Inferior sound effects to Wolfenstein 3D

Granted, the engine and level design are good, but why are people obsessed with this piece of shit?

different people like different games

Lol fag

cool bait thread user
check my dubs


developers ?


Saging because your thread is obvious bait, and shitty bait at that. You don't like it, fine. I think all your complaints are shit, it's like saying you don't like spicy food. Go eat cake then, faggot.

some heavy bait dude if you put it out like this everyone will know it is a trap try again

What about the lack of minimap and the gun sounds that aren't sampled from actual gun sounds? I'm sure those are valid objective criticism.


You laid it on too thick, famalam.

Absolutely kill yourself without question you casual faggot

In fact anyone that likes any map that tells you exactly where you are on it has shit taste, the only good maps are maps like those in early Gothic and Thief games. Maps that tell you where you are do nothing but make you not give a shit about learning and analyzing the environment and if you aren't doing that then what the fuck is the point of levels being complex or interesting?

Are you autistic or something?

Both Terminator and System Shock were released after Doom retard.


If there's a magical minimap that makes traversing the environment trivial then why would the player bother paying attention to the rest of the screen outside of shooting enemies? You get to see exactly where you are relative to the rest of the area and don't actually have to explore to learn how it's laid out. Doom's map is already one of its faults and making it into a minimap that is constantly on screen would be retarded. Games designed around minimaps have no incentive to make each area of the map feel visually distinct because they player isn't going to use anything other than the minimap when traversing the map outside of combat.

Of course this is fine if you're a casual gamer who can only enjoy games that are simple, accessible "cinematic" experiences often praised on places like reddit, but in that case you should probably go post on a place more accepting of your tastes like reddit or neogaf.

It's not a piece of shit, you simply have shit taste my dude.

mods will fix it


Doom only has a few items and unique environmental objects to be discovered throughout the game, there isn't much to be explored.

Why did Nu Wolfenstein get so much praise from Holla Forums when it's so much shittier than Nu Doom?

Why either of them are praised is the real question.

mini maps are game destroying, always. full map or no map. pay attention when you play a game with a minimap, staring at that stupid little thing all the time instead of at the world.

Only when I get severely lost.

Terminator Rampage was released in January 1st 93 while Doom in December 10th of the same year you double retard.

Also, I didn't say that SS was released earlier.

I am truly losing all hope in Holla Forums.

It's because the way the maps are made. It's all a 2d map projected to look 3d. That's why you don't have to aim up or down to hit enemies, because they area all technically on the same plane

But it's still not impossible.


wtf i hate doom now

Why do you need a minimap? The maps aren't that labyrinthine. Rampage was a mess of samey looking floors. Stop Toddposting.

Doom's normal shotgun is the most satisfying weapon ever made for a fps.

The dry, deep sound followed by the analogical reload clicks, is so pitch perfect it could be used in a metronome.

Weak bait.

Terminator Rampage was one of those Wolf 3D like games with limited textures and confusing corridors, but why not? I still get lost sometimes in Doom. Id's automap looks like shit.

The coach shotgun is better.

Amazing bait

Its a much more faithful recreation of the original Castle Wolfenstien whereas Wolf3d was a shitty reboot

We've had so many people say Doom is shit, when will you ever learn?

And let's not get started on demons not being scanned after actual demons.

A part of me wants to write sage in all fields, the other grotesque and perverse part wants to see how stupid your arguments can get in hope someone will somehow take it seriously.



