Europe isn't worth saving anymore; Charlie Gard's parents decide to pull the plug on him

Parents say its time for Charlie to "go with the angels now" because too much time has been wasted and it appears to be too late to perform the treatment. They're going to pull the plug.


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sad shit man, the nogs will pay

This case really highlights how all humans are regarded as property of the state as potential tax slaves. Fucking sickening.

I'm sad for the loss of this baby but I can't see how your logic is working.

Massive bad PR for the (((EU))), but realistically-speaking the child was already dead. Since (((EU))) (((sympathizers))) control most of the press across the globe this will be memory holed within months if not weeks.

Explain the situation for me. Surely it's a retard vaccine baby?

He was only going to live on to waste someone else's time being a genetic dead end.

That's beside the point, what really matters is what said. This child died to expose the callousness of EU kikes, don't let the normalfags forget about it

Send help, I cant stop laughing

From what I understand, they weren't asking the UK to fund his treatment; they had independent funding from donations? This is the line for me; the state just usurped the parents right to decide for their own child. The futility of the effort and the morality of the decision to have the child initially are separate issues.

This. I'm sad for the child but please refraim from remarks as such. It makes my blood boil

Fuck off, go find a source yourself and link it. Its the best we've currently got outside of independent journalists, and Holla Forums hates most of those too.

And yet you post on a board made by a genetic dead end.
People like you disgust me so greatly. Hotwheels, a brutal cripple, has done more for the white race and America being saved from the kikes than you ever will.

Fuck off burgercuck. Texas, a majority beaner state, isn't worth saving anymore either.

If you can't do something as basic as that, how can you be trusted to know what a "majority" is?

Pulling the plug is the humane thing to do asshole.

Are you retarded? There was a chance to save the child, the parents were not proven to be negligent or unfit and there was no evidence to show this
They were not allowed to seek treatment
The state deciding for the life of the child over the parent's wanting to take the chance for the surgery (which was confirmed to have no further risk of hurting the child) is wrong
Stop being a cuckold for the EU you disgusting, useless faggot

The kid had a mitochondrial disease. OP, do you not understand what that means? Shit's fucked. It wouldn't make a difference in this case if the kid was white, black, or yellow. The organelle that creates energy at the cellular level does not function in his body. Even with the best science available today, he is still fucked. Nothing can be done to save him. The child would be a vegetable, and likely will never understand his own name. What kind of a life is that?

sage for shit thread, whatchya slidin' rabbi, etc

He was going to suffer all his life unfortunately if he were to live. But my gripe with EU is not this specific case with Charlie and his condition, it's that this case has opened up people's eyes that the EU is what decides whether you live or die. This is about the EU keeping the Europeans as slaves, even if many have money to get medical attention abroad, the EU won't let them. I just wonder how many people are fleeing Europe at this rate.

So he suffered the same fate as hundreds of other children, why do you care about him as an individual case?



It was the UK's own legal system that decided this.
The EU did get involved at one point, but it wasn't in any significant way and it was after the UK already halted the parents from going to the US.

Genetic disorder.
Realistically? The kid was fucked.
GOSH shouldn't have taken this to court, though. They should have just let the parents try some bullshit treatment for their dying child rather than tell a judge "lol no keep him here".

What's GOSH?

Great Olmond's Street Hospital, where Charlie Gard was kept. It's a famous children's hospital in the UK.
The doctors decided that the child was terminal and no form of medical care would help. They strongly objected to the parents taking him to America for experimental treatment as they believed it would cause him further suffering, so they took to the High Court arguing for his right to "die with dignity".

If there's anybody to 'blame' in this case, it's not the UK or the EU, it's GOSH.

All these people saying they are sad about the loss of the baby, but did any of you open the kikebart article? The baby's father is an Arab. Good riddance I say.

Kid had a mitochondrial disease because it's a mixed race mongrel. Just more evidence that different human species are not meant to mix.


This is like when people try to cope when white women are killed by looking for the tiniest detail to pretend like they're kikes so they don't fall into despair.
Fuck off, you faggot.

Looks white to me.

Look at his nose.


You're retarded if you can't understand how this case sets a precedent for the autonomy of the family unit, which is key towards saving the white race.
Nu-Holla Forums was a mistake. Go back to leddit you alt-lite faggot.

The question that itches me is not whether this was a bad choice for the parents in the first place, it was; Where do we stop at so called recessive genetic conditions? Early onset Arthritis? Seeing problems? What about poor coordination.
One could argue that we don't need these things because we have tools to remedy the situations. Another could argue that such people should reduce breeding to zero if possible.

Eugenics is always seen as bad, but.
How many genetic conditions do we really understand?
There is so far no 100% way to prove many of the common conditions that are conditionally genetic (environmentally activated) will manifest in any particular person. And we most certainly don't know how many of these genes affect other mechanisms in the body either through regulation or redundancy.
Can we trust people not to do this?
Can we also find ways to get healthy people to have more than 2 children on average?

I understand why the sensitive souls hate the idea of culling the herd, but I've always been enraged at the thought that they reject the whole idea entirely. Surely the thought of breeding for a better race should have been okay.

As for little Charlie, I don't care what his race is, he and his folks got jewed.

Get out. Europe is everything. It is the wellspring of our racial soul. If Europe is lost, our race has already perished from the earth.

My friend you are correct.
Rejecting the idea entirely and then suggesting all genes are in all human genepools is a lie.

Or maybe its that your coping mechanism narrative is a coping mechanism to deal with the fact that the women you keep white knighting for all turn out to be degenerates. ;^)

The issue is that the alternative treatment for Charlie might have actually worked - that's what the corrupt fucks in the NHS are afraid of - it would expose the NHS for the crappy service it is and bring into question it's continued existence (meaning all those fat-cat managers couldn't continue to swindle billions from it).

Remember that Ashya King kid whose parents had to 'kidnap' him and flee the country to get proton beam therapy? The treatment was effective and his condition has improved dramatically. Type his name into google and look at some of the most recent news articles.

If he had have received the recommended NHS treatment he would be brain-damaged now, but the image of the NHS would have remained untarnished.

What are you retarded? He's clearly an Arab you blind fuckface.
Nobody here has ever done such a thing, people bring those things up because those women almost every time ARE coal burners or something else like that. Decent white women who only hang around white people don't tend to get killed by shitskins. Women who associate with shitskins do.

Be honest, just how new are you?

As I said I don't really care. It was just a source provided to show that this is actually happening.


Have some images of Obongo deep throating.

It was right the first time I said it. He has Semitic features. Hook nose, black eyes, brown skin. He's not white.

The kid had mitochondrial depletion syndrome.
You do not survive it. Especially not the variant he had.

Best possible outcome is barely surviving into your teens.
His case was not a best possible case, it was a "the kid is having multiple seizures a day and is probably brain damaged by this point also we think there's organ damage but he's too small for us to be taking biopsies to find out" case.

A US pharma firm sought to exploit the situation for financial gain and free testing. So they helped the parents kick up a huge fuss in the media which in turn raised the millions the company was demanding to let the child be a test subject for their experimental treatment.

The kid was beyond a potato. It's still the parent's potato, not the government's potato. That's the issue.

MDS kills every time.
This isn't like arthritis where its painful but you can live with it. Or blindness or just being clumsy.
It's a serious cellular disorder that will kill you and there is nothing that can be done to fix the problem and it's rare we can even manage the symptoms.

This kid was born dead essentially, he wasn't going to survive.

Demonstrably false.
French last name; their nose structures fall within margin of error, not hooked enough to call him semitic.
do these look fucking black to you?
I'm done replying to you; you're a waster of time.

Listen you literal niggers who think this is just about a baby dieing from a rare disease.

The parents were not legally allowed to remove their baby and take it out of the country to search for alternate treatments. THEY WERE FORCED BY THE COURTS TO LET THEIR CHILD DIE. How are you fuckers missing this fact?

If the child is going to be an actual retard, suffer, and not live to 1% of his full potential then why not Euthanize the child, and use the million dollars to raise a few healthy children?

We get that. but the child was going to be mentally retarded if he does survive.

We're angry as fuck because the very same government would spend millions of dollars to give a nigger who has very same disease the best treatment society can give for the rest of it's days alive.

It's better for the parents to use the money to have the mother to give birth to three healthy babies, than to keep a retarded child alive.

the new kike strategy is to call anyone that would potentially benefit Holla Forums's goals the opposite race we believe them to be

Because although the zog conditioning is at least partly broken, most will not have exercised their minds in their entire lives.

as a side note: there are only two races and they are white and animal

I'm seeing a lot of "who cares the baby would die anyway" or "who cares the baby was going to be a carrot its entire life". If the parents want to put themselves unteen bazillions into debt or want to waste all their life's savings to save their child fucking let them. The state should not limit you from being able to seek alternate treatment for family.

your kids belong to the state lol

EU & US d&c is /r/the_donald tier shilling. Whites have to stick together against our corrupt governments.

I would rather have 4 healthy babies than a fucking retard.

There were no treatments.
There was a US company with something completely untested that had essentially gone full snake oil salesman the moment it caught the faintest whiff of money.

The courts weighed up the potential for him to survive and that the treatment would work against lettin the kid die with some basic fucking dignity rather than linger on and suffer.

There was no happy ending here no matter how money you threw at the problem.
Why can't yanks understand this? Money does not solve everything.

Well actually the public purse would end up picking up the tab for the kids care.
For life.

So let your government decide if you're too far gone to save? This always works.

He was gone.
Best case scenario for his condition was barely surviving into his teens and thats with mild cases that have manageable symptoms.
His was not one of those cases.

This was ultimately no more than basic medical triage.

The government said the baby was dead. The government decided it shouldn't get the treatment. The government limited them to this "basic medical triage" when they could have advanced medical science.

blackpill is a kike invention

Which wouldn't make a shit bit of difference. I doubt the father could support both a stay at home wife, and a vegetable, with all the vegetable's medical expenses. This child is not the taxpayer's burden.



Cases like this are how we stumble on new shit, but now we won't know if it'd work in the first place because they were held back from even trying it.

This is literally the reason welfare programs exist. If we didn't have a majority of welfare collectors abusing programs or better checks in place it wouldn't be an issue.

Advanced untested medical science.
Yank firms do this sort of shit all the time. They find desperate people and try to pry millions out of them for access to untested medication that isn't cleared for human or sometimes even animal testing.
Most of the time when they get their money the untested product they push ends up doing more harm than good.

And do you understand the concept of triage?
It's looking at your patients and evaluating which ones can be saved and which ones can not.
Based on what resources and capabilities you have.
When you have an infant with a severe genetic disorder come in that is lethal in 100% of cases, he gets written off quickly.

If the US firm wasn't demanding a princes ransom for access to said treatment then your argument may hold water.
But they were, it was profit seeking behaviour and nothing more. The usual US pharma predatory behaviour.

It was braindead. "Dignity" is a meaningless concept in such a situation, the feelings of the parents should have been prioritized because unlike the baby, they were actually capable of suffering.

Sad as it is, there was never any hope for this kid. He has an incurable, barely-treatable condition that is 99.999% fatal. His parents are genetic defects and should be sterilized to prevent any future such occurrences.

Yes a triage usually comes into play in states of emergency or conflict where resources and time are limited.

Resources and time are always limited in hospitals.
Unless they are ones that operate on an exclusivity basis where the majority of the populace are not even considered for treatment.

And they were trying to get the baby out of the hospital and into a new one.

Yes, but it's besides the point.
Here and now, we can shake UK up by pointing on NHS retardness.
The Anglos are pacified only by BBC and NHS, and nothing else. One of them fall, and we'll have a Nationalist revolution

That's actually what real French look like. Dark and with a huge nose.
Blond hair and potato noses are widely considered ugly in Europe.

To a US hospital where he would be subjected to untested treatment at the hands of doctors whose qualifications are probably questionable.

What's needed is renationalisation of the NHS. It was defacto privatised with the internal market reforms to satisfy the demands of the USA and US healthcare firms.

I agree with the findings of the medical board to the best that my abilities as a non-medfag makes possible. That isn’t what this whole affair has come to represent. The decision was that the parents would have their child kept captive by the state based on perceived suffering that he may have had to endure by traveling to the United States.

This wasn’t a wild good chase; the parents weren’t attempting to take their child to a witch doctor at the top of a mountain in a jungle. This was treatment being offered by a respected institution in another first world country. The parents had no intentions to cause suffering to their infant, they simply went above normal recourse in their attempt to save their child’s life. They found a long shot but legitimate (the odds should be irrelevant) medial procedure but the state told them they were forbidden from taking it.

Now consider the following

These parents were prevented from seeking first world medical for their child on the basis of perceived suffering the journey may cause.

The same state refuses to prosecute or make any real effort to prevent parents who are of a different race from sending their children to third world doctors to perform unnecessary genital mutilation.


Cripplewheels understand unlike you emotional little bitchtits that he is a genetic dead end.

So a little further research shows the potential miracles this proposed treatment could provide.

For a lifetime on medication a child with a similar condition can….hobble about on crutches and say a few words. At age 6.
Oh has nobody mentioned that particular element? This isn't a cure. It's ongoing lifelong drug therapy. The basic idea is simple, provide the compounds his body can't produce itself and then hope for the best.
Though despite managing to wrangle a few human test subjects it hasn't gone through animal testing yet.

Sounds like a right fucking (((miracle))) to me
The doc who pushed it to the Gard family has a vested financial interest in it and apparently never bothered to examine the child or even check its medical records.

As much as I respect Hotwheelz he is a pretty bad example for you to give, he actively campaigns for people with conditions such as his not to be allowed to exist. I don’t feel I can argue, morally I agree and if with a fulfilling life he still argues that he shouldn’t have existed then how can any counter argument be made. He holds authority in this matter and you can’t speak for him.

You're some kind of idiot amerimutt if you think that's white. No European looks like that mongrel man.

National Socialism is pro-Eugenics. This kid shouldn't have been born.

forgot to sage fuck

Oh yeah, there are no Arabs in France, are there? You dumb cunt.

nice try Moshe

White skin doesn't inherently make someone white, kikes or other Levantine people for example. OG Turks are another example.
This guy looks pretty white to me though. The photo in the kikebart article has much darker lighting, giving him that arab tone and dark arab eyes.

That dude is a borderline case. French-Algerian type.

He looks like your typical frog.

It isn't about the dead kid. Nobody gives a fuck about the kid. The point is the tyranny of the EU.

This is what Randall “I draw stick figures for a living” Munroe wants for people.

You know what? I agree, The kid was likely going to die anyway. Regardless of what treatment it got. Any intervention outside of divine intervention would have similar effects. But guess what fucker? That doesn't matter a lick of goddamned difference. The fact remains that the government decided that the parents were not allowed to try and prolong the life of some kid who was going to die anyway. They had the funding for it but they were forbidden to seek medical help. That's the crux of the argument. The government got to decide who lived and died. It might have been a reasonable position now, but it'll set a precedent for future cases. Eventually a kid who could have survived to live a healthy life will be killed by this.
I get the argument for eugenics, but you'd best not hope for it while ((they)) are the ones who'll get to decide who lives and dies. Eugenics is always a great idea when you're the one doing the sterilizing, not being sterilized. I can imagine laws such as "Nazis are not allowed have kids because it'll be born into a troubled enviroment" could go down well if they keep this trend going.

Europeans of the past wouldn't waste their time on genetically defective children.

Cucktianity comes along and now the EuroCucks want to save all retards and autists and destroy a genetically healthy gene pool.

Fucking jewniggers

It is not about the effectiveness of the treatment, it is about the State claiming ownership over your body and your children.

Everyone knows that kid was fucked the moment it was conceived. That does not give the State the right to decide on life or death.

By the way niganon, triage refers to allocating limited medical resources to maximise the number of survivors.
It does not apply where people are spending their own money.

This. It's amazing how many idiots don't realize they are advocating for the fucking government having a say on whether their child lives or dies. How soon before a government decides to come down on your child for whatever arbitrary reason they pull out of their ass? Especially seeing how pozzed some governments are, this should be fucking terrifying.


The EU has placed itself as playing God, something out of the most Orwellian fiction never dreamed of.

The government has set a precedent for what constitutes life and death - and that they can deny medical treatment (and most importantly, deny self-provided medical treatment) for individuals.

Now there is no fucking question since we already know that it's illegal to deport coons and sand people who want free treatment - the EU has unanimously decided that they are in control of life and death.

The UK's own legal system decided this, too, but the entire point is that it was unconstitutional in the UK's courts - which is why it passed higher up, to the EU courts.

Essentially, yeah, the kid was a fuckin potato, no chance of living. But rather than allow the parents to seek treatment, the EU has overridden that and demanded that they cannot act according to their own free will for their own child.

Which gives an alarming situation - the EU is now perfectly adept to say "Well, you don't deserve to live because you're too old, here, let me pull the plug on you" - perhaps fine if it's at taxpayer expense, but now, in private hospitals too.

Or for criminals - hey, you posted something on twitter, let me just deny medical treatment in all hospitals and actively prevent you from moving abroad to do it.

I suppose in the future, the EU council will look at this case as the Nuremberg defendants did, protesting their innocence, and it will be so hated to even consider their arguments valid, as it is with Nuremberg.

I bet you mongs also think we are going to keep your first amendment.


To add - this is the European Union drastically overstepping its boundaries as a state, and it's absolutely impossible to defend it.

Even though it may seem cut-and-dry, there are several holes in it.

1) What constitutes "more suffering" - and this will clearly be exploited for maximum effect by certain elements. The kid was a fucking potato, and it would be extremely easy to exploit this and say "Hey, remember that kid? Well, granddad over here didn't vote for Labour last election and posted some mean things on Twitter. He's certainly mentally ill :((((( here Mr Goldstein, give me your diagnosis.

Pull the plug, you say? Too bad, his life is terrible :^)

2) The clear boundary between nationally funded and privately funded medical expenses being destroyed.

Now, the government controls ALL healthcare needs. That's the main point here. That's something which should be FEARED. That'd be like the police outlawing private security. It'd be like the fire brigade outlawing fire extinguishers. A total power monopoly on all medical services across an entire continent. As of this moment, it appears as though the entire medical infrastructure has been annexed by the European Union. The EU could, theoretically (By which, given the events of the last few years, you know they will absolutely do) prevent ambulances from assisting certain people i.e political opponents, or double medical assistance to their pet niggers.

3) Removal of parental rights

This one may already be the case in Germany, which we know, but a child's medical needs are the exclusive right of the guardian. There are arguments about who should be the guardian, mind, and there are those who deny medical treatment for religious reasons. Those are demand-side problems, and rare exceptions to a rule. Each person has their own rules in the private world. The government in total has one set of rules.

This has essentially stated that the "property" - the child - is not in legal possession of his guardians, his parents. It is instead property of the European Union. The only thing more dangerous that they could do, now, is declare total ownership of ALL property in the European Union.

After all, healthcare is the second most important thing in your life.

The first being a home.

And the EU has seemingly seized the entire medical infrastructure of the continent, and nobody seems to bat an eyelid.

Cripplekike supports eugenics and thinks he should've been aborted.

He sound like Helen Keller. She was an pro-eugenicst.

weird because helen keller's problems weren't caused by her genetics, it was scarlet fever

I hate this fucking faggot.

Yes, I know but she wanted to weed all defective people out in order to lessen the burdens on the society. She actually called for doctor's juries to decide for the people with disabilities. Yup, she's pretty pacifistic radical for a socialist, eh?

Her full quote.

I meant to type "pretty radical for a pacifistic socialist."

There is absolutely zero chance you're just a clickbait faggot.

UK gov also voted to take the same action as the jewropean union

didn't realize she was so beautiful

Honestly she could've spread her genes and her kids wouldn't have any problems.

are you pretending to be retarded or are you seriously that stupid?

user doesn't say that people with genetic problems are right away useless or that they don't anything at all. Having genetic problems and procreating as many accept and do now a days it just as bad as race mixing. Adding to that I think Hotwheels' opinion on this matter will speak more volume than any of us could.

Relax that wasn't REAL socialized medicine. Otherwise the kid would be fine.

Literally what the fuck is wrong with the people running this hospital?

No, I'm all for eugenics and think it's good the potato will be fried, but you are correct. A similar case was that amish girl with cancer they tried to force into chemo. She refused and the parents won the case, and she got alternative treatment and got better. Fun fact: chemo is worse for you than the cancer. But they don't want you to know that. Something like 30% of people will get cancer in their lifetime, and chemo is extremely expensive, even if the (((insurance))) covers it, that's still shekels taken from tax dollars and given to (((pharma))). Both cases revealed the existing and disturbing reality that the state thinks it can decide your life for you, and reveals that they indeed think us all tax-cattle.

And because it involved OMG A BAY–BEEEEE the normies noticed it. So the state is REEEEEEing all over.

You're not supposed to find out that you're the hu-cattle. It breaks the immersion into the illusion that you still have your liberty and rights and live in your nation. The reality is we already effectively have the one-world government, with a few hitches like Trump and Iran/Russia, and we already let them take our rights in the name of safety, convenience, or progress. Good morning, normies, waking up yet?

All children are born property of the state, and they graduate into debt to become willing slaves. They spend their lives working in order to spend even more money, and then they are allowed to die after giving everything they have and getting their families into medical or death-tax debt. Cradle to grave control, and you pay for it every step of the way.

Neither did she.

You jews love to admire yourselves don't you? There's always a way you have to absolve all the humanity that's left inside of you and begin to think exactly like a nigger would. Anybody with a Roman nose is "related" to you and you get a kick to see it reflected at your workdesk. Fuck, I wish you could understand the mockery you bring upon yourselves but there's no use in even trying.

Details of the procedure of cure?

Good riddance, they can create another kid.

Never stood why modern parents freak out about baby deaths, it's not like you put in years to raise it yet. Make another one, fucking infant deaths were normal 500 years ago.

Problem with chemo is that it often causes even more of the bad stuff to resurface in later years.

Please help this user.

user, this sounds like bullshit and you will never believe me but there have been multiple cures for cancer. I know this because I know of a
friend of a friend of a friend and a figment of my imagination
and lots of these guys who actually found a cure without any side-affects. However (((they))) have measures which go beyond what one would think is humanly and sanely possible. The burning down of labs. Executions, threats, and then going after family members all in the name to keep this current problem a golden goose. My advice to you would be healthy eating. Stay away from the newer towers and power lines. A few years ago there were some guys like the hagmann shill or just general AJ tier shills pushing a Dr, Ted Broer who claimed he could cure diabetes/cancer/etc. Cannot vouch for the man but if you're desperate go look it up. Otherwise, the Praying Medic is a guy you could go speak to. Listen. If it's a loved on and you're prepared to lose your dignity and self confidence, then you have nothing to lose. Do anything and everything in your path to fix yourself or the person you love who is currently going through it all. No matter what it takes. I'd go with the latter if I could as I know nothing of the former. The second these people ask you for money, you can call them out for being a fraud. Godspeed user. I hope the cure comes soon and all is forgotten. Hang in there.

I don't have cancer, user. My friend's aunt does, and I want to know how to perform this alternate cure.

Well then the same applies. Go for it regardless. You don't have to know the person, but you know of the person. So try it out. You're a good friend user. "Your friend's aunt……" Your friend is very fortunate you have you in his/her life. Hope you come right and she makes it. Godspeed.

the parents were degenerates in the truest sense of the word, and decided to shill for gibs despite their kiddo already being dead to rights
in a perfect state i think the refusal to tender medical attention to these degenerates would be considered proper eugenics. the only reason you should push this story is to trigger normalfags with muh PR, because if you actually have a problem with what happened except that it was zog what enacted it you should maybe be posting on >>>Holla Forums

The ancient Greeks and Romans had the right idea what they did to lame offspring. It's far more humane than letting them suffer through life living, if you can even call it that with all those defects and possibly even lack of awareness.

Ironically this usually means one is jewish.

There's always hope, goy.

USA doctor want the baby for research of experimental drug that worked 1/10 on different illness..

Britfag hat evil govment now.


Not likely. The chances of another kid having this condition with two carriers is 25% so it's kinda risky.