Don't they realize that if there was an accurate depiction of Detroit, it wouldn't ve an advertisement, but a warning? Furthermore, they seem to be anti-gentrification all of a sudden, when they were just against white flight. Which is it, white people please leave or white people please come back?
Detroit Residents Chimp Out At Ad For The City Full Of White People
Other urls found in this thread:
Have you guys ever noticed that ads always work in reverse to reality of demographics. Whenever a place is mostly white they try and shove token diversity down your throat. But when a place is a third world shithole like Detroit of Brazil they constantly try and pretend to be white
Practical Judaism. They invert every truth until it is its own opposite. Turning society upside-down is a survival trick for Juden; it reverses a natural order in which they would be extinct. Examples of kike reversals of reality include:
– The meek shall inherit the earth
– If you fight your enemies, they win
– White Europeans are bad for the world
– Niggers built America
– Diversity is our strength
– A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle
– Germans were the bad guys in WWII
Note how each of these propositions is the exact inverse of reality. This typical trick is as distinctive as a fingerprint.
I see a sandnigger and at least three spics.
Basically this. Inversion of the moral order, and shriek at your opponent until they believe it. They're good at moral outrage; "it's not a lie, if you believe it"
so, basically, unless I'm way off base here; the strat should be, so ALL browns and then slowly invert THAT image until it's the opposite (white people is major demographic) and then, winning? hmm, sounds convoluted, but could work.
While we are somewhat on the topic of political correctness in ads and PR material I just stumbled upon this. Jesus fuck.
I don't know who they think they're kidding though. Every white and black person in Detroit understands that Detroit is segregated, and that it's for the best.
top kek
Fucking disgusting.
requesting representative pictures of detroit
Is that real? Because fuck. That's a new low even for the kikes. Holy crap. Take that paint off nigger. Take it off right now or you'll be skinned.
It's real alright, it's on the fucking 2017 ibrochure.
Detroit, the proof that niggers ruin everything. They should've been left in central africa, with all along the coasts exterminated like vermin.
why don't we just shoot any nigger that is in a gang? All reports will be "gang violence"
Gangs are merely a vector for drugs and race mixing.
I'm fine with Jamal and Juan being mad. I get mad when I see white things get Diversified™. My only issue is that these people are too stupid to understand that if the ad was actually realistic the city wouldn't be a shit hole. And furthermore, they can blow me about getting mad about whitey coming in. First you wanted to be with whites. You got it. Then you wanted them gone. You sure got that. Then you got mad that they took their money with them. Then you wanted the money them back. You're getting it. And now you're mad. Either understand that you need them or just shut up and die.
And protip: if you want tourism from people in Asia and whatnot, Detroit, be happy about this ad. They don't want to go to Africa. You think tourism is down in places like Paris because of whitey being there? Take a look around and then in a mirror.
Fuck's sake, they need to edit that.
Oh yeah.
Daily reminder
Another thing they do is constantly slip low-key shilling against Christianity into everything, and take shit out of context whenever possible to serve their purposes.
But you'd know all about that, wouldn't you?
They are literally rewriting history with this stuff. In 50 years the newest generation will believe that every European country on earth always had the demographics of a major city.
They treat their host nations culture and history like a product, to be sold and consumed by the masses. This connects with peoples lack of connection with their tradition, and how they see their peoples history, as just another page in history, that is in no way connected to the current year.
Ad's in LA are 90+% shitskins or promoting race mixing. pics related (((They))) push whatever they think they can get away with.
t. LA fag
/r/ing the picture of the guy clapping
How can you manage to live in a major metropolitan city and not want to hang yourself
They've begin to believe that europe was never truely a white area, and that they always co-inhabited with shitskins, so much so that they'll be told that it's always been 50% mudskins.
Spics in LA have actually been failing out of school. Something (((they))) would never want you to learn because the data shows that 2nd and progressively 3rd gen spic-immigrants fail out of high school. Last i looked it was something like 50% of 2nd&3rd gen spics don't graduate in the LA area. Meaning that they will never ever contribute to the economy other than being scrap collectors….worthless slave class that's too stupid to even do simple things. Fucking spics.
I think about it every day user. Every time i leave my house i see shitskins as far as the eye can see. Race-mixing is also incredibly high here. I honestly think the city is less than 20% white.
How many you want user?
In the 40's or 50's detroit had more privately owned homes than any other city in the world.
It's all whitey's fault t. leftypol
Detroit used to be so fucking beautiful
Yes, I do know all about that. I've been observing the Jew like an assassin doing prep work for years now. The peculiar inversion of reality is in the Jews' DNA, and learning to spot it is half the battle. The other half is violence.
Should I tell this user Jesus was Jewish?
these are pretty easy to do in gimp.
Looks like someone beat me to it, but whatev.
Street sign template.
You guys can't read evidently. It says virtually all-white. Virtually all people in this thread can read; you two are the outliers.
was not a promise
I am honored you used my pictures user.
You just whipped up some awesome OC.
It is easy to get google images of detroit there is a shit ton of them and I can testify the city does look like the images in easily half of it.
I was thinking about the Holla Forums meme thread while I was looking at what you just did and TBH they can't even scrape the dog shit off of Holla Forums's artistic ruby slippers.
A couple of nice school pictures for you.
Seeing that beautiful house in ruins is absolutely infuriating.
The sad thing about Detroit you Cannot possibly show people is this shit is like 400+ square miles. Literally one picture or even an hour long video cannot even begin to document the devastation. The fucking garbage company gave up on dumping in the dump and saved money by dumping in lots and yards.
What follows is a typical detroit story of truth.
So the Detroit public works decides to shut off a bunch of water mains in neighborhoods that had not paid any water bills in years. Some were like 10+ years. Miles and miles of streets interlinked where the only people living there were squatters. Every city has a shithole like this. Detroit has hundreds of square miles of this shit. So they shut the water off. Every liberal within planetary distance goes up in arms. A lawsuit is started. Even though some who live in Detroit and those who live in the Suburbs MUST pay their water or it will be shut off a judge decides it is a basic human right for water. So the city engineers tell the DPW to turn the water on. Instead of mapping out how to do this they just start opening the floodgates literally. They water hammer a good portion of the pipes into leaking tubes of magical flooding +9 (for you d&d fags). Halfway into our story now and think that the waste water and storm sewer system is at half capacity when no one flushes a shit clogged toilet due to the massive amount of water pipes leaking (which the dpw has no $ to fix lol).
Along comes a storm front. DPW becomes aware they wont be able to handle it due the system load from leaks. The water treatment plant is on a river and next to the Detroit river. Instead of having to explain why turds went into the Rouge river (darker than the Ganges already) or across Jefferson Avenue and Into the Detroit river (therby possibly clogging the nuclear plant's water intakes there with literal shit, THEY SHUT IT DOWN. All of the outlying suburbs sanitary and storm sewers were just shut off during this rain storm. When the rain had passed after a couple days there was not a dry basement without turds in the suburbs surrounding Detroit. Everything "upriver" was a literal toilet with shingles. It's ok because instead of people losing their jobs at DPW insurance companies just paid the bill. Unbelievable the amount of things on the roadside soaked with shit and urine. The Garbage company just drove into Detroit proper and dumped all of the soaked crap into lots. All of the homeless people got new couches and supplies for the coming years.
The End
Here's the template with the yellow transparency. Redid the text/logo because reasons
jesus christ…
Niggers, not even once!
I cannot believe that is Detroit. The school must be guarded. There are intact glass tubes, and desks they could use sell. Also a monitor still having it's glass and the clock? There has to be some sort of guard and fence around the structure. Otherwise it would be stripped. Manholes, wiring in walls, rebar from concrete, NOTHING they can sell survives. Glass is broken so they don't have to see their reflection I guess.
There is something special about that school if it is in Detroit and the orcs haven't completely torn it to shreds and filled it with needles and feces. You wont find many used condoms in the bad areas because what's the point? They all have aids and kids are just a meal ticket if the mewling thing survives it's drug induced deformations in the womb.
you are my brother
Yeah that fucking coke billboard with the white guy and a nigress is all over L.A.
Remember 65% of Detroits population left. More like 90% when you figure the 700,000 left are all orcs with a huge breeding rate.
So this is how you rebuild a city?
Let it feed until its consumption and lack of infrastructure eats itself?
You know, if you got rid of the niggers razed all the area around downtown detroit and turned it all into well kept parks, you might actually have the beginnings of a nice city.
This story is pretty much spot on, now let an ancientfag give a little bit of advice to all you younger home owning anons living in cities in the mid west of the US that have basements.
Go down in your basement and look for basement floor drains.
Find them all and go to the real guy plumbing store and ask them for suitable sized rubber floor drain plugs.
Install the plugs in every basement floor drain you have because those drains are directly connected to the cities sewer lines and when it backs up there is a direct route between your basement and foul nasty liquid that will bubble up unhindered in the least bit.
B…but user what if I have a plumbing leak isn't that what the basement drains are for?
Answer is yes.
One little feed line leak will not fill your basement with 2 feet of water before you notice a wet floor 2 3" floor drains can fill your basement half way to your knees in 15 mins that is how all the basements flooded with sewage.
B..but what if I go on vacation?
Just shut off your main water line which you should always do anyway when you go away for more than a couple days.
Came here to make this. Wonderful.
This is a basic paradox and known quiet well in the marketing business. Ads that show old people can target young people very well for example, like showing a skating grampa.
Well usually they higher a private contractor to board up the school, is always nigger private contractor and their cousin is the inspector. So the shit gets half assed done and they have a little private security to watch the buildings as well so they are not actually totally open to the "urban miners". But they still get in anyways but they can't strip them like they do abandoned factories offices and homes.
I get why they're angry. Whenever I see an ad with niggers I get a little angry too
coming soon to a city near you™
It's almost like millions of years of evolution have imprinted a survival mechanism to be cautious or even hostile to genetic distant individuals
It's really strange, i can't imagine as to why this "survival mechanism" would needed after at we are all humans that bleed red :^)
thank G-d those brave, humanitarian Jews (the chosen people) are at the fore front of destroying these racist mechanisms :^)
I love detroit threads.
When Holla Forums actively takes a look at it it is satisfying to be able to show anons what I have known about for years.
It is a walk in the park to put up pictures that are representative of what it was and now what it is.
Polite sage so I am not bumping just because is a detroit thread.
Problem is that patch is surrounded by an armor belt of Ghetto 12-18 miles thick in every direction. Detroit will be interesting in 15 years. By then ALL of the suburbs will be burned out hulks. The orcs will be surrounded by open grassland and forests. They may colonize Monroe to the south but west and north they will be confronted by forest which they cannot navigate with their pimped out bikes. Yeah I think Detroit started the pimped out bike thing when they ran out of cars
I am not sure what they will do when nothing is left. There is nowhere left to consume to feed their perverse sense of destruction of any culture above stick and rock level. Possibly some asshat white knights will build suburbs all the way to Lansing or Flint (doubtful). It will be amusing to see what they do. My bet is pollute the surrounding small towns and whine about Muh oppreshuns when no one wants them around.
This is not the 80s.
One massive chimpout that caused billions of dollars of damage is what it would take to put the Republicans into a mindset of wanting to shoot gang members in their prison cells like fish in a barrel.
Livonia is being evacuated now. The line that was held in Redford by retired people is gone. The m24 line was crossed when the retiree holdouts died off and thier kids wouldn't take the houses or rented them out. Livonia wont last much longer. Then the orcs can infest Westland and garbage city from 2 sides. Novi might hold out a bit, but when they figure out the wealthy area has no real jail of note or cafeteria and feeds prisoners Mcdonalds it's over.
good advice
I like this meme of calling niggers orcs.
its almost like we, the homo sapiens, killed off or bred with all our closest hominid relatives
wew lad, its almost as if all science that is still available to the public doesnt point to this reality!
I remember this, luckily I was in Washtenaw by then (hello FBI)
they already made it into most of the west from downtown to US-23, especially Wayne, Inkster, and Ypsi
the southeast part of livonia, touching GC & Westland is ghetto as shit though
Brighton cannot hold that many. They will peter out somewhere beyond Wixom. Nothing beyond that they can travel to with .1 gallons of gas and a single lucky strike.
I do too. Idk how new it is or if it is at all. But god damn doesn't it just roll off the tongue right?
I'd say Novi and Northville are safe for now, Livonia & Canton are falling, Westland and Wayne fell a decade ago, Plymouth is ruined south of 96 and east of Haggerty… it goes on and on.
Most Islamic place in America
I'm an American, and I would NEVER go to Detroit. I have a kid and can't die.
There is a guy on Holla Forums who's been creating LOTR memes about the muslim/african invasion of Europe. He's been at it for a year or so. His memes are okay, LOTR was never really my thing but I wonder how effective those memes are with normies.
But just using "orc" as code for "nigger" in casual conversation seems like a great idea. I could see this really catching on.
I love the open admission that niggers took the city from whites and view it as an "uprising". These are of course the same subhumans who when they're taking over a place play dumb and go "hurr diversity is a strength! Can't wait for this to be a brown city! Kill the whites wooo!"
Very good first pick, but the resolution is a little low for my tastes. Got something for a graffix whote?
Is there any hope for Detroit? Can you think of a plan that doesn't involve the words "nuke" or "kill niggers?" I remeber listening to a radio program where a woman set up a foundation where she paid crackhead women to get their tubes tied because they have too many fucked up kids that wind up in government care.
Thank you, if I save one fellow user from the grief of a flooded basement I will be happy.
t almost everyone on my street flooded but not me because my basement floor was just above the line that the water was seeking and I think all my neighbors soaked up the water, but it did get to the bottom of the floor drain but not quite to the basement floor.
Look up Coleman A Young that was the beginning of the descent into maelstrom for detroit.
To say that niggers have "made it" into Inkster is an understatement.
Henry Ford set up the city of Detroit and it's actually a fascinating story of how he did so. Aside from being (((anti-semitic))) and inventing the assembly line, he actually was the chief engineer behind how Detroit was set up as a city. If he were running it today, it would be beautiful still.
So Inkster isn't just a clever name. Inkster was aptly named to be a city for niggers. It was never white. That entire area has always been shit because Henry Ford intended for it to be shit. He hired niggers, but he didn't want them associating with whites outside of work. So he put them in their own area.
Simple answer is.
Well they have hyperniggers in South Africa. I'm talking naked and shitting in elevators. They unironically call those Ghouls (because brainless, cannibal hordes)
No. Every solution involves the infestation being dealt with.
Coleman Young is who everyone blames, but after 1967, no white man was going to win in the city of Detroit.
Detroit put all its eggs in one basket with autos and never diversified. Now that NAFTA fucked us, that basket is gone. We have yet to break into another type of industry enough to turn it around so everyone lets niggers have it.
We tried "green energy" and even let Jewlywood come in and try to make it like a second Jewlywood and that didn't work.
It's pretty much over for Detroit until someone can invest in a new economy besides one that revolves around cars, which are now built in Tennessee and Mexico.
You mean kike oligarch. Dan Gilbert is literally a jew and America has never had an aristocracy.
Hopefully a vanguard of armed, intelligent, healthy, and racially conscious Whites are here to pick up the pieces when everything comes tumbling down. Fallout 3-style, going street-to-street gunning down mutants through the ruins of the Old World.
End the welfare state and pay niggers to go back to Africa. Sterilize the ones who don't leave.
But, of course, my proposal implies that people like us would be negotiating from a position of strength. If economic collapse does come, and the niggers aren't able to get their welfare checks, 90% of them will probably move to Canada anyways, so I guess it doesn't really matter.
SE Michanon.
We're here. Just hiding in the shadows until 1967 Part 2: The Ventilated Jigaboo starts.
You know green energy is a scam riding on the back of global warming I assume?
And another surprise factoid for Holla Forums in the probably 40's to 60's detroit was the number 2 film producer in the world behind that fine industry in cali.
Think training films safety films auto worker related shit, so making
was an inevitable failure.
they just hate whites no matter what
I disagree with it on principle, but it would be cost-effective over what they're doing with them now.
It would be cheaper to give every nigger $1,000 cash and a free plane ride back to Africa than paying the millions upon millions of dollars to babysit them in prison and give their baby mommas hundreds in free government money every month.
Green energy is a fucking scam and that's why it failed. A few people got all the government contracts and got rich. One can assume it's probably kikes that profited.
I meant recently, too, about Jewlywood coming to Detroit. A shit ton of movies were made here and they were given tax breaks. Finally the governor cut off their tax breaks and they went back to Jewlywood in record time.
It was never my thing either. I feel as though the whole LOTR craze is all but gone, people have moved on to the next thing and the next thing after that. We're now on the multicultrual starwars kick. yey diversity right? women are so stronggg! I see this shit everywhere now, people getting bumper stickers or bobble-head for their cars. Women taking up the trend to seem "geek-sheek" and TV programs promoting the same "geek" lifestyle meme they keep pushing(ex, big bang theory, Rick and morty, all the new superhero tv& movie garbage, x-files reboot, silicon valley ect….). LOTR memes are like 2 years too old. I saw one during the election that was mildly amusing at best.
I hope so, it's definitely catchy, but most importantly for meme potential, it has an element of truth, and an underlying hilarity to it. I just wish that calling niggers "googles" would have cought on, that shit was fucking hilarious and a good psych-op against google and SJW online filters. Inb4 Calling niggers googles is a jewish psych-op created to subvert this insignificant image board from da truupf! Also, calling kikes skypes was fucking brilliant
Sterilization is a good approach. We can also trick libshits into funding the opening of abortion clinics on every corner. Keeping the nonwhite population contained and static should be the goal.
Another good approach is to just take over areas block by block. Just move in, set up defensive parameters, and grow. Biggest challenge will be libshits trying to intervene.
holy shit
If someone had just a few hundred thousand dollars, you could get an entire city block in Detroit. Most of the homes would even still be repairable.
Everyone has been waiting to buy up those old victorian mansions and rebuild but we know as soon as we do, niggers will graffiti it and steal all your building materials.
I used to do construction in parts of southwest. There's a reason why people can't fix the shit. That reason is niggers.
Maybe ask the black/Latino population to enumerate their sucesses in Detroit?
I think "orcs" is better than "googles" because it's actually quite descriptive of niggers. Everyone knows what an orc looks like and as soon as you say something like "Orcs ruined this city", there's really no doubt what you mean even to people hearing it for the first time.
I totally remember user they built a studio in Allen Park and cynical fucking old me said "like that is ever going to fucking work", while they had a line for filling out applications stretching to Toledo.
Pretty close to my home, fam.
I would go for a radically different way of building. I would like underground since its going to be our settlement and dindus don't like shit like that. Its also harder to vandalize or destroy. Its also easier to fortify in case kikes and libshits decide to send ZOGbots to enforce their desegregation policy.
The SJW's have beat you to it user.
But they employ the turn the other cheek when the niggers raid their little hovels.
The problem is that even if you had the money to build and fix up a city block, niggers would just do a few drive-bys and every one of your sane tenants would leave so their children aren't shot.
The problem is finding perhaps a group of single former ZOGbots who hate niggers and don't mind shooting back until the message is received that your block isn't to be fucked with.
To say that you're worried about ZOG coming in to enforce desegregation? Well, I understand that thinking, but here in Detroit, the cops would assist you in any way they can. That's how fucking bad it is. I believe the cops would take your side in any altercation if you're trying to do something and move non-crackhead niggers in. Even some of the niggers understand that.
We have great gun laws here that would allow you to fortify yourself in any situation. Castle Doctrine, SYG, Open Carry, conceal carry without license now. They basically congratulate someone who defends their home with a firearm on the news.
This is a different thing, here in Detroit. White people still want it back. This isn't like Chimpcongo or LA. There's always been a sentiment of wanting to take Detroit back among whites.
We're here. Living among the kikes, waiting to reclaim our Paris.
The only thing I disagree with is random drive by's
Niggers usually don't do this when they go out for a drive by they have specific targets in mind.
But of course during these targeted events any 5 year old can easily catch a bullet because that is just part of the collateral damage associated with it.
Besides bulletts be costing moneys and dey is a depression on and sheeeitttt.
If libshits can squat, so can we. There is nothing really stopping us outside of security concerns. As a plus, we also aren't using drugs or offering our women as prostitutes like these shitlibs.
Pretty hard to do drive-bys on an underground structure. It would be almost entirely self contained with hydroponics and defended by a militia. It seems like a cool project.
Well, the Pontiac Silverdome was sold for under a million dollars. You can probably buy it for less from the dumb bastard who bought it.
Literally… Buy a football stadium which is still very repairable for under a million dollars.
Wow this guy is really full of himself.
You can actually buy a 150-unit apartment complex for $50,000 on land contract.
You can move in 150 people for $50k. Why build an underground complex when so many above ground ones can be had for next to nothing?
(trips checked)
I concur 500 or less anons could take over a major tract of the city.
Niggers are naturally afraid of "crazy white people".
Niggers naturally prey on white people that seem lost or out of place.
It is not that hard to outsmart your average city boon and instill a little reverse fear in them while establishing a no-go zone for them.
Detroit niggers are naturally afraid of going outstate in MI because of the Klan and shit.
All it takes is for it to be real in their minds.
Because underground complexes are harder to vandalize/destroy, can't be shot up or burnt down as easily, and cheaper to operate, and can have shit growing on top. Also the taxes are much lower for underground homes since most people don't think highly of them. You are living in the epicenter of dinduland when you live in Detroit.
Also, those apartment complexes need back taxes paid on them. I'm talking about one of those empty plots of land. IIRC, I know you can find homes in Detroit for $1, but the back taxes are ridiculous.
But you're playing the short game.
The long game is moving in whites and forcing the niggers into Flint and Toledo.
You move whites in and they start paying taxes like normal residents. The city sees this and raises taxes of nearby areas. Niggers can't afford to pay taxes and they are evicted. Houses are shitty, but they cost a low amount. Basically you're buying plots of land to build on or in some rare cases, you can fix them or make them better than original.
Once the city owns the property, the back taxes are done. If you're buying from a person, there may be back taxes. But most of these are owned by the city now. The city taking the house was payment for the back taxes. At this point, they can either make a few dollars on it by selling it and collecting future taxes or they can collect nothing. They'd much rather do the former.
Hitler part 2 of my Century of the Rope plan is to gather as many fellow RWDSs after driving the niggers out of West and Central Michigan and begin the Reconquesta of Detroit. Flint can be left to freeze but Detroit belongs to the White man. After that Chicago as it was built with Michigan wood. Then on to Toledo.
I'd invest in an experiment to bulldoze a city block to start purging nigger land. I'd look the other way for every user who wants to play stalker
unexpected feels.
These niggers and spics are retarded. They should know Detroit is considered a shithole. Bringing attention to the fact that the city is also not white is them doing the work for us.
I like you. How do we remove the kikes rooted around the place though?
Thread theme.
That map reminds me of the Roman Empire.
This land is your land
This land is my land
With all the townhouse apartment areas all walled off, complete with iron bar spikes.
Northern Michigan is really pissed at the increased number of nigger sightings this summer.
I'll translate that for you
Well Rome, Michigan is only 77 miles from Detroit.
user we already have our thread theme.
Now for a cheer they are here, triumphant!
Here they come with banners flying,
In stalwart step they're nighing,
With shouts of vict'ry crying,
We hurrah, hurrah, we greet you now, Hail!
Far we their praises sing
For the glory and fame they've brought us
Loud let the bells them ring
For here they come with banners flying
Far we their praises tell
For the glory and fame they've brought us
Loud let the bells them ring
For here they come with banners flying
Here they come, Hurrah!
Hail! to the victors valiant
Hail! to the conqu'ring heroes
Hail! Hail! to Michigan
The leaders and best!
Hail! to the victors valiant
Hail! to the conqu'ring heroes
Hail! Hail! to Michigan,
The champions of the West!
We cheer them again
We cheer and cheer again
For Michigan, we cheer for Michigan
We cheer with might and main
We cheer, cheer, cheer
With might and main we cheer!
Hail! to the victors valiant
Hail! to the conqu'ring heroes
Hail! Hail! to Michigan,
The champions of the West!
Ayo. You racists still haven't included people of color in your ads. Dat jus buildings n sheeit. Where da culcha?
I think many people here are forgetting one important fact: "it's so cold in the d"
"how the fuck do we pose to keep peace?"
The U of M fight song? The school that's basically impossible to get into if you're white?
Nah. They rival UC Berkeley with their nigger-tier affirmative action. I can not think of a Jewier institution in all of Michigan than (((U of M))) and the entire Ann Arbor area. Full of smelly rich antifa.
If you're going to go with a fight song, maybe go with Hillsdale College. U of M is incompatible with RWDS. They are not /ourguys/.
Oh it will be a cold winter in the Mitten indeed. If the winds blow down from Lake Superior it will be very cold.
Hey I think they're a bunch of shitlibs to but don't take it out on a GOAT song written before all the leftist and Kike bullshit.
Say it's racist. Make their song ours. They'll begin to will realize why they can't have nice things.
You got me. The song is good. I will give you that.
bringing back fond memories of watching football on saturday with the dad, fam
Literally everyone I grew up with is white and went to UofM so it just must be your test scores.
Spend half an hour walking around Ann Arbor. You can count the white men on one hand.
I never applied. But maybe you're just surrounded with kikes?
They've been sued multiple times for being too lenient to niggers and chinks.
Say what you want, the school is far from white.
That's such a lie. Stand next to Jimmy John's at University or State during lunch hours and you'll see hundreds of white men.
No faggot, if you are a Michigander who scores about a 1300 or higher on the SAT you're getting into UofM with a nice scholarship. Not difficult, you all are just stupid.
How the whole country should be.
When a white person successfully sues a school for discriminating against whites, that's a problem. That means U of M is so Marxist that it even beats out Ivy League schools in terms of poz.
But you're also implying that I would even want to go to U of M. Is it really worth the money over Wayne State or Eastern or even Western? Is living in Ypsilanti appealing to you?
Niggerfaggots want to talk about Ann Arbor but neglect to mention how niggerfied Ypsilanti, the city next door is.
Apparently Dan Gilbert is nostalgic for a happier time.
Never forget the salt mines under Detroit. Those are key terrain. Underground has its uses, but crops grow on the surface. That city needs to get cleared out and reclaimed. Building down is a real technical possibility with the lack of seismic activity and ground structure.
The orcs gave been encroaching into northern towns this summer, it's been weird. Normally you don't see them north of Saginaw. I blame Flint. Libgibs have been paying to transplant these creatures outside their normal tribal zones, and nobody seems to be talking about it.
In the city it's lame, but if you have ever been to the country farm park it's like a sigh of relief, I've only seen one black and she was well put together, and the rest were either white moms (with white babies) or Asian couples.
A line at Jimmy Johns.
oy vey
Nice ideas I'm seeing here. The problem, as ever with these ambitious land reclamation projects, is coordinating and getting started.
In Detroit?
Bet money it was almost completely blacks and a token white or Latino bitching about this. Have to make it look like it isn't just blacks crying over nothing again, so lets shoehorn someone else to be offended too, so them blacks don't look like tards again.
Well off niggers, and chinks are the trojan horse
Don't let your guard down
You're right yes, it's just nice to see so many actual white babies that I can tune out the other park go-ers. Where I live normally all I see are single moms and each of her kids are a different shade of disgusting :/ (soon to be moving)
I kind of want to move there and live mad max style. Scavenge, build a compound, kill raiders.
I had an interesting thought on this when I was thinking about 'Jewish science'.
A bit off topic for this, but I realized that the problem often isn't that the observations or findings are 'wrong' but that their interpretation of the results are inverse. It's almost as if the Jew sees the world as a photonegative image, a black and white inversion of reality.
To them, everything really is backwards. I'm honestly starting to think that for 90% of Jews, this behavior isn't at all intentional. For the 10% in real power, it absolutely is. But for the rest of them………. that's just HOW THEY ARE. It's not a plan or a ploy, it's just who they fundamentally are as a people.
What is this, some DOTA LARP or something?
Ann Arbor is the liberal shitter of Michigan. Everyone is pozzed. Claiming it's not a 10% token white school or something similar is crap. It's asians,poo in loos, blacks, then maybe whites. Latinos don't rank since we cannot import enough to come up here for Anal Arbor.
MSU is a much better college as it's maybe half pozzed or less.
BTW Flint must be held also. Only good way north and south along with rail ines all go through flint. Let the orcs have ann arbor. Maybe a chunk of ysi pissy since the west side is already filled with them. That's it. The UofM ghetto is created.
Every day I watch tv I learn a little more about 'chutzpah'.
half correct, look at shacktown (yes, non MI anons, we literally have a place called "shack town". Alot of that area was made for Ford workers coming back from the war, but after the war families were well off, he left it to the negroids and white trash. I know that's technically Westland, not Inkster, but it's a divide made only by Michigan Ave.
Wow, that really was a horror story. Spooky
They can try, but they couldn't even meme "Egyptians were black" into social acceptance.
They can burn books, but they can't burn technology's ability to spread the real truth to the masses. It's almost as if our grandfathers, inventors of radios, televisions, the internet, and satellite communications, are still protecting us and our future generations.
Easy, enforced gentrification. Push them all into the southwest side by the old factory and the Rouge. Wall it off. This is now Old Detroit. Different government, different taxes, different rules. Nobody comes out. New Detroit gets an all white, conservative government. Homeless people are illegal and physically removed, and put behind the wall, or further west into Dearborn. At gunpoint if necessary. Make it impossible to be poor and in Detroit. Old Detroit will tear itself apart and never bother the rest of us.
Reminder that you are literally better off being nuked than having diversity.
No. I'm pushing them to Toledo to punish Ohio for stealing it in the first place. It's the only logical thing to do.
If we're death marching them, lets make it a genocide & save the entire territory
I'm okay with letting them run amok in Ohio for a while tbh. Let Ohiofags deal with it.
What is it with leftists and wanting to live in Detroit/visit Detroit? My sister went to MSU and told me that some organic farmers would drive truck loads of fruit and vegetables to Detroit to attempt to sell to niggers so that they could have a balanced diet. There is also apparently a store called "Peaches & Greens", named after the niggers' two favorite produce items after waddymelon.
I dated a girl who went to Wayne State and as part of some bullshit, they went out planting trees. Niggers would honk and tell them to go home.
They literally don't want a nicer place to live because they don't want to pay taxes.
We must take all lands the Great Lakes touch no exception. Drive the niggers into the sea and see if they can swim.
Because it is cheaper then going to a 3rd world country and they can brag about the vibrant diversity even though almost 90% nigger is the opposite of diversity.
What is it with leftists and being fascinated with niggers and spics?
I knew a few who wanted to go to some place in beanerland called "tepito" because of it's "urban culture" despite being a den of crime and degeneracy.
detroit should be get destroyed through chemical warfare or something. no one would care and those would do would be too late because you can't revive a dead nigger
I just put one of these up (the 3rd one) on Bedrock's twitter
dat swift Trenton Channel current…
Detroit has plenty of spics. Detroit is so shitty that it's like a nigger wrapped in a Mexican. Mexicantown, fam. We have a Mexicantown.
Because they think all niggers are like Childish Gambino when they're more like vid related.
I'm from Western Michigan and had never been to Detroit before, or wanted to go because I see enough niggers already. However, one time my sister was going out of the country via an international flight from Detroit and for some reason I went along with my parents to drop her off. I told my parents to just take her to the airport and go home but we had extra time before the flight and so my parents thought they would like to see "Greek Town". It turns out that it's mainly a casino. The first humanoid we encountered was a nigger in a wheelchair with no feet begging near the casino parking area. It's way worse than Chicago.
no no heres a better idea
he uses this picture instead
I'd rather put them out of their misery than have them go through the 6 gorillion toll booths to be honest.
Retake rightful Toledo strip clay when?
Actually, there's quite a bit we can Anschluss here…
This is my actual plan. I just need to work on building my wealth up over the next decade and then start buying up neighborhoods and rebuilding them. Detroit is already corrupt as fuck so you just pay off the city council to allow literal RWDS to clean up after dark.
Buy neighborhood for pennies.
Rebuild it.
Wall it off.
Station armed guards
Give generous "donations" to the police to make sure they are on their game for when the nigger try to diversify things
RWDS after dark.
Rinse and repeat
Congrats you just made money doing a service for your fellow white men.
Debatable. I'm not saying it's that much better, but Chicago does lead the nation in murders.
However, Greektown is quite a bit more than a casino. You should have eaten at the New Parthenon. Stopped by Pizza Popolis. Greektown is one of the few places that you can go and feel partially safe aside from the homeless niggers begging for drug money.
It's like comparing two different colors of shit.
Luckily the cultures of all those lands are very similar to Michigan since they were settled by French Furtraders and Germans with a splash of Polish and Nordic so it wouldn't be too hard to assimilate.
Fukkin saved.
Let's go get a pop at the party store.
I'd like to see liberals try to protest the walled city of Detroit, only to get mugged by niggers at night
We actually did eat in a Greek restaurant, but it seemed more like Greek Street than Greek Town. The rest of the visit and driving through miles of abandoned, burnt out husks of buildings kind of cancelled out the nice food. Plus, this was like ten years ago so I don't remember all the details, just the impression of driving through some kind of chunk of South Africa.
You're not far off. Situation is very similar.
Did you catch Ebola-chan?
If you just wall the communities it's not going to be safe the blvd's will not walk-able at night and you will have the occasional break-ins as the ghetto areas will just a few blocks away
t South Florida
You missed the part about RWDSs after dark.
that''s not if every person there is armed and you have patrols at night.
remember, blacks fear the whiteman if he fights back
My type of memes…
You forgot to include the funniest detail about this scene from AHS: it's supposed to take place in fucking Los Angeles. Seriously, white kids (firstly) doing the KO game? I've never even been to the US but even I know enough about the demographics of that place to know that the premise is hilarious.
I don't believe this - fake news
My brother got a full scholarship for 4 years at UofM. This was in the early 2000s though and I remember him saying that he thinks he only got it since his field he went in to was mostly Asians and indians.
Really did him a lot of good, he turned into a faggot and now lives a life of urbanite degeneracy and wI'll die childless and robbed my chance of being an uncle and robbed my parents of more grandchildren
The problem with this is the water level will just push up to the next highest drain. Sink in basement? Washer? toilet on 1st floor?
The best thing to do if have a ground level vent OR a vent that goes out side the foundation that is LOWER then any other drain in the home.
The system in my city isnt well maintained and other streets in my area have had nasty backups. I installed a outside vent soon after I saw that happen. A weekend digging and about 75bux in PVC. If a backup happens the shit goes in the yard not my house.
Here is a very simplified picture of what I wanted to convey.
The actual piping is a little bit different but you can see the results will be the same.
PS A side benefit is that if your main house sewer line plugs up from tree roots flushing your toilet won't end up in your basement but rather your laundry tub will back up and not drain properly. If this ever happens to you remember this the plugged drain is never water tight IE water will always dribble by the clog but it will not flow properly. So don't run any water at all (you might have to wait over night but it will go down) and let the water level go down to where you can open up a basement clean out and not have a flood of water come out and defeat the plugged floor drains.
Polite sage for off topic.
I've come to the conclusion that niggers are insecure as fuck. So much time and energy is devoted to making them feel good about themselves - niggers in movies, TV shows, commercials, children's books. Niggers are given special treatment and considerations. Niggers are offended by the smallest slight, in fact I saw an article about some nignog complaining about white women not giving him the right of way on the sidewalk.
bullshit, its got yellows in there too
Everything is solid except for the Star of David. The Jews did not use that as a symbol until the 19th century. The Menorah is the symbol of the Jews though that might prove the point of that image even more.
user, please, that's offensive to poor innocent radioactive fallout.
Could the memes be coming true?
>(((echoing))) "anti-semitic"
Do you not know what the echoes mean? Are you new here?
Or even better:
That cuckchan meme never started working, never worked, never will work, you're best off at bare minimum deleting them all, asking for your post to be deleted, and never mention it again.
Better idea now: Kill yourself shill.
Fuck off Vault-tec shill.
>a line at a white sub place shilled by BROCK LESNAR himself shame about that whole Paul Heyman thing
wow that really activates the almonds and proves other user wrong
Really, a type of food joint that generally only whites go to because bread, deli meat, cheese, vegetables, and typically mayo or italian sauce isn't "exotic" enough for subhumans to like gets mostly whites in the line, wow, what a fucking discovery.
Ok true story my buddy lives close by and they have had their basement flood too many times to count. He told me sometimes he would rush home to plug his floor drains during a big rain storm. I told him fuck that leave them in he says but plumber buddy says not to plug them and i says have plumber buddy rush over to plug the drains for you then. He says yeah you are right fuck that they are staying in. So big flood comes buddy is up north at his cabin and no one to warn him to rush home…
his floor drains are plugged. So the water backs up into his laundry tub which is about 3 feet high and runs over the lip. Rather than coming up through the floor drains and filling his entire basement to the level of his laundry tub he had a minor little bit of water on the floor that never even covered his basement.
user 1 plumber buddy 0
Also you first floor toilet can never overflow from the street it is much to high the water backing up into your home can never be higher than what the level is on the street.
So plumber buddy tells anons friend I will install a back flow preventer on your main sewer line so you can keep the floor drains open. user says pour water down the floor drain and watch it flow out the "whole house" back flow preventer (it has a clear window for a cover)
the floor drains are routed differently from the main sewer line to the house and they do not go straight from the floor to the main line under the basement floor they are connected out in the yard.
user 2 plumber buddy still trying to get on the board
Your vent as you are showing will not prevent water from coming into your house the water will rise in the house just as high as it will rise in your vent unless you have a back flow preventer or check valve and then it will still come in through the basement floor drains.
Pic related
True, but try shutting off hundreds of miles of storm sewers. In detroit the and many suburbs there is literal shit, needles, oil, garbage, and maggot balls (dead animals never picked up). The pumping stations for the grey water sewers doom any basement below their level. Some high ground houses survive.
The shit sewer is also shut off during this storm. Some low houses get a shit surprise in 1st floor or basement toilets but not many.
The grey water storm sewers in Detroit literally carry shit and much much worse. Maggot balls are probably only freely encountered in New Delhi and Detroit. NO ONE wanted to drive through even the outer suburbs for a month after that disaster.
They used it since the time of Solomon. It’s the star of remphan, recorded in the bible.
So did almost every other ancient group. Including the Egyptians long before the Jews came out of the desert.
Buy real estate in Detroit just to knock down the house and make it flat
Please don't. I have to deal with enough Somalis and heroine junkies as is
Have fun paying backtaxes.
Again, the city doesn't charge the new buyer back taxes. By collecting the property, this is how the back taxes are paid.
Buying from a person means paying back taxes. Buying from the city means the city has collected the property in exchange for the taxes owed.
You can't shut off 100's of miles of pipe.
hopefully I have shown everyone how you can shut off your own little basement and how the 100's of miles of sewage can be kept in the pipes and not in your basement.
The biggest thing to your advantage is there is basically almost no pressure when the lines do back up IE the water can never rise higher than the level of the street. Your basement floor is 4' below street level so 4 foot times .43psi/ft of water is not much pressure to over come.
I did get some real cool shit from the flood I had to hold back and not snag tons of stuff that people put out to the trash cuz it touched the flood water.
My neighbor got 2 ft of water in his basement I went over and he said the basement is covered in shit.
I reached down with my bare finger swiped at the floor held my finger up for him to see and told him this is dirt not shit.
I can do better than you think…and it is regarding taxes……
It's gonna be a full moon.
Well color me fucking surprised.
these people didn't pay taxes since 2012 on this piece. it's assessed at a way lower value than it was in 2012, I'm sure, so the taxes should have been lowered even more than they had been since 2012. I'm surprised that people just haven't gone around randomly burning buildings and then the original owners collect the insurance money. Raze areas of Detroit
that video KEK
People do randomly burn down buildings, user. Every October 30th.
No, that would have given me superpowers.
Niggers have a massive inferiority complex and are overly emotional. This is exacerbated by them having a combination of lower intelligence and higher estrogen than white people, making chimp outs more likely.
They straighten their hair, wear weaves, bleach their skin, etc.
They are the only group that I can think of that changes their physical appearance, on such a large scale, based solely on racial insecurities.
Even Whites, with the amount of systematic guilt rammed down our throat, don't wear blackface and make our hair kinky because of how much we're told to hate our own Race.
Except maybe Rachel Dolezal and Shaun King.
They're great because they're quite palatable to normies. Even my parents and eight siblings, who for the longest time just thought I was turning into my "conspiracy nut" grandfather who did so much to redpill me and was right about everything, RIP grandpa started to accept the truth.
my whole family is nuts about LoTR (probably because it's nerdy enough to scare away niggers, like cursive writing, and white enough they can enjoy it) and I so wish I could record their reactions when I showed them these and more.
They understood what I meant. My complaints about the impossibility of integration and the dangers of replacement suddenly made sense. Not only did they understand, but they agreed. They don't try to correct me when I talk about britbongistan, and they've even started to talk about it to their white friends and their families. It's a powerful tool that I wish we had more of.
user join identity europa
In my country, we're under a massive importing of haitian-orcs as well. We've been using the same codeword.
get the fuck out
No idea if that user is from Canada but I am, and the answer is: yes, we are.
In what world is 8/12 or 2/3rds virtually everyone? It's going to be funny when google is all xhinks and poos and they're going to ask where is their diversity. Diversity means mulatos I guess.
Yep they strip us of our culture then sell it back to us. Every people is just a different theme for globalist capitalism.
Thanks a lot user, almost went a day without the thought! The game!
That startled me.
What can I do to prevent the towns in my country from becoming detroit alike?
Yeah but it doesnt solve anything. No half measures. Momma said appeasement never solved anything.
Pick one.
Sounds like a great opportunity to go kill niggers, rebuild the city and live free from Jews. I don't know why the fuck you retards are talking about buying property and blah blah blah, just stock up and go, take lots of bullets and shoot first. You could take the entire city with a small army, secede and create a white utopia. If it's really as bad as this thread makes it out to be, who would even stop you? The niggers themselves? Trump would probably congratulate you on rebuilding it. Fuck, if I lived in america, especially anywhere near detroit I would go just to shoot niggers, start making a base of operations and fucking do it. You could do it step by step without putting yourself in any real harm.
You're a bunch of faggots pol
This is the agenda.
"If you repeat a lie long enough, people will start believing it"
Toledo is already worse than cleveland in health and crime so I doubt many would complain.
Ohio is chock full of nigs, apefricans and poos too.
A few years ago during archeological excavations the skull of a Barbary ape
was discovered at Navan Fort. So either
that guy in the ad is the Barbary ape
or someone in the ad agency is
a subtle troll.
Leftist hate their lives and assume it's because they haven't been in dangerous situations like they see on television. Most of them have a death wish also they think the world is a theme park for their amusement. They've been taught that only poor minorities addicted to drugs live authentic lives. Let me tell you as someone who grew up in the fucking inner city they can have it. Being a white minority is like walking around with a huge bullseye on your back.
My city does, so every $5,000 house is another $10k in taxes due immediately. So the city just begs the state for money to demolish houses that aren't even 50 years old, while the hundred year old shitpile I live in falls down around my ears and the (((bank))) won't give me a loan that I could pay off in two years to move some place decent.
The only time a white guy did anything in the knockout game was when a black kid tried to knock a 50 year old man out and the old guy shot him for it. The kid woke up and said he decided being in a gang wasn't worth it.
I love these, they are funny but make the point clear.
(even for the plebs)
Birmingham, Troy, or norther r/o?
Of the flooded areas I think those were the nicest and cleanest. They don't generally have maggot balls and such on the street. Dunno if Bev Hills and Berk are decent anymore.
direct them to white areas for permanent settlement just like after Katrina
Jesus Christ, I watched that 3 times in a row, huge smile on my face. TY
… meanwhile, on the streets of Detroit, the Boattail 1990 Buick Riviera lurks
I wonder if that is the reason why Detroit was destroyed. Can't have a successful city built by an anti-semite, goy!
New homepage
Seems about right.
It's really simple, user.
If you don't want your town rotted from the inside out, you don't let niggers in. It's really that simple.
There isn't a city in the world with more than a 20% nigger population that's worth living in.
North edge of Ferndale.
All of oakland county is still pretty good except for royal oak township and pontiac.
High ass taxes keeps most of the cities kind of white.
Ferndale is undergoing a homosexual and diversity transition much to the delight of the lesbian mayor.
0/10. Try harder next time.
I don't have floor drains.
There are no open drains in the diagram I posted.
The vent is the LOWEST opening. By a few feet. Its also the same size as the mainline running from the house.
For water to get in the home it would have to push up higher then the open vent, up the main stack and then out a toilet on the 1st floor. There are no open drains, sinks, washer etc in my basement. Drainage is done with a sump pump.
This. They already shove shitskins into adverts like no tomorrow in particular the places where no shitskins exist but the shitty terrible subhuman areas like the town hamlets? Well you might as well be white as the early 20th century Britain. I think they do this so they try not to redpill people on the fact shitskins ruin every single place of merit the former Paris of the West is no different in this case. It's shame too Detroit was essentially the first true modern city in all the world but not even Rome at its apex could stand against an influx of barbarians.
Then you are totally safe user. I was specifically trying to help anyone that has basement floor drains that live in a city. That is where 99% of all flooded basements in the city stem from.
It's not like Celts were mercenaries around Europe, North Africa, Turkey or anything. That would be too simple and logical explanation, obviously Celts were really part of an ancient nigger empire.
Boy that sure is a GRAND AD
0/10 for what? Oh I'm >FBI aren't I because I suggested you lazy fucks do something instead of kvetching on the internet. If any of you really wanted anything you say you do it seems like a great opportunity. Stay Jewed faggots. Let the niggers take and destroy your land. I'm sure Hitler would be really proud.
Been in Livonia 5 yrs now. I knew when I bought this house that I'd want to be out by this year. It is slowly turning darker from the Eastern edge of the city. I'm in a nice neighborhood full of retirees and young families with children, so it's still nice and quiet here. Remember a few years back, there was some sheboon beat her friend to death with a slow cooker over an argument about Obama? (
The groids started bleeding in up in the northeast corner of the city - at 8 Mile and Inkster Rd. They've been spreading ever since. Now, I drive around and all I see is niggers everywhere. Young groidlets are walking up and down the streets probably casing houses to rob bouncing basketballs and rapping to each other.
In another 5 years, Livonia will just be another Inkster or Westland.
Been in Livonia 5 yrs now. I knew when I bought this house that I'd want to be out by this year. It is slowly turning darker from the Eastern edge of the city. I'm in a nice neighborhood full of retirees and young families with children, so it's still nice and quiet here. Remember a few years back, there was some sheboon beat her friend to death with a slow cooker over an argument about Obama? (
The groids started bleeding in up in the northeast corner of the city - at 8 Mile and Inkster Rd. They've been spreading ever since. Now, I drive around and all I see is niggers everywhere. Young groidlets are walking up and down the streets probably casing houses to rob bouncing basketballs and rapping to each other.
In another 5 years, Livonia will just be another Inkster or Westland.
…and more.
Seems like there's quite a few Michanons here. I never would have guessed.
Not sure how I double posted. This site can be such a shit sometimes.
Sage to negate.
goddammit carlos
What the fuck. Why stop at central Africa? Cleanse the entire goddamn continent.
You sound like a fucking half-measure lolberg.
If you're on a hill and away from a pipe confluence, you'll be fine. If you're anywhere in the inner network, or by a recent pipe job q15yrs, then move or plan accordingly.
The Detroit pipes never recovered fully from the 2013/14 winter repeated deep-deep freeze and thaw slams. The last 15yrs of city pipe projects of the accessory Harper, Sterling Heights, Troy, Bloomfield Hills, and Novi/Livonia water shed and main areas have been built with horrid jobs; been bursting and eroding way ahead of 'schedule' (wonder why? same crews, same 'hands', no lessons learned). Water supply has turned into a business extortion racket for counties, along with all the assorted OSHA too, so don't expect trend halt or reversal.
B'ham went nog in 2009, accelerated 2013. Utica, Garden City, Harper, Rochester sans Hills. Section 8 and assorted muslim. Central Troy went to the jap and korean (?) over population. B'ham school district (a different set of lines) has gone armenian (turk) and greek (turk) to make up the immediate funding difference. Hamtramck and Dearborn Heights went deep muslim, but you should already know that. More fun just came in, by the way. Scattered assorted pockets with heavy tall trees and walled / back to freeway communities are holding. Waterford is likely next as a city, but again, within the winding lake roads and dense woods is a different story.
Birmingham filled with niggers in 2009?
Other than maybe a couple afletes and such the only niggers I ever see is downtown shopping and they got there on the bus.
Jewingham? I concur there may be a few that frequent the Coneys or shop. Especially old woodward and promise their ladies some Jimmy Choo shoes or overpriced handbags.
I have seen a few walking like they live in the apartments on 14 mile est of woodward and some that hang in the ymca parking lot (oy vey!). I think the orcs in Birmingham are mainly day visitors and not residents though.
Smoke less; B'ham proper is. Look inside the cars, take my word for it, and pay more attention or go do more work.
Key intersections aren't affected. Others are. Concur with Old Woodward. Add: Maple, Big Beaver, Coolidge, Greenfield, Southfield, & Lahser. Most due to the south via -all- new condo housing and apartments.
http mugshots com/search.html?q=Birmingham
It doesn't take much % change to alter the trade and work dynamics, both on the roads and inside the businesses. If you are out there, you do notice. You can also track when you get delayed or diverted on any route > accidents > look.
That is a link to people
Thanks for this news, I've hated those fuckers in birmingham for over two decades and this just made my day.
It's a scraper website.
Lacks sort abilities.
Quit complaining and find the better one.
I am not the one that is saying
FFS Hazel Park and Warren are still majority white.
Warren. The city of whites who could not and cannot escape.
Speaking of anomalies 9 and greenfield is oak park right? It's like 40% Hassidic(sp) jews with beanies and curls and 60% ghetto blacks. How the fuck do they live right alongside each other without the blacks literally stealing everything (even the beanies)? That's a serious question. They seem to not even be able to see each other?….
Oak Park has been old jew forever but it is weird I read wherever you find majority jew ghettos in the USA they slowly but surely turn nigger.
Think Southfield user but I don't ever see it happening to Huntington Woods or Bloomfield
Do business, or run a business, and then you'll know. Went nog != full nog. I don't think full nog has never happened, even to Detroit.
10 and Greenfield.
Live together? There are odd business dances. Orderly progression for all city centers under duress. Apartments and complexes vs owners and land lords. The other circuit is business complexes and land lords +/- property mgmt companies. Those owners that don't do well, or those tenants that are too low energy, island hop with planning dollars. A mess.
You're the second person to make that assertion in this thread. Do you have any proof of your claim, or this another "EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING IS JEWISH YOU DON'T OWN NOTHING GOYIM" shillpost?
No the Jews live there in huge numbers. they are always walking around at 696/greenfield away from the Jewelry places. kids and wives too. Wandering about intermixed with Orcs. I have seen tons walking on Sat/Sunday south on Greenfield from where I assume a synagogue is. They live in a belt from there to the school on 13 or 14 mile. Like a 6 mile band of jews that goes from Ghetto black to white/black. A ton of the more pious ones live at 9/10 and greenfield. When I stop in the Comerica near 696 on Greenfield it's filled with walking not driving jews and blacks.
Yep. That's what I see too.
Plant stupidly tall, dense, thick, sun-light blocking black forest trees, build high gothic walls, and keep streets narrow. Don't know why it works, but it does, even in pockets as far down as Monroe and over as Grosse Pointe. I figure it has something to do with swarm/rush and density impediment. That, and pitch black early in the evening.
It's on his wikipedia page.
Is that why there was a boil warning a few months ago?