=='''(((PAY))) Chips Inserted! Mark of the Beast'''==
Transhumanist jew strikes again.
I'm going to post this on christchan too
Exactly the same argumentation that was put forward a couple of years ago when that shit was done in Sweden (it also happened last year, also using the same argumentation)…
Fun fact: every time a news source reports the number of people who have been microchiped, they claim it's "more than 1,000"
2004 - archive.is
2006 - archive.is
2014 - archive.is
Another fun fact: Wisconsin is one of the few states (there's at least nine since 2009) that prohibited by law to implant RFID microchips into people without their consent (hence those reports always include the mention that many people "volunteered" to get marked, and it's something that "cannot be avoided"; because it's a future you have no control over).
we will have control over it. We will not allow them to insert it. Claim that it is against our religion and that it is the mark of (((the beast)))
I didn't mean to sage this
good thing you didnt
I have principles too, but it's hard to love video games and reject shit like Steam. If they make the process convenient to people, they will adopt it.
and you didn't sage the thread, "sage" goes in mail field
Fuck off back to halfchan.
oh. thank you.
I was sageing on another thread and left the shit in the blocks
Welp, here I was thinking all the fundies were full of it, engaging in wishful thinking, guess the end of days is here. We mark of the beast now.
See what happened?
Now fuck off back to halfchan, that's not how you sage here.
I was trying to be nice before,
I keep telling you all, this Justin Timberlake is valuable predictive programming.
Boy, this is going to be fun. Due to my clinical depression, my wife dismisses any redpills I spout as just a symptom. So when I tell her we'll have to start hunting/foraging for our food and living in a shack with a woodstove innawoods, she's going to offer up her hand or forehead faster than you can say "Iscariot."
Not even modern day problems.
Go back.
i'd like to say i would never take one of these willingly and would die before i let it happen, but from my research, there are RFID chips so small that you cannot see them with the naked eye and they can be implanted into you without you even knowing.
I think it would have something to do with the willingness to have one of these implanted. The people that won't get them will be ostracized. Having said that, if they are too small, would they even last? Would they just brick?
They actually have a gun that fires them.
Having said that, though, the mark is VOLUNTARY. You have to accept it for it to count.
uh excuse me but this is a private business, goy! It's totally okay to do this.
Having said that, nice digits, and, yes.
Slippery slope dictates:
1. (((Wisconsin Company))) get this
2. Employees at said company 'testify' that this is a great thing
3. General public likes the sound of this
4. Everybody volunteers to get one
5. Government makes it mandatory
Correct on all accounts for #5. They do this shit where all the companies stick to a standard practice, effectively making it mandatory without actually being legally mandatory.
It's the way way they got around the first amendment. Sure, you can say whatever you want… but you get fired for publicly saying any wrongthink. So effectively, it's no different than if you were in a country without free speech; just that instead of getting fined/jailed, you get fired from your job and blacklisted for life instead.
Reminder that turning everyone into RFID-tagged cattle is actually their plan.
Reminder that Aaron Russo got suicided for revealing it.
I don't know if I'm overly paranoid. I've seen some overly paranoid shit before, but now I'm starting to get a bit concerned.
here's that video
Some information on this short video -
(((Rockefeller))) involvement, 9-11 was done by government and world banking system, war on terror is a fraud, scaring American public to justify war on terror, chip links to database of your information, FDA Approved it in 2004, cancer grows around chip, microchip sarcoma, goal is to have everyone chipped and to control society, ability to remotely activate it and release a virus that would kill host….
I want off this ride. I will trample any one to do it.
have you checked the book club?
Mr. Jones according to our scanner you entered the break room at the allowed time but did not return to your desk until 5 minutes over break time. You will receive a demerit for you actions.
A little off-topic, but here is some more Aaron Russo stuff
The Bible is the final redpill. These kikes need to be stopped.
Can i still touch magnets? Or what will happen around molten steel?
It will still burn you.
They'll begin by making our daily lives a bureaucratic nightmare before they just go ahead and withdraw all support.
This is what's going to happen. When companies start requiring it, people will need to go postal. As Pierce said, the war will be won by the people who didn't turn in their weapons.
Except we already know how things are going to work. A few here or there will undoubtedly show up to the local chip-only business with shotguns, but the majority will accept it, leaving us to band together innawoods and try to make some sort of small society for mutual self-preservation…which will be attacked on the reg by the agents of the Beast when they've been drinking.
I can't wait for the kikes to offer shit like 10% discounts at Starbucks or Best Buy and Target for every chip transaction. Consumerism driven memes will be the gateway for brain implants and chips, no doubt. First, they reduce the amount of middle class to the point you're either rich or a wageslave. After years of shoving the "superstar" culture down every wageslave's throat, simply offering a little more of that shit they can't afford will be what finally turns them into robots.
Actually, fuck Starbucks. Just give a blanket 5% discount across all hamburger, pizza and friend chicken brands. You'll get 99% of the US population within the first 3 years.
They will all be
You are not.
There are people in all levels of Government and big business (especially the type of tech firms that are in a position to facilitate the introduction of such technologies AND promote them at an initial financial loss with many introductory “benefits”) that openly call for oppressive control of populations so as force into existence their idealised vision of society.
China’s “social credit” scheme is a very early prototype for what is to come. I live in a country that has already surpassed science fiction-tier dystopia in terms of how the internet is policed. The chips are 100% coming. There is no evidence that the majority of people in power would be against it.
Some nations will be outright forced others will have it backdoored in.
Is it finally happening?
"It's fast. It's easy." And what's more, there's no way to dispute the transaction.
They don't have the slightest fucking clue how memories are actually stored, and they think that this is a short waltz away from where we are? That's almost cargo-cult-plane-summoning-tier. Of course they're able to affect mental states through vague EM applications, and are able to generate optical signals, but that's dealing with active information. I doubt they even know where to begin at the long term storage level, they would be dealing with a wholly different organic architecture, and that's just dealing with the data structure alone. How they're physically stored, or even if they're physically stored, is anybody's guess right now. And even if we had a comprehensive understanding? The actual interfacing would be a nightmare.
However, none of that matters if the actual goal of this is the ability to induce mental states and limbic associations in active memory. Do that, and you basically have a form of mind control without the heavy lifting of actually having to interface with those embedded memories. It's the classic illusionist method, distract the audience with the spectacle until the final image catches them in awe, with no understanding of how it got there in the first place.
Daily reminder that these companies don't give a single fuck about your security
Stop being mentally weak.
Isn't it convenient goy? You'll be able to buy stuff without yah wallet oh yah card. I promise this will be worth it goy.
GPS? Oy vey goy, don't be paranoid.
Oh yeah that whole reaching into your pocket rigamarol its just so fucking hard
You don't have a choice if we make dose vaccines mandahtory goy. Yah think yah kids ah the only ones who ah gonna be getting the vaccines? Remembah its fah yah own good.
Or even those NFC bracelets, holy shit. Just having that over my wrist fucks me over leaving a tanline
korea user and links related
>>>Holla Forums767047
rms is a toe crust eating jew but, he's on point for a lot of the negative aspects of technology like this shit.
friendly reminder there's no software without bugs!
What's the deal with (((Aaron Russo)))?
He's an obvious jew who made one of the finest piece of Frankfurt Institute sponsored "race is a socal construct" pieces of cinema, Trading Places. Yet here he is calling out his own people on the chip business.
You are a fucking retard who hasn't got a fucking clue what's going down.
Seriously it was word for word. Clearly an agenda here.
Seeing red again. Seeing red again.
You referring to the Bible? Old Testament, sure. But Revelations along with most of the New Testament (with the exceptions of the writings of (((Saul)))) weren't Jewish.
Jesus was a Galilean, not a jew. You have been lied to, now convert.
Time to convert cryptojew anons, no more larpagan degeneracy.
Even if this shit was never NWO tier, you'd have to be fucking retarded to go through an invasive medical procedure that makes you risk complications (infections/allergic reactions) all so you can get some fucking cheetos.
I mean, this isn't even like something you can swipe at the store or bank. What if you get fired/find new work, then that shit is useless
"And the moment you start being a bad goy we'll deny access to your bank account, medical assistance and any other service."
I hate when they say this shit for every crap they try to push.
They just need to make it cool and fashionable using the Tel-Avision and the plebs will subject themselves to it.
I can already imagine the braindead sheeple:
I am starting to wonder if we have enough time to win this war
I want off of this ride
please i need some White pills
Just accept the chip, goyim
G-guys…? Am I safe? I forget where they did it so I can't even tell.
Here's a 100% discount: don't buy it in the first place.
I was just thinking that if you defy the script or do anything that doesn't involve spending money, the establishment goes out of its way to fuck you. To get in the rat race you have to have the car, the expensive apartment (job aps ask your address, not just your city, they want to know what neighborhood you live in. For the employment agreement, sure, but just the application? I've heard people say it's so the business can make sure you can reasonably commute there, but that's easily defeated. If you couldn't get there, you wouldn't be applying, and if you got the job you might move closer. And further, just saying your city or neighborhood would suffice, but they want your specific street address. Something like 60% of job applications have this requirement, and around 5-10% ask your social security number. Not the agreement, just the application.) Either you're in the game or you get pushed out and harassed endlessly for not playing the game. It's all just designed to get you spending money, as much as possible, never ceasing. But keeping in mind that money=labor, it's effectively slavery. Unless you completely become a recluse it's hard to avoid most of their pay traps. And it's largely voluntarily enforced by your peers and community who have "certain expectations" of you to conform to social norms. These norms are established by associating products and services with social status, which normies go nuts to gain, and if someone in their workplace or neighborhood threatens their collective status you get screeched at. For example, if you always wear the same clothes (clean) and never buy new ones, if you have nothing to talk about at the water cooler because you don't watch TV or buy new cars or have an iphone, if your shoes aren't nice enough, if your laptop isn't new enough.
A bit rambly but at one point they might push that having the chip, or signing for whatever other big brother spyware like facebook, is a mark of social status, and in order to associate with them as a coworker you need to have it, or they feel you humiliated them all because you're not high enough social status signalling. And they will start to dislike and resent you, or try to bully you into getting it, and eventually you will be fired at the next convenience. So it doesn't need a hard mandate. The goyim are all too eager to enforce the mandate themselves if (((they))) just market it well. If you don't play the game you can't get the high paying job. So when they say "it isn't mandatory" that's extremely misleading because it will effectively be mandatory. The same way, say, you can't walk around in 1800's style clothing because of social norms. It's not illegal to wear a giant balldress around, but no one does. If it would be pushed, it will be pushed through social pressure. We also have the state where people are desperate for jobs, so if you don't get the chip, they'll just hire someone else, and you can starve.
Get Out
The number of times I will repost this is equal to the number of times salty Fedoras shill their weak-ass D&C here, plus one. You don't even understand what a Jew fucking is. You are profoundly unqualified to be talking shit to anybody.
Try something new for a change. Or is reading from a two year old astroturf script the limit of your abilities?
There's a reason people have problems with the King James Version, fool. This is the big one.
inb4 shilling
yes, there are still Christian Nationalists who have not been cucked by what normies would call the "church"
TL;DR - Looking at historical legends, myths, theology, prophecy and understanding the concept of transhumanism, kabbahalism and the synagogue of satan
Every time I post here, I see your screencap. Remember that the KJV changed Judean's and all tribes into one word and called it "jew". If you are grafted into the vine, then there is no problem whatsoever. However today's modern "jew" is simply an atheistic or luciferian society which hates Jesus Christ, Heso Christo, and El Elyon. Hence, they cannot say God but yet mutter things such as "oy vey". Laughable at best. Israel will be the seat of the NWO in accordance to what we read in the biblical scripts, what we see happening in the world today is proof of this and yet still, Holla Forums is just too dismissive of the amount of coincidences and blatant and undeniable truths occurring. Unfortunately, the church even less so. Even the movement of love and tolerances never equated it to be a cuckhold to your nation. For we are called to not mix into other nations, and to sell our cloaks to buy a dagger. This doesn't mean we are warmongers such as the moon worshippers (which is the symbol of satun, the sun and moon - seen in multiple jewish, luciferian, pagan and islamic symbols.)but that we do not lie down and take it but rather live a life with a belief and a lifestyle that we would be willing to give our lives for. Funny how both the jews and muslims will accept the anti-christ as the messiah and it is the very anti-thesis of Christianity. Our debt has been paid already. Accept it brothers, victory is ours and your instincts will confirm this or fight it like the savage wolf inside of you depending on which body (the flesh or the spirit) you have fed the most. Be proud of your God-given identity. Be proud of your homeland. Never back down for if He is with you, then who in this world can be against you?
Obviously a MGTOW faggot.
Paychips have been used in China recently too
I don't care how you feel about Jesus, but I can assure you that the Khazar Theory is false. Israelites/Hebrew were always a desert dwelling race of scheming Kikes, we can see this clearly when we look at how their neighbors described them. Jesus wasn't a damn Israelite, no matter what that false Bible tells us.
when you mother lowers her prices Goy until then you will pay the full price of the beast
I believe the Word of God is infallible. However I do believe that many translations may have been altered or misinterpreted. I also do not necessarily fully believe in the Khazarian theory but I would not be surprised if the 12 tribes actually stemmed from 12 different tribes instead of the typical "Jew" we see today. I tend to believe this has happened for a purpose and meme magic would be a counterfeit of the beauty of prophecy. However, the prophecy we see that unfolded has many yes' and no's and it is difficult to fully understand until you take a step back. (i.e. I do not see a land of milk and honey, but rather the seat of the NWO)…. Be careful for calling a bible false though. religion and religiosity is just as evil which is exactly why a follower of Jesus Christ is not to become religious or fall into that trap. theword.net isn't a bad site to visit and I don't mean to shill it but it's completely free and you can really dig deeper into translational material and matter. I do not wish to spoonfeed you but that's a great source of knowledge if you are not already reading your Bible. Another thing to take into account is that no amount of head knowledge is going to get you saved if you are living in a secular worldview. Now, I could argue in parallel dimensions of infinite choices which were programmed into this reality for you to have free choice… Or I could argue about the fact that science has proven metaphysics and that we have a soul. But none of that head knowledge will ever mean anything to you unless you open your Heart to Jesus Christ. (Cardia- Greek for Mind, Will and Emotions/ Operating System in this world - so that your Spirit man {which is wired in the heavenlies and exists and speaks on your behalf when your pray/ interface} can merge your soul with the Holy Spirit/ Internet access. Sorry for using such crude comparisons but it's hard to explain things otherwise. Also understand that all men are fallible. Take what you can from it but always go back to the word. Godspeed user.
p.s. No longer a fan of doug hamp (he has changed due to the fallibility of man I would think - perhaps, I myself am fallible and just misunderstand his current work), however he made some very relevent points in this lecture - Talking about the genetics of man and why it is so important to be pure. If you're interested in the understanding of mind, body, spirit and soul, I suggest Dan Duval's podcast (but the older version of mind, body, spirit and soul). No amount of conferences or books or lectures I give you will change your mind user. You know this but I hope you look into my views regardless. I believe you know the inherint Truth that is within inside of you and you can tell what is and ins't a part of you. Richard Grund is good for deliverence but years of it has made him hard. Go for it if you need it though. Tell him you were here should he reply. Don't let man dissapoint though. The Lord will Never ever do so.
And do not forget about the great falling away. If anything, Holla Forums is more of a church than any "modern day" church i've ever been. This place is a community and let us be blessed brother. Share the good news and be blessed. Our martyrdom to be a witness to the unbelievers. A very difficult thought indeed but if you are outside of the US, perhaps you could imagine it more. God Loves you all. Jesus is King. Love knows no bounds. Worship the creator, not the creation.
Obligatory "TechnoCalps" webm
Poor fucking cat! Fucking chinks probably ate it afterward. Add that russian cunt and the South African Larper known as Musk to the list as well.
What they will do is Chip your children and take them away if you refuse. Hell they might chip your newborn in the name of security.
birth at home, homeschooling or non-jew private schooling
>(((Susan))) from accounting lost hers AGAIN and young hooligans entered the office last night time and graffiti'd the place with anti semetic messages! We can't have any more Susans! Everyone must have it implanted, for securities sake!!
"3 Square Market" company in Wisconsin is now RFID chipping its employees.
3^2 is 9
Wis = Old English for "to know"
Con = deception
Sin = transgression of God's Law
In Pythagorean Gematria,
3^2 = 9
MARKET = 23 in Pythagorean Gematria!!!!!
Market could also be "Mark ET" as in Mark of the beast (Sin) + ET deception (Con)
Please do. I would encourage Roman Catholics to convert to Eastern Orthodoxy.
I remember in the early 90s my grandmother said that one day we'D all have to get a microchip implanted in us and that would be the mark of the beast. Holy shit, she was right .
RIP grandma, I'm glad you're not in this cruel world anymore.
Because they traded freedom and security for convienence and social notoriety
Because they want to feel special and unique by being like everyone else and a chip is easier than hormones.
Nope, "because they are just fiction and can never happen in real life, not like volderdrumf silly white males." :^]
transcatism when?
People are already making guns that fry drones out of microwaves, shouldn't be too difficult to make something that would fry rfid chips. Hopefully something small and concealable - imagine the chaos Right Wing Unpersoning Squads could create in a fully-chipped normie society.
Stop derailing this thread with bullshit about your fucking desert religion.
you're no longer our employee
you're our property
Easiest way to remove it from a human is some good-old-fashioned back room surgery. The implant's small and immobile (pic related), so all you need is a scalpel and some hemostats, along with an alcohol swab and a bandage to prep and dress the extraction site. You'll probably want a friend to do the cutting and removing for you since having one of your hands as the work area makes it more difficult. It also means you can convince a friend to corroborate a lie about you cutting yourself and crying like a bitch, which must've removed the RFID tag.
And before you think about it, don't fucking skimp on the medical tools. Sterile scalpels are $10 for a ten-pack and hemostats are like $5 a pop. It's like $25 online for all the supplies to remove an implant, and probably less if you go to the local pharmacy.
You're misunderstanding me. Ourguys would most likely be innawoods when this comes to pass. What I'm talking about is going into cities and surreptitiously deactivating the chipped masses to cause chaos.
Really, RFID tags today aren't that bad. (though I ain't getting one) Security-wise, memorized passwords reign supreme. They're only good as an added measure, or alternative to a "username". They're all about convenience, and even then the difference is negligible over a wearable. Not much to write home about.
Of greater concern IMO is the further merger of humans and tech being used for control. Neural interface technology will be far more spoopy.
>inevitably going to happen
Look at this faggot, look at him and laugh.
Steven Spielberg's new movie is shilling this transhumanist shit even more. We're in for a horrible ride now guys, and I want off.
>inevitably going to happen
That's not even the half of it
name the thing that's not required for you to get, but most Americans have and you need it for basic shit like credit card drivers license ect.
or you could stop saying that likes it's a bad thing and drag her along with you, then you wouldn't to worry about that. :'^)
This truly is the beginning of the end.
I would think that here of all places would be sympathetic to depression, given how easy it is to become blackpilled. How do you propose user cure his "sadbrains" besides calling him mentally weak?
The sad thing is that nobody at the office probably even thought of rings etc., they just thought "cool, it's like something from a sci-fi movie," ignoring the fact that sci-fi has moved away from glorious space adventures to how shitty the coming dystopia will be.
Circumcision, the talmud, and now this. Korea truly is the most kiked asian country.
Hello rabbi
Social security number?
Meant to reply to this>>10304791
Yup you're spot on the nose, most decent jobs are based on social status and social status is based on blowing money. The upper middle class are all slaves to trends because of this and it's how everything gets fucked up so fast. You're in the club or not and it's a sure sign of a feminized culture to not give a shit if anybody is actually getting anything done. It's easy to see how places like India went from ancient powerhouse to total shit hole following the same patterns.
I read every book, each one is another trip then it's always back to the ride.
Except rfid is unencrypted, wildly insecure and easy to duplicate.
Pacemakers have oses now? Fuck! Reminds me of that article showing that over half of all pacemakers increased mortality or where an unnecessary risk just so the manufacturers could get a couple more bucks from uncle Sam.
Don't these idiots know the huge problem the medical field currently has with bacterial biofilms? Basically when you have a foreign object inside you bacteria will make this shit to stick to it and escape the immune system and over time your body will cover it with scar tissue while the whole thing turns into something like an abscess. Anyway it's been destroying artificial hips and knees and the like, I'm sure nobody would ever end up with any problems from this ever.
Getting tagged like a fucking zoo animal is nothing to sneeze at. A store will know exactly who you are as soon as you walk in at the least. They've already put this tech on credit cards btw.
You realize Jews actively try to contradict everything in the Bible, even from their own Torah (old testament). Oh and they REALLY hate Jesus.
To give you an idea, their own (original) Talmud says it's ok to sacrifice offspring to Moloch. But everything from not drinking blood to bloodlines being paternal, if there's a law for it in the Bible they've probably already updated it to make it a-ok.
That's interesting and all but…
I really doubt these will become the new credit card, especially since it's a Jewish symbol above the goys.
Likewise 666 is the number of a single man.
No. The antichrist is legion. There are many with the number of the beast.
My numbers are 1626 and 666.
-t one of the antichrist.
Or is it 6 digits, 6 digits, 6 digits, like an 18 digit social security number?
"the number of his name"
Anybody who does this is downright stupid when there's so many less invasive ways to accomplish the same thing
T-this b-better b-be a j-joke r-right
Chips like that don't affect MRI, they contain no ferromagnetic materials.
You can easily build a jammer for those things. (((Shoplifters))) use similar tech to bypass anti-theft tags. One of them paired with a decent battery can shut off RFID for several days. And if it's solar powered, the ride will never end.
When you bring that shit up, you make everyone who opposes such things look crazy.
Whenever a chip like this is mentioned
Thats how we combat the "its easy" with a sevond punch being its not invasive treatment
But if I don't inject it inside me I might lose it, and then I wouldn't be able to buy any more burgers to eat and I'd starve D;
you know what else is easy? a fucking credit card.
cant wait until im living in life unit 33340 and my genderless neighbor makes fun of me for carrying around a plastic card instead of having a chip imbedded in my forehead.
then when someone steals both of our information and i can be mailed a new card, while he has to schedule a surgery down at the DMV and have some civil servant equal opportunity "doctor" replace his chip and accidentally gives him HIV.
Also LOL
Depression isn't sadness. If anything, it all but stops you from feeling sad about anything. Yeah, some tragic event is a pity, but whatever. Hey, do you want pancakes and sausage for breakfast? No? A glass of water will do? Well, would you like to go do something? No, you'd rather sit in the dark?
The biggest problem is that it takes more and more effort to feel happiness, while that feeling becomes more and more fleeting. After a while, you cannot work up the motivation to do anything enjoyable.
On the plus side, having nothing to live for is immensely freeing. One can engage in actions that would be deemed completely suicidal to a normal person, and not stress over the inevitable miserable end of the path.
Yeah, you can't really do it without them knowing what's going on: microwaving a human hand for a few seconds isn't going to be a walk in the park and they'll start screaming in pain as the implant goes supernova in their hand. You can only help those who want to be helped, after all.
I remember defeating a company's entire security system by going home and ordering a "do it yourself RFID kit" and wiring it into a long-sleeved shirt. It took a little work since the prox cards needed to practically be in my hand, but I still got about 15 people to let me see their cards. The best part was some security tech was gloating about how they were going to do implants at the end of the year, and I got to explain that it would make a spy's job as easy as shaking hands with those implants. Obviously, they cancelled the program and phased out the prox cards for swipe/dip cards over time.
buh muh trendy tech. aye em a cybord.
Your credit card isn't easy enough apparently. There was that advertising blitz where they tried to convince people that waving their credit card in the air near a machine was so so much easier than swiping it. It must not have had much effect, because they're going further. Can't wait to see the ads for this stuff.
At first I read that as trans-scatism.
I need to stop browsing Holla Forums
The symbols related to USA would be the mark of beast.
Go away Chaim. Christkillers will weep on the day of revelation. See , the goyim are waking up.
I found this guy's channel a few weeks ago when I was looking for science revisionism. The idea that the West lives under "scientism," and its peer reviewed science is a form of epistemological instrumentalism based in Kabbalistic speculations/ religious commitments is a compelling claim. It certainly took me further than rerevisionist's bureaucratic science writings from Ivor Catt.
I also found a really grotesque channel, QuasiLuminous, connected to this one. It has some good stuff about Hyperborea but seems to distort the living fuck out of it.
Greece isn't a desert, you fedora-tipping mongrel.