Anyone got the gifs from that pixel-art sidescroller where you play a heroine and every time you take damage, an insectoid fucks you? This is urgent, thanks.
Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
If you don't think that question deserves it's own thread, why did you make one just to ask it?
so that other questions that don't need their own thread can just use this one and not make even more threads
Weren't those webms?
OP did good, Holla Forums should have a cyclical QTDDTOT.
I can't remember, filetype does not matter though as long as I get those delicious animations
Do graphics matter?
Why is Mark such a worthless cocksucker unable to place even a single competent vol?
That's parasite in city
If the games mechanics are dependant on it
Always, without graphics you can't attain information from the game visually.
What about text adventure games?
be more specific
You mean the text that is projected on the screen via a graphical interface?
What about audio adventure games?
What's so special about these animations?
I had to google that. I'm getting old. could be cool instead of listening to music while cleaning the house
Hmm yes that's it I think, my memory must've made them better than they actually were, still not bad though
Good Android game I can play on the phone?
Is the "Once Saved Always Saved" doctrine true?
As long as it has a lose state and requires skill, its fine in my book
why does /ona/ hate tenga flip holes?
How much of asians higher average IQ would you blame on the chinese communist regime?
I wouldn't trust any statistics coming out of that place and it's population is so huge it has to have a fair effect on the average ethnic IQ stats
But what do the Orthodox believe he looked like?
.t Orthodox
Graphical fidelity does not matter, but graphical performance and aesthetics do. You need the visuals to be consistent and concise to relay information to the player.
This is also similar in films - the special effects or other graphical tricks don't really matter, but the clarity, composition, and editing matter more for conveying information to the audience.
Full retard
Also no, in answer to your question
You realize this is just Japan and rich Chinese raised in the west right?
The only difference is cultural in that those given the chance to learn work really hard in asia while westerners are more lazy with education.
As for the actual average IQ in asian nations it's well below average everywhere but Japan because the rest don't have access to good education.
Is this meme grammar or something? I never hear such atrocious language in real life.