Kurt Eichenwald fired from Newsweek after Wikileaks libel suit

Julian Assange launched a successful libel complaint against Kurt Eichenwald which has resulted in Kurt removing all mention of Newsweek from his twitter bio.

Full transcript of the complaint:


Other urls found in this thread:


Truly Julian Assange is our guy.
Is this yid really trying to claim that Assange has HIV? What a slimy piece of shit.

Has anybody seen a picture of the alleged wife and children kikenwald claims he watches tentacle porn with, because I sure as shit haven't.

Top Kek. Welcome to the NEET life, faggot!

That explains why he was blocking unironic fans of his and pissing them off. Would be a shame if we fueled that fire some more.

This man's life needs some destroying after all the lies he spread. Might even be sending a man to prison for it.

inb4 CIA shills show up - any minute now




Son of a bitch


Fuck this pedo.
Didnt he pay for child porn back in 2003ish and then ask for his money back? This kike needs his life thrown into the well.



Haha holy shit that second pic the contrast of kurts face right next to the words child and minor. Assange is a hero.

The fuck? This sounds like one of those old-timey racist jokes my grandfather used to tell me.

Aren't the works of the east supposed to be poisonous towards the Jews? What happened to animeposting being a way to show you aren't a kike?

Kikes make an exception for all things pornographic, obviously.


He did it for "researching a story" with the papers money, then went back a second time, seeking the seller out, and used his own. Kikenwald has also sued his own mother, lied about having epilepsy resulting in a pending court case based off said lies where he is the plaintiff(!), has been caught browsing hentai and then deflected by saying he was looking for tentacle porn to show his "wife" because he was talking about it with their "kids". This kike is just a real faggot, I tell you.

Well done Assange, he did what we should have on our own.

So cropped hentai means kike, then. Should loli images be especially taken for caution, as well, with their other "interests"?

lol, looks like it's going to be one of those smug days

Fairly certain the deviant kike got triggered into searching and falling into hentai from all the smug animu girls. It's a powerful memetic virus.


Don't jump the gun. A vast majority of our high-end smugs come from cropped hentai.

What, that he's a faggot or that he jerks it to tentacles?

Then that means none of it is safe. A JIDF could be blending in, right now, under the guise of being a smugposter. Any alternatives that could be used, if such is the case?


Write what you know.



It's tainted. Tainted with Jews. The fact this kike got caught with it means they don't want people to know that they can get into this stuff. All compromised. Have to move on, to more pure content.

It's obvious his mom knows he's a disgrace, just questioning how much.

Well yeah, because it's embarrassing for them. Do you understand? We have finally found something that is embarrassing to the kikes; being so snowed under with smugs that they start getting into our animu lewds. We have actually found something that can elicit shame from them, because it is an admission that we got to them.

That's called projection

You trying to game them up as something feersome? They've been jokes to society, until the last century or so.
That's not what I'm worried about. What I'm afraid of is that they got to you. They're a parasite, that malforms and modifies itself to whatever environment they enter, whilst draining the world of its splendor. It means they've been molded into the weeb archetype for God-knows how long. There's no more safety to that kind of identity, and to make matters worse, there's no telling how long it's been this way.

Pure speculation.
Assuming that one event caused a subsequent event when there is no evidence is called the fallacy of post hoc ergo propter hoc.

Surely, using the Jewdicial system to sue for shekels, he must be (((our guy))).


You misunderstand. They detest the smug anime yes, but they love degenerate porn. If they aren't here, they're reading some doujin

Yes, that was my first post in this thread.
Do you have evidence that this Jew was fired?
Do you have evidence that he was fired because of Assange?
Or are you just here to push the (((our guy))) shit?

Good luck have fun tbh

hey cochise while you're thrashing about tell the class how long you've been here and what legitimate criticism you have with assange.


Do you have evidence that this Jew was fired?

Do you have evidence that he was fired because of Assange?

Or are you just here to push the (((our guy))) shit?

hahahaha good snipe. What an absolute monster.


Wikileaks is about as Zionist as it gets.
>b…but (((ourguy))).
Fuck off, Kike.

You're forgetting this is an anonymous imageboard, in which they have no way to identify themselves, unless by pure mistake, which isn't ever unlikely. It means anything eastern under the sun that caters to their interests is feed for them. There's goddamn yid maggots in it all. That means anytime, from then on, they could be playing everyone for fools by pretending to be "one of us". All they need to do is crop off their latest piece they got off sadpanda, and bam, they're in the crowd, with whatever they say being perceived as the word of the volk, simply because they know to do that, now.

This is some serious bullshit, man. It's no joke.


Nice fearmongering, faggotron

If you think any of this is true, you need to lurk the fuck more.

Way to not respond to my post and instead hit send on the exact same response. WHAT IS YOUR CRITICISM OF ASSANGE

What the hell are you getting mad for? This is some legitimate stuff to look into. If there's one thing kikes can do, it's act, and acting like an imageboard poster is easy-as-hell, when the apparently well-known disgust they have to anime is actually not the case. They probably can't bring themselves to look at anything non-lewd, though.

I found a drawing of Kurt's wife!

He got caught buying kiddie videos and when the feds came knocking he said he was doing "research" for a story. Initially he claimed he only did it once. The feds found evidence that he'd bought stuff multiple times. He then claimed he forgot about those other times because his epilepsy makes him forgetful. I shit you not.

He is really a jews jew. He gets busted buying cp then plays the victim card with his muh epilepsy excuse and literally avoids any consequences for his actions.


Sure, sure, tell me more.
Then why haven't you fooled me?

Begone filthy yid. You have no power here.

How the hell is any of this "trolling"? The (((shapeshifters))) are growing ever bolder, and action has to be taken. Pure anime has to be posted to scare them away, if it does anything.

Kill yourself.

Because you are sperging out with the impression that images are the only way of differentiating. Lurk more, do your anthropological research before engaging in the community.

Not at all, normally your kind is just completely shameless, which is why the fact that we've found something that they're ashamed of is quite amusing to me.

You fucking stupid fuck lol

Hows that liberal faggot shit working out for you cuck mother fucker?
What a great way to start the week out, I'm not sure if there is a kek that can top this on a Monday morning, for me

Let's see… who do I trust more?

Kurt Kikenwald the known, documented pedophile who has committed libel, and appears here to actually double-down on it, as well as showing his family and young kids tentacle porn and God only knows what else -

or do I trust a man who drops dox on government and business entities around the world, who was honeypotted so government could get their slimy tentacles on him -


That's a pretty nu-male way of threatening someone. If you really want to express yourself, tell someone you're going to kill them. It's an anonymous imageboard, so as long as Jim isn't shifty like a lot say he is, you should be safe. Don't be like those cucks who just keep screaming at each other from spitting distance.

Images catch eyes. It's why those "read the post" images ever existed, to begin with. To any dull bluepill skimming the thread for truths, there is an imminent danger of misleading, if a kike gets the drop on their minds, and poses as a regular, deceiving them. An meme has to spread like an anti-body to prevent this kind of damage.

This the same "Tentacle Porn With the Family" Eichenwald?

What is this schizophrenic kike mumbling about?

You're trying to make it seem like they haven't been found out, humiliated, and expunged from societies long past. They have, and no amount of fearmongering will feign ignorance to the security hole of this board's culture that's become ever apparent.

You have basically no idea how any single facet of imageboard culture actually works, do you? You stink of fresh summerfag or poorly disguised goon.

Trolling would be rusing someone for a long run. What you're thinking of is concern shilling, which is effectively going on about public relations garbage while demanding stepbacks in extremity. I'm afraid you don't know what that word means.



Every fucking time with these fucking people.

'Concern trolling refers to the tactic of pretending to be a like minded individual who is expressing concern and offers "advice" which in truth is designed to harm whoever follows it.

For instance:

You couldn't belong here less if you were posting cuck porn.

Wikileaks account just called him a pedo.


kek, the kike just keeps passing off more and more people.

did not think this timeline could get any better

The cultures they critique are the ones which they do not control, and the ones they do control, they poison. Never will you find the State of the Jude in that of a valiant attack, out of pure honour. No. They will only squirm, and cry, if it ever comes to a direct conflict. Instead it will be whomever they're the "greatest ally" of who will be dealing the blows. That same culture goes under a state of illness, and eventually death, if there is no removal. That is exactly what I am speaking of, here. It is now known that they're no vehement stranger to the works of the east, anymore. It changes everything about the strategies sought against them, on the digital plain. Their Korean allies were once seen as the only translator they could have for the Orient, but now it seems all the gooks are good for is strumming up drama about their end of the kabal coming loose.

You're not supposed to punctuate greentext, newfag.

Pure coincidence a thread was just created crying about anime. Wonder who that could be.

He'll talk. Or get suicided. Either way works

Link me.

doesn't this guy claim to be protestant when he is the most jewish looking fuck ever?

Wonder what his face looks like, whenever he talks about Jesus.

Was just deleted.

Oooooooh Glorious Win. Kek has blessed us once again. Praise him.

His two boys. One does karate because he's full of rage for having a tenacle porn watching faggot Jew for a father and the other, is a little homo into theater and poems. Real homo shit.

Worse than that, he gave a 17 year old 3k and TOOK OVER the kiddie webcam site. Fucker had admin on it. When caught he said he had no idea why he'd given the underage boy 3k. That's where all the seizure bullshit started. Fucker hadn't had one in over 20 years at the time he pulled that shit out of his dirty Jew ass.

I think that he was claiming to be doing investigative work on it, and the 3k was to an underage prostitute as payment for the story allegedly. But none of this was disclosed in the report, nor Newsweek's finances, so he failed to do his due diligence as a journalist.

We need responses to every tweet this faggot makes PROVING his shit.

Get on it faggots

on it

Good work. And find links.

Loose the hitler pic though. You're on normalfag territory remember.


Normalfags don't even notice it's Hitler 98% of the time kek

All it takes is one.

I mean you'll do what you want but I think you need to think smart when using these sites.
You need to understand how the bluepilled think so you can take advantage of it. What you don't want is for them to shut you out before you've even said anything.

What the fuck. I knew this faggot was probably a pedo, but I didn't realize it was this egregious.
Wouldn't it be nice?

I've changed it for such immediate interaction purposes, but I will continue to be unashamedly National Socialist, as I have always been, and as they could interpret with a mere glance of opening the account in a new page.


I'm always amazed by how human they look in the larval stage before the goblinization takes hold.

Eichenwald already got away with it. He's Chosen, they're allowed to be pedophiles.

SJWs always project.





This better not be real. He better not be trying to "meme".

I think Kurt Ecchiwald is a parody account.

10,000 seconds in paint

u blind?
p.s. captcha: unkle mde to save the day.



It totally is.

Goons must feel an affinity for Kurt, what with him being a middle-aged pedophile trying to be snarky on the internet.

Even a nigger would've neck'd himself after being humiliated as many times as this kike. No shame. No dignity. No honor. Just a literal parasite, like every other merchant.

Perhaps Andrew Mcdonald is giving an honest defense of Kurt on Holla Forums right now

Sugoi Kekku



That second pic holy fuck.

Jesus fucking christ goddamn this takes me back to when it was more common place or open season to find and ridicule people that had fucked up inflation fetishes. You think kurt is on that very deviantart autist level of having a fetish for diaper and inflation porn?

have something less intense but still fun.
Imagine being trapped in a room with walls lit like this.

Wouldn't surprise me if he fapped to two babies one fox.

Am I the only one who sees the happy merchant in it?

What's fucked up is that there was a physical version of this inflation shit before the deviantart stuff, where dudes would drink chemicals that would enlarge their stomachs and give them these disgusting, bloated bellies some would even get obese on purpose in order to partake in it. Then they'd film themselves rubbing and squeezing their pot belly, with and without oils. Degenerate as fuck. They used to upload them to YT years ago. Not sure if those vids are still around. Can't recall the name of the fetish.

would you provide me with some screencaps so i can remember? i forgot that part

Please don't post any of that, I'm going to puke.


Mendax the Great strikes again,

It's actually NLP. He is trying to implant the suggestion you an hero into your subconscious.

Of course we here at Holla Forums aren't weak-willed faggots that fall for this kikery.

Except maybe OP.

Hey, have you bought my fucking book?

t. persuasion expert

Sorry user, this degeneracy must be unearthed again.

Maybe in your timeline. Here they get the gas.

o i am chekin that


Its all smoke & mirrors famcom. Anything looks convincing with myspace angles, bad lighting, filters and toaster camera to anything. See any of his bastard spawn of satan's asshole children irl and you'll know its a heeb.


Honestly, there are so many psyops running at once on this board that I can't even tell who's shilling what.


Eichenwald deserves to lose far more than his job. That fucking parasite.

Thanks for reminding me that exists user.

But at least you know it's happening, and the other half is violence.


Good choice.

Guaranteed mouth foam.

You can only gas one. Which is it?

Kurt Eichenwald


Keith Olbermann

in this moment i am /comfy/, because right this minute somewhere in some suburban, gated nest of vipers kurt eichenwald is bent over a toilet throwing up from anxiety and wishing he had deleted fucking everything when he had the chance



How the fuck did he get away with it?

Feels good, man.

why not both?

Why not George Soros?

That's crazy, I have a very similar setup except my TV is on the floor. It's still really uncomfortable to look up at the TV lying in bed, though. I can't even imagine how uncomfortable it would be if the TV was on a table.

Anyone have any tips for how to prop yourself up in bed?

Vesa mount in the ceiling

Archive of that article.


Oh fuck off with that D&C fracture point. Opinion's on a country's cartoons has nothing to do with judaism or lack thereof. Even worse than the "if u no liek anime u a goon" shit, accusing people of being something even worse than a goon.


Not really. him being killed in prison would be far better

Get your ass out of it and use a recliner instead.

That is glorious.

Not everyone who dislikes anime is a goon, but everybody who gets triggerd by anime sure is.

Just how many Kurt Eichenwalds do you think Newsweek has had working there?

I can only imagine ass-smuggled strobelight shenanigans.

Goons haven't mattered on the internet in years. Their Eve guild collapsed long ago, only oldfags have ever sparred with a goon on a chan.


Maybe so, but I'll always I consider the new iteration of shillfag to be a goon at heart, no matter what name they go by or what shitty memes they try to force.

That just destroys the meaning of the term, like when 4chan uses the term cuck for everything, rather than simply for those who are weak.

>abandon our memes when (((they))) try to steal them
lel they tried this like 6.0x10^6 times and we've reclaimed every meem so far

thats where youre wrong kiddo
there was even some of that happening on Holla Forums. fuck if i can remember the specifics. mightve been Holla Forums?

For now, their presence is apparent. Even your local hentai site is no longer safe from their appearance. That one comment you may be reading could very well be from your local synagogue.

Episcopalian, it's their most used cover story.

fam even if you attached 5 smugs per post i could still tell how (((new))) you are

The Kurt Ecchiwald fiasco is still the most I've laughed this year.

Still waiting on confirmation that the wife and kids actually exist


Shitposting won't undo it. They're changing.


what's happening with the goy n the plea deal for 5 yrz 4 posting twitz?

Yea dude holy shit. Like I don't have epilepsy but jesus christ I had to instantly close that one.

Also Assange is RTing mr metokur now.

I smell smoke, I think Kikenwald's life just turned into a dumpster fire. Stickying.

What about the person this kike was railing in the courts over the BS gif file shit? Any relief for them?

lol, sure thing bud


I just love when you load this site and this is right at the top. Just one of the little joys of life right here. I was just thinking about how great it was that Theil got Gawker shut down as I was reading this Joe Bernstein buzzfeed article where he cries about the threat of libel/defamation lawsuits against his libcuck reporter cohorts.

Chalk one up for the good guys.

Not sure whether to laugh or rage at how much of a kike Kurt Eichenwald is…
He's the jewiest jew that ever did jew

fucking jej'd

Nobody even reported the thread for a sticky. Don't be afraid to ask for stickies even if the thread is just funny.

is there something like a lolcow awards? because he sure qualifies as clear lolcow of 2017



See if you can ruin him spreading this ironic news around.
Kurt apparently had a child porn website. He's a typical jew and accuses others of his own crime.

he's getting thoroughly btfo in all of his tweets of his current spergout spree

OY GEVALT! If kikes rule the universe, how could he be fired, libel or not? I thought the Schlomos always looked out for their own?



That's a left site too. It seems everyone hates Kurt.


Jews ruin everything, even hardcore Japanese cartoons.
I can't even fucking watch 2D anymore because of that yid.

Any word on the courtcase this arsehole initiated against the epilepsy gif guy?

You'd think a man that ran a fucking CP site would be cautious about opening dodgy looking videos…


Clearly, >>>/2hu/ is the answer.



He lied about having epilepsy

Dude who posted seizure gif is facing 5 years over this lying kike


Proof? I want to nail this cunt to the wall but do you have a single fact to back that up?

He drives, was on tv the day after he had the seizure, didn't have gifs turned off by default, has no medical documents regarding his attack, etc.

So, in short, you're just throwing shit at the wall and hoping something sticks.

Fuck sakes man, you're as bad as CNN.

Didn't his lawyer say he was in hospital for a week after the GIF?
Clearly he's lying if he was on TV a few days later, the fucking kike.

No shit he's lying but we need something more substantial than rumours and hearsay.

How autistic are you? Do you really think that no jew can look at anime? The people behind every financial crisis and world war are completely crippled by your brave smugposting? Grow up user. You reddit kids make yourselves too obvious. Stop taking memes so seriously. Lurk for 2 years before posting.

Yeah, he is.

Kurt "likes pussy naturally bald" eichenwald

kill yourself gas lighting cunt.

Not only that, he was threatened to be jailed almost 90 years if he loses the case or accept 5 years in prison right away. That scum really wants people to suffer.

Ok pal, good luck with that. In the meantime I'm going to go digging for something a bit more tangible.

This guys gonna end up paying 10k to some child prostitute to find out how small kurts second kike hook is. True investigative journalist t. jones.

>implying the kike actually can fap to hentai
Kikes hate anything pure.

I can smell the desperation in your post.

How in the fuck do you think testifying before a court, under oath, that you had a seizure and you were hospitalized for a week afterwards only for it to be discovered you were driving around and doing TV appearances instead not a FELONY you fucking kike?


I've mentioned this in kikenwald threads before but my ex had a severe degenerative epilepsy disorder and I saw several types of seizures and their associated triggers. Kikenwald absolutely has no epilepsy whatsoever, he lied about being cooped up in his house for days bc of the epilepsy attack yet did several tv interviews 2 days later, driving is 100% not an option and yet he does it (if he has the disorder and is somehow caught driving it's actually a potential crime i.e. Public endangerment, which he willfully admits to committing), and he refuses to comment on his particular seizures yet flashing objects are enough to body him for "weeks"- yet the majority of epilepsy disorders of the magnitude which he describes are actually a result of several compacted myclonic seizures which get triggered by misfiring synapses and NOT external stimuli. Kurt eichenwald is a dirty kike liar and he has provided absolutely zero proof that he has epilepsy, or a wife, or two children, or that he wasn't buying cp with his own money. Fuck this rat.

No, I think the majority of us just want to literally nail him to a wall

Kurt Eichenwald fired from Newsweek after Wikileaks libel suit.pdf


can someone post kurts tweets and things tweeted at him? im missing some crucial stuff.

Eichenbald removed mention of newsweek from his twitter profile.

The complaint was from Bill Moran, not assange.


Is anyone really surprised?

None of them are ugly enough to be Kurt's biological son.

guilty pleas are almost impossible to take back
he's p.much fucked



Haven't seen any reports that he took the deal, only received the plea offer from DA. Anons jumped to conclusions.

i REALLY hope he doesn't take it. any lawyer could see through that shit.

They're people are the only ones to get away with looking out for each other, since they're the ones in control. Try doing that as a white to another white, and you'll get a crying Jew somewhere. He's probably got a "friend" looking out for him, just like that cuck Denton.

Sauce? I need to show it to my wife and kids to win a bet.

Kurt here, I need the source. My wife and I are conducting some research with the youngsters


This happens a few minutes after registration no matter what you do.

I say we keep Eichenwald around for entertainment purposes.

Fucking saved. That's really excellent.

So is he having an epic breakdown today or crying in bed? I bet he comesback with his own site.

Yes. They give no shits. Just one bold face lie after another.

It's standard. I've lost hundreds of accounts. Stealing aged ones with lots of posts and followers makes a difference. Pics and links have their own problems. Something 'racist' with a European brings an immediate ban. Yet something violent is ok. It's the oppose with Americans. It's one giant shithole so shit in it.


Well at least now he'll have more time to watch tentacle porn with his family. Maybe a little cheese pizza on the side, for research purposes of course! Yes. That's it. Totally believe me.

Is he hanging out of a tree in the woods?

I used a fake temporary number for verification (just some random site) and it said my verification code was incorrect and locked me out. They also don't let me appeal.

This is bullshit. I just want to drive Kurt a little closer to the edge.

Should've started up those sock-puppet accounts before the election season. Even if SocMed was cancer, it can be abused for greater purposes.

I almost hopped on the twitter bandwagon when GG was still a fresh meme, If I had, I'd probably be some faggot e-celeb by now. Talk about dodging a bullet.

Lmao. Kikes argue like fucking women. Constantly bringing up shit that has nothing to do with the convo and may not even be real just to feel good about "winning".

Hitler was right .


Really? Like William L. Pierce's pseudonym for The Turner Diaries and Hunter?

I emailed them and told them that I didn't have a phone and couldn't do it, and they fixed it for me.

The plot thickens…
So we know Kikenwald is fapping to Hentai.
Now he's the possible author of the Turner Diaries as well.
Idk, who is jewing whom anymore, hold me Holla Forums

I am not actually suggesting or believe he is the author, but the reality has really nothing to do with what we should do with this potential angle. Should we accuse him of writing the book? It would generate some lulz and a chimpout from him, for sure


No, because any cursory research by a normalfag will turn up the true author with just one google search. Pierce never denied writing the books and even narrated an audio book of the Turner Diaries.

Running along this line of thought, however, we could accuse him of choosing the pseudonym because he's a closeted nazi.

This has been my desktop background for some time now.

Well it is pretty obvious, that Pierce just claimed the credit for the book for wn pussy, Kurt let him do it, because he did not want to out himself. :^)

myspace.com/kwicken99 is Kurt Eichenwalds old myspace account. You guys are smart. You can figure out what he used it for and how to confirm this tip.

user out.


Hello Kurt (((Eichenwald)))!

We know you browse the chans (and are probably looking for dirt to create plausible deniability against).

I think I have something that you may find of interest.

I must be tripping. When I clicked on it was the same Twitter post, but it tentacle porn as an example of 'freedom'. Then I clicked on the Pepe reactoin shot and clicked back. Now it's hentai. Da hell?

That twitter pic of Kurt's, where he's looking out over a valley, I think I know where that is. What city does Kurt live in. Gimme dat dox for reasons…

Fresh OC

I prefer wooden stakes than nails. He might be a (((vampire))), you never know with kikes.

Cartoon illustration of Kurt's demand of WikiLeaks Twitter account!


This is so punctuated and chopped up I don't it will green text right so…

"• “i found a pretty good one…but the lighting sucks. washed out. still…worth 100.”

• “100. . .we gotta talk about what the really good ones are.”

• “so far…there are just 20 in the file, and most of them are nothing (shots of beds and driveways, or you rolling a joint.) that’s okay. i found 3 so far that i either didn’t already have and were good. the way i am judging them is this: if i save them, i pay for them. if i don’t - it means i didn’t even bother to finish looking at them, so i didn’t want to buy.”

• “a problem… i might have hit my withdrawl limit for today. this is funded by a debit card, and i withdrew a ton of cash this morning. it is not letting me send 25. i still owe you at least 65, which i will pay by morning. i will keep trying to do this.”

• “now paid 110…or 310 so far. and have only downloaded -or kept - two. so…im being nice.”

• “the ftp site is still not working…Paid a dollar to let you know. Now it doesn’t seem to work at all. Once it’s up and running, I’ll be back to downloading…and paying you. I’ll be online today. Find me and lemme know what to do. And I have other proposals for you that would get you even more money.”10

• “the problem with the ftp site is…when i try to go in it says ‘the folder ‘ftp.’ is read only because the proxy server is not set up to allow full access. to move, paste, rename or delete files, you must use a different proxy, contact your system administrator.’ then, i click okay - and all it shows me is test_buddy.txt. no other files are there. any thoughts?”

• “email me when you can…or tellme when u will be on aim. i haven’t had access to the ftp site since we last spoke. and i’d like to start payin ya again. email me at [email protected]/* */, or tell me when u will be on aim.”

Rut roh. This came from page 8 of this:

I that what it appears to be? This nigga sittin and chatting and buying child porn? I.P. is there too. I wonder what site that is?

This shit is spreading across the net like fire right now too. This negro might be in some trouble…

That's new.

Add the following ones:

Sudanese drumming fire circle forum
Nepalese sherpa fan club
Atlantean shark spearing board
Mexican carne asada chatroom
Bielorrusian kabanosy house

I'm more partial to Atlantean crystal tuning matrix myself

What about Atlantean life extending research forum
Mu topographic expedition website
Jurassic egg collecting forum
PreCambric stone carving forum
Algonquian hunting board

This post links a site that does. boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/134975848

That Tucker Carlson interview reminded me of the poisoned chalice scene in The Princess Bride.

Y'all know the one

He was never even offered a deal. He definitely won't be taking it

Shouldn't we start a dox thread?

This is absolutely glorious.


Malaysian Nipple Clamp Factory

There's a banner thread in the catalog if you have any contributions, user.

Nice. About time someone did this.

So he's a pedo. Sounds like he needs to get pranked. A final sort of prank.




According to Julian Assange, our favorite jew wrote made suspicious credit card payments under the name "Andrew McDonald". By sheer Jewish coincidence, Andrew has been spotted writing several reviews for Kurt Eichenwald's books.

"This is one of the most exciting, unbelievable and astonishing books I have ever read. Normally, I stick mostly with fiction thrillers, but a friend of mine recommended The Informant as a better Grisham thriller than the last few Grisham thrillers. And he was right. From the first page, I was totally hooked, and stunned to think that this was a true story. The best thing about The Informant is the way Eichenwald melds the true lies of the main character with the true truth of reality. Time and again, I thought I knew the truth, only to find once again that I had been fooled in this delightful hall of mirrors. After so many years of dry, predictable thrillers – both in the bookstore and on the movie screen – it was so refreshing to read a story that is so unpredictable and so delightful."

Assange also wrote "He's a serial fabricator and there is other evidence that points towards a a fabricated fit. A young man faces 5+ years. A serious business"

Notably, Andrew McDonald is the pseudonym that William Pierce used to publish "The Turner Diaries".

Mein sides

So besides being a pedo and a Jew, he's also a filthy samefag. Now it's serious.



Eichenwald is a filthy, smelly, subversive kike, but Olbermann is something even worse: a white TRAITOR


They are obvious like you are.

a-are you that user from years back that revealed his ironic names list but also doesnt add names to it from posts that know youre cataloging them?


Dallas - he owns 2 houses that anons found long ago and doxed.

Alinsky #4. Make the enemy live up to their own rule book.

lefty/pol/ identified.

I bet thats actually an attempt to "expose" The Turner Diaries to people who would otherwise have never heard of it. Double edged sword, in the kikes mind, hes probably getting people to google his name, read the wiki blurb about TTD, and then assume white nationalists are ebil racists. Obviously its going to lead to some people actually reading it though, just naming yourself after things like that is a common way to spread the word when youre just going about your daily business. If you choose an online name other people will see, why not name yourself Oscar Yeager or Lane or Bob Mathews or Pierce or Rockwell or something. Even if a couple people look it up, that might be all it takes to find the truth and reality of whats going on.

Thats also the first thing I thought of when I read Andrew McDonald, that he took it from TTD (he also used it for Hunter)

he paid a underage guy for videos and was an admin of a CP site, all of this so he could write a journalistic piece obviously


I'm surprised he didn't say (((journalists))). I would have. Fuck, we need to be ovening these slimy heebs.






'Tis better to gas a traitor than to gas an enemy.

'i want to die'
my life has no meaning
i'm going to kill myself

has more effect on an image board, since NLP requires voice, which is missing here. The ego is also bad at separating self/other when reading compared to when listening.

also, direct threats are still illegal and NSA.

alt.syntax.tactical says otherwise

how's the weather in tel-aviv, schlomo?

Do you really think we give up our ego in RL. It is beneficial to me, and the cunts really like me.
And besides if your little assholes think they are mages, you will get direct threats nigger.

Oh you are a sneaky cheeky monkey

Look at me, i use a script and a pawn, but that batch really suits me because i wear the zeitgeist like a cloak someone else gave to me.
I gave meaning to me by the batch i wear and the comfort that comes with it. But in the end once i m afk i amount to jackshit, my script fades and my charisma is dull and chad still takes home the women i like, that graps me with their scent, and my body still signals that bad genes.

I peacock with my intelligence, i have to show that off like a tatoo, my self protection mechanism, and i also have to make that sound with the fashion i wear and the haircut i have, i look at the others i assume they are like me, because they do the same, look to the one right next to me and he will do the same.
Like photons in the middle of the sun, they will, even if it takes a hundred lifetimes, come outward and that is what you see.

Any confirmation besides him editing his twitter profile that he was fired from newsweek?

I wonder why this guy uses crap like rape apologist. And i have an estimated guess for that, like a little hidden vector, because i assume that he isnt an idiot. Similar intelligence to assange, guess what he fears.

I m the juggernaut, bitch.

julian assange is dead, they got him months ago.

I wonder how much similarities the right and left wing outliners have, i assume they have the same force and what they say is like heat that goes up and goes into a different direction.


And on some level all that is need is big udders.

we have spoilers for a reason here user


Please tell me that's not a tranny.


Sauce? I want to make sure it's not a trap before I fap.

That's not a tranny.

Doubt it would have been passed in a court of law if his condition wasn't on his medical record prior to the incident. I mean, it's not like someone else checks all the replies that were posted, so as soon as he saw he, he became a twitching veggie.

I suggest everyone (with protection) email him legitimate looking documents with seziure inducing gifs.

Serves ya right for fapping to 3dpd

This made my day, thank you.

Let me guess, is it some guy defending Kurt?



Poor Kike Eichenwald. All he wanted to do was watch tentacle and child pornography with his family.

I hate how everyone on the internet gets bored of fucking with jews who deserve it after a week.

I hate people who necro bump threads for no reason other than to fuck up the bump order.

What do you think Kurt's new job will be?!!!

Sucking dicks in an alleyway for cheap prices.