Why do fat acceptance people hate capitalism when capitalism is the reason they can even be fat?
Why do fat acceptance people hate capitalism when capitalism is the reason they can even be fat?
Why are socdems such faggots?
Because they're liberals. Under an anarchist society, they'd be laughed at and jeered at.
i'm not actually a socdem. which flag represents democratic ownership of means of production?
hey what about this one
every socdemn I've seen has been a flagrant shitposter
Hey, I don't think you can say "faggot" here. It's a SFW politically incorrect board.
No, seriously.
Haha, great argument, OP. I mean, it's not like our personification of capitalism has a name that is literally a word for fat people that compares them to pigs, which are also known for being fat. Nor do we call the same people we dislike and many of us desire to guillotine 'fatcats'. Quality thread.
anybody got the fat-shaming Modern Anarchists in Catalonia?
i dont know people who have difficulty accepting that other people are fat
i think OP is asking why some fatties are not capitalist- not saying socialists are fatties
Being fat is a mark of class. If you're fat in Western counties it means your poor.
Proles are viciously classist and fat people are treated like shit because of their fatness.
Fat acceptance is an abstraction of class war. Even though no one promoting is class conciousness.
no it's a mark of stupidity
vegetables are cheap as fuck, stop eating out every day
I literally never see any fat acceptance promotion that isn't tied to liberal ethical consumerism, branding, or advertising.
i'm poor as fuck and literally emaciated
Fat acceptance is a cancer.
Mental illness is real and should be treated. If you are so delusional to invalidate scientific consensus solely to avoid the fact that you are fucking up your body, you need treatment.
Literally worse than tumblr genderism
you can eat out at the worst possible restaurants every day as long as you exercise moderation and keep fit
it's a mark of laziness, people don't know how to prepare vegetables properly/flavorfully or have butterfingers in the kitchen.
You have to have the time, organization, and education to know how to cook. Also vegetables aren't that cheap.
Also there's a little something called superstructure. If you're constantly bombared with messages and access to greasy salty food that probably what your going to eat.
See: superstructure.
**you gotta be some softy white sheltered suburbanite to think it's easy to cook home cooked meals everyday. I bet your mommy still does all your cooking for you.
Honestly there's no reason why the actual left shouldn't be dominating on this issue
fuck the liberal left and the right-wing scum on this
Easy, they don't actually hate capitalism; they just don't understand what it is because if they did, they'd realize they were being played like goddamn fiddles. Bork for borkies, far as I care.