So is anybody playing this?
It's personally my GOTY and soundtrack of the year choice and i'm havfing a shit ton of fun but nobody seems to ever talk about it
So is anybody playing this?
It's personally my GOTY and soundtrack of the year choice and i'm havfing a shit ton of fun but nobody seems to ever talk about it
I'm just waiting for someone to rip the models so they can be used for porn. I believe only Braxien has been ripped for SFM though
its not even that good
all you do is press buttons
literally the same thing as pokemon
Probably because nobody has a Wii U
I have a Wii U
There's already model ripping stuff out there for it, I have some of the tools, model files, and a guide downloaded. I have no plans to use it for porn, though.
nice meme
I play Gengar
…..Im so alone…
I play weavile, so that's almost as bad
I usually play this whenever I have game nights with friends. Very comfy and entertaining.
i had fun watching the evo finals but it must get pretty boring after a couple hours, i'd go and play a real fighting game instead
I want to pick it up. the demo was pretty fun
I thought it was really fun, but because it's still just a stretched out arcade game, it's longevity is very little. It's fun, but there isn't much substance to actually talk about.
How similar does it play to Tekken? It seemed quite messy to me, but I'm not sure if I'm just oversensitive to all the bloom and shit you get from Pokemon attacks.
I'm almost tempted to get a Wii U but I don't think I have enough open-minded friends to play stuff on one
It is a real fighting game though
Like, it's not even smash tier "b-but it's still competive even though it's not a traditional fighter!", it's just outright a traditional fighter.
It has way, way, way more in common with Street fighter, Mortal Kombat, and other traditional fighters then it does with shit like Smash or powerstone or the naruto/dbz games. The only way it's similar to the latter group is that for the most part the inputs are simple, all of them being just pushing multiple buttons at once or a button plus a direction. The actual execution of combos though and frame timing and all that isn't particularly lenient though compared to other modern fighting games (It's not particularly harder then average, either though), and there are plenty of just frame/frame perfect stuff.
Also I don't know why people compare it to tekken, either. It's not like Tekken or bloody roar or soul calibur. There's no 2d plane with 3d movement like them. The Field phase of pokken is true 3d, and the duel phase of pokken is true 2d and is the same subgenre that SF is (vs anime fighters like BB or GG or marvel)
See what I said above. It's not like tekken any more then SF or MK is like tekken, at least in terms of base mechanics. The gameplay speed/pace might be similar to tekken, though, but I don't play enough tekken to comment on that.
It does have a lot of visual effects and stuff and the camera is pretty wild, but you get used to it pretty quickly I feel. Reading this guide might help:
Even though I'm salty about no hawlucha, pikachu libre is still one of the cutest damn things in vidya.
This is exactly the kind of response I needed. Seems like it'd be worth the cost, at least if I filled out my games library a bit
not very. there are no high/low mixups & field mode has much more in common w/ arena fighters like the naruto games than a traditional 3d fighter.
That's actually not true. It's correct that high/lows/mediums/overheads aren't a core part of the gameplay compared to other fighters, but there ARE some moves that are high or low, and some characters have stances or moves that are high or low invulnerable.
Like, Weavile's 2X in dual phase will bypass high hits and high projectiles.
Not really. It's not particularly close to the true 3d naruto/dbz games OR 3d fighters like tekken or bloody roar. It's sort of it's own thing.
How about you post the frame data instead, so people can get an idea of how the game actually feels and not just get shilled to?
The game is slow. Unforgivably slow. So slow it ruins every other base premise laid out.
If they try to make a Pokken follow-up then I might be interested in that, but this game was a waste of time and money. If Nintendo hadn't bank-rolled it for EVO nobody would even remember it.
You should see the Japanese Weaviles they can get up 300+ damage combos
Also I remember there was a S5 Lucario player in the fighting thread. I dont know where he is
Let me play friendlies with you
You'll probably whoop my ass, I'm only C2 and aren't super amazing, but okay
Room code is 8ch, anybody else feel free to hop on
I think he meant shill generically just as "sucking the games dick so much", not seriously as "I think you are being paid to talk about it in a good way".
Not a bad weavile user. I still think weavile is Gengars worst matchup
I'd play more but I gotta get to sleep
You are def one of the best gengars i've played. You don't use that one grab combo like all the other players do, which makes it very hard to read when you'll pull it out, and you utilize the invincibility frames gengar has on a lot of his moves in an intentional way I don't see other gengar players do. So even on the stuff you do I can read, like your CADC-ing, I can't actually do shit about it
You can call out my CADC's by throwing out attacks at the right time
That most Gengars will shadow punch at the beginning so walk forward since Shadow punch hits Horizontally
Also Weavile is good at stuffing Gengars Knock off is good in case they want to jump out
Also I like your use of Side Y trying to close off the opponent then go in for the kill
We can play when ever you want Tomorrow if the threads still up.
where we watching the same game? it played like a naruto shippuden match, gaara vs garaa. every character seemed slow and had long, flashy attacks.
If you mean the evo match, you were watching slower zoners play,
Budokai is a faster-paced Tekken and Tenkaichi is a great 3D fighter, fug u. Tenkaichi 3 alone has way more mechanical depth than most shit released nowadays.
Hopefully Namco doesn't fuck up the Tenkaichi HD collection. Proper netcode would do wonders for reviving the scene.
This is the first I've heard of it
People compare it to tekken because it is a pokemon tekken cross user
Hence pokken
All I want is for it to be good
I'll pirate it if my PC is good enough for it
Do you have a source for that?
I fucking swear they released a teaser for it but now I can't find it.
Did I get fiddled? Fuck, now I have homework to do. I'll start digging when I wake up tomorrow morning. Sage for offtopic.
Mind posting examples of how the games have depth then?
Found 45 minutes o Darkrai gameplay if anyone intrested
Chandelure main here.
I sure do love fighting people only once online.
Go play some Super DBZ, faggot.