Its happening I 'spose.
New WikiLeaks emails show CNN, NBC and Washington Post worked with DNC to influence election

Other urls found in this thread:

Shameless self bump before I go to sleep and to spite reddit.

Bump for interest
Mods sticky request

How to request a sticky:

Look up the term journOlists. We've known about this collusion for a long time. We need to start killing them. We need to start at the VERY LEAST getting them killed. How can we do this? Send them to bad parts of town? Get them to do the eye drop in mouth challenge? Come on guys, I want bodies. We need a body count.


In other news:

More at 11.

prove it you fucking kike shill


>New WikiLeaks emails show CNN, NBC and Washington Post worked with DNC to influence election
Old WikiLeaks emails show the same.


Oh, well then you won't mind if this gets circulated again, will you?

Cucks will say "Don't feed their victim narrative", but they're gonna play victim regardless. I think this is the primary reason kikes keep getting evicted and purged. They never stop kvetching, never stop playing victim while attacking others, and eventually no one gives a fuck when they're actually getting massacred and driven out. On the contrary, they make themselves so insufferable that even those who were relatively apathetic about them are glad to be rid of them.

It's like this video. Kikes and their puppets make themselves so insufferable that when authorities start cracking sculls the public are cheering it. They could be executing these vermin and there would still be cheering.

Hardcore laxative or something, iirc.

There are ~400 leftist on that google group. There has got to be a way to phish some credentials and get into that. Getting a copy of those emails could take down the entire western media.

I don't have a twatter, but I second this motion

most common eyedrops like visine are actually fucking deadly if you swallow them
someone (presumably from here or Holla Forums) started spreading the idea that you could prank people by putting visine in their drink and it would make them shit their pants
people actually did it and ended up in comas and shit
very similar to the old mix ammonia and bleach jokes except way more people fell for it

Well probably because nobody expected something you're supposed to drop in your fucking eye for a minor inconvenience like pink eye to be so deadly.

That's funny, I expected the eye to be the most sensitive and vulnerable body part overall and that the digestive system could take some abuse.

HA HA, OH FUCKING BOY. This will not go well for CNN. Did they break law? Because it really seems like this should be illegal.

It's not just for us. It's important because it can reveal the truth to the masses you faggot.

maybe we could get rid of a few degenerates if we meme that it will get you high

If a Jew can deceive idolaters by making them think he is a follower of their cult, it is permitted to do so.

(Yore De’ah, 157, 2.)

And maybe kill a ton of teens that don't know any better in the process. Meme responsibly.

Any and all memes encouraging this deadly behavior should be engineered to accurately and exclusively strike the black, Latino, arab, gay, and antifa communities. By the time it radiates out enough to hit white teens there will be news and stories about what happened coming out and stopping them from killing themselves.

just more evidence they are extremely fake news

tl;dr write a disclaimer in cursive.

Are these really new emails or nah

Wait wait wait, is this actually a new batch of emails? Because according to Wikileaks these were all released on 2016-11-07.

Is gerrymandering legal in US?

Yeah these are from the original dump. If that place wrote the article to slide something else, or just to bait more clicks, or just to put it back in the news cycle, who knows.

Don't get sidetracked, as hilarious as the eye drop dose can be, we need a real body count. Is there a way we can socially engineer journalists to get killed by muslims? Make fake twitter screenshots saying Mohammad was a faggot #PRIDE, and send it to sand nigger islam groups? Get creative. Body count is a literal term.

Fine example of Jewish false flag.

If you're so interested in something like that happening, then be the happening. Rubbing people's noses in this is precisely what we're here to do, until e gain the technology to stab people through the monitor.

You haven't been paying attention faggot. The aggressor defines the terms of engagement. If they can use muslims against us, we can use muslims against them. BUT MUH VRITUE, fucking gas yourself, you're the jew.

Obviously. But we need at least a few cities where this is happening.

Of course, because FBI isn't monitoring Holla Forums at all, oh no.

You're a fucking idiot. Gas yourself.

cucks will still ignore this information, or worse, justify it and defend it

none of this is new information. i could swear i've already read those exact e-mails. unless these are just new e-mails regarding the same topics, but we already knew DNC was providing the questions for interviews and debates. i guess it didn't get enough attention then so they're re releasing it?

hillary needs to be thrown in jail (or hung for treason) along with ocongo too, no last meal

There was proof of MSNBC in the previous leaks, and Project Veritas only undermined CNN, this ties NC and Washington Post in, which is fuckin' awesome and not necessarily new information unless you are the leaker.

Thanks Mr.
I sadly never knew that. I always get scared when I accidently click the [r] and then shit disappears from my catalog.








I think that one is my favorite.


I'd be nice of reminding the people of who those liberal media actually are.


But merchant didn't you tell us Russia was helping Trump? What about the Saudi and Soros?




Unless a purge is enacted and these corporate firms are forced to end what does it matter?

Didn't the old leaks show this?

Of course, the HDD with those emails (((magically destroyed themselves))) shortly after I downloaded them.

Sheeeit, I don't even start cheering until the skulls are getting cracked.

Apparently fucking not.


Sharper anons are recognizing these emails from prior. But Christ, did no one follow the link from OP article-and find it goes to Wikileaks archive?
Or go to Wikileaks itself to find their most recent release is Vault 7: UCL/ Raytheon?





isn't it interesting how the original "five guys" gamergate posts went up shortly after the journo-list leaks were being discussed on halfchan? Pure (((coincidence))) that zoey quinn's e-drama overshadowed a much larger conspiracy involving mainstream collusion. Imagine if GG spent all that time and energy looking in to mainstream journalism instead of z-level clickbait.

I've run out

cringed so hard a had a neck spasm reading this




Not to do your job is not illegal, sadly. Doing it purposefully wrong is civil law, not criminal. CNN just had another nail to its head. I am not sure they even can move at this point, I think there is just some blood left circulating.

They are a private organization and can do what they want. You should be mad that your faggot ass ebun lets these niggers have private parties to run for office.


Fucking Do It




We know that all Putin ever does is sits around and schemes up ways to influence our elections.

Turns out, the media were the ones trying to influence the election… what if the media was colluding with Putin?

Time to launch a probe into the media to see if they have been colluding with Russia.

shameless bump to ruin the kikes life


Anything which gets that info focused on again is good news.

Tbh though I'm pretty sure Assange is dead and Wikileaks is compromised. Too much weird shit surrounding it.

Silly goys. This is just more proof that Russia hacked the election. Wikileaks = Russia.

Also remember it's illegal to read these emails. It's different for CNN since they have journalism degrees. So everything you learn about this must be done through CNN.


Didn't some guy 9/11 his little Vespa Aeroplane into a news headquarters like a decade ago? That guy knew what's up.

go slam your face into a brick wall some more

Oy vey

they're bleeding and running scared, no matter what they do their reputations are eternally stained. I love it.

All their good leaks stopped in October. Everything else was a rehash of things already known.

where the fug hab you been nigger ? Windows and leenux BTFO week after week after week.

Didn't this already come out? Or are these emails more specific?

reply to remember in the am.

it is called the boy who cried wolf.

So Spicy

WTF is

reddit is screaming fake news.



Are those ellipses actual ellipses for the sake of editing or is he pulling the tired "le look at me attempt to convey emotion via text, like a real human bean" shit?

In other news: sky blue, water wet. We need evidence of them doing stuff that's actually genuinely illegal and people willing to prosecute before it'll make any difference.

quick lets sticky the fake news saying 6 month old leaks are new

They failed to register their in kind campaign contributions, and also failed to register as lobbyists… Both of those are crimes that carry jail time as punishment.

What, uh… what exactly do you think this is, and where do you think it comes from? Because you’re just making shit up.


Somebody approved that article without stopping for a minute to think "We might be pushing our luck with this one."

I remember seeing webms of Wolf and other moderators during the election taking binders or being handed questions before/after the debates. Anyone know what I'm talking about?



(((nice trips)))
Then they are lies.


There seems to be a lot of effort to derail this thread, maybe you should go back to (((reddit))) to find a way to dismiss the incoming shit storm.

The Juden are burning their own puppets of propaganda as a pretext to come after all speech. Labeling CNN n shit fake news to shut them down is how they are going to come after anyone.

This isn't a new leak and if you actually read the thread and check WL yourself, it's easy to reach that conclusion. The important story at the moment is Schultz HDD.

So keep this stickied but understand it's not new information.

They've spent almost a whole fucking year saying this.

How isn't this a new leak? I keep hearing that but NBC and Washington Post have been out of the clear so far.

Someone may be trying to blow life back into the meme for some purpose. It basically got ignored the first time, so, why not help I guess.

How is this not new? Washington Post and NBC haven't gotten any flak before this by any leaks.

I don't know, could be, I just can't find any mention of any new emails from WL.

then don't respond?

That's not Washington Post.

If GG was intended as a distraction it would make that the worst case of strategical blowback in human history. A handful of anons tried to push the JournOlist scandal but they never had a chance of breaking through the normie-brainwashing that kept so many of us blind to the nightmare that is our reality.

If (((they))) intentionally chose videogames, the one fucking thing every internet subculture has in common, as a distraction, we have nothing to worry about as (((they're))) trying to play chess while having no fucking clue what the board and pieces even look like. GG awakened millions of young men like a bucket of ice water to the face with the culture, tactics, and lessons learned during that war leading directly to what Holla Forums has been from the Current Year to the Modern Day.

It's NBC. You said they hadn't; they had. I don't even care if it's old, it's good to spread now.

GG was informational fission.

The zeitgeist was just right. There had been massive amounts of SJW bullshit and Eron was like that /cow/ that kicked over a lamp and started the Chicago Fire.

Trump learned from GG and created informational fusion.


You sure that's a plane bro?


when are we finally going to destroy these antiquated jew controlled media outlets? newspapers and everything on television needs to be cleaned out, I expected Trump, O'keefe, and/or Assange to make short work of them but it's taking so long isn't there anything more we can do to take them apart? especially the new york times my folks read it and they're insufferable

You can't expect immediate results like some spoiled kid staying up on Christmas night. It's like the Fall of Communism, it has to fall apart only as it fails to compete with Assange and O'Keefe who are doing their job since the media outlets are too focused on being politicians. New roles are being formed, find your place and stop bitching about what's perfectly in your capacity to change.

god damn freakazoid sucked
WB cartoons were garbage tier in the 90s, and I suspect they are even worse now.

Nice derail.

If you let it.
Quit being so attached to your childhood.
I hate the 90s.

Oy vey

It's from Wikileaks so it's safe to say I'll be hearing "muh russians" argument while talking about this with my libshit friends.

luggenpresse will be dead shortly. It is important to consider that there may have been hacks done on the journOlists already anyway. I don't have confirmation of that, but if we meme it, they will likely believe it, and we can make certain assumptions based on their actions since we can pretty reliably tell what is true based on what they report, despite them being dishonest. They are predictable, and predictable men are dead men.


Meant to post

he means cessna. and yea I remember that.. It was pretty shortly after 9/11.

Anyone who follows the internet's advice on getting high deserves to die, teen or not. I knew not to listen to the internet before 4chan was even a thing.

We more or less already know this though but glad there's such overwhelming evidence now. The libtards were in such braindead denial about it even after they fucked over bernie.

Tbh it doesn't matter how much/if WL is compromised anymore. Others have taken up the torch. We've got independent leakers running separately, the Veritas guys kicking ass as always.

I'm not saying to discount it. I just think WL should be taken with a grain of salt. The better question is… does it matter if someone is a liar if they speak the truth? This is still useful for redpilling. Just remain skeptical is all I'm saying. Sorry. Not trying to derail or CIA I just don't trust what happened surrounding Assange.

On topic, this can be useful since these specifically mention some media outlets that didn't get the flack before. CNN has been in the headlights of course. The thing is right now libtards don't trust CNN but they still view other media sources ad credible. This is especially true for print media like newspapers.

Push the CNN connection and it will naturally spread their distrust to other outlets. That should be the focus atm. At least on the media front.

Guys, isn't it illegal for us to view stuff from wikileaks? Don't you think that maybe it would be safer to leave this to the professional journalists and the rest of us could just go get some rest?

Finally a reasonable human bean.
You Goyim Guys, should learn from this upstanding member of the community and let (((Qualified Media Professionals))) handle U.S. Secrets.

; ^)

Also 9/11/01 wasn't an inside job, how could it have been? There's no way to separate who could be an outsider. Unless somehow certain features would give them away?

>Doesn't know "Let the (((Professional Journalists))) handle it" and the "Its illegal for the American public to view this, but the media is different" quotes
and worst of all

great bait, well meme'd my friend
Here is your (You)
You have to go back
And you lost the game


You're kidding, right?


transcript for no-audio-fags
>it's interesting to know, by the way, it's illegal to possess these stolen documents
>it's different for the (((media)))
>everything you're learning about this you learn from (((us)))

notice the hand waving motions

It kills me this is going to be completely ignored and swept under the rug.

fuck all you white boys. we built this country. cnn is woke.

I created this.

So why are we just meming old memes instead of digging these leaks? Find the juicy bits, compile them, and meme them!

Fresh OC

Did anybody notice after I started talking about journOlists, the thread got nuked with these bullshit faggot jew memes that just take up space and ruin the thread, making valuable information harder to find. Fucking sidetracking… or were you degenerates too high to figure this shit out.

Think about this… either simply the WORD journOlists alerted some data aggregating mechanism and triggered the flooding response automatically, or an individual noticed it and sent data either in the form of a post on this thread (have fun figuring out which one it is) or they alerted a group of actual people to nuke it.

Start thinking more strategically in terms of what mechanisms act functionally in what way and to what ends.

Yup, same here, i read the e-mails posted in the image by OP, unless he just used older images.

We already knew this!

OP is linking to a newly written story about the same old e-mails, Wikileaks did not release any new e-mails!

Again with the archive honeypot cancer.

We spent months in the Wikileaks threads during the elections sifting through e-mail after e-mails. THis was discussed that the aids of the panel hosts if not the anchors were fully complicit in the collusion. This is what saved these anchors from firing, most of those 'aid' journalists got fired, sacked or let off during the massive down turn in revenue. Some got to remain on board yet have zero credibility and are stuck writing articles.

Some great anons made awesome OC's to shut anyone up who uses these outlets as a source. There is no credibility left for these outlets.

Looks like the thread is trying to hide or detract from other ongoing issues.
- (((Jared Kushner))) getting drilled by congress. We still haven't dug shit up on this kike, other then his investment fund with deep sponsoring ties to (((George Soros)))
- The Wikileaks CIA leaks since anathema have not been posted or discussed on Holla Forums, but also not on Holla Forums. There's collusion with private military.
- The on-going Iran Spat where newly released CIA declassified docs prove the US was meddling in their 1952 election a year before the coup. The subsequent iranian revolution in 1979 that brought extremist Islam, was most likely a regime change by the US as well when their installed puppet wanted to nationalize the Iranian oil.
- A paper study finds that Clinton's warmongering in Libya and promoting it for Syria was one of the main factors she lost the election.
- President Trump wants to stay in Afghanistan after 15 years of war because of resources like oil and mining minerals. It is no wonder Iraq is inviting Russia and China into it's country to do this same thing for a better deal. Afghanistan might wise up following such callous statements.
- Anthony 'Mooch' Scaramucci issued a statement regarding the Thucydides Trap. The 'inevitable war' with China. While the MSM ignored this statement from last week, while now they fully focus on him firing WH leakers.

That sounds awful, what's that?


But that's cheating! Why would they do that? No fair!

It's almost as if CNN is literally a CIA mouthpiece on par with RT (which I value as a news source)