Turkroach SJWs.
Pacman is islamophobic you shitlord
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9000 hours in MS Paint.
But they try to kill Pacman, who is only defending himself.
I guess that makes it even more realistic.
This fucking reality, I swear to God.
Beautiful just beautiful
That's bullshit and I'll tell you why
Maybe we can just meme something up, like pac-man is a Mongolian invader (hence yellow), and is going to chase down every covered up woman or something. Whatever, I know that's weak but I'm working off a retarded turkish idea to begin with.
They're blue, not red.
We all know that the shit that explodes in videogames is red.
muh zelda
and muh bomerman
Underage detected
I made a banner out of it here
Here, I've found 2 muslim women being used as a house decoration for western interior houses. Such islamophobia, racism, sexism! UGH!
and in the modern day! disgusting! unbelievable!
yep, underage.
From 2000:
Well, at least they are not Egypt… those who are prone to ban anything in sight for stupid reasons; Pokemon because it is "un-islamic", Matrix because it's too religious, and statues because they don't have the seal of approval from the government… what am I talking about "at least they're not Egypt". It's the same shithole with the same retarded belief system. My bad.
Defending yourself against muslim aggression is islamaphobic. It's just their culture. They don't know any better.
t. EU to mudslime rape victims
Those types of curtains are a goodsent. They protect your room from moonlight going though your room
So I guess this means SJWs are basically like Islamic dictators.
One thing comes from the other
And I wouldn't fuck with my real suspension
This is why microsoft is removing mspaint from windows, you shitlord.