Well Holla Forums, should I?

Well Holla Forums, should I?

Haven't played any Elder Scrolls game yet, is this worth it?
Heard some mixed opinions about it, what do you guys think?

Only with all DLC
And I personally wouldn't spend almost 8 euros on it, but then again I'm a kike.
It's an alright game for about 30 hour roam, and you can make pretty much anything out of it with mods. I have at least 500 hours in it.

Start with Morrowind and pirate it.

Just pirate it.

just get the loli mods

Absolutely, get all the DLC too.

Definitely get it, anonymous. Pick up Fallout 4 too while it's on sale too!

Don't forget the DLC too Anonymous No.10305621!!!

If you're going to buy it, make sure it has all the DLC included. If you're not experienced with modding, it makes verifying game files after fucking up your installation that much easier. Otherwise you could buy the base game and just pirate all the DLC with no problems - you install them like any other basic mod which is pretty funny.

Make sure you use Mod Organiser and not Nexus Mod Manager.

It's boring, not fun, the story is not engaging worth a damn, and it's not even an RPG.

It's only worth it for modding and even then you should just pirate it you dumb faggot.

Is there a pastebin for the porn mods or something, i've got nothing to do till 4 and I wanted to at least try

any guides for the loli mods as well?

Sage and report for paid shill.

You're not going to get any answers as to the quality of the game here other than "it's shit", "I'm totally not Todd Howard", and "lol Steam". If you actually want to read a bit more about it you should check out >>>/tes/ and have a browse.

No it isn't. There is not a single really good Skyrim mod. You can't turn something bad into something good. Mods cannot fix Skyrim.


Just play morrowind and daggerfall. The only redeemable element of tes is the lore, and skyrim/oblivion didnt do much to add to it.

Just pirate it and see for yourself

That's some jew practices right there

Even if you're not interested in TES lore or actually playing it as you should (I.E. doing quests and the like), with the right mods you can turn what would otherwise be a fairly enjoyable exploration setting into a supremely comfy inn-hopping simulator. Get yourself some better weather, a realistic needs mod, warmer indoor lighting, and possibly even a mod that adds songs for the player, and you're good to go.

Oh, and steer clear of the porn mod s'wits. If you want to fap, go and fap. Don't shit where you eat and eat where you shit. Same goes for fap and vidya.

Ok… didn't realize that the version on sale doesn't even include the DLCs
Might give the legendary version a pirate then

After trying Morrowind, which apparently has been sitting unplayed in my steam library for some years now whoops

Just pirate it dude. Bethesda doesn't give a shit about you not buying their mod platform.

Skyrim and Morrowind are polar opposites in terms of gameplay, just be wary of that if you choose to play both in near succession.

Fuck no, at least don't pay for it. Acquire it and try it just to likely get bored within a short amount of time. Unless you're someone who ends up enjoying it, then you might be able to put a ridiculous amount of hours into it like my friend did for the fucking 360 version. I personally got bored within a few days, which includes fucking around with mods.

I'd say Get Oblivion or Morrowind instead.

just pirate it, with the dlc
the steam workshop doesn't really offer anything worth buying the game

No if any get ESO its exactly the same as Skyrim but with multiplayer.

why would someone do something as retarded as avoiding porn mods in a game that stays bland even with quality of life mods and addons

Not even as a joke, man.

Because it's pointless. If you want to jack off, go look up some actual porn and jack the fuck off. Why spend hours modding it to perform properly when you can just go to your search engine of choice and have humanity's collective porn collection at your fingertips in an instant?

I'm actually half tempted, seeing as there's no subscription fees and I have some money to blow. Is there a potential for griefing in ESO?

The only decent part of Oblivion is the Shivering Isles expansion, it's otherwise a gigantic piece of shit that makes Skyrim look good by comparison. Go with Morrowind.

Nah theres no option for griefing in MMOS in general. I'd say just get a non vidya hobby or play the older games like Daggerfall, Morrowind or even oblivion.

muh immersion~~


Because Oblivion's porn mods satisfy that certain itch that no other porn on the internet can scratch.

what's that, an itch for jacking off to uncanny valley anime girls in a world made of potatos?

summarises exactly what I was going to say, but much more poignantly than I was probably going to.

It's pretty clear that neither of you have taken the time to install the right collection of mods if all you're getting is "uncanny anime girls in a potato world"

I bought a physical Legendary Edition for PC for 12 pounds during the Brexit fluctuation. It was less than $15 I think for a physical game.

Again, why do that if I can just look up whatever I'm interested in?

Well fuck that shit then. I know there was a way to grief in Archeage(?) where you use some ability to kill people in your own faction. There a pretty funny video of it but I can't find it for the life of me.

right sorry, uncanny valley anime girl in a world of lactating potatos

game is garbage though, makes you go through a lot of wow style quests before you are allowed to have fun (about 100 hours worth).


look at all those dislikes. there is no hope for this generation. real mmos will never exist again.

I spent about 80-100 hours in skyrim (just an estimate) playing as a bow/thief character. Only reason i played is bc got the game on clearance for 5 dollars (yeah console lol). Game is fun for a while but gets really boring.

Some quests are randomly generated, really takes you out of the game. Makes it not feel like an rpg anymore.

Its super easy too, and the quest rewards are all the same. Some more gold, or some item you probably won't use.

Thief main quest line barely even involvs stealing shit. It's more of an afterthought.

The dungeons are mostly fucking hallways, inspired by the bioshock infinite school of game design.

The worst part is how fucking lonely the game is. The towns dont have all sets of guikds anymore like in oblivion or morrowind, theres just one fixed locatiom for each guild on the map. They also barely have any kind of population. There will be towns with like less than 6 people in them. You'll find bandit lairs with a higher poo count than a main city like wtf. The game screams lazy/rushed. Pc mods can fix some of this i believe.

If you can get it cheap and like this kind of game, then go for it but keep expectations low and be prepared to mod the shit out of it i assume.

Just pirate it. I played it for about 8 hours before realizing that everything is shit. The combat is shit, the roleplaying aspects are shit, the dungeons are shit. I don't believe people when they say that mods make it better, nothing can unfuck the game at its core. Buy something else if you must.

I would wait for a new TES, with FO4 recently released it shouldn't be far off, don't forget your pre-order bonus and season pass.

Are there mods that make the gameplay any less bland casual bullshit ?

I'm thinking about pirating the HD remaster.

Sure as hall not at this time. Wait for the remaster to come out in a few months

Fuck the "remaster". Most of the current mods won't work with it since they all run on pre-existing community made framework. There's no point to it.

Commit sudoku.

Griefing in AA was so much fun. Same-faction killing, piracy (actual fucking piracy with boats, killing people and taking their trade packs), stacking or bribing juries so you get away with it scot-free, raiding illegal farms, the list goes on. I even used to scam people with real estate.

RU beta with translation patch was honestly the most fun I've ever had in a video game, bar none. Fuck Trion for what they did to that game.

Just pirate it nigger if you're not sure

If you've never played TES before you'll probably enjoy it a lot however

just buy the new Mass Effect instead