Share Thread: Batman Edition

We prefer Danknets Magnet links and not that shitty clearnet shit like bittorents and IPFS
Read a book or something if you want to catchup SLOWPOKE:

Check IGG-Games first
ReadMe - , ways to add items to the git repo.
Archives -
Mega Archives -
Check before posting -
Vola -

For Wii ISO`s first check Roms+ISO
Holla Forums OST - - useful site to help fix most PC games.
Rom/ISO's - ISO
GNU/Linux - LinuxVidya
Not games -

Guide to a Happy Share Thread
Only hosting, did not write
1. Before you request, search online for the file you want, even use distributed search engines e.g. InfraSearch, Opencola, YaCy, FAROO. See below for famous links.
2. Look first in the archives and on volafile for the file you are looking for.
3. When requesting, be as specific as possible. If you have the cover art of the file you want, post it on both the share thread and on vola room.
4. Due to asshats in our share thread, links to files will be purposely misleading (have spaces, lines, keys&passwords split in the post), including torrent hashes.
If you see something like: c12fe1c06bba254a9dc9f519b335aa7c1367a88a |or| c12-fe1c-06bba25-4a9dc9f519-b335aa7c1-367a88a
, it's a magnet link's identifier, probably being a BitTorrent Info Hash (BTIH).
Assuming you have a shitty bittorrent client, make a url prepending magnet:?xt=urn:btih:, so that it works out to magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c12fe1c06bba254a9dc9f519b335aa7c1367a88a&dn=youDIMWITTEDmother.fucker.tar
a. Find and Replace (sed/tr/awk) is your friend

1. When in doubt, upload. Ask questions later.
2. Upload to many alternative sources (5+) and keep a local copy if space permits.
3. Use a URL shorterner (spaced or split) and/or paste relinks ( on file links to confuse bots
4. Encrypt your uploads now with a password, key, or generator. Rename the files something random, even their checksums.
Maybe even pad files to the nearest GB or so, to confuse bots.
5. If you have a stable computer connection, it is extremely advisable to self host the file, using anonymity tools like Freenet, I2P, Gnunet, distributed NNTP or MixMinion/Mixmaster.

Volafile edition:
1. Before you upload a batch of miscellaneous files, like images and music, be sure they are unique enough to stand on their own, and that you ask for the majority's the consensus whether to upload the files individually.
2. Vola room owner edit- Upload 5 files and then zip the rest if the dump is larger then 6-7 files. Music Albums exceeding 5 files are to be zipped. When uploading a raw torrent which includes skidrow, codex, etc files either add them to the a zip of the game or just don’t upload those misc files. Properly label files so that they can be identified without asking someone else. For lewd stuff with filenames like RJ74765 either add a .txt file linking to the contents on a website or just add the title to the file "BIG BOOTY WOMEN SIT ON SHOTA FACE (RJ34734)"
3. You can filter files by file type (.txt, .rar, etc) or search the file list with the bar hidden by the filter files button.
a. When in doubt, archive as a single [or split file if too large], then upload.

We do have bunkers in case 8ch falls of the cliff again:

Neatified version of Mega Archives - - organised and neatened up mega links.
Voice user's ASMR shares -
Lewd games bith -
Suggested OP copy pasta -

Other urls found in this thread:!GQImULQT!1FBsFKCzXjg9ArAzqqnrEg!SZICyBBC!YXdB5akm16GYeVSn5qNahQ!LApzFJ4Q!gc9FmKIinWUj6xPMiQDV7w!nNA1UY6b!NzqlZfNgqjzkPno9LMdTIg!bUpRRJxK!0nETgRuOD-iaRZmiyJc1gw!TItTTTTZ!RgHA4CY_zD67jET_N7wcZg!nZZAQCjK!t9FMBwxqbh_GKXYvfJqDRA!bcYSTDBa!SAFGUciuAqulPTZkeRzqJw!SFNSEB6J!_28mRfWUinMFBH3eX--TvQ!3NIRhIKC!K_j2TMyXTFleYyMlwnXr-BU3Jq2Zsxc-xxY2mGjXP40!HQZnwJSC!-vxA7HRH5Aj1h9r7EVsfK-uOJhm0GdJKY_Oo6ng4ZwQ!OYRWgYoS!NWnj2Y08EC2qMcbq0nthCbZVl_DNuPRggUlXyRMnYH0!yJRkjBSL!CKshSClvapgMnWZn4zzAZ7nLie5uN8wPnbz4PWmVydA!udwUnYqA!U2fZ_iu1IlvKwOLadtUDmPr8iItWndjMlQCcL_A1ov8!MdxB3ZbB!mPbuZfU4SnGu_CxuBOB9Uw LinuxVidya!ZwYGjYJI!3J0GvNpWoXdiop6gcO9fuQ!5gZjXJxa!y-kg65952miwVMi0XeAdRuAr55mUhUNIVeXip-cwBkU!MtZXlQbQ!JoHd0Nw_qcM0tlwxMhO9Tkg2CnpYB-NR6MShsoj76JQ!MkQ2SCqI!1B-AoDDSkC_9dczySgc2gvObANDgmwsion2bqVG502o!84oAADAb!igF2SvVDfo9zn9qMJVU1RVVLMm2yI3EyDz2a0uvoq2E!psIBHaCB!nWUqAD1cRLXqfj77_xmEkEdeosCppYFrhGM1cTPAtUU!h1IngaZb!2NH5Pz_fM7N1mnG4DBuT6-BGiiCrCz6y-xe-FVcqA4A!t1hRABLI!TbuCybo-Pluu_-qMMI0p7sz90IMLb8lBK3-1haWM4Wo!8pJVWbCD!21Bv_9ubh5NAJTmGlQmxJg7o9kRht9z1DOfn6SUJOMI!Zsg0BAbb!7uhaIuWDsQwgDljmdZcfSD0pOag9ueEquX9Gk55qmFo!94wCwSjS!XQouwW7Y1rMsmJHikODzR3H7r3MiLSG_630cFPRiUvk!thYgCQCS!YSIJ1Ws44UXEHryuwa73dq8WcC8Pbq4906HN_BrUVMs!5o5zmDpa!nDRo-rVdbidSPoiQQ7TZyBctXMuutgfp6z6nekHbOkI Battle Volume 2.rar selection dracula battle 2 download!DE40AZIY!C3e8G_1LYZjKGn8kd7LqTZ5UBjFV4q6oniRxoo708do!HVIDUQSQ!mcihBJ-d3WLEnPIQRGXWhA!fcBR0CJQ!Ux0k93fqjNZlLZKHSoyaRg!r5kA2KYD!uBPsrY2OSYcRBb_FADlkuQ!TwdWjSQJ!KdwDjYwA!h_97DRfL6KQpC_8UTbk_UlEV0V8cT-wJT0yfwOc5mgg!w0JzDQZC!sofEOnVcLh7yQ7lz3sjDSw!dUc1BAhT!_q5REXKwatuDP59U-f_dRGWo_fv8RoPJV72KmMydSNE!s48RTRSR!zMpLUbJ_TFdb5wWIdHOdMRg_77RO2-CH3VBKzRBgnWg Crossover 15.1.0 with crack for ubuntu fedora linux.7z!k88iCAyR!KkJNXccYscnbUz0vy1C5uqhBqa9s4vhIcrGrb6BfAYI!6A5kRbRL!yTKXa5DpSMc3h_HsQhn07ZunL6KtSWjCySvE9Ek6nnQ!vZwkAKZb!5hToJv_tSec0LbYjMrVH1_BcB3K4QQT--OYuik9gtI0
endchan5doxvprs5.onion/tech/res/6009.html zzdzPdut8uGF38GjY9/1xdw8m1X7BTo6VOAUJU=

Posting the part of OP that to be chopped in order to post.
Webm is from >>10283613 (last webm thread)

Previous thread:
Wait untill the current thread reaches at least page 13 and or 404's before creating a new one. 8archive can stay down forever for all we care.

Don't share on facebook, twitter, blogger, or girls scout flyers DON'T THINK WE DIDN'T SEE YOU POSTING SHIT ON YOUR FACE A BOOKS! WE SAW YOU NIGGERS
Share the BOOTY, download EVERYTHING NOW. Black JEBUS and his Jew BudDies are breaking down doors and irrevocably obliterating your tender ~Ara's~ ass for pirating that delicious~ vidya you begged mom and dad to buy you but never could.

I posted this at the end of the last thread like a dumb ass so I want to re-post the main links for more people to see it.

Hentai Games:!GQImULQT!1FBsFKCzXjg9ArAzqqnrEg


For details on this, check the last thread.






Requesting Stardew Valley Linux GOG

(since it's a new thread)

Reposting the Eurobeat from last thread


Time for 195 albums of super eurobeat

01 - 049!3NIRhIKC!K_j2TMyXTFleYyMlwnXr-BU3Jq2Zsxc-xxY2mGjXP40

050 - 099!HQZnwJSC!-vxA7HRH5Aj1h9r7EVsfK-uOJhm0GdJKY_Oo6ng4ZwQ

100- 129!OYRWgYoS!NWnj2Y08EC2qMcbq0nthCbZVl_DNuPRggUlXyRMnYH0

130 - 160!yJRkjBSL!CKshSClvapgMnWZn4zzAZ7nLie5uN8wPnbz4PWmVydA

161 - 195!udwUnYqA!U2fZ_iu1IlvKwOLadtUDmPr8iItWndjMlQCcL_A1ov8

Requesting TESA: Redguard GoG version.

shit thread from the get-go

Lookin for this user right here, if you're still willing to, there's a lot of movies off your list i'd like to have.

I was going to try and use the Chaika image near the end of Chaika the second. However that didn't immediately jump out at me.

I'm going to keep posting this in these threads until I stop getting requests. I need to delete and better organize stuff on my hard drives, before I do that I want to post what I have in case someone wants anything from it, I don't know if I have anything that used to be easy to find but now isn't.
Here are some lists with content I have:

If you want anything from these lists just let me know and I'll add it and reply when I can. I will keep hosting requested content until at least the next thread, when no-copy adding is added to IPFS I'll host it forever but that's not in yet. Mirroring things via your own IPFS node is appreciated if you want to do that. Sometimes I take my node down to play video games so if you can't get something try again later.

I will be using IPFS to fulfill requests, you can use a public gateway to download the files via HTTP (like with your browser) or you can use IPFS itself which will get them directly which is much faster than going through a remote gateway.
Here are some videos on how to use IPFS if you're interested in doing it directly but remember it's not required, just add the path to a public gateway like

Other files of interest not listed in here are my WW2 documents (propaganda posters, war maps):

Two PC98 collections:


And a JavaScript Atari emulator with its own set of ROMs

If you're using the IPFS browser plugin make sure to enable "automatic mode" to use your local gateway for quicker file retrieval and "Extended IPFS Link Support" to make the IPFS paths clickable links.

I have to attend an event today, I was going to hold off on making this post until I got back, which may be tonight or tomorrow morning. I'll do it now though and give people time to scan the lists then fulfill requests when I return.

requesting the steam version of little kings story

Requesting GOG version of World in Conflict (mega or firepro pls)

Also GOG version of vanilla Alan Wake pls

Requesting "Sovereignty: Crown of Kings".

The IGG-Games download has no sound/music for some reason.

r/ing 3D Custom Girl

Requesting the new EDF 4.1 patch that removes region lock.

Stupid question but does pre paid visas work paying for vpns. A buddy of mine finally got those letters

Requesting Wizardry 8 (GOG version) and a copy of The Precursors, russian version with the english patch, NOT the english version, as the english version rips out all audio.
Precursors in particular seems to have fallen off the face of the earth; one of the russian shops no longer has it while the other one no longer even exists, and the torrents are all for the shit version with no seeds

Here's a 196 file collection of books with a few classics like Plato's Republic, Tarzan, and Canterbury Tales scattered about
The mobi and azw3 files work fine on a kindle or tablet, but the pdfs are almost always too small text to read comfortably on one

does anyone have a working crack for csgo to play on hamachi?

I can't for the love of me find a specific X6800 game called Twilight. The soundtrack for it is godly.


Wizardry 8 GOG is on volafile , as for Precursors check on igg ; there is a version up there but i'm not sure if it's the russian one

Uploading some X68000 games. If by the small chance that anyone has Twilight for the X68000 I would greatly appreciate it if you could upload it.

Fuck Chaika.

I will.

Small collection of X68000 games. Includes Best castlevania!MdxB3ZbB!mPbuZfU4SnGu_CxuBOB9Uw

Does anyone know how to downlaod files from sites like
The file I'd like to download in particular is
As far as I can tell it should be pic related

would if i could bitch

Why can't you user?

it simply won't work i'm a libra she's a wizard those two are not compatible

What a great way to start a share thread!

I'd forgive your post, if combined it with , a link to your uploads, even if your >>>/r/ is SS rare.
Why don't you delete your earlier posts and insert your request again?

Could you reupload ?

Depends the type, and those that do, are meh. The Best ones allow for cash and money order payments.

I commend you for uploading-linking before requesting. This is an examplary post.

tis my share.

I am a ♋, and I can fuck anything.

of course you can , you have a sideways 69 ♋ in you star sign , mine's an omega Ω

>Could you reupload ?
I certainly can, now that I know what to look for.

I don't believe in horoscopes, but I believe inSlaanesh

I am bad with sarcasm. Does this link help?

My sarcasm generator is at the repair shop, so I don't see how your sarcasm scanner picked up anything. Found what you were looking for.

This might sound like a strange request, but a while ago there was a magic treehouse anime movie made that did get subtitles, but all the torrents for it are long dead so I was wondering if anyone had it

It's on Youtube. Be sure to download them before they're taken down.

Shit, I forgot to post the video.

well it'll work, I was hoping someone had a copy of it without watermark lying around, but thank you for the effort

I am requesting Stellaris v 1.2.3 and the Plantoid Species Pack DLC

just play Distant Worlds or Aurora if you have weapon's grade autism


thanks for the tip on Wizardry, but the Precursors on is in like 15 parts. Gonna be downloading a ton just to probably be disappointed, since I'm sure its the english version

You're a fucking hero, thanks, user! any favorites in here to start with?

Alright, no worries. Interested in american psycho, big lebowski, full metal jacket, god bless america, and tron legacy.

Faggots like you that want convenience are the problem.

I'm saying its a hassle to do it when I don't know if its the correct version, faggot

Requesting Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm, or Tac Ops 4.

Please, my autism needs it.

I love you


Does anyone have STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl? If so how big is it and what mods should I have with it?

You want the addon for it?

i got flashpoint too, ill download it

Check the fucking threads.

I mean Flashpoint, i have command and flashpoint on steam so ill upload them for you guys.

The newer stuff is what gets used in initial D, but there are more albums out that are not in those downloads.

Fuck, my apologies, I forgot to check the mega archives as I am a little new to this/

Found it now

thanks a lot bro

Then delete your posts. Damn, summerfags

No worries, im gonna upload all my Initial D and SEB music before i upload the games, as soon as they are done ill upload them too.

Req Steamworld Dig and Steamworld Heist

So now that kickass has been compromised, whats the best site for torrents?

Wel ,l volafile seems to be down for the count

So I've fucked up with the installation of my windows 7 and now it wants to be activated.

I can see two download links in the mega archive, but I don't know what the fuck these descriptions mean.

WIndows 7 Ultimate
#F!0BRDwJoA!alWpweCTw3kpuOSAx7MK5A [6/29/2016 Shocking Truth nuSystem Shock A Shit]
#!gQQwyRhA!bJe2kh82A43Mg09BfiETodCUrpf4nuONb2tXqdYUz88 [32/64] [Chika Edition the second]

Before you say "Loonix", I'd like to use Win7 for now and switch to mint of ubuntu gradually. I used to have a dual boot with mint 17 a year ago, but it was pretty frustrating for me and it wasn't the most stable thing on the planet.

Don't have anything to give back today.

I'll say: see image

You need to redownload/reinstall another copy because that one is 32bit. you need 64bit. You could try KMS to activate it as I did but maybe there are better programs not sure.

just run it and press the red button.


>GNU/Linux - LinuxVidya

Tried installing Quake3Arena, it says it requires from the game disc.

Can anyone help me out?

By help out I mean upload somewhere or even better an .iso of the game disc.


Here you go

I really need to put all my movies in directories instead of mixing both, even if they're single files most of the time.

Downloading SV Linux torrent from one of the kikass mirrors, but it's stalled atm. I'll upload it on Vola tomorrow if I get it.

requesting Papers, Please linux version.

The link posted in the file from the first post doesn't work.

This thread is a bit too non-Chaika for me. But "ear-cleansing" has been a fairly good tradition here. So here is some ear-cleansing:

Full effect needs quality earphones, but any earphones are worth the price, just for this humble little mp3.

Play this mp3 from beginning to the end, at high volume. It's a test. It may sound like music but it is not. It's going to test your willpower, but if you get to the end (it's 6minutes), as an "after effect", you will feel refreshed. And your ears have leveled up.

So, what to do with your leveled up ears? I have just the thing for you. Your hearing will be so clear, that you will believe that you have left this world and entered the realm of good hearing, not really, but your boon will only last for about 10mins or so. So I'm out.

This thread is a bit too non-Chaika for me. But "ear-cleansing" has been a fairly good tradition here. So here is some ear-cleansing:

Full effect needs quality earphones, but any earphones are worth the price, just for this humble little mp3.

Play this mp3 from beginning to the end, at high volume. It's a test. It may sound like music but it is not. It's going to test your willpower, but if you get to the end (it's 6minutes), as an "after effect", you will feel refreshed. And your ears have leveled up.

So, what to do with your leveled up ears? I have just the thing for you. Your hearing will be so clear, that you will believe that you have left this world and entered the realm of good hearing, not really, but hear this: (to be continued)

I can sorta understand the appeal of ASMR, but this is "power bracelet" tier of bullshit

Continued where? and why?
What a disgraceful show of incompetence.
So can this 6mins of mp3 actually cure tinnitus or chronic depression? Well no, but it has been said to have positive effect on both. Any how, Here are the old thread shares:

And to those who seek to find their true self through loss of hearing, seek this small temple of silence and untold mysteries of touch:

Be silent, be strong, be a god.

Where can I get skyrim creation kit for pirates? Would I need it cracked bundled with the game?

Check for the of fucking hell, check the MegaArchive and if that doesn't help look at "check before posting".

Looking for a few random game OSTs. Since the jewgol doc is kill I figured I'd axe here on the longshot someone might have one of them.

As for stuff to offer I don't really think I'd anything new or that anyone will want. I'll list some stuff I got from places other than here just in case though I guess and upload it to mega or vola or whatever if anyone asks.

Various comics:
-Fables (1-50 and a few random later chapters)
-Deadpool & Wolverine Max
-Thor Vikings
-Infinity Gauntlet
-Batman Man Who Lafs

Random animu I got from elsewhere
-Kaiji season 2
-Eden of the East (+ 2 movies)
-Sayanara Zetsubou Sensei (Goku, Zan & Zoku)

-Uncensored G-Queen Jap lesbian collection, 540p (49 vids)

That's all I can think of right now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

thanks again. I wish I had shit to contribute.

Would anyone be interested in any Combat Mission games?

Dumping repacks that I have found. Archive password either {around-the-name-of-the-archive} of the-name-of-the-archive.

Postal 2, with A Week in Paradise

Mass Effect 1 repack

Saints Row 2 repack







" can use a public gateway to download the files via HTTP (like with your browser) or you can use IPFS itself which will get them directly which is much faster than going through a remote gateway.Here are some videos on how to use IPFS if you're interested in doing it directly but remember it's not required, just add the path to a public gateway like" - Share thread.

>GNU/Linux - LinuxVidya
Link is dead.

I got it from a kat mirror as well. Didn't know it was up there. Thanks for the info.

If the user that uploaded Casshern Sins to IPFS for me is here, I'm using the link you gave me but its just loading a page indefinitely. I've looked at installing the program to see if it would work that way but I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing and searching about it isn't giving me to much.

I would appreciate some help if you could give me some.

Voice user here with another weekend dump. Got the whole DEEP series too (7 total so far). A really good series centered around blowjob audio. Seriously, I struggled to finish the 7th one in 1 week because every track pushed me over the edge. I threw in a few comfy non-H ear cleaning audio too.

They're Japanese ASMR and erotic audio. ASMR is made to trigger that tingling feeling you get in the back of your neck when you get a really good sneeze or when someone blows in your ear. It can be triggered many ways but in most cases it's done through lewd audio. Yes, it's all in Japanese but many of them come with scripts that you can easily google translate so you can keep up with what's going on. There are only a few words that are easy to recognize that you can remember off the top of your head that you can find here.

Here's where all my current stuff is being posted.
Voice user's folder 3:!ZwYGjYJI!3J0GvNpWoXdiop6gcO9fuQ


RJ180769 73.4 MB!MtZXlQbQ!JoHd0Nw_qcM0tlwxMhO9Tkg2CnpYB-NR6MShsoj76JQ

RJ180289 82.0 MB!MkQ2SCqI!1B-AoDDSkC_9dczySgc2gvObANDgmwsion2bqVG502o

RJ181609 17.4 MB!84oAADAb!igF2SvVDfo9zn9qMJVU1RVVLMm2yI3EyDz2a0uvoq2E

RJ146042 108.5 MB!psIBHaCB!nWUqAD1cRLXqfj77_xmEkEdeosCppYFrhGM1cTPAtUU

RJ086847 159.4 MB!h1IngaZb!2NH5Pz_fM7N1mnG4DBuT6-BGiiCrCz6y-xe-FVcqA4A

RJ092330 90.7 MB!t1hRABLI!TbuCybo-Pluu_-qMMI0p7sz90IMLb8lBK3-1haWM4Wo

RJ181987 319.5 MB!8pJVWbCD!21Bv_9ubh5NAJTmGlQmxJg7o9kRht9z1DOfn6SUJOMI

RJ085509 55.9 MB!Zsg0BAbb!7uhaIuWDsQwgDljmdZcfSD0pOag9ueEquX9Gk55qmFo

RJ097183 127.6!94wCwSjS!XQouwW7Y1rMsmJHikODzR3H7r3MiLSG_630cFPRiUvk

RJ130293 130.5 MB!thYgCQCS!YSIJ1Ws44UXEHryuwa73dq8WcC8Pbq4906HN_BrUVMs

RJ096594 76.3 MB!5o5zmDpa!nDRo-rVdbidSPoiQQ7TZyBctXMuutgfp6z6nekHbOkI

Also I'm a retard having trouble with installing and finding drivers for Windows 7. I'm trying to install W7 Ultimate on a new PC I made and I can't find any drivers to download without running into a shady site that VirasTotal detects viruses on. Any good site where I can find the latest drivers and easily download them?

The git pages are not there3 just for show but to also serve a purpose.

I am still here. If you have the browser extension installed, try /ipfs/QmYhewFrg5ZhWePr97MkgMigs1dfNP3orf7uVQqXD2dxh8 . If that doesn't work try pre-pending to the above so that it becomes

I assume IPFS does not require that the point where "ipfs add $content" to be active once it is done as it is placed into the datastore located in .ipfs . Is this correct?


Yes please, more varity can't hurt.

v-OST is the pastebin (text only) version that I cloned about five months ago (kept up with it since the inital pastebin clone) which has been added slowly added to in the time difference.
All of those all of the first link at the top of v-OST. Those links, serve the same purpose as the ones in Check before posting. To help deal with any gaps in their revelant section, in the case of Check before posting it is mainly the MegaArchive.
Also I found this very easily (

Forgot the Embed.

Does New vegas come with it's dlc?

Yes, it is based off the Ultimate Edition, which means all of the DLC.

Does anyone have Perfect Selection Dracula Battle II? The git OST list has a shit upload of the first one, but I haven't been able to find the second one.

Thanks lad. Battle Volume 2.rar selection dracula battle 2 download

Jesus fucking Christ, I swear I clicked that link and it was dead. Thank you, mein freund.

What am I dealing with here?


Anybody got some good ass PSX2PSP Eboots? Been trying my damnedest to get DDR 3rd, 4th and 5th mixes, but I can't find a damn thing. Plenty of Youtube videos of it working, but I can't figure out how.

I'd just burn it and run it on my PS1 or something, but I'm all out of CD-Rs, and payday is a long way off.

Sorry I didn't see this.

I'm not sure what you mean by active, anything you visit gets stored in .ipfs temporarily until a gc is run manually or triggered by limits set in the configuration, if you pin content it won't be removed by a gc, when you issue the `add` command it will copy the blocks into ipfs and pin it at the same time.

If you mean the daemon being active, `add` can be done with it on or offline.

Is it normal to take a billion years to change directory?

By active mean the partition that stores the file(s) that ipfs add was used on is mounted.

On the public gateway yes.

Not particularly, it depends on how you're navigating it and who has it. The public gateway is usually bombarded so it's slower than using ipfs directly, if it's still slow when using ipfs it usually means there's only a few peers hosting it and those that are online have a slow connection or they're busy with other requests.

I'm assuming the poster that posted that is using a lot of their upload right now on mega or something. I'm having trouble with it as well even directly but not with any other ipfs paths.

Oh, I think I understand.
No matter what drive the content is on, all blocks get stored in .ipfs wherever that is, by default it's in ~/.ipfs, once the content is added to .ipfs you don't need to keep it on disk at the original location either.

I'm pretty sure there is a way to start ipfs and tell it to use a different location but I'm not familiar with that myself.

Related to the other Anons question, is your daemon running?

So the problem isn't that I need new drivers. But the drivers I have aren't being detected. I formatted a 32GB USB and mounted the Windows & ISO to it with YUMI Got all the way to the part where it asks me to install windows 7 and then proceeds to say it can't detect drivers on the USB. Looking it up and I haven't found much to help me.

Yeah I'm interested. That would be pretty nice actually. I went ahead and downloaded gpg4 like you asked.

I was able to add QmRz1fmNKMEpKvcoKdswpk4DZbqT7ZgtKs7u12SnRSMdvU , good to see that it is a pretty sane design. The daemon is up and runing.
I had to actually do that as I was running out of space on the default location. Thanks for clearing that up. I might as well create a ipfs startup script so that I don't forget to start the daemon.

Listened to it. Sounds like a rejected game Soundtrack that was distorted to shit by a 14 year old in audacity.

Nah nigga it tested my patience.

Get out of here with your "borg" reprogramming bullshit it's fucking irritating.

Before you start with
>Your headphones arent good enough.

They're VMODA M150's more than good enough for your silly overcompressed piece of shit mp3's you're throwing in my general direction. Go home wizzard.

Have you got "Secure" Boot disabled?
Is legacy/BIOS support enabled?
Have you tried selecting the legacy/BIOS boot option?
I have a couple of Windows 7 images avabile Profesnional (untouched and slimed down to about 2.2GiB) and Ultimate (Untouched, slimed down to 1.4GiB and 1.4GiB with the convience rollup). I also have the convience rollup as seperate files.

Flashpoint Campaigns Red Storm!DE40AZIY!C3e8G_1LYZjKGn8kd7LqTZ5UBjFV4q6oniRxoo708do

Super Eurobeat 196-215!HVIDUQSQ!mcihBJ-d3WLEnPIQRGXWhA

Initial D Lossy music collection!fcBR0CJQ!Ux0k93fqjNZlLZKHSoyaRg

Command will be uploaded in several hours (hopefully)

Got a link to Endless Space?
I have a mighty need for space games.

in the megaarchive, i'm seeing age of empires 2, but it's just the base game with no expansions
anyone got the version that had conquerors/forgotten? i remember it ran a fuckload better than the steam version

based user

i think i found it!r5kA2KYD!uBPsrY2OSYcRBb_FADlkuQ!TwdWjSQJ
hopefully it's the one i'm thinking of

I was doing what you said to do with the link, but now it actually loaded after clicking the link. Thanks user.

ok folks, since the new awesome saturn emulator from megnafen it turns out that emuparadis is on some heavy load.

Any of you anons have an MEGA link to some recommendation saturn games?

Endless Space_[R.G. Catalyst]
See OP if you are having trouble getting the torrent hash to work.

How does this share thing work?
Are we gonna start sharing stuff through i2p now?

I just wanna be prepared when TPP goes down

Just FYI I have a collection of Saturn games from the US region if you need any, it came from some Baidu set that had most of them (claims to be 99%) and I think I filled in some of the blanks after that. At the time it was hard to find living torrents for Saturn games, I don't know if they're still as hard to come by now but I don't want them to be hard to acquire again.

Search for "Saturn" in this list and let me know if you want anything from it:

I can also just mirror the whole thing if anyone wants it, I haven't tested most of them though since emulation for the Saturn has been poor. I'm excited about this Mednafen news since that works well for a lot of systems.

Requesting Papers, Please for linux once again.

And for Q3A

werks almost perfectly. Out of the box. This is getting a damn good emu.

yeah i think mirror it to MEGA would be good.


I can do IPFS but won't do mega for content like this, mega shuts down public links if they use too much bandwidth, this collection is big so I doubt it would take many people to make it hit the limit, it's also copyrighted content.

Self hosting it is preferable to me. Do you want me to add it still?

Command Modern Air Naval Operations with the addon and 2.0 installed!KdwDjYwA!h_97DRfL6KQpC_8UTbk_UlEV0V8cT-wJT0yfwOc5mgg

Did you see ? I should be able to address the Q3A issue later tomorrow.

/r/ing Saints Row, all parts except 2 ( )

Neat. You wouldn't happen to have The Life of Pi in epub, would you?

Have some hentai manga. Two femdom, two vanilla.!w0JzDQZC!sofEOnVcLh7yQ7lz3sjDSw

The first is an XBOX exclusive (there was a PS3 port planned but it got canceled). Emulation isn't really there yet, or so I have heard, I haven't tried any as they either require Windows 10 or have spec requirements that my desktop has a very slim chance of reaching,
The third,fourth and Get out of hell also have PC ports (Win,Mac and GNU/Linux). They are easy as to find (specifically th Windows ones).

Thanks for the appreciation, but I don't have it.

I started downloading part 1 and the download failed while I wasn't watching it. Restarting it, it once again failed at less than 20% downloaded. Am I doing something wrong?

Nope it is defintly my end. At night my desktop is usually poweroff, I`l go and restart it now. In the near future I should have a more long term solution for this.

No, I didn't scroll that far down. Thanks! When i get home i'll download it.

I wish i had something to contribute, but i just moved and have no games. Dont have a computer except 7 and 9 year old laptops that can play games from the early 2000s. Latest game i can run is Civ IV.

Have you already restarted it or what?
I'm getting further in the download by 130+ MB but it still fails to download.

Anyone got a link to the Demon Angel Sakura games?
Only the third game is listed in the lewd games bith.

魔天使サクラの冒険-サクラと禁断の鏡-【Demon Angel Sakura -The forbidden mirro-Ver2.0.0.1】木陰の泉【Kokage no Izumi】[RE136066][RJ136066][140622]

Does anyone have the complete set of the ongoing Humble-Bundle Vampire MasqueradeRPG book bundle?

I got Papers, Please. Thanks. Works nicely. The updates made it a lot better.

Went deep for this one, at least it was a .deb package I could just dpkg -i

Requesting Lords of Magic.

so i fucked up my pc
is there a download for windows 7 64 bit here

i'd prefer it not be a torrent but if need be i will use torrents




Which one is a torrent?


why no torrents?

deluge isn't opening magnet links correctly for some reason

I would be very thankful if somebody could upload Football Manager 2016 for linux.
Also will fill linux requests if they are on GGn.

WIndows 7 Ultimate
#F!0BRDwJoA!alWpweCTw3kpuOSAx7MK5A [6/29/2016 Shocking Truth nuSystem Shock A Shit]
#!gQQwyRhA!bJe2kh82A43Mg09BfiETodCUrpf4nuONb2tXqdYUz88 [32/64] [Chika Edition the second]

here I found it on a local pirating
I think it's pre-activated.

thank you

Get an official ISO from somewhere and activate it with Dazloader. You may get a false positive but it works great, been using it for years.

requesting princess trainer

It's free. Holy shit, you didn't even try.!dUc1BAhT!_q5REXKwatuDP59U-f_dRGWo_fv8RoPJV72KmMydSNE

The demon was probably overloaded with requests, as I have had it up for a little while.

Requesting Puyo Puyo Fever.

thanks fam

I did it anyway. Most of the Saturn US library:

I have Puyo Pop Fever which is the US release of that, not sure if you're requesting the Japanese version specifically with that name (I don't have that).

I like the Puyo Puyo games, Puyo Puyo Tetris is great and works well in the PS3 emulator on my system.

I wish they could release that officially in the US regions, instead we got some shitty game from Ubisoft that had framerate issues, in Tetris.

Oh wait that had a PC version too
You can grab that here:

Puyo Puyo SUN for the PC:
(If anyone has a better copy of this let me know)

Puyo Puyo for the Macintosh:

The madou monogatari series in in that PC-98 collection I posted before.

user, I have decided to mirror this for you but you'll have to leave your node up long enough for me to grab all of it, I don't want that other user left hanging. Only 7% of the content is available on the network right now according to my node. I'm not sure what's going on but your not usually reachable, could be your network going down or your computer being off/asleep.

I have a couple hundred gigabytes in my datastore and it handles many requests fine for me, Go is designed around handling network tasks like this.

Thanks user, I lost the copy I downloaded years ago.

doesn anyone have a link for the corono blossom Vol 1?

I need a fuckin No More Heroes 2 rom that isn't multi-part garbage.

I have this

Glad you like it, I had a hard time finding that, I think I had to pull it off of Perfect Dark or Share. Wish I had a better release but that's all I could find at the time, it works though so I can't complain. I'll have to look around again sometime. Apparently there may be a version that has TCP/IP support, I can't seem to find much information on it though; I'd love to play multiplayer with people.

What is this and how can I use it to get Summer Time Satan?

thanks breh


Have you tried googling the parts that you don't understand?

it's explained in this very thread

Sorry, it almost 1:30 and I'm too tired and retarded to read.

The rar contains a bin/cue, mount that and Puyo Olympics will be under "Extra\PUYOLYM\PUYOLYM.exe" I forget if it installs that by default or if you haveto run it off the disc, you could probably copy it to the hard drive and run it. A lot of the documentation suffers from mojibake.

That disc contains the original Puyo SUN and other stuff too but I also included an English installer that has just Puyo SUN with the patch applied and a standalone patch too. That directory is kind of messy. I'm too sick and hot to fix it right now.

Quick question, do you have Madou Manogatari in english?

Is it normal for it to go down to 0 B/s speeds? Because that's where it's at after a good few minutes of full speed downloading.

No, I don't know if anyone has actually finished translating the whole series or not. It's one of the reasons I intend to learn Japanese. I think some of the ports have been done but there's many versions of that game that have differences even under the same title so I'd rather just play the originals if I can. I'd advise you to search around, maybe some progress has been made in the years.

If you're getting it through the gateway that can happen sometimes, usually if you're the first person to download it. That happens because it's going from me, to the gateway, to you, so you have to wait for the gateway to pull it from me first, since so many people use it at random times it may be bogged down right now so it stops downloading from me for a second and handles other requests.

If you pull it directly from me with ipfs itself that shouldn't happen but it shouldn't be a problem either way, you'll just have to wait on it for a second before it resumes. If it doesn't there may be an issue, I'm actually curious to know how that's been for other people, I only really use it directly myself.

I added the in front of it and it's been stuck at 0 for a good 15 minutes now.

Nevermind it's back

I guess they're under heavy load right now, I hope it's not related to me posting all those Saturn games.

I forgot important images.



Might as well setup the comm lines now rather than later.
Here is my public key.

I can only seem to find the pictures of it, unfortnately.

so do i


The NMH2 download just ended prematurely for a second time, fucks sake.

What should I do about this?

When you say stopped do you mean like it failed or it's just at 0b/s? If it's the latter just wait for the gateway like last time. If it's the former it's not supposed to do that.

If it's annoying you and you're alright with the command line you can check out those videos on how to use IPFS.

Failed. If it fails a third time I'll check out those videos I guess.

Speaking of IPFS, I assume there isn't a way to check what content is being requested and the complention percentage for peers?

Sorry for the trouble, user. I like to use IPFS because it's usually convenient for people who like P2P and DDL, that being said it's still unfinished so it might have some problems that need fixing still. They've been doing some big updates recently so maybe they're having issues with it in their infrastructure. Normally everything goes smoothly.

There may be some way through their debug/statistic tools but I don't know about it. I know it's something that's requested a lot, I know I'd like it too.

There's a lot of features and specs still being worked on.

can someone do a sonic ost archive? would want it in flac

Because I would like to play some games later tonight but I won't while it is in use. The deamon doesn't even say that there is connections in use which seems odd.

Any particular games to exclude from this archive?

I usually just shut my daemon off when I play games, I know they're going to implement bandwidth limitations in IPFS later which will be nice.

It doesn't say "Swarm listening on…" a few times? If it does you should be alright.
Mine shows which interfaces it's using and my OS shows ipfs using bandwidth. I guess make sure you're on the latest version and not IPFS 3.

It does say that. I was thinking more along the lines of "there is currently x# number of connections".

Going to play some games so, my IPFS node will be offline.

Oh I see, yeah I'd like something like that, similar to maybe how transmission or rtorrent looks in the terminal. As long as they add some way to get those statistics and improve their library a bit, third party developers will be able to make stuff on top of the ipfs corelike a GUI monitor or something like that.

I was looking at that recently

I'm glad the developers are working on things like this, there's not much I dislike about IPFS but what I do is actually being worked on, if not now eventually. They've got a while before hitting release though.

For now I use a lot of external programs for monitoring connections and bandwidth shaping. It'd be nice to see stats for specific hashes though. Not sure if anyone is interested in my stats.

For some reason 8ch didn't like these ones.

If anyone wants the remake of metroid 2,here it is.

At the moment, I'm doubting if I can even download it all. If you can get a mirror, thank you.

It should hopefully all be fine (assuming the ethernet cable decides to stay in).

Serpent in the Staglands Linux GOG

The manual is on the website.

Is your setup nigga rigged or something?
Part 1 stopped at 296MB, last time it stopped at 260. Can you explain to me how the hell IPFS even works?

Is it any good? Im trying to read about it on their website but it keeps crashing my mobile firefox.

What are the minimum system requirements on this baby?

can a wizard find me the soundtrack of this game?

Try this article, I think it will be better than my attempt:

I'll explain why the download isn't completing though. is the website for the project and also a gateway. The user who is sharing it with you added the files to his ipfs node and linked them to you, if you get them from a gateway then the gateway has to get them from him (or anyone who has it) first, if less than 100% of the content is reachable for a long time the download may fail. Think of it as downloading a torrent by proxy, you're not downloading from the peers that have it you're downloading from the gateway, which is downloading it from the peers that have it then it's forwarding that to you.

If you use IPFS directly you connect to peers directly and download from them, in the reference implementation it won't fail either it will just keep trying to get a file if you tell it you want it until you tell it to cancel that.

The problem is that the user who has it isn't connected long enough for me or anyone else to get 100% of the content, if he's the only one that has it right now then it has to come from him, much like seeders for torrents.

If you're curious about the program itself there's some videos up here describing how to use the reference implementation
It's less concepts and more tutorial like.

There's a thread on Holla Forums as well but it's past bump limit so it may not be around for much longer.
>>>Holla Forums499795

In the last thread, I asked for an anime before I dumped some links. He found a torrent and I was unable to actually download anything, on two different clients, so he got the contents and re-uploaded them.
You mentioned before that you would mirror the downloads, could you download the torrent and upload that?

Copied from GOG
Minimum system requirements - Linux: Ubuntu 14.04 / Linux Mint 17
Processor: 2.4 GHz Pentium IV or equivalent AMD Athlon processor
Memory: 3 GB RAM
Graphics: 512 MB+
Hard Drive: 3 GB available space
Mouse, Keyboard

I haven't tried it myself (I just got it on torrent and figured I should share it) but it's got a good reputation as an "old school" hardcore but rough around the edges rpg. Apparently the load times can be pretty bad.

Does anyone happen to have a collection of all the Bionicle books?
I'm also looking for all the Bionicle games.

give me free games

I could, if I have the same content I can just hash it and the original links would be alive again, like re-seeding a torrent. What I meant by mirrror was more "I will download this from you and continue to host it" since their connection is so unstable and mine is a bit more stable.

The issue here is that I don't know where the originals came from so I can't just get them myself and getting them from user is slow and sporadic. He just needs to make sure his computer stays on and his internet stays alive long enough for me to get 100% (I currently have 8% and it's not moving)

>See to make the torrent hash fuctional and the reasoning behind it.

This is what he posted as the hash, and if you said is connecting to me all, you also need to zip and split the files the same way, right.

Hopefully that will be the case. I just added -v 1024m to command at the top of the Archives git page and changed the final result to what you see. It probably be way faster to upload it to mega..

I`l restart the deamon and kill the torrent client (which hasn't seemed to be seeding anything.

Turns out I turned off my torrent client earlier. I have rebooted ipfs and the ethernet cable is still in.

That's right.

That'd probably be best for right now, I'd rehost it myself but I'm about to play some video games.

Does it normally? You may have some NAT issues going on now that I think about it.

Get some vidya fags
The darkness 2
Dook Nookem Foreva
Nigger Ball Amusement 2k16
The bureau: xcom declassified
Railroad tycoon 3

Anyone have Furi's soundtrack?

Check v-OST, if it isn't there check the top most link in v-OST.

For Linux: Crossover 15.1.0 with crack for ubuntu fedora linux.7z

Pissed about the Nintendo ban hammer, but at least it made it to the net.


user delivers

I might as well go play games now.

Yes it seeds usually, jsut that most of the time there is not much demand for what I seed.

Here it is up on mega. I must have enabled a setting some where because my desktop rebooted by it's some how while I was doing other things. Luckely it managed to finish uploading the files.

Looking for a patched version of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1+2.

I cant find R.U.S.E.

Could someone share R.U.S.E, please?

Thanks user. It may have taken a while, but at least you delivered.

I don't have any reaction images that display a face that isn't mad or sickened.So have this instead.

Option 1 (highly seeded)
R.U.S.E [MULTI8][PCDVD][WwW.GamesTorrents.CoM]

option 2
Not shure if needed, pass is likely to be: PCGames-Download.NET

I'l see what I can find, what I am going to be my searches off.

How do I make the magnet link work?

Requessting Megagal and 20xx if it's finally done.

I would assume the bundle would be the latest patched version.
Marvel - Ultimate Alliance Bundle [FitGirl Repack]

Backup plan
Marvel Ultimate Alliance1+2-CODEX

See OP.

Games link is stuck on infinite load

I've already tried the fitgirl one and I know it isn't patched yet. I'll try the codex one but I doubt it. Thanks anyway though. The reason I need the patch is because it's a really shitty port and it's pretty much broken without it. Nobody seems to have it for some reason.

can i request a gf?

this is some fucking snake oil shit
fuck off

that documentary was creepy as fuck. Especially the part where they freeze framed on indy's face and you saw it transform into a cat's face on the neural feed. This is the future we chose



Requesting if my heart had wings uncensored patch for android.

Are you sure its not just you? I just opened all of them and they worked. I've experienced the same using some addons, try disabling them and trying again.

I remember someone sharing a magnet for Grim Dawn + the new content, but I lost the link, would anyone here happen to have it?

what is this sorcery?
can .swf files play offsite music?

swf files could always load offsite data, m8

Requesting Dragon's Crown

So anyone know of a working torrent for GTA V with no bullshit?

Requesting Moon Man's entire discography.

I've had no problem with R.G. Mechanics release of the game. They're my go-to release group.

the major repacks work fine, get a phished account from NiggerMenu forums and cheat to your hearts content on MP

Requesting Tumblestone for PC, the little match 3 game. I just can't find a torrent anywhere

I read that some people get Social Club activation issues and shit when installing the RG Mechanics version, is there a proper way to install it because I'm not downloading a 35GB game and waiting hours for it to unpack if it wont work

Try using Rufus instead.

How is "slimmed down" still untouched, kek.

Can I just re-plug my router for the IP to change or does mega detect that/break the download ?

I'm probably not the person to ask about that. If you want to try the IP change, see if a proxy can do it first; it could save you some time rather than resetting your router. You could try the reset after I guess.

I don't know if this is everything, it's from some pack I downloaded before. I added "illegals in my yard" since it was missing.

I can't find the $2 webm either, so have this instead.

Yeah, didn't work either way, guess it recognised me through cookies.

I see now that I wrote that really badly, I`l try to be more clear: I have an untouched Ultimate .iso (~ 3072 MB) and a slimed down one built on top of it ( ~14xx MB). Built on top of the slimed one, a .iso that includes the convience rollup.

Use Jdownloader 2.

I see now that I wrote that really badly, I`l try to be more clear: I have an untouched Ultimate .iso (~ 3072 MB) and a slimed down one built on top of it ( ~14xx MB). Built on top of the slimed one, a .iso that includes the convience rollup (Also ~14xx MB).

Seconding this. Initially it can be a small pain to setup the way I like it but once it is, it works brilliantly.


Thiis is less a request and more of a question, but has MGSV: The Phantom Pain been fully cracked without any faults yet? I kind of want to finish the series because I liked Ground Zeroes.

In return here's a magnet link for all the splinter cell games bundled into one torrent.

Also if someone has the magnet link to the most recent build of Invisible Inc+the DLC I'd be grateful. I used to link them but the links were kat links which are down now and I had to reinstall my hard disk.

Well there's two ways that I've seen it done. have your internet turned off and/or everything added to firewall first ofc, or that will fuck up your install when you try to launch it here's a bat that you can run in any folder to auto block all the exe's and dlls in the folder:

The first way is to open the social club login launcher thing, and when it gets to the screen saying it cant connect, you just leave it up and start the game via the main exe. Tried that on my first install and it worked fine.

After I reformatted my PC I DLd a different version with a 3dm launcher in it that also works fine.

Just browse all PC games on pirate bay, and RG Mechanics is like the 5th most downloaded. That''s the one with a 3dm launcher that I'm using atm.

I don't remember it very well but there was this story i didn't save and probably read on 4chan a few years ago. Does anybody have a cap?

It's about this guy who talks about how he lives near an orphanate in some shithole and the orphanate constantly has too many kids and there's this thing which i don't remember which makes it so the orphanage hands him kids no questions asked, and he grabs all the lolis and makes them go through this training proccess of dismembering them, training them for the most degenerate sexual acts, ridding them of their senses (hearing, sight) for the purpose of sale. The whole thing described in great detail and how he also takes special requests from customers and how he attaches rings to where their limbs used to be so they can also be hanged as live decoration

Not exactly.

Some people claim the existing cracks work fine for them, but the only properly cracked Denuvo release so far is Rise of The Tomb Raider, which only happened a few days ago. Now that we know it's doable, groups might start working on the titles that never got proper releases.



anyone got a link to graviteam tactics? it was in the last thread

The archive of it is in the second post. On a side note: every new line have a space afterwards, personally makes the OP post look really stupid as it has so many gaps. I`l go and see how much more I can tweaking so that the next thread`s can have everything in one post.

I`l see what I can find when I get the chance to do.

i'm retarded, thanks

Thank you very much, I'll be around for updates

I am also curious.

an user on r9k posted it for me

Requesting Puyo Puyo Tetris (CIA) for the 3ds.

Does anybody have a torrent of Empyrion - Galactic Survival Alpha 3?

Not vidya, but does anyone have "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood"?

What's wrong with Madokami, user?

Thanks user, but I was hoping to find the movie.

There's less than 20 minutes of footage floating around of the movie.

Listen to the 100 albums and the variants for some good times. Also look for the acoustic eurobeat one, it's fucking amazing.

Also enjoy your spaghetti song now. It shows up in the albums like 4 times iirc, plus a couple other eurobeat songs about spaghetti.

Anyone have a link for Death Road To Canada?

rutracker magnet, 30 seeds shown on site

I expect you have something to return for being a dumb-ass.

Well, what do you want?

Hopefully this will be of use.

I found this.
I should hoepfully be able to upload it soonish.

I don't want anything but this is a share thread.
Share something.

No Man's Sky (GOG)!k88iCAyR!KkJNXccYscnbUz0vy1C5uqhBqa9s4vhIcrGrb6BfAYI

I'l fucking kill you.



do you know where I can find grimore NieR in the archives?

Anyone got No Man's Sky?

Gog release
OK GOG release magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b206abaebac6df077d3b3ebf6f650b2f29980ee5&dn=No+Man%27s+Sky+%28GOG%29&


Rebel Galaxy (GOG) anyone? ;_;

Still waiting, help please

Feel free to throw rocks at me if I missed it somewhere, but does anyone have Rune and its expansion?

Would prefer the Linux port but I'm happy with Windows.

This was proven fake, people tracked down the poster as the thread he posted in exploded with comments, the poster was crying it was fake while other users were filing police reports of kids being sold into slavery.

Requesting Half-Life 1 and Half-Life 2 for GNU/linux

6 days

Don't you mean seven days?


What's going to happen anons?

Cuban Missile Crisis Aftermath!6A5kRbRL!yTKXa5DpSMc3h_HsQhn07ZunL6KtSWjCySvE9Ek6nnQ

Cuban Missile Crisis Ice Crusade!vZwkAKZb!5hToJv_tSec0LbYjMrVH1_BcB3K4QQT--OYuik9gtI0

Blitzkrieg during WW3 after the bombs have dropped, no rushing or human waves here, everything is in short supply here.

Forgot the covers.

anyone? pls respond?

Wew, the game refuses to load

Requesting Starship Corporations, but only if someone has it already.

I'm really thinking of buying this, the only thing that's stopping me is

I just want to try before I buy and see if it is at all worth playing yet.

Thanks for the torrent user. Any chance you can upload the update too?

Does anyone have hoi4?


Requesting Phantom Breaker Battlegrounds on volafile if possible

Is this the thread where I beg for games?

Does anybody here actually know how to crack games, or is everybody just sharing stuff that's already been cracked?

Because I have the files for a game but it needs to be cracked first before I can share it and other people can use it

Works on my machine.


Also, not vidya, but does anybody have Photoshop Cs6 and all the pro extra bullshit, along with whatever the comparable version of illustrator is?

If it is a steam game it should be as easy as to crack. However I was thinking of trying to learn how to do, even though I don't really know how to program. If you upload them I`l see what I can do.

since nms is a mega flop…

what other space exploration games do you gyus have to share?

It's not steam, it's Gamersgate.

The game was supposedly DRM free but running the installer still requires the username/password for the gamersgate account that bought it.


i never played freelancer, but I heard it's ok
its made by the same creator who created star citizen

Anyone got that Bionicle voya nui RPG?

I don't know about that one specifically but I saw a Bionicle game in the megaarchives

Attention, I will be doing a repo gc in an hour or so, this will clean out most of the the ipfs links I've been posting for the last few threads unless they've been mirrored by someone else.

If you want me to hold on to something specifically please let me know.

I have pinned the PC98 collections, the USA Saturn games, and the Puyo Puyo stuff, so they will not be gone. I mostly want to clear out the hundreds of gigabytes of videos in my repo.

I can finally shitpost this thread with no survivors

Don't worry, faggots like never lived September with NZBs

>[X] has been compromised, whats the best site for torrents?

mmm spam

Have to agree, even if you shared with us your depression.



have all of them.


Shameful of you, and most of Holla Forums never posting the BTIH:

Here's a better distributed magnet:
Points to the person that responds which protocol is this

And yes, I did took my time making the IPFS node last thread:

Only one peer made a copy. If they want, they can still share it. As for me, I am pissed at everyone.

I am pissed at you. The more ban hammers occur, the more people unfortunately will listen. Centralization and copyrights are great evils, and they must be opposed.

If the devs are smart, they will continue their work, and publish a magnet URI. Those calls, are never illegal.

I don't have a copy of your key. Should I even bother?

>do a sonic ost archive? would want it in flac
Some jokes here are too funny. My fav. format is .vgm.gz., .gym for true retro.
POST EDIT: holy shit, YM2612s are at 1.5 on ebay!


what if, you need to change, I dunno SOMETHING? Like, doesn't it miss the point OF THE WEB?!?
Hipsters these days, don't even know about dcvs
bad, bad, bad, bad. diff and delta hashes are better.

I am more surprised UN TERAL TER BACH devs. haven't been killed yet. It shocks me not one German Authority has done jack shit about them and their satirical game.

Legal shitposting 👌😆

I have to thank my father for this mantra:
patching shit on android OS is baby walk piss easy



better post


nope, that would be >>>/beg/
This is /share/.


I kill my node every time I feel like it. Merry to those that pin. The rest can fuck my bill.

what the heck is that symbol?

They have other systems for dynamic content, currently that's IPNS but it's slow to change (~10 seconds) that's intended to be a stand in for domains rather than dynamic content though, for dynamic real time content they will be doing a pub-sub system but it's not implemented yet. IPFS and its related projects are still very incomplete. It's usable now and pretty nice for static files which works well for this thread. There's still a lot to do before the project as a whole is finished and usable as a "web" replacement, the file distribution and content address stuff works fine right now though and is very convenient for me and seemingly people who want to get the content.

IPFS isn't for version control it's for distribution, it uses a lot of the same concepts internally such as dag structures and hashes for content but it's not designed around version control. You could probably write something on top of it to make it one but there's really no benefit that I can see, it'd probably be better to just handle IPFS in existing version control systems so that they can fetch content from it, although you an do that now with the HTTP gateways.

The point of using DNS with IPFS or IPNS is to give a hash a human readable name, it's much easier to remember than a multihash. I don't know how a delta relates to this. This is talking about the process of updating your TXT record on your domain to point to a new location much like you would with an A record.

The symbol next to the name field is a flag, and all those other symbols are smileys. Nobody who's a regular around here uses smileys though.

I mean the one he responded with to me, it's a circle with a weird thing on top

Just upload it and we will see.

Do you know of a site that will host a 10gb rar then without registering so I can do so?

I`l add it to ipfs then. Hopefully it will not choke it's self sending a few Bytes. Time to try and find a half decent IPFS manual, -h doesn`t count. Also for all the shit I give man pages, they are fine in a pinch, but IPFS has not go a man page.Yes you should still bother as I have the parts list nailed down. Now I just need to buy them and spend a day on the building of it.
"In the red corner sits the main Holla Forums server and in the blue corner sits the main Volafile server. This is going to be a very close fight lady and gents. Round one, fight"

Unless the emoji developers are from another planet and or are on drugs very possible as I consider emoji`s to be shit (emoticons are way better as they can be made with any keyboard and their meaning is A) easy to explain and 2) way more universal due to the limited nature of options) seeing as their whole "univeresal meaning" has been rapped several times., is supposed to be a engagememt/wedding ring.

You can also split it into 1024MB chunks, then use one of the multi host services to easily spread it around. I`l see what I can do to it.

What is the problem with #F! ?

Now that torrent.ez is down, what other site can I use to find torrents?
Also, why is it down?

On topic: endchan5doxvprs5.onion/v/res/1175.html#9720

which I've admonish is a no-no.
that solves what?
So is the protocol on line 32 of . And guess what, it supports mutable and dynamic content.
I KNOW RIGHT! Like HTTP/2.0! It's all about reinventing wheels, the new innovations of the century! GNU Bazaar even had it right, in a stateful awareness calling a DHT. Something ipfs doesn't decentralize itself.
because it isn't a 『"web" replacement』, it's an architecture overhaul. It doesn't do what the web is supposed to do: connect computers to resources in a dynamic & decentralized environment. CERN needed to talk and share data and documents across scientist in the huge laboratory. DARPA need to expand that everywhere worldwide. But all needed mutations, actualizations, and myriad of partmentalizations. If not, you cannot conduct experiments.

If IPFS wants to become the immutable call to files to peer to across the ethernet, fine by me. It is not the first and last of it's kind.

You are really bad at observing, reading, and comprehending. None of those things are what ID:a62bb1 is asking me about. It's no symbol, and it's no flag. It's my reaction and response to his post:

Your willful attempt at a poor explanation whims to the nothingness that is your soul. That's a reply, in 3bytes.

the D in dcvs doesn't stand for DISTRIBUTED?!?
If IPFS, duh, it's inspired of git, a dvcs. If dcvs, duh, it inspired git.
Mirror your sentiment on benefit in ipfs vs protocol in line 42.
argumentus ad nimbosum
Stop right there, DNS is a no no no no no no no no no.
ad tags, and you have hydrus
Stop telling me the definition of petnames. The main question you should be asking is: semantics, do you offer? So far, implemented is just *nix paths, nothing else.
how are evaluated hashes of changes not related to mutable association of updated files in a protocol that worships immutability?
I am perplexed if you know anything about CS, or you are pretending to know by parroting what irc:[email protected]/* */ tells you.
diff RFC1034.txt RFC2693.txt
You are depending on a broken third party centralized system to relay "effective" information pertaining an immutable peer to peer protocol to address files. Your statement is non sequitur.

At the least your comprehension is alright.

line 75

line 6-7 of #10374693
iirc, the happy guide also talks about it

On topic: endchan5doxvprs5.onion/v/res/1175.html#9720

which I've admonish is a no-no.
that solves what?
So is the protocol on line 32 of (You). And guess what, it supports mutable and dynamic content.
I KNOW RIGHT! Like HTTP/2.0! It's all about reinventing wheels, the new innovations of the century! GNU Bazaar even had it right, in a stateful awareness calling a DHT. Something ipfs doesn't decentralize itself.
because it isn't a 『"web" replacement』, it's an architecture overhaul. It doesn't do what the web is supposed to do: connect computers to resources in a dynamic & decentralized environment. CERN needed to talk and share data and documents across scientist in the huge laboratory. DARPA need to expand that everywhere worldwide. But all needed mutations, actualizations, and myriad of partmentalizations. If not, you cannot conduct experiments.

If IPFS wants to become the immutable call to files to peer to across the ethernet, fine by me. It is not the first and last of it's kind.

You are really bad at observing, reading, and comprehending. None of those things are what ID:a62bb1 is asking me about. It's no symbol, and it's no flag. It's my reaction and response to his post:

Your willful attempt at a poor explanation whims to the nothingness that is your soul. That's a reply, in 3bytes.

the D in dcvs doesn't stand for DISTRIBUTED?!?
If IPFS, duh, it's inspired of git, a dvcs. If dcvs, duh, it inspired git.
Mirror your sentiment on benefit in ipfs vs protocol in line 42.
argumentus ad nimbosum
Stop right there, DNS is a no no no no no no no no no.
ad tags, and you have hydrus
Stop telling me the definition of petnames. The main question you should be asking is: semantics, do you offer? So far, implemented is just *nix paths, nothing else.
how are evaluated hashes of changes not related to mutable association of updated files in a protocol that worships immutability?
I am perplexed if you know anything about CS, or you are pretending to know by parroting what irc:[email protected]/* */ tells you.
diff RFC1034.txt RFC2693.txt
You are depending on a broken third party centralized system to relay "effective" information pertaining an immutable peer to peer protocol to address files. Your statement is non sequitur.

At the least your comprehension is alright.

line 75

line 6-7 of #10374693
iirc, the happy guide also talks about it

POST EDIT: Mutate on IPFS.
Waiting in a proper technical response

how sad
On topic: endchan5doxvprs5.onion/v/res/1175.html#9720

addendum post fixum:
the D in dcvs doesn't stand for DISTRIBUTED?!?
If IPFS, duh, it's inspired of git, a dvcs. If dcvs, duh, it inspired git.
Mirror your sentiment on benefit in ipfs vs protocol in line 42.
argumentus ad nimbosum
Stop right there, DNS is a no no no no no no no no no.
ad tags, and you have hydrus
Stop telling me the definition of petnames. The main question you should be asking is: semantics, do you offer? So far, implemented is just *nix paths, nothing else.
how are evaluated hashes of changes not related to mutable association of updated files in a protocol that worships immutability?
I am perplexed if you know anything about CS, or you are pretending to know by parroting what irc:[email protected]/* */ tells you.
diff RFC1034.txt RFC2693.txt
You are depending on a broken third party centralized system to relay "effective" information pertaining an immutable peer to peer protocol to address files. Your statement is non sequitur.

and on IPFS.
Waiting in a proper technical response
Mines is blatant: &xt=urn:sha1:OM2YNJYQXXQVGCUTZFIAG6J5VBB6LPSJ&xs=push://947598c094d4e04daae8bdb6032a15f5/uri-res/N2R%3Furn:sha1:OM2YNJYQXXQVGCUTZFIAG6J5VBB6LPSJ

Tell me how to push an update on IPFS without IPNS.

It's uploading now, will post a link once it's done

I'm not gonna read all that right now, sorry.

You can't use diff?!?


Here's a digest format:
IPFS fails to be a web, miserably.
IPNS is beyond a bad idea.
Guess protocol in line 32, if not: you fail miserably.


Share: ucavviu7wl6azuw7.onion/thread-be80efc78f0260cb4f40527295be990a823d7738.html#0ed6a2f926b7e1e13c5f1593fd74df88ce389b6d

Thanks for the summery, we have different opinions.

I have ecological opinions. Your's none.

You didn't even bother explaining why GNU Bazaar is a bad idea, because you are inexperienced.

And no, it's not protocol in line 32.

Anybody ever use for books? I just wanna confirm it's not a honeypot or some shit

If you want to discuss Holla Forums stuff link me a thread and I'll talk to you when I get some time, I don't think Holla Forums would appreciate us cluttering threads with it more than we already are.

Also I don't recall saying Bazaar was bad or a bad idea.

You're being rude.

New thread is ready to go.

Yes it is linked all the time in >>>/pdfs/ . At least the request thread (>>>/pdfs/91) and the Other Libraries thread (>>>/pdfs/48). Other threads have it most likely as well.

Have you tried a proxy&VPN or some shit?

I mean, has years of documented history proxying documents for it. I just want to confirm you aren't rusing.


Sure: endchan5doxvprs5.onion/tech/res/6009.html

Calling you inexperienced is hardly rude. Calling you "moronic" is.

Don't answer to retards! It never works!

New thread is ready to go.

Well because of chrome's dumb memory saving feature where it de-[loads a tab when not used after like 2 hours, I've had to restart the upload twice now, and it just happened again.

I'll do it again tomorrow now that I have that feature disabled

Are you uploading the whole 10GB in one file?
Well, thats the reason people split it.

Well in any case i'll have it uploaded tommorow

been a while since I shared
last time I dropped a bunch of linux gmaes
today it's just a windows language learning game

after you find like 20 words and add them to your list you can do time attack to test your knowledge and help memorize them

Influent zzdzPdut8uGF38GjY9/1xdw8m1X7BTo6VOAUJU=
