for a long time. By the time I got back, too much time had passed and I could no longer tolerate the weird unresponsive way the character reacts to clicking on an enemy. Modern ARPG's don't have that problem. It's a horrible feeling. Wish it didn't bug me.

Wish I could get it to work on Windows 10

Figures. Everyone hates those things.
If you try again, pick a Sorceress/Druid/Assassin so you can do AoE damage and avoid having to melee. Add "-w" to the shortcut and lower your desktop resolution to increase the window size a bit, so the game isn't upscaled to hell.


You on IRC?

my cd key from battlechest got banned for maphack years ago

anyone interested in playing on a free private hosted realm?

that works. cause then people with a pirated game could play, too

I did.

I play on battlenet.

I wouldn't mind having a friendly get together with this game. I think the CD key I have may not be allowed on the Battlenet servers anymore though cus I tried using a widescreen mod one time for the game and may have made the servers think I was trying to hack the game or cheat. Sadly the mod didn't even work when I tried it so I continue to play in 800x600 (still looks decent enough), not that I was fond of the constant spamming on the Battlenet servers anyway.

I do know that GameRanger supports Diablo II multiplayer servers, and I've played some other games and their multiplayer on there before so I know the service works (Star Wars Rebellion the most common one). With GameRanger it would at least be a private lobby absent of stupid spammers and random players joining and leaving.



reddit if you're going to come here just stop this shit

I don't browse reddit. I didn't know redditors had the monopoly on the english language.

user/char name?

You can't lie. Your writing style is exactly like a redditor.

This faggot needs to go back to halfchan.

redditors try to qualify their statements. A proper user would've not start with a qualifying statement at all.

redditors like to espouse their opinions vaguely without providing any new information. A proper user would've said something like. "Enjoy your infinite rifting for meaningless legendaries that you'll constantly trash for crafting reagents you're never going to use"

What fucking year am I in?

What a coincidence
4cucks like to tell other people how to speak because they can't think for themselves
And 4cucks like to espouse their opinion as fact even though you're talking about fucking language on a god damn image board you fuck

Go to an RTS or GSG thread sometime.

Uh oh, it's the chan-police. Is there a problem, officer?

I thought the qualifier was relevant because D3 could have been the only Diablo game I've played and therefore my opinion would have been based solely on the merits of the game. However, having played D1 and D2, my opinion mostly comes from comparing D3 to the first 2. In terms of fun, replayability, immersion, etc, D3 falls very short of D1 and especially D2.

Whereas every post on 4/Holla Forums is informative, well-argued, properly structured and always provides new information while masterfully hiding the user's opinion behind facts and objective observations.

Such a brilliant and succinct criticism of the game. You are a proper user.

That's why I made you this

It allows you entrance into the secret board, check your PM for the board code. :3

Happens way too often with Holla Forumsirgins, atleast fucking say if you dont want to play the game with some other neckbeard basement dweller after all, dont leave them hanging…



diablo 3 dared to be different. if i wanted more of the same i would just play diablo 2

m8 theres no upboats on this board, your attempt to defend yourself is only digging you deeper.

get out

Shit, that does sound like PoE

But at least PoE's free

also you can trade your garbage for currency, to reroll stuff or buy other items.

sage is a downvote, therefore no sage is an upboat


i do what i want :^)


yeah ok buddy

why are you shooting yourself in the foot like this

u triggered user?

the Holla Forums guild chats for online games are also full of meme spouting.

not really