FBI raids Schultz
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Wew lad. Also, learn to archive.
4 is all over this. I posted under the stickie investigation. Nothing. Decide to OP and just you. This is big time.
Why would you not take the time to properly format your OP with something so potentially big? Is it because you were too busy gargling semen?
reddit is flipping out.
Hopefully this leads to pic relayed, bc so far there's been little payoff for all these DNC/Pedogate/Seth Rich-related happenings
I know it's prob a long game, but dammit Sessions just seems to be squandering his opportunities
"OP is a fag" post variants still make me laugh, apparently.
I clued you stupid ass in. Suck this….wait where is it?
Oh my, things might get interesting.
Bumping. And please post any salt you find.
Fuck you. You now have a clue. Dumbass.
>but leaves smashed HDDs and other random equipment in it like a fucking retard totally ignoring the fact that physical destruction of HDDs isn't foolproof at all and something a street shitter would do
And the best quote from that marine:
No shit. Could you imagine how the (((msm))) would drag Trump through hot coals if they found out he had foreigners on his IT staff? But we haven't heard one peep about the Dems doing it, have we?
This could get good, lads.
This is big league news lads.
non-americunt here. who is Schultz?
Based Marine. It will be funny that Pakistani incompetence sinks the DNC.
thanks for the bump
Was the head of the DNC, and she was in charge while they were 'hacked' by the Russians. Nasty woman.
Because you got trips, I'm just going to say there's no need to get mad. What to take from this is that people here would much prefer if archive versions of linked articles are posted along with the original links, and maybe even a few key paragraphs from the article. It was nice of you to sound the alarm, but if your original post isn't detailed enough you will probably be called a fag in some creative fashion. That's all there is to it.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz - corrupt DNC cunt
The DNC and the press were essentially her personal playthings in getting shillary elected. Didn't work out so you can conclude she's incompetent as well.
Yeah. What exactly did he do. Copied it somewhere else. Patriot.
I'm glad their so self confident. Hopefully they will mass seppuku when he wins in 2020
Debbie (((Wasserman Shultz)))
Former head of DNC during first part of campaign
Close ally of Hillary
Was fired from DNC for shit found in wikileaks mid election, a sheboon takes over for her at DNC
something like 3-4 Lawyers in her district that are investigating her have all turned up shot in the back of the head over the past two or so months, IIRC one just was shot a few days ago and others as well as witnesses have asked for protection.
She is the same one who threatened the cops ON TAPE over her confiscated laptop.
Whatever. Chill.
Hopefully this is an actual investigation and not just a ploy to destroy evidence.
Ok, but I'm also going to check those dubs.
Nigger you are not important, you are the same anonymous asshole as the rest of us.
If you hadn't made it, someone with proper formatting skills would have done so three minutes later.
Redditers are so retarded they argue with bots about whether or not its okay to smash harddrives not realizing its a fucking bot!
good men always ruined by poor choice of friends and allies. thats why trump won, he has no friend in politics
I think you mistyped "probably going to be killed with 6 bullets to the back of the head during a robbery gone wrong in which nothing is stolen"
Why does she have access to classified information in the first place?
Why did the intern have possession of HDDs where he smashed them?
Why wasn't a service contracted to shred the HDDs securely?
Didn't this bitch rig the primaries?
Oh yeah she was also the one who fucked Bernie over and gave the dems Clinton. Tim Kaine gave up his seat as DNC chair so DWS could take it over. Only a few years later and he is paid back with a VP slot. When DWS was fired for the stuff that came out in wikileaks from the DNC hillary almost immediately put her on her staff. All the bernie bros knew bernie was fucked over by her and thats WHY she was fired from the DNC but hillary hired her anyway. fucking incredible.
Do it bro
Jeff Sessions was supposed to be his friend. But unlike Obama, Trump doesn't have an Eric 'cock' Holder in the justice department working to extinguish any fires.
I do wonder what it would take to bring down the DNC at this point. They're more than happy to kill anyone who might spill the beans, they've got leagues of fodder to take hits for them, and they have the cancerous libs to shill for them.
I feel like Sessions would need to get one of their key players to flip in total secret and spill the beans on everything, so then we could get something like >pic related
misleading headline
Yeah, no shit. That's probably why Imran is hiding somewhere - he knows how these people operate.
Could you imagine the salt if Trump started tweeting about this? I'd love to see them try to memoryhole that.
The key.
yep. that's how debbie schultz and the DNC are keeping the investigation at bay, but these protections don't apply to individuals like the pakis or foreign nations. the FBI is going after the low hanging fruit, aka trump's actions before he was a public official and the stuff that the DNC leakers/so-called hackers did
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Lurk Moar
Why don't botched robberies ever happen to the democrats?
Also it's funny how they use the constitution to enable them to destroy it.
GTFO. I started this thread. Ass.
My vote in on (((Weiner))).
I recall her getting some sort of position to rig it.
Weiner's been in custody for a while. I think if he was going to flip, it would've happened. Or maybe it already did and they have a sworn testimony they're waiting to deploy to bring the curtains down on everyone else?
Reminds me of that video where Biden found out that Weiner was the one who got arrested and facepalmed on camera with an 'Oh god.'
no one can claim that they own the thread, even OP. GTFO
Okay, I'll leave now. Fag.
You're turning into a lolcow. Stop that.
Filter derailers and continue discussion.
can't wait for the dominoes to drop
Just the rope.
Please stop posting, you status-thirsty cuckchan potatonigger.
I like comedy user. Is that okay?
Stop addressing me and I will, shariah.
the way the FBI operates is that they get sworn testimony from as many people they can flip and then let the real targets of the investigation drown in their own lies
Nice summary but you missed the most critical inference: this paki family has got enough incriminating evidence to send the entire DNC leadership to the gas chamber and they're using it for blackmail.
Is this some kind of Reddit speak?
Daily reminder.
A US Navy sailor was sentenced on Friday to a year in prison for taking photos of classified areas inside a nuclear attack submarine while it was in port in Connecticut.
Kristian Saucier, of Arlington, Vermont, appeared in federal court in Bridgeport, where a judge also ordered him to serve six months of home confinement with electronic monitoring during a three-year period of supervised release after the prison time. He pleaded guilty in May to unauthorized detention of defense information and had faced five to six years in prison under federal sentencing guidelines.
Saucier admitted to taking six photos of classified areas inside the USS Alexandria in 2009 when it was in Groton and he was a 22-year-old machinist mate on the submarine. The photos showed the nuclear reactor compartment, the auxiliary steam propulsion panel and the maneuvering compartment, prosecutors said.
Saucier took the photos knowing they were classified, but did so only to be able to show his family and future children what he did while he was in the Navy, his lawyers said. He denied sharing the photos with any unauthorized recipient.
Not like I want to endorse George Webb, man is either autistic and unstable, or owned disinfo BUT:
He's the one that actually found Imran's rental houses, hit the pavement, found that marine living there, got the story, and raised the issue as often as possible, including harassing Congressmen.
He stuck to that point so firmly, even in the midst of the rest of his shifting narrative, it seemed the most believable. But then with months of nothing coming from it, I'd assumed it was more disinfo. Good on ya, webb. Sometime around here, maybe a couple days before. youtube.com
So, 100, 120 days ago.
Oh wow FBI you're so cool let me tell you everything about myself. I'm a white man, that should narrow it down.
Remember "freeze peach"? Same infantile shit.
Saucier, who grew up in Cape Coral, Florida, had asked Underhill to sentence him to probation. In court filings, he compared his case to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server when she was secretary of state. The FBI declined to charge Clinton for her handling of classified information while using the server.
You are not white. Nigger trans.
what's that from?
Daredevil, first season, last episode.
a show about a blind attorney who gets hit in the eyes with radiation so suddenly he can not only see but do acrobatic tricks
Why does the bitch even have access to classified data?
When will Trump Send Clinton to Trial?
OP: "FBI raids Schultz"
Article: "One of Schultz's aides left shit behind when he sold his house and the new owner turned it in to police"
Is it any good? Should I watch it?
Blackmailing the DNC seems like a great way to commit suicide by shooting yourself in the back of the head six times while you crash your car while drunk while having an accident at the gym.
That said, Pakis are hilariously stupid and could try this.
Have you no mercy?
yeah OP was pretty shit
The important thing is the feds have her and other top democrats files.
OP says fuck you. I brought the bread. you pissed on it.
Those agents probably knew that if they left those drives intact tomorrow morning they would be (((suicided))) by multiple shots to the back head, chained up, burned alive, hung, and drown with no foul play :^)
If that's what they're joking about, that's probably what they're guilty of.
Someone ban the faggot and post a better version of the thread.
And you think that gives you power over us?
New thread with OP who isnt a fucking faggot.
You need some hotpockets while you lurk moar, newfag.
Fuck off and die faggot. You are literally the same as everyone else, if you didn't make the thread someone else would have. You don't have any authority
OP confirmed for biggest faggot of the week.
It's 4 AM. I can barely even shitpost, let alone remember to sage