No threads on this yet?? 20 gigs of docs released by the National Archives.
No threads on this yet?? 20 gigs of docs released by the National Archives.
Other urls found in this thread:
Was about to post this.
What's in the unredacted portions? Did the CIA actually kill him?
If wr can link this to the kikes, irrefutably, we win.
Executive Order 11110, JFK fought the (((Federal Reserve))) Central Banks.
I don't think they tell you which exact part, it's just that previously released documents with redactions have now been released in full.
So the best way to parse it is probably to look into what redactions skeptics of the Warren Commission report find to be most interesting. Any idea where there might be a site that talks about specific documents pertaining to the assassination?
from 104-10227-10005.pdf
seems like an interview of a russian agent and they were using homos to get things from targets
>(((B's surname)))
By the way half I've opened so far are completely unreadable, pic related
Wow, that's pretty fuckin' bad. I'm still downloading them currently.
Yeah this is nothing like searching through word searchable email archives
How do records get so bad like this? I mean I have records from my parents and grandparents stored in basements since that time period and they all look clean and crisp.
I'll put tinfoil on my head and say they scanned them poorly on purpose as some kind of malicious compliance.
I dunno, man. I get the feeling, sometimes, that you could literally have Jews broadcasting their intentions and telling everyone the Holla-caust was a fib on a special all-Jew channel and the normals STILL wouldn't believe it.
To answer my own question a little, this won't shine any light on any of the redactions, but here's a little wishlist of files that exist and should presumably be in the release.
JFK was /ourguy/
Look at the quality of the diary in converse to the quality of the documents created 18+ years later.
I'm gonna say this now. ==REDACTED FOR A REASON==
CIA+MOSSAD killed kennedy
Why is ==redtext== so selective ==?==
It has to be the entire line, can't do partial like you can with '', experiment in >>>/test/
Is this related to the files scheduled to be released and declassified this fall? Did they just get leaked early or is this something completely different?
From what I've read, it seems like this is the same thing - the October date was just a deadline.
I kind of have to agree with you user.
But the early tech was kind of crap compared to what we have now.
In 1960 my phone number was 17F24.
My dad told me to remember it and I still do.
Holy shit!! I wonder if JFK read Miguel Serrano's books?
Looks like maybe it could be deciphered by connecting the dots.
That one's gonna be harder.
I should be jumping up and down over this but alas after 50 years i am somewhat constrained to know that everything I know now about the murder I found out by myself and I highly doubt the govt will release anything that will tell me anything new.
Not exactly.
Fake quote.
That's a myth. EO11110 didn't do what proponents of that theory claim it did.
He didn't want kikes getting nukes.
he also didn't want them having a paper money printing press
Nor a spy network set up to harass, harm and murder American citizens whom work against jewish interests.
Bump, is this really not worth a few nights to further our whole collective knowledge of (((history and current events))) and all that shit? I wish I didn't have normie disguise commitments and could dig more, much could be recovered and connected by anons with paint and some kind of system to keep track of our work. All these digging threads meet the same fate, and all the autism-wikis fail to reach critical mass or even last longer than a thread. We need to hone our retention of (((connections))) found by anons. So many are lost. I bet we'll let the answers to much more than JFK slip through our fingers because this dump will never get efficiently studied.
That was FDR, mostly.
AAA - 1933 Agricultural Adjustment Administration
CCC - 1933 Civilian Conservation Corps
CWA - 1933 Civil Works Administration
DRS - 1935 Drought Relief Service
DSH - 1933 Subsistence Homesteads Division
EBA - 1933 Emergency Banking Act
FAA - 1933 Federal Aviation Administration
FAP - 1935 Federal Art Project
FCA - 1933 Farm Credit Administration
FCC - 1934 Federal Communications Commission
FDIC - 1933 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
FERA - 1933 Federal Emergency Relief Administration
FHA - 1934 Federal Housing Administration
FLSA - 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act
FMP - 1935 Federal Music Project (part of WPA)
FSA - 1935 Farm Security Administration
FSRC - 1933 Federal Surplus Relief Corporation
FTP - 1935 Federal Theatre Project (part of WPA)
FWA - 1939 Federal Works Agency
FWP - 1935 Federal Writers' Project (part of WPA)
HOLC - 1933 Home Owners' Loan Corporation
NIRA - 1933 National Industrial Recovery Act
NLRA - 1935 National Labor Relations Act
NLRB - 1934 National Labor Relations Board/The Wagner Act
NRA - 1933 National Recovery Administration
NYA - 1935 National Youth Administration
PRRA - 1933 Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration
PWA - 1933 Public Works Administration
RA - 1935 Resettlement Administration
REA - 1935 Rural Electrification Administration (now Rural Utilities Service)
SEC - 1934 Securities and Exchange Commission
SSA - 1935 Social Security Administration
SSB - 1935 Social Security Board (now Social Security Administration)
TVA - 1933 Tennessee Valley Authority
USHA - 1937 United States Housing Authority
USMC - 1936 United States Maritime Commission
WPA - 1935 Works Progress Administration
Look at this bullshit
Bump for sticky.
Bump for sticky.
Bump, shills aren't sliding this
It is now a sticky.
In 1976 mine was 352-7984.
Holy Shit
I'm confused. Did he win or did his enemies win?
there are more than 2 genders or else
Who Really Murdered JFK by Michael Collins Piper
I tried some online OCR apps on the images above. No luck. If these were run through some filters that focus on connecting lines….like edge detection algorithms..maybe we could at least get them clearer. Maybe some contrast boost to help the edge detection filter first?
If nobody has tried by tomorrow I will write some code to run some through some filters and post results. Maybe we could collect some good candidates in this thread?
This is why Trump is always at Mar-A-Lago
I fooled around a little trying to get the edges, then blur it a bit to fill things in. Then I flipped the colors and other stuff. These files are REALLY rough. Idk guys hah. Ill keep trying
Have you tried with it being Hebrew maybe? Seriously.
Good idea, user. I am just running this through various filters trying to expose more lines and connect lost fragments through exposure and contrasting. I feel like I should be able to read fragments of the one I posted, but I just can't. I am pitiful at deciphering decent cursive, sad to say. Later I will try again and see if I can come up with a better approach. I am not really good at this, just happen to have enough know how to attempt it kek
Speaking of Hebrew, maybe that last word on the underline is Israeli? or Israelis?
Just from 20 GB you know it's bullshit meant to waste people's time. We already know Bush did it. He was CIA director. All the evidence we've had on everything else has never accomplished fuck all. Literally had Bibi saying the holocaust is fictional and nobody cared.
These aren't even pieces of letters, just lines of dots. No curves or anything to tell them apart.
I love Kennedi Cotarelo :3
check 'em
check 'em
check 'em
check 'em
check 'em
check 'em
check 'em
check 'em
check 'em
check 'em
check 'em
check 'em
check 'em
check 'em
check 'em
It's not a feeling. Such a thing has been proven. People who have been brainwashed can be told by the people who brainwashed them that they did so and ever after showing them HOW they did it, they remain fucked up. It's like some imprint in the brain that's physical damage. It's like… I recall people under an ekg? who were shown images of logos for consumer goods like Coka Cola and even if they hadn't had one in years, parts of them brain lit up. Freaky shit. Research it if you're interested you'll find all sorts of shit. The Jew is pure evil.
20gigs of text would take YEARS to go through with dozens of people on it full time. So Wikishits don't even know what they have. Probably an epic troll that ends with the same official narrative. Nothing they put out has any great revelations in it because that's not how shit is done.It's not like the fag who ran Silk Road and kept notes on his crimes. I've broken into famous cunts computers for 20 years. Very uninteresting. Assholes the same as everyone else. Anyway I think it was Johnson who had CIA niggers find some shitty criminals do it. James Files and some other fucker. I don't really remember. This is coming out now because everyone who was involved is dead now. One day we'll get the truth about the moon landing and no one will care because the chinks will be having weekly shuttles to the fucker. Everything is trash. Focus on the Jew today.
The "kennedi" spammer is active so this must be an important release. Bumping.
That's not a phone number!
most people around the world knew that JFK was assasinated by either Mossad or Gestapo because he tried to interfere with kike business in US government. Americans are stupid for not seeing the darkness within their own country.
sandniggers hate US not because of gulf war or religion, they simply blaming US for Israel's existence
You're a dummy if you don't realize that Muslims and Jews get along fine.
This is the ultimate truth.
JFK famous speech where people think he's talking about bankers or private military, but he's actually talking about the kikes.
JFK was about to kick Israel to the curb, unless they returned all their stolen uranium and allowed US and UN vistors into dimona and begin it's demanteling. Failure to do so would have meant complete boycot against israel and as such they would not have been able to finish their nukes and the Arabs would have torn their kike hive asunder.
Once you begin to realize what kikes are, you want to exterminate every last one of them. Deportation doesn't work, they will infiltrate again when society loses it's security.
Nice try, kike.
This is fairly accurate, but sometimes shit comes out. The thing is, if there was anything damning in there - there have been a lot of years and a lot of opportunities for it to be destroyed. Even more true is that if it had made it that far, it would have been seen by people who would have done something by now. Can't hurt for people to look at it, but, yeah.
Perhaps we need to check this with photoshop.
Fuck with hues, brightness and contrast?
that doesn't mean we should stop digging
Could it be a form of encryption?
Techpleb here.
How do we download and look at these without getting our computer potentially dirty? Sandbox?
This wiki says Firebird on Linux would be a good sandbox, but what about windows?
tech-friendly here.
if you need to ask that question, dont.
ho didnt saw the sticky mb
A good tinfoil tip is to run sandboxed Tor inside a Whonix VM.
japanese maybe?
Could be some old form of cursive, if you have writings of your great grandparents you can see that kind of script. I think its in English.
They killed him because he gassed the federal reserve and was going to inspect israels dimona nuclear weapons facility
def cursive, nice work with the lines. still barely legible
Western civilization has been preserving texts for thousands of years. Are you telling me their tech level is so low they can't maintain PAPER? And their scanners back them were shoddy but not that shoddy.
This has to be a psyop to waste time tbh. If there's nothing else worth investigating let's dig, but it might just be a distraction. I'll see if I can do something with it in GIMP tonight or tomorrow, but I'm honestly not hopeful.
Food for thought: There are unredacted versions of documents that were made public in limited form. Again, how do they fuck this up so badly without doing it intentionally?
completely wrong fact
can YOU?
wrong again
for your intelligence level, yes
seeking truth is hardly a distraction
even worse than those 'shoddy scanners'
you should
shitty food
no one is perfect. secrets this big can never be hidden for too long
Christ all the disinfo and ignorance in this thread. He was killed by Mossad and Jewish mafia because he wanted to inspect Israel's nuclear plant in Dimona. (Skip to around 3:47)
JFK did more than one thing to piss the cianiggers and zogbots off. They had a list of reasons to want him dead. Some we might not even know about… yet.
i told them that many times, but they don't believe me. americans are stupid, their brains are made of jewish Big Macs
Could be short hand?
Idk, he had a huge bonor for churchill.
It's shorthand. It was very common for people to have "generational shorthand" something that's not covered in that article. It's basically a form that's taught from parent to child alongside cursive, or before they go to a technical college or university. In my family pretty much everyone in the male line has been CNC-ops/millwrights, and we have our own form of writing going back ~150 years or so. It's very handy to know for verbose subjects, and it was far more common back before laptops were allowed in classrooms, and programmable calculators were still banned. Which would have been in the late 90's early 00's.
It's poorly scanned cursive.
how much per post?
Do you really expect such transparent bullshit to hold any water in a place like this? Fellate a shotgun.
Please tell me that is a real quote
You never had a phone that looked like this.
That's probably a bit of a stretch, but he did visit Europe on numerous occasions and noted the disastrous effect the war had on the German people, which led him to make his remarks on Hitler.
The short-hand supplement: being some new inventions in short-hand writing arranged for writer of Isaac Pitman, Ben Pitman, Howard, Munson, Graham's and other systems of phonography
JFK was murdered by the kikes before most of Serrano's books were released, let alone translated into English. He may have read some Jung or Savitri Devi though.
Yeah, there he is, that motherfucker. Kill yourself
another worthless sub stickied that would die in 2 or 3 days if left alone. Nobody cares you fucking mutt
Instead of killing myself, you could quite easily time-stamp an ID with your date of birth.
Very interesting how the (((bbc))) would release an article talking shit on JFK, calling him essentially a Nazi sympathizer, within hours of these leaks coming out. This all but confirms that his assassination was orchestrated by kikes.
Checked. At the rate events are escalating I wouldn't be surprised if civil war breaks out before months end.
Checked. At the rate events are escalating I wouldn't be surprised if civil war breaks out before months end. Just the last seven days.
Deep state(kikes) threaten impeachment, then now assassination. Defaming Kennedy as soon as the docs dropped. The Anti boycott israel bill, now the fuck iran(russia) bill. It's Happening guys.
Correction, that article was archived back in March, so not "within hours" of these leaks. Still, it's indication that the MSM could be gearing up for a JFK smear campaign just in case any dots start getting connected from these documents.
The article itself is actually a perfect example of how the MSM fake news machine works. Since the vast majority of people don't read past headlines, most will see this and think "oh JFK liked Hitler? That's weird.. *cognitive dissonance grows*" which is just a seed that can be harvested later in the minds of the public in case it is ever revealed that JFK was actively working against the ZOG-puppet CIA and federal reserve.
You will notice in the article it is explicitly stated that JFK didn't have any known or proven Nazi sympathy, all he did was write in a journal that he thought Hitler would be a legendary figure someday, and this is the (((BBC)))'s get out of jail card so they can't be accused of slander. But of course, this section is put at the very end of the piece where no one will see it. News editors are well aware of the fact that a huge % of online news readers have shit reading comprehension and will never finish even half of any article they ever click on. This is how public opinion is subverted and controlled.
Actually I am 62 I was in the 4th grade when my first president was shot in broad daylight and the accused killer was shot on tv shortly after that. I was actually at church when it happened
That is why I posted this and got a pair of 8's
So piss off junior.
So no one is going to dig?
You wish. It couldn't be more obvious if CIAniggers was on there.
I imagine this material is tough to dig through without already being a devoted JFK researcher. Luckily Im sure there are enough of them out there that if anything huge is in there, it'll be found.
make a keyboard out of the letters
it will help with over laying
Goddammit OP, get your thread title straight. The National Archives released the remaining JFK Act docs, not Wikileaks. They just tweeted about it.
At the end of each of the zip files, there is a spreadsheet of everything in the file with titles.
Read this if you want to begin discerning the mountains of spy speak.
The "Russian agent" being interviewed is Yuri Nosenko, a purported defector that was in CIA custody for several years. He's being interviewed by Peter Deriabin, KGB defector turned CIA officer.The FBI strongly doubted his credentials and suspected he was a plant sent by the Soviets (they were right), based on the reports they got from their own defector, Anatoliy Golitsyn. CIA however, refused to believe this and it turned into a protracted and frankly, fucking ugly battle between the two agencies. Nosenko, in turn, also accused Golyitsyn of being a plant. Unlike Nosenko, most of Golitsyn's claims could be verified.
Shitty 1990's scanners at 200dpi, that's how. These are probably nth generation copies that went through the virtual wringer. Good job, National Archives.
The sad part user is some of the best JFK researchers devoted their lives to the pursuit of the truth and they are now dead
Penn Jones
Mae Brussell
There are others I could list but those 2 were in my estimation the most dedicated and the best.
Stop looking into things! You don't need more details! It's was the masons! It was the Bush family!
No nigger, IT WAS THE JEWS
(fucking piece of niggershit site, pressing enter to add a new line should not be posting)
Who do you think he worked for? He pushed the US into full-scale involvement in the war that should never have been after all.
I know someone whose father worked on this. JFK was shot by a man on the grassy knoll, the "shooter" was part of a cell and any of them could have been caught. The other two left via scooters underground.
And of course the reason was to keep the war going for those shekels, among other things.
read michael collins piper. ghwb directed the team of 6 shooters while the killshot was fired at close range from the front of the car - some thought by driver william greer but i believe it was the person opposite him in the front passenger seat. ref the unedited zapruder film - who shot the footage under sponsorship by bell&howell to record the live snuff film.
jfk vowed to end us support of israel by cutting off the flow of nuclear supplies and secrets. it was a mossad hit.
let's see your dentures then or GTFO
Microfilmed copies of microfilmed copies. Microfilm is only good for about 50 years until it starts to decay and fade. Many government entities were lackluster about protecting their archives and didn't start duplicating their film until it was already mostly unreadable.
T. Former manager of a microfilm factory
It is tits or GTFO summer fag
If you need that much third party software to safely use the web, then I think the web as an infrastructure is fundamentally broken.
That's a good one, have the webm.
And goddammit, don't save a .gif as a .jpg you stupid faggot.
Saved for future mirroring.
would you consider uBlock to be a viable replacement for ABP/ghostery?
ghostery spies on you. ABP was once a very useful add-on but it is now run by ad companies essentially. ublock and umatrix are sufficient replacements, yes.
It is fundamentally broken lol
its 2017.. how hard is it to drone the rothchilds?
in b4 …