ITT Games you think influenced the change of an entire genre for the worst

ITT Games you think influenced the change of an entire genre for the worst.
The game doesn't have to be BAD, but probably assisted in the shit we get today.

The only thing this game did bad was being mediocre, and popularizing the console fps. The second one was pretty bad


underages leave

influenced a bunch of half-assed clones.

HL1 spawned a lot of great mods and was a fun game gameplay wise. That being said, it resulted in cinematic experience scripted shit, which only became worse in its sequel.

Not even a bait. Platformers could be much more challenging without mario's existence.

Also those two fuckers. Killed entire genre of multiplayer FPS games by making it mainstream and easy to get into.


Might as well add CS, cause it produced a lot of tacticool competitive shooters without any real tactics or realism. The ancestor of call of duty multiplayer.

What genre did that ruin user? The only thing Minecraft ruined was the internet, and it was already pretty full up with autists at that point anyway

And now the arena shooter is so dead I'd kill to have more games like Arena. It would certainly trash like Overwatch in its place.

Agreed. If you wanted tactics you'd play Rainbow 6 (pre Vegas) or SWAT.

Not even joking, just fucking kill yourself.


Why did you use that awful filter on Mario?
Just play pixelated. Faggot.


"Modern" FPS games are ruined the most from all this shit, the dodge/evasion skillset is forgotten or has such a low skill ceiling it isn't worth mentioning. Since dodge/evasion is gone this drastically reduces the aiming skillset then you add in such a short TTK that you are rewarded with a kill by just having your crosshair cross an enemy's hitbox.


you faggots never played everquest or Ultima

is this code for "I can't give actual examples so fuck it"

Don't forget that your kind were the underage faggots that everyone chased away


Every "WRPG" will be increasingly shitty every subsequent TES title after Morrowind, with Oblivion being the beginning and Skyrim being the culmination of the beginning.

Its popularity has the autists in a fervor for Minecraft crafting games, and is probably why every game and its fucking aunt Susan has a crafting mechanic and far too many have building mechanics now.

I don't think HL1 was ever praised for the story, he is clearly talking about HL2.

It was praised for
Which I guess people confuse for/lump in with story.

I agree but differently. WoW made this mentality of MMOs where everyone that had made one or was making one suddenly started going "We have to be the next WoW"

SWG went into Pre-CU and NGE which was clearly because they wanted to casualize it for WoW standards. TOR was made to cash in on WoW style of MMO instead of continuing on the KOTOR series.

Phrases like "WoW-killer" and "WoW-clone" have hurt this genre and will lead to it's end. These developers want to make carbon copies and slap a different IP on it when what they should be doing is making a unique and never before seen game. Will all MMOs have some mechanics in common? Yeah sure, but the developer should make fun and interesting games. No one wants to play WoW-clone #211

Not only did WoW spawn hundreds of awful auto-combat hotkey mmos, it mercilessly raped Warcraft's lore into an unrecognizable bloody mess that couldn't be written worse if Tomm Hullet and Christopher Metzen had redone the entire plot as a self-inserting homosexual love letter to each other.

Sorry I forgot to mention: WoW drawing in so many god damn players led to the Death of other MMOs like City of Heroes/Villians.

God damn I want City of Titans so fucking bad.

Halo just solidified the presence of the genre on consoles. Pic related put it there in the first place.

I'm 29 and you're a faggot

I meant HL2, Torment existed for around 5 years before it was released.

Just because some games used shit mechanics/design doesn't make it acceptable for it to be included in other games, even if it's to a lesser degree.

Most MP games use a XP/unlock system (we can blame Battlefield 2 for this as well) to artificially extend multiplayer content.

Basically every F2P and mobile game does this as well, content locked behind hundreds of hours of grind or microtransactions.

Most games that use tiered loot drops (Blunderlands comes to mind) have such a small drop-rate on the top items that you'll run the same boss a hundred times before you get what you want.

Minecraft is the biggest offender, as you need to waste so much time digging blocks using sub-par tools, even if you get the higher tier tools which allows you to dig faster, they'll eventually break and you need to grind more materials to get them. It's a massive time waster doing something that is constantly required which is neither fun nor skillful but required to progress.

It was praised for that mechanic but normalfags just loved the plot, look at the response Gono Homo got and it was literally high school short story fanfic.

The same can be said about COD (Dragon Age 2 had Bileware saying they wanted the COD audience). SWG really fucked themselves when they changed the classes and people had their progress wiped with no compensation.

TOR is a single player game with a subscription fee and the grind of a MMO. On release the multiplayer part really was tacked on and after players ran through the story they dropped the game (and the subscriptions reflect this). I think TOR was more about the single player plot then some EA exec said "what if we can get people to charge a fee monthly as well as a retail purchase" and it was changed to accommodate that.

The main feature of WoW (and Runescape to a lesser degree) is time. People have put in so much time into their accounts they are attached to them so when a new MMO comes out they may try it and play it out to max level but to get the same attachment to that game would require something like 10,000 hours across 10 years and most people wouldn't want to put that time/money investment into something else.

Goldeneye (then Perfect Dark, then Timesplitters, all by the same company) are leagues ahead of what Halo was years before its release. If all consoles copied those games instead of Halo/COD then console FPS wouldn't be the trash it is today.

Having gone back to play HL2 I can't believe it wasn't universally panned. Or that people even liked it (including myself).

The guns all felt like shit SHIT and for an FPS to have that type of bad gunplay its irredeemable. The driving segments were also very clunky and went on for way too long, the gravity gun only saw good use in Ravenholm and the final chapter where it was super charged.

The worst part of the entire game though had to be the "interactive" cutscenes where you basically spent the entire time throwing cans at walls or shooting people out of sheer boredom. It made replaying the game rather difficulty because there was no way to skip them. The entire chapter of Black Mesa East is something you would never replay because nothing in it happens.

Overall a disaster of a video game and I can't believe I got myself invested in it.

It probably was the graphics and the tech that made people look past its flaws. Honestly, if you released a game like it now practically nobody would like it. If you want proof of that, just look at Duke Nukem Forever. Its practically a Half Life 2 clone, and it shows given that it was developed at the same time. Heck if DNF was released around HL2s release it would be considered a classic, and people would call people not liking it "trolls".



Souls influenced a lot of games, but it didn't change the entire "third-person action game" genre.

Don't get me wrong, it was fine in The Getaway. I actually love this game. It does the "cinematic" thing right by going full bore on being a cinematic experience. It's a crime thriller, and you take your cues on how much health you have from how your character walks, and where to drive to from the blinkers. He also leans on walls to regenerate health. There was no HUD, whatsoever. I still tell people to check out this game.

Oh, please. HL2 was not perfect, but it had tons of enjoyable and exciting moments, an overall good flow and mostly solid design. Sure, the cutscenes get in the way when you replay it, but that's a minor issue. To compare it to a sad joke of a game like DNF is ridiculous.

Nigger they're like a third of the fucking game. When a third of you're game is you standing around with your thumb up your ass because everyone around needs to talk, you're game is not fun.

Also the AI in HL2 is shit. Especially your companions who thanks to the dumbed down mechanics can't be killed by you (even accidentally) and they're morons who have one prerogative and it's to huddle around Gordon and get in your way

Fuck this game and every single installment it has. Even the first one and Black Flag, I don't know how anyone likes this series.


I-a see two-a faggots!

Although great in many ways, the big take-away that developers got from MGS1 was that story was important even in action games, not just RPGs. This led to endless copycats, and it eventually spread to every genre, destroying the notion that you shouldn't interrupt gameplay, which persists even into the modern day.

I don't think I need to say anything, the endless onslaught of clones that do nothing to improve on the formula say it for me. It's so bad that when it was changed for the better, everyone hated it.

Still fun to play but it dealt a lot of damage to the horror genre and what would also be a precursor to 3rd person shooters like Gears of War


Nah, Gears of War takes more from other games. Gears itself isn't all that bad, nor are a lot of the clones like Army of Two. Actually, I kinda miss the Bro-Op shooter genre come to think of it. Was a good era of fun couch co-op, even if the games weren't flawless.

Split-Screen is sadly a thing of the past

God, seriously fuck this. Really was the beginning of the end, I tell ya.


Nice bait, but there were many well liked clones, like Titan's Quest, Sacred, Torchlight and Path of Exile, each with their own unique spin.

Then explain precisely how they diverge? The only one that actually tried something new was PoE and even then the only change was "lol no classes"

to be honest diablo had more of a bad effect on the community, with actually good games that were simply tagged as diablo clones.

Did you even play PoE?

oh but i guess its still the same game because you kill mobs for loot lol

not far enough

I agree with all of those points to an extent but the FPS gameplay is still definitely 8/10 because the AI was leagues above what most other FPS games had at the time and even today (not HL1 though). It also has ridiculously good art direction and sound design which are things that always get overlooked in anything that isn't 2D for some reason.

Half Life 2 with SMOD is easily one of my top 10 games of all time. SMOD makes the gameplay better than F.E.A.R. and the only annoying thing left is the shitty cutscene segments.

How exactly has it made anything worse at all? The worst (major) soulsclone is still at least somewhat better than your average ARPG (referring to LotF) and the most direct soulsclone is actually a good game (Salt and Sanctuary). ARPGs are still a completely dead genre and the focus of the souls games on not giving a shit about "muh random drops" and actual action combat rather than diablo 2 shit is exactly what the genre needs.

Also every game could use a healthy dose of not shoving the story down the player's throat and healing systems that have some meaning to them.

I'll take that over the [CURRENT YEAR] philosophy of "If the game doesn't have a defined protagonist incapable of shutting the fuck up for three seconds it won't be cinematic"

create your own silent protagonist > defined silent protagonist > create your own voiced protagonist > defined voiced protagonist

this does not count games with good protagonists built completely for the game like Bayonetta

I was really surprised when I saw the option for split screen on the PC port of EDF, other than that it seems to be completely dead.

Call of "Brownbloom Generic Military Arcade Shooter" Duty.

Mass Effect introduced the single most cancerous form of dialogue between a player character and NPCs in RPGs.

Though speaking PCs was nothing new to RPGs by the time ME came out, ME popularized it and has lead both Bioware and other developers to prioritize speaking protagonists over long and intricate dialogue choices that facilitated roleplaying.

No longer can I be a unique character in an RPG, because I'm relegated to three maybe four options every conversations.

>Question? Or le quirky sarcastic response leolelololol!!!*

This whole thread, even some of the replies refuting.

I would argue David Cage games like pic related popularized 'Cinematic' games

So you have one moldbreaker. Well done. Out of how many endless redundant clones?

You could even go so far as to argue that MGS:1 was the cause for the cinematic plague on videogames. Though I love the game, it resulted in a lot of people trying to ape Kojima's style by just making movies called videogames, misunderstanding that Kojimer's whole shtick was making the game part of the experience just as good.

Absolutely, the focus on voice acting in general be it NPCs or the player is complete cancer. Look at what happened to TES:
this was pretty cool and it made sense, I mean why shouldn't I be able to ask someone I meet on the street if they know about a book I'm looking for?

I fucking hate Bethesda's focus on making everything more character driven. All of the factions now have to be tiny so they can fill it with all their shitty quirky voice acted characters otherwise the game won't be "cinematic" enough.

Mass Effect's biggest fault would be that the series was basically a continuous line and ultimately Shepard was going to be the big damn hero who saves the day.

Having him behave like a complete asshole renegade didn't gel with the rest of the story.

Dark Souls killed itself.

This. Resident Evil 4 was a good game on its own but killed the rest of the entire franchise, and with it, pretty much the entire genre of tank-controlled survival horror since Resident Evil was pretty much the only one doing it.

Kill yourself, WC3 was fine. The only thing it maybe did was create DoTA which created LoL and all the other MOBA trash normalfags celebrate as being elite games.

And here is my entry.

Half life has 1 has almost 0 cutscenes. The entire point of the game is that you always have full player control. I don't know what you're on about.

Whichever one brought the horrid wave of walking simulators

user, non-games can't kill non-genres.

I love the game but don't lie to yourself

You're stopped in your tracks to do nothing and just wait
Though the only parts which I remember doing that were the intro and ending. I'm pretty sure there was nothing else, at least in the base game.
Nigger, are you talking about the part with the cargo elevator? There's headcrabs dropping on you for the whole trip.

Dishonored hasn't even been out long enough to meaningfully impact the stealth/action genre. If anything, it's probably good for the genre. When Thief 4 released people compared it against Dishonored and realized that linear "crouch and walk by enemies" stealth is retarded.
Besides the stupid unskippable boat cutscenes what's even wrong with Dishonored?

So you do know that you haven't even actually started really playing the game. The rest of it on the other hand is game.

How do you kill that's which has no life?

Seriously though. If I ever meet the creator of Proteus I'm gonna knock his ass out and take 2 dollars from his wallet. That nigga stole from me. And I'm going to get what I'm owed.


Gives the player a choice at all to be lethal.

Thief 4 was bad for different reasons, but wasn't actually as bad as Holla Forums said it was. I believe Dishonored actually negatively influenced Thief 4 and Thief 4 probably could have been better if Dishonored hadn't come out at all.

Mabinogi has some interesting mechanics, like character age factoring into how strong they were, character aging, character rebirth (you go back to being 10 years old).

Plus, fuck man, you get to play as a fucking loli.

I like pic related and it's standalone sequel but holy have they spawned a lot of clones that sucked up all the oxygen for RTS games. I know most people don't refer to them as RTS, but the lines between ASSFAGGOTS and RTS are reasonably blurry given the orgin of Dota and control scheme of most of the games. And I don't think anyone would disagree that were it not for ASSFAGGOTS the RTS genre wouldn't have died. I wouldn't mind too much if any of the Dotaclones were actually good but for some absurd reason noone has come up with one that replaces the pointless control scheme with something more skill based considering you only control one dude (like a shooter) that also isn't complete and utter garbage like Stillborn and Smite that completely miss the point of Dota in the first place creeps, farming, and wacky heroes are not the reason why Dota is good, that's like saying that sniper rifles are the reason why FPS games are good. They can make certain FPSes better but they aren't the whole point of the genre.

thank you for your insightful post

Are you too autistic to sit back and relax for 5 minutes? Does everything need to be "Bang", "Boom", "Ping", "Pow" all the time? Do you get bored if you're not shooting something for a minute? Well, maybe you should have put your autism to good use and sped through the beginning of the game.

You're being completely nonsensical. Thief 4 was nothing like dishonored in any regard and it was going to be shit either way.
Going lethal made the game fun. Would you just like a game over screen every time you killed a baddie? Dishonored makes you feel like an asshole every time you kill a guard, but if you want to be an asshole and turn Dunwall to shit it gives you have that option. 90% of the powers and gadgets are designed to kill people. This makes it really fulfilling to abstain from that and go non-lethal stealth the whole game.

Why play stealth at all if all you're going to do is kill everybody and make a huge, non-stealthy mess of corpses everywhere?

At least Thief 4 got ghosting somewhat right, and playing on some of the master custom difficulties basically forces you to ghost since being detected, killing anyone, or even knocking anyone out earns you a game over.

So yeah, I would like a game that gives you a game over screen for killing people, since 99.9999% of all the other games out there don't.

You're damn right I get bored if I'm not shooting for a minute in a FPS game that has no gameplay elements that aren't shooting. I'm fine with never being in combat in something like Morrowind because the point of the game is exploration and story that is tied to that exploration. Exploring is fun because you have to pay attention to landmarks, follow vague directions, and go wherever you want. Sitting in a fucking tram for 5 minutes is not remotely mentally stimulating in the slightest and neither is holding W for another 5 minutes to get to the actual game. And are you also going to defend the "wait int his room while people talk about shit you don't care about" in Half Life 2 too? If not then you're a hypocritical hipster nostalgiafag who is mindlessly defending a game just because it isn't as popular as it's sequel.

Games are about gameplay, not waiting or holding W for 5 minutes.

So you literally never played dishonored. If you wanted to not be retarded you could just not kill people. You can do that you know.

I literally played it from start to finish. It's shit. If you want to ghost, you miss out on half the fucking content of the game.

On paper, I can kind of see why they'd emphasize characterization for that sort of thing, but Beth, like usual, fuck it up as hard as possible by cutting an absurd number of corners and hiring retards to design their games.

Factions being so small is ludicrous, I agree. There's no reason Beth can't find a middle ground by giving certain characters more interesting things to say while also populating areas with smaller less essential characters to engage with.

That's one of the faults, yes. You can tell how much Beth gave up on even considering people playing Renegade Shepards by the time ME3 rolled around, where evil Shepard is being nice and making super friendly small talk, only to occasionally have his split personality take over as he suddenly goes full Edgehog for a couple lines before being regular ol' Shepard again.

But I'd still be indifferent to that sort of thing if it remained relegated to Mass Effect, but then devs started including dialogue wheels into games where it had no business being.

How is this in any way a bad thing? I mean Dishonored fucked up the balance for the two playstyles, but since you're supposed to be an assassin, killing should probably be an important aspect of the game.

Ultimately I found Dishonored a fucking bore to play, lethal or non-lethal.

Meant Bioware, my bad.

Too bad the lolis in that game just look like midgets

Half life 2 was fun too. I'm not so autistic I can't listen to people talk for 2 minutes without getting bored. Do you seriously not understand why people might like a break from the action a

So you would rather that content just not exist and then it would be a good game? Thief gold has no more content than there is in a non-lethal ghost playthrough of Dishonored.

Because we already have games that reward the player for killing people and not enough games for reprimanding them for it and rewarding them for only using stealth.

It was still fun though. The combat system is unique, at least from what I've played of MMOs.

Yeah, but Thief levels weren't designed around giving the player the possibility of being a killer. They were designed around giving the player a pure stealth experience. That's what I want, and that's what there needs to be more of, and what Dishonored fails to capitalize on. Dishonored is, at best, a watered down stealth experience due to how the levels were built.

How to make a game that is primarily about action while giving players the option to take a break from the explosions and shit:

The best part is that the Half-Life games do this pretty well, they just also both have boring forced 5 minute unskippable cutscene bullshit.

And if you're really that triggered by all the shooting and have no optional side stuff to get maybe you could just pause the game and go get some food or water like a normal human being. Someone here has severe autism and it ain't me.

This, HL1 had plenty of scripted sequence that you could totally ignore but what likely happened is focus tester always stayed and watched so retards at valve just made the optional sequences mandatory and you get HL2 where half of it is waiting for something to happen.

The only major change the genre has had is AI squads and crafted levels instead of randomly generated dungeon.

The rest falls into either
And none of those constitute major changes.

Actually there is a cutscene when Gordon is captured, and dragged down the hall to a garbage disposal.

Revolutionised the indie scene , the Citizen Bane of gayming

It wasn't the first to do it but it popularised the skinner box-tier persistent unlocks to keep people playing instead of making an actually interesting game. Additionally tiny fucking maps and a lack of essential gamemodes like CTF. It was also somewhat responsible for modern warfare shooters of course but honestly a change was needed at the time and whichever non-WW2 setting first had a successful game would have been the one to be driven into the ground.

It was not a good shooter, and it was not a good adventure-game. Doom did shooting better before it, Halo and FEAR did shooting better after it. System Shock 2 did the "aliens invading realistic environment" -adventure so much better. It was the herald of Cawadoodie-age. So what true merits does this game have despite being a tech-demo great for its time?

only because it's too perfect for this world

Because Quake's multiplayer was so hard to get into?

quake, ultima online and project: NIGGER

MGS1 paved the way to cinematic games. At least big budget, console focused ones. It also started the cancerous notion that games can be bigger and better, they can become something more…like a movie.

I say this as a guy who loves MGS.



Free Radical studios are all ex-Rare employees, mostly the ones who worked on Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, so yes basically by the same company.



But Halo didn't spawn that many knock-offs.

Maybe in that you have a gun and shoot, but very few games copied the open-with-vehicles combat. Very few games attempted to copy the narrative style.

Halo 1 is a fantastic game, suck my dick

this tbh fam, it's OK if you play it on legendary.

Far Cry Instincts did first-person protag with a voice right.

You'll see why soon

This thread basically lists every massively popular game that was good to begin with.

It's pretty much just a thread of "The video game [Your favorite game] was always bad" comments.

This Castlevania clone convinced faggot gamedevs everywhere that they could call anything they make a "roguelike" and it'd sell more. And it actually worked, because normalfags are so retarded that they think that games don't need to be like Rogue to be roguelikes.

okay but how is that a bad thing

No, this is "That really nice cigar you had once gave you a massive lump of cancer, and it spread."

by bringing video games into existance they set up a series of events to ruin video games

soulslike souls games didn't have an overarching influence on major soulslike genres but like most souls games it's hard to refute that Dark Souls will be soulless in a few more games


Final Fantasy VII


What damaged the horror genre more?

Amnesia: The Dark Descent or Five Nights at Freddy's?

warcraft 3 kind of ruined the RTS genre, even if indirectly, simply because dota became so popular because of it

both and let's plays.

five nights at freddy's for sure.

not II

FFXIII and Persona to make the entire JRPG genre just shameless cliche otaku weeb bait for the rest of eternity

So say it's by the same team or same people, not same company.

GTA 3 was a mistake. It's because of GTA 3 that we have bad open world sandbox games like the crap Ubisoft puts out and why devs feel that every game must be open world.

HL2 is literally just a tech demo for source and nothing more.
The level pacing is atrocious because, again, tech demo, instead of being a run and shooty the game goes out of it's way time and again to throw seesaws with bricks and wooden plates at you, carefully positioned barrels that fall down and cause ripple effect in the water, constantly having box stacking, the gravity gun that wears it's welcome halfway through Ravenholme.
Driving is a boring ass gimmick that may as well be removed from the game completely, there are like entire two different enemies in the game, headcrab zombies and humans with guns, no more alien and bizarre life forms like in the first one, shooting feel like ass and no gun feels satisfying to use.
There is also story that doesn't even exist in the game, there is no beginning, nothing is explained about the time you were gone other than a newspaper article on a wall, you don't know what combine is, you don't know what their goals are, you have no idea who G/man is and what does "we serve the same mystery" means, the game has no ending and never will because everyone that worked on the game left valve years ago and valve doesn't care about anything other than hatconomy.
It wasn't until episode 1 and 2 that actually decided to turn it into a video game.
Hl2 is a prime example of a meme game.

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

GTA 3 was fantastic.

Here's my entry, Call of Duty 4. Before it came out we had enjoyable point and shoot story games like Call of Duty 1-3, Medal of Honor, Battlefield: Vietnam, etc.

CoD3 multiplayer was great.

This fucking series. Almost every feature in it contributed to the industry, and almost all of it are negatives
At least Gearbox is losing metric shitloads of money because of Stillborn now, but the damage has been done.

forgot pic. not like you needed but I downloaded it so…

Ubisoft was a mistake.

What's worse, Ubisoft or EA? Both have their own stupid account servers, both kike for DLC, but which one of the two is worse?

ea kills companies, ubisoft just makes mediocre games

EA is evil, Ubisoft is stupid as fuck.

EA, out of the simple fact that they buy and kill good studios while wringing them for every shekel, while Ubisoft are just jews making money by themselves.


How ironic, one evil company getting fucked over by another.

Post of the thread right here

What? Neither of the HL2 games have any cutscenes really apart from the G-Man ones at the start and end, it's constant gameplay.

I like where this thread is going

Half Life 2 story is pretty damn good, and how is it cliche at all? It's very unique, can't think of any other story where aliens exterminate all human armies in a matter of hours and enslave the entire planet within a day.

Nah nigger. It all turned to shit when all the competative scene kicked off.

The Bethesda of old is dead, now we are dealing with Zenimax wearing Bethesda's skin.

He says 'evil' way too much very annoyingly.


But that's wrong. First of all it does have classes, ever heard of the Ascendancy system? Secondly it has a unique currency system, better than in any other ARPG: there is no artificial currency such as virtual gold coins that don't really have any real worth, but players use all the consumable items in the game as currency. The rarer the consumable, the more buying power it has.

I think that currency system is pretty amazing, feels like a real economy. Can't think of any other game like that.

Bioware was never good.

This game went a step further and fucked up other games
Keys and crates were a mistake.

Silent Hill was another big one doing it as well, but that one was independently raped by Konami to death

I only played 1 and it was good, but I got most of my fix for that genre from Resident Evil 1, 2, 3, CV, and Parasite Eve one and two. Parasite Eve, to some extent, was sort of like a Resident Evil with RPG elements, although 1 did not have tank controls, it did have the camera angles.

Dino Crisis 2 was the precursor of the death of survival horror in general though.

Not really. Code Veronica and even 0 came years after DC2 and they both were still doing the genre just fine. RE4 really killed it due to its own success. Capcom figured they could just start using that format. And now they have. For the last 2 RE games. Both clones of 4, each with their own shitty quirks, like 5 having that ammo-wasting niggress forced companion. I refuse to even play 6. In the upcoming RE7: Biohazard, there is talk of ingame vendors. It's trash.

I almost wish RE4 would have bombed just so they'd have gone back to the original format. But now they never will because they've discovered over-the-shoulder action TPS sells better than actually fun games.

Even still it's the first time a purely survival horror franchise got turned into arcade actionny bullshit.

I thought they went all frictional on us and made RE7 "not amnesia"

me on bottom left

Came here just to post Resi4.

Isn't Henreader great?

The Borderlands artstyle was a last-minute decision, made just before they were about to ship. I like to think that if that had not had happened, nobody would have cared about Borderlands.

That screencap is so accurate I wouldn't be surprised if it was actually written by Anthony Burch himself.

I think Cold Fear made a much better job at being RE4 than RE4.

Half-Life 2
Aeon of Strife
World of Warcraft
Whatever the fucking garbage was that turned every PC RPG into shallow story-driven garbage with horseshit controls back in the late '90s during the switch to isometric perspectives. Was it Fallout or something earlier?

>not hiding lolis behind spoiler

Also this trash along with Dragon's Lair.


This game made most puzzle games have to copy it in some way to get any sort of attention. There are still a few gems that are made from this fact, but still.


This did far less for ruining video games than it did for ruining the entire video gaming community and absolutely inundating it with normalfags and gaymer gurls.

2007 was the absolute shittiest of shit years, prove me wrong.


people spend money on this.
jew is literally in the name.

I wish henreader would put out new stuff more frequently. And not be tied to Wani.
Did the jews ever release the uncensored tank?

To be fair, the only people who even play bejewled are old pogo moms and most of them only do the free-to-play shit. I'm pretty sure the only way it was profitable was from ads. Who the fuck actually paid for this?


I knew an autist that spent a lot of money on it.

Diablo sure did a ton of damage to action RPGs.

2 did, sure. 1 was a legitimately good, comfy game and not the grindy loot shitfest that 2 was.

Blow your brains out.


I liked it

RIP platforming in any AAA console game

Hallf Life 2
Medicore as fuck, shitty gunplay, shitty story, nobody even played the multiplayer, yet it was hailed as a GOTYAY. That shit just broke something on PC gaming.

Amazing game, mind blowing graphics, story good enough, kinda short. Yet got flak from casuals retards like no other game. This sent a clear signal for PC devs: PC gamers are fucking casual retards now, lets put them in the same class as consoletards. Lo and behiold, after that PC was flooded with nothing but console trash ports and never ever got another AAA exclusive FPS game, which was basically what drove PC gaming and the whole technical push in gaming, that big AAA FPS pushing graphics and mecanhics that would come out at the end of every year. Now games graphics and gameplay are stagnated for almost 10 years and gamers are so retarded they dont even seem to notice it.

th-that's the point of this thread, games that influenced a genre negatively

Because if you're a fan of actual roguelikes you now have to sift through a fucking ocean of garbage to find anything of value because it's all clogged up with shitty indie games pretending to be that genre so they can jerk off about how "hardcore" they are. It's pretty comparable to the post-2007 "nerd culture" of hipsters and SJWs saying "oh we're so nerdy the cake is a lie xD" and pretending to be like us. All I feel when I see one of those shit indie games call themselves "roguelike" is disgust.

What were ARPGs like before Diablo?

Thing is WoW had level zones, nothing stopped you from going from Valley of Trials to Burning Steppes, except for the monsters were too high a level for you to deal with and would have a higher aggro range, would deal more damage (crushing blows)

WoW just shat all over older warcraft games, then again the original plan for WoW was to release shit in content patches, not expansions, even outland existed in the files for vanilla

The majority of Falcom's catalog I guess.

Oh and a bunch of Tales of games.


The roguelike genre fucked itself by having a name so vague as to describe itself as merely being like a game without any clear indication of how much like it that it has to be.

It's also not that hard to find roguelikes that stick to being turn-based with tilesets.

Yeah but only Gauntlet IV for the Mega Drive. The other games didn't have RPG elements.


By that logic, Super Mario Maker is a roguelike. Stop sidestepping the root of the issue in that casual hipster faggots are trying to change a niche genre to suit them.
It's only vague if you're a faggot that loves to argue semantics.

The turning point.

Earthbound is overrated shit, not even among the top 10 RPGs on the system

I know, I'm just saying it inspired more autistic shit than most of them, it's definitely shaped PC gaming in a negative way. The game is decent and the man behind it was good, but I definitely agree it's overrated. Didn't stop the modern day redditors from resurrecting it and including bits of it in their own games.


I miss COH too but to be fair, GW2 killed it.
COH/V had adapted really well to the F2P model by selling new powersets, NCSoft killed it to focus on their other garbage.

None of this happened when it first came out though. Just because it made a bunch of millennials autistic 10+ years later doesn't mean it changed the genre.

That only happened after like 10 years though.


HL invented the scripted corridor shooter.

The base design in FO4 survival mode had a lot of potential with the settlements and shit because you take double damage, need more resources and you can't fast travel.

It would have been so easy to make survival mode fun, you'd have to make the food/water/health situation more unforgiving with rarer drops, a health system similar to autumn aurora in SoC, a harsher economy and not completely fucktarded enemy AI. Then you'd only be able to fast travel from settlement to settlement if you have caravans between them.

That would make the game tolerable even with the horrible dumbed down RPG mechanics.


Well this thread won't be here then, so tell us now so you can have your I Told You So.

Half Life.

Minecraft for spawning all those fucking retarded survival games.

This is true, but Holla Forums never admits it because they're too busy slobbering on Kojima's micropenis 24/7.

OP said GAMES user.


SC:BW created AoS, which created DotA.

How did GoW influence shit?

I'm not sure if any one game in particular is responsible for this but I think the biggest cancer for games is "MUH GRAPHICZ". Nothing has done more damage to gaming and the industry behind then the endless march towards photorealistic bullshit.

These days fucking consolefags will even play games at

Crusader Kings 2. Taught Paradox that you could release thousands of micro-DLCs and whales would continue to buy them.

Changed multiplayer gaming in general for the worst.

Putting QTEs in action games that previously required player input and reflexes for every single move. If you wanted to pull off cool feats of strength and agility you had to get gud and practice.

Then God of Shit came along and had one button and timed button presses for Kratos to do kewl le cinematic beatdowns wheres in games like Ninja Gaiden and the original DMC games required you to input button combos at the right time in order to do that shit, often while having to avoid or fight other enemies around you.

When I saw that even Platinum put this stupid casual bullshit in MGR I wanted to put a hole in the wall.

Do you realize that most of that could also be blamed on Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy?

Bullshit, every single one of these indie artistic sprite "RPG"'s is directly influenced by Earthbounds artstyle. Half of them have direct references FFS.

fuck off


some fair points.
Parrying and countering Murai felt so good in NG.

I didn't mind it in MGR, especially against the Metal Gear at the start (especially considering the music) but it seriously fucked me off when Bayonetta had QTE events.

100% Cancer m8. That shit is exactly what Stillborn and other ASSFAGGOTS did or are trying to do. Part of the reason League of Legends is so awful is that they are doing away with strategy (god forbid those casuals learn how to think) and replaces it with "skillshots". Everything is about dodging "skillshots" and glowing circles.

Speaking of dodging glowing circles: I don't know who did this shit first, but it's cancer. All this shit about dodging shit in what's supposed to be primarily a game of strategy and tactics is cancer.

Platinium QTEs are anything but casual though they're either mash until your hands hurt or react to a half second prompt (not instakill though)


TERA was the first MMO to have that cancerous "action-oriented combat" iirc

QTE's where born in the arcade. The point of them was to excite players and reward them for their attentiveness and reflexes. They were typically quick minigames in-between intense action sequences. Resident Evil took it and ruined everything.

Dota isn't much better tho. The fact it abides to a support-based meta on a three lane setup in a 5v5 and never ever tries to do anything different is utter cancer. If people had known about the support meta 10 years ago they probably would have tried to change the game so it didn't exist. Instead we're left with this cancer, and heavy handed nerfing every so often, and aghanims.

I just find it frustrating as a mechanic.
I don't mind when a cutscene where you're finishing a boss and you spam A to save earth.

It's shit like when they throw a boulder at you and you have to press X to cue next phase or that god awful boss fight at the end of Space Marine that was essentially a telltale "game"

The rest of the game is still really linear and scripted.

But you're forced to do it every time, unless you use the console or saved data from last time.

that is not dead which can eternal lie

Did you even play the one you posted?

You can have strategy and skill based at the same time you retard.

Lets use Chaos Knight's stun as an example.

You have a 25% chance of it lasting 4 seconds. If this were a shooter, in order to get the 4 seconds you would have to hit a certain part of the opponent like the head which the average player would only hit 25% of the time, but if you were more skilled you would hit it more often and less skilled you'd hit it less.

Additionally, since it's a projectile and not hitscan, the skill of the person on the recieving end is factored in too. If they are really good at dodging you're going to hit them less of the time and if they're shit and stationary it might as well be 100%.

There is still absolutely strategy here because the end result is that you can't consistently count on getting the 4 second stun and you have to have a backup plan for what to do in case you do or don't get it. But now rather than being a random number generator a highly skilled player will have better odds than a poorly skilled player would.

I'd still keep some random stuff as it is like runes though.

The reason LoL and Stillborn handle this so poorly isn't because they use skill in more abilities but because the abilities just don't fucking matter. Who gives a shit if you miss when the mana cost is insignificant and it barely damages enemy health. In Dota since everything is overpowered, fucking up your black hole can straight up lose you the game because you could have teamwiped with it if you didn't fuck it up. Making everything skill based just gives you more opportunities to try to avoid fucking up which is what Dota is all about.

There's nothing wrong with that setup for Dota, the problem is that everyone copies it for no real reason. Dota would be a clusterfuck if there were multiple maps or amounts of players in each game and would be impossible to balance. Also if you think the idea of supports is dumb then fuck off back to Heroes of the Storm, farm priority is an interesting layer of strategy because it differentiates heroes within a game quite a bit. If everyone is a carry, then who gives a shit what enemy you priorotize ganking? Who gives a shit what hero you prioritize babysitting? Why wouldn't everyone do the exact same thing like gank or farm or push if everyone is the same fucking role? Variety is key to Dota and removing the idea of supports is probably one of the most retarded things I have read on this board today. More retarded than the guy who thinks RNG > skill based abilities

You and your kind literally cannot see past the game you are playing and imagine a game that's less shit. You have long stretches of boring in the entire genre, mostly thanks to teams being too scared to engage and long death timers. It's boring to play and it's boring to watch. But I guess occasionally that one guy blink-daggers in as an initiate and it looks really cool and they win the fight in 5 seconds so that makes the entire shittiness of the game okay. Nevermind that you have dedicated babysit characters, long periods of walking around farming, times where players are trapped inside their base and only one real non-tower objective to fight over.

HotS may have been shit, but at least it tried to do something different. Dota's just refined its awful place over the years and the entire genre is dying for some kind of innovation to save it from the shit pile its quickly being dropped into now that babbies new favourite game Overwatch is out.

I didn't say you couldn't, you shit eater. I said changing a strategy game into an action game is cancer. Everything you described is cancer.

Your entire post was either supporting of action mechanics where they don't belong, or supporting the stripping down of strategy where it does belong.


I've never played much horror. How did these destroy it?

For Amnesia
Imagine MGS1 stealth with one soldier actively chasing you but the twist is you can't look at it or harm it.
Add "puzzles" and a horrorish environment with a bunch of jump scares and that's about it, at-least you can glitch through walls with a shovel.

Now imagine that people made a pale copy of that and that's every game directly inspired by it or made by the same devs afterwards.

Just imagine memorizing very basic routines and getting jumpscared when you fuck up, now repeat that 3 more times with very small variations.

They revolve are you being helpless. Older horror games gave you means to defend yourself, they were just limited. In these games you just simply run and hide.

Amnesia has little to no gameplay, no fighting mechanics, or anything like that. You can still die (so it's better than most walking simulators), but encounters are essentially as useful as jumpscares. You can't 'win' an encounter, only not die. This is distinctly different from a real survival horror, where the enemy is scary because it's a struggle to overcome, and you can make a choice to kill or avoid the enemy.

It doesn't stop being a cutscene just because you can move around a fixed room while waiting for things to progress.

Actually, it's worse: the regular kind of cutscene can usually be skipped, unlike Value-style cutscenes.

To each their own but I think that focusing 100% on teamfights would make the teamfights themselves more boring. When you spend a lot of time building up to it there is tension before the fight which makes it more meaningful, but if it's just constant fighting then you get used to it and everything feels like it has less significance. There's also quite a bit of strategy going on in the non-teamfight areas of the game and if they were removed in favor of the game becoming your typical multiplayer explosion-fest there would be less depth to the tactics.

Tell me why the change to the CK ability I described is cancer rather than just saying "it's cancer" and contributing nothing to the discussion. Point out any part of that were strategy was removed from the game. There is still absolutely strategy in that situation, it's exactly the same strategy. You aren't going to land the ability 100% of the time which forces you to account for backup plans which is exactly what you have to do if it's done entirely on RNG.

Every two minutes you have to worry about a potential threat from the mid lane, but because of the RNG you don't know what that threat might be. Your mid could have made them low health and said to not worry about the other mid, but if they grabbed a regen rune now they are a threat again. They could have an arcane rune on someone like Queen of Pain and you would have to account for the fact that you might get blown up with nukes. They might have an invis rune and you have to account for the fact that there might be a dude that pops up out of nowhere to fuck you up at any moment. They might have an illusion rune and the hero you just saw walk in front of you is bait to get you to use your abilities on the illusion before the real enemy comes.

If you knew what rune the enemy had you wouldn't have to plan for all of these at once, but since it is random you have to be prepared. Yes this means that the enemy will get unfairly lucky sometimes, but the point is that it raises the skill ceiling of the game because players who can plan for several situations at once will have an advantage over players who can only plan for one.

Oh, those runes.
I thought you were referring to LoL runes, since that's what people typically use when referring to a rune system.


Don't get me wrong I absolutely adore morrowind, its one of my favorite games of all time, some of the best written lore in a game ever.

the problem is that it inspired an entire generation of people to make lazy half assed open world games with no substance under the assumption that it'd make big bucks. It also inspired bethesda to never give a solitary fuck ever again, the real tragedy here. If we'd gotten skyrim with the amount of effort todd gave when making morrowind it would have been phenomenal.

What the fuck happened to you todd? What happened to the excited grad student that walked into bethesda full of fresh ideas? Why did you turn into complete sellout without a soul?

guess who convinced the higher ups to hire strung out acidfetcher in the first place?

Ah yes, fuck that garbage I fucking hate progression systems in multiplayer games of any kind. I guess I kinda liked COD4 for what it was but Jesus Christ that shit has done irreparable damage to any multiplayer game that has come after it.

I feel like this was GTA's fault, not Morrowind. Morrowind is very much focused on factions and content within the world and anyone that plays it is well aware of this. Because of the lack of LOD the fact that it's open world doesn't even seem that cool compared to something like GTA where you can see a skyscraper far in the distance and drive to it. But unlike Morrowind, GTA doesn't actually have much to do in its world outside of the main story, the occasional side mission, and segregated activities. Then there's also the fact that GTA 3 made shitloads of money while Morrowind did nicely considering its budget but it certainly didn't become so famous/infamous that your average person who doesn't play videogames has heard of it.

I dunno about inspiring an entire generation, but it may have helped. I think what said about GTA is a lot closer, especially since it is more widely known.

Nigger anytime QTEs substitute actual player driven input it becomes casual. Platinum are no different just because you have a half second to react.

You know how you can also make a player's hand hurt? Have them input actual commands and chain them together like in a real game, not an interactive cutscene.

We're talking about QTEs in character action games you fucking dumb nigger, not arcade games or Shenmue. At least those games put that shit in its own space so as to not interrupt actual player driven gameplay.

And say in Bayo most of the cutscene QTE are pretty much just there to indicate that the game expects an input despite it being a cutscene and everytime it matches what actual input you would use ingame to do the specific action (A to jump, X to shoot and spin the stick to spin something else) and you would do the exact same thing if you had full control.
Torture attacks are mashing because that's the closest interpretation of what the character is doing, they don't offer any real downtime because instead of having to focus on what you're doing presently it give you a window to thin about what you're doing next the same way some attack offer you a similar window in DMC3/4, chances are that if it didn't have a prompt you wouldn't even be complaining about it.
That leaves us with a handful of QTEs that fits neither, 2 to be exact catching he missile in Jeanne 4 or the satellite in Ch15.and yeah can't say otherwise they're the typical press buttons for long cutscenes shit from GoW

I think you're just butthurt about muh QTEs and can't realize that there's a difference between those that put a strain on the player and offer no real downtime in inputs to the player versus those that are like god of war "do this extremely simple button press sequence to watch 30 seconds of cutscene".

I like to add that the primary purpose of these characters/players are to discourage aggression. League of Legends has a lot of systems in place that discourages aggression and meta breaking strategies.

Let's see we got:
-generous warding: they alert players to danger and prevent ambushes unless you are winning, in which case they allow you and only you to venture into the jungle

-Riot enforced support meta: already explained

-Riot enforced jungle meta: They are basically playing a mini mmo on a pvp server. That is they just farm and ambush players. The jungle itself is extremely safe unless you venture into the opponents' side without wards. The jungle should be risk for both sides to invest in. If you decide to jungle, you should be risking your safety for great rewards like buffs, gold, and dominion. Instead, you have designated ganking player.

-Summoner's spells: Flash is just awful. It's antistrategy. Either you use it to pull off an attack that your opponents can't react to, or as a get out of jail free card. In both cases it's awful and everyone uses it because the only spells that are worthwhile are primarily used to keep you safe.

I can go on, but it's just too awful.

That's not strategy. That's just calculated gambling. A backup plan, at least in the context you're describing, is just a switch in tactics to account for a fuck up. That, by itself, is not strategy.

Skillshots and such systems reward you based on you ability to use the skill rather than the context in which you use them. Strategy and tactics are all about context, the when, where, and how of things rather than if someone can aim properly. Competency variable considered when strategizing, it's not the entirety of the the strategy. LoL shit itself by taking power from skills and made damn near every skill a skillshot. You don't win based superior tactics, you win based on who can land skill shots.

Stillborn was a similar problem, but it tried to turn an action space into an ASSFAGGOT. The two are incompatible in any meaningful sense because in order to make one good, you have to take from another. The ASSFAGGOTS aren't made for action elements. Neither game world nor the game elements are made to coexist. If you want to see a game where action and strategy coexist, look at old TF2. Your ability to land a shot matters just as much as the context in which you shoot. Simply putting players out of the game for a few seconds didn't matter. Who you removed and from where did you remove them matters more than anything.

No shit, Autismo. I was pointing out the origins is directly stated that Resident Evil 4 is the first to ruin it.

I can't speak for KF2 but RO2 and the later Battlefields put in in purely to compete with CoD. TWI actually deluded themselves into believing RO2 could be the CoD killer.


You know what would be cool in terms of unlocks, at least in a game like Killing Floor? You get good, do a bunch of optional challenges, and you unlock a nice hat or something to show off how good you are.

What's not cool is doing the same few missions over and over again just to unlock the next gun/ability/etc. Don't make me play the game just so I can play the game, make me want to play the game.

Imagine spending years raising a younger brother to become the perfect gaming bro, & then he finds LoL and is ruined. Life is not worth living.

Maybe you should teach your bro to have a mind of his own.

some southern black kid weeaboo tainted him now he is trash and now he belongs in the garbage

I stand by my statement.

That's a funny way of saying 'Minecraft'.

Tell me I'm not the only one seeing this shit

It doesn't look that much like it, honestly.

It also lead to regenerating shields in fucking everything.

But that doesn't necessarily mean that should be the design philosophy for a game about assassination. That's fucking retarded. And Dishonored does punish you for killing by giving you a shittier ending and populating the city with more enemies.

The thing that killed the entire RTS genre not mentioned, Holla Forums pls.

Warcraft III was a really good game which actually had diverse factions and not a 2-bit balance AS WELL AS large, solid campaign. DotA is not RTS even though a whole bunch of fucking casuls think it is and so far the only thing it's raping it DoW series with DoW3 going into shitter, everything else was raped by "muh competative RTS" shit of SC2 even though SC2 is not as liked by gooks as a competative game compared to SC1.

god why are fantasy alphabets so shit? it's almost always a straight conversion from the characters to English, why not make a relatively simple system that requires a bit of effort to translate, Russian is harder to translate than daedric or those letter pokemon (although I'll give it a pass that pokemon is meant for 6 year olds, not cryptographers)

Waste of dubs. GTA 3 is easily has the tightest design out of all OW games, unlike Ubisoft OW flavor of the week. I fail to see how GTA 3 influenced industry in the bad way, if anything Ubisoft failed to realize why GTA games work.

First one was alright, but after that it was complete trash.

Riven created its own base 5 number system and required players to figure out how to use it in order to beat the game. I haven't seen any other game in recent memory that required you to do something like that.


s-source on that first pic?

The worst thing Halo did was prop up a failing system thanks to over-advertisement and CREATING dudebro gamers.

Gamerfuel? G4? Machinima and the entire festering hive of online creatively bankrupt "content creators" that followed their example? MLG pro gamers (and possibly by effect even the current form of Let's Players)? Fuck, Microsoft's entire continued presence in the console market, including all the bullshit that was Xbox Live that's now just a standard thing.

All of it goes back to Halo. Its cultural, not gameplay, impact was a crossing of the Rubicon.

In spite of having occasionally enjoyed the games, I will forever hold a seed of emnity for the IP because of its butterfly effect on gaming as a whole.


They existed before Halo, they just played Call of Duty and Madden. Though the full on franchise model probably started with Halo.

You've managed to miss on all three bases, I'm actually impressed.

Why don't you stop sidestepping the point that the genre name does not specify how much like rogue a game has to be?

You tell me not to argue semantics, but this entire discussion is over something as trivial as a fucking genre label. And you're calling other people hipsters when you're the one complaining about a niche genre being invaded by casuals. Again it's not hard to find roguelikes which stick to having tilesets and being turn-based.

Has anyone mentioned Day Z yet?

Call of Duty 1 released two years after the first Halo.

Most patrician of tastes, user.


It gave a false notion that cinematics and story is more important than vidya. Every game made by Bioware after that one reinforced the idea that games are interactive movies/stories. For time they managed to do them right (Jade Empire, first Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Orgins were good games), but since ME2 everything went downhill. It spawned entire generation of whiny sjws who thinks that games should be glorified walking simulator and are to frustrated to play on normal, so they play on polygon-dificulty-level-of-doom..

As in the Mod or Standalone?

The Mod is responsible for a shitload of crappy survival games, which many feature zombies. While I have no doubt some good ones did get made, it did cause massive oversaturation.

Standalone caused the trend of perpetual early access and gave incentive never to complete projects in a timely manner. I understand sometimes when you have a tiny dev team and are creating a very niche project it can take longer, but you still should get it done.