Can someone give me an explanation for what this is?
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Nazi here AMA
That aint An-nil, thats just a leftcom critique of the radical left.
The state and capitalism must be destroyed, planning for the aftermath is useless because we have no idea what it would be like. I think they're somewhat right on this
Why are you guys obsessed with cuckolding?
What is it then? all the websites i visit only give me two sentences…
The utter annihilation of the bourgeois state.
No plans for after because plans made in the bourgeois state are tainted with the bourgeois state.
Apart from anarcho-nihilism…somehow.
Read Nechayev though The Catechism of the Revolutionary is just a great read, you'll be thinking crazy thoughts about acts of terrorism for like a week afterwards
Do I call my doctor if the erection lasted longer than a week?
No hope for revolution, Insurrection in jouissance and Pure Negation. Liberation in the act of resistance itself at the present moment and not for the future. This isnt a mass movement thing so dont exept any whats the use for the working class bullshit praxis that will never happen when the population is extremely domesticated/oversocialised/pacified.
Let me post some quotes from a book.
A nihilist is a person who does not bow down to any authority, who does not accept any Principle on faith, however much that principle may be revered. –Ivan Turgenev
The anarcho-nihilist[11] position is essentially that we are fucked. That the current manifestation of human society (civilization, leviathan, industrial society, global capitalism, whatever) is beyond salvation, and so our response to it should be one of unmitigated hostility. There are no demands to be made, no utopic visions to be upheld, no political programs to be followed—the path of resistance is one of pure negation. In short, "that conditions in the social organization are so bad as to make destruction desirable for its own sake independent of any constructive program or possibility." [12]
Aragorn! traces the history of nihilism to 19th century Russia, where the "suffocating" environment of Tsarism created a breeding ground for a purely negative strain of socialism. What started as a Philosophical rejection of conventional morality and aesthetics laid the groundwork for a youth-driven counter-culture of hedonism, communalism, and proto-hipster fashion.[13] This eventually birthed a revolutionary force that sought the absolute destruction of "state traditions, social order, and classes in Russia", not as part of a program for social change, but based on a "deeply held belief that destruction was worthwhile for its own sake".[14] Though Russian nihilism was eventually squashed by the state, the ideas spread and have recently seen a resurgence within anarchist currents. After two centuries of failed revolutions, nihilism has perhaps become even more disinterested in conventional socialist programs and radical milieus. It has also been armed with decades of anarchist and post-structuralist theory that have helped to cultivate its critiques of domination, meta-narratives, teleological structures, gender, and civilization as a whole. Streams of communiques from anarcho-nihilist groups detailing incendiary actions have been hacked by a surge of publications exploring nihilist approaches to the problem of domination in today's world, both of which have led to (occasionally useful) lines of dialogue between nihilists and other anarchists. Though some strains of nihilism certainly arrive at a place of paralysis, the strain that collides with anarchism tends to be one of explosive creativity and relentless action. On the path of negation, anarcho-nihilism spurns positive programs for social change, challenges dominant modes of time, and discovers a tactical freedom by disregarding inherited moralities and political tradi-tions, among other positions.
Pure Negation
The passion for destruction is a creative passion, too! —Mikhail Bakunin
It is ridiculous to even contemplate co-existing with this fascist apparatus. It all has to be destroyed to start afresh. We will taste the fruits from the trees we've grown ourselves in the ashes of their empire. —Anonymous, Incitement to Burn
The call from Bakunin to embrace the destructive urge forms the backbone of both anarchist and anarcho-nihilist thought. The latter takes this axiom and runs with it, arguing that in the face of global systems of domination our sole aim should he to destroy all that constitutes those systems. This stands in direct contrast to other anarchist tendencies that place at least some emphasis on "positive programs"—aspirations to construct something ideal in the present world or to craft plans in preparation for the downfall of the current system. Anarcho-nihilism understands the positive program as "one that confuses desire with reality and extends that confusion into the future" by either making promises about what a revolutionary future might hold, or attempting to bring those conditions about from within the existing order.[26] Such positive aspirations offer nothing more than a dangling carrot for us to pursue in situation in which the stick, string, and prize all a need to be destroyed. The example of those living under Nazi rule illustrates a situation in which, for those deemed Ballastexistenzen, positive visions were unfathomable: establishing long-term projects or alter-native infrastructure would be ludicrous, except to the extent that they facilitated the destruction of the existing order. So long as Hitler reigned, no Jewish commune would be tolerated, no anarchist child-care collective could ever hope to thrive. To be immersed in a social order as violent and controlling as Nazi Germany warranted a reaction of absolute hostility, attacks aimed at every level of society—pure negation. So too does anarcho-nihilism understand the existing order of today as without potential for a positive agenda. Whatever we build within its bounds will be co-opted, destroyed, or turned against us: "We understand that only when all that remains of the dominant techno-industrial-capitalist system is smouldering ruins, is it feasible to ask what next?"[27] According to this line of thought, our situation today is similar to the Lagers to the extent that positive projects, attempts to create a new world in the shell of the old, are simply out of place. Aragorn! writes: "Nihilism states that it is not useful to talk about the society you 'hold in your stomach', the things you would do 'if only you got power'. . .What is useful is the negation of the existing world.'[28] Similarly, imprisoned members of the CCF write:
We anarcho-nihilists …don't talk about `transformation of social relations' towards a more liberated view, we promulgate their total destruction and absolute annihilation. Only through total destruction of the current world of power… will it he possible to build something new. The deeper we destroy, the more freely will we be able to build.[29]
The visions that rebels tend to entertain about what life will be like After The Revolution are not only unproductive, they are dangerous because they presume that a unified vision of life is desirable. Such forward-looking conversations attempt to herd an infinite spectrum of possibilities onto an ideal anarchist path. The CCF write:
Very often, even in anarchist circles, the future organization of 'anarchist' society is discussed along with the role of work, self-management of the means of production, direct democracy, etc. According to us, this kind of debate and proposal looks like the construction of a dam that tries to control the impetus of the abundant stream of Anarchy. [30]
Even resisters in the concentration camps sometimes concerned themselves with this kind of political fantasizing: In Buchenwald, for instance, three underground political organizations banded together in 1944 to plan out the future governance of Germany, at a time when other organizations in the camp were focused on saving lives and staging coordinated resistance. [31] Nihilism urges us to consider the fact that such forward planning is simply unnecessary and that it obfuscates our more urgent goal of negation: "There's no need to know what's happening tomorrow to destroy a today that makes you bleed." [32]
From the foundation of this critique, nihilism identifies a common trap experienced by anarchists: the magnetic compulsion to identify ourselves positively within society even though we strive for its destruction. In my local context, this often looks like anarchists responding to critics of property destruction with reminders of all that we contribute to society. (when we are not rioting, we are community organizers, food not bombs chefs, musicians, etc.).
Negation, however, is justified by the existence of a ruling order, not by our credentials as activists. Our riots are justified not because we contribute, but be-cause we exist under the heel of a monstrous society. Positive projects are the means of surviving within that order; negation is the project of destroying it completely. As Alejandro de Acosta reminds us, we must not he tempted to "frame destructive action as having any particular goal beyond destruction of the existent."[33] Theden too rails against this tendency, insisting that we have nothing to gain from hiding our true intentions:
We understand destruction to be necessary and we desire it in abundance. We have nothing to gain through shame or lack of confidence in these desires. This world… must he annihilated in every instance, all once. To shy away from this task, to assure our enemies of our good intentions, is the most crass dishonesty. [34]
When we call ourselves anarchists, or even "anti-capitalists," we are implying a commitment to the destruction of systems of domination—why do we so often shy away from this? Nihilism unabashedly embraces negation as being at the core of such positions.
The "jouissance" tell for schizoid rambling.
Despite its gloomy connotations, the commitment to pure negation finds its most interesting manifestations as a joyful, creative, and limitless project. Most notably, Baeden utilizes the French word jouissance,[35] which directly translates to "enjoyment," but takes on a variety of connotations related to "uncivilized desire," those aspects of our existence which "escape representation," a "shattering of identity and law," and that which "shatters our subjective enslavement to capitalist civilization." [36] Jouissance is an ecstatic energy, felt but never captured, that pushes us away from any form of domination, representation, or restraint, and compels us towards fierce wildness and unmitigated recalcitrance. It is "the process that momentarily sets us free from our fear of death" and which manifests as a "blissful enjoyment of the present," or a "joy which we cannot name." [37] Jouissance is the richness of life evoked by resistance, the spirit that allowed Maria Jakobovics to continue her acts of sabotage despite the sting of the club or the threat of the noose, and the spirit that perhaps allows many of us to lead lives of resistance in absolutely overwhelming circumstances. It is the visceral experience of negation as ecstatic liberation.
Although the spirit of jouissance animates many anarchist texts, nihilism seems to approach it with the most naked embrace; for many nihilists, jouissance is the core of anarchism. Without. expectations of the world to come, without deference to moral code, and without adherence to a right: way to do things, nihilism embraces the act of resistance as a goal in itself. Through this lens, the joy of pissing in a Nazi rocket cannot easily be measured against its risks or results—in jouissance, we find a richness of life unattainable under the status quo. Without using the word explicitly, some imprisoned members of the CCF describe jouissance perfectly: "Neither victory nor defeat is important, but only the beautiful shining of our eyes in combat."[38] This emphasis on the act, without attachment to its outcomes, is one of the aspects of nihilism that has made it such a puzzling force for other anarchists. Critics of nihilism see this sort of emphasis on jouissance and negation as simply a form of indulgent retreat into the realm of personal experience, "because it hurts too much to hope for the improbable, to imagine a future we can't believe in."[39] While this critique has some merit, I think it largely misses the strength of the nihilist position and the beauty of jouissance. Whatever we may chose to do with it, however strategic, ambitious, or optimistic we may feel, our understanding of why we resist can still be rooted in a place of jouissance. I think the nihilist position leaves space for victories, while still recognizing that our capacity to win is quite different from our commitment to liberatory action. Even when run out of optimistic rhetoric and inspiring stories, our lives can still be oriented against the grain of society. Even from a place of utter hopelessness, we can still find the jouissance in our bodies to attack, Once again, the CCF insist that:
What really counts is the strength we feel every time we don't bow our heads, every time we destroy the false idols of civilization, every time our eyes meet those of our comrades along illegal paths, every time that our hands set fire to the symbols of Power. In those moments we don't ask ourselves: 'Will we win? Will we lose?' In those moments we just fight.[40]
Jouissance is that which animates resistance for its own sake so that even if we have no future, can still find life today.
Quotes are from this book.
Serafsinski: Blessed is the Flame: An Introduction to Anarcho-Nihilism and Concentration Camp Resistance
Litteraly everybody is mental ill :^)
Why did you kill Gregor Asser?
I think that anime girl is a boy.
Now tell me what it practically means instead of endless toocool4you hyperbole.
It's this word fetish that is the tell for schizoid rambling, ever self-referential.
In the most moment, I am euphoric, not because of any fixed ideas, but because I'm enlightened by my own Jouissance.
A meme ideology conceived on Holla Forums
my nigga
Welcome to theory! First rule, learn the whole word soup to translate it.
Practically it means Active Nihilism, Pure Negation is Destruction without any plan for construction, Jouissance is enjoyment of the act of resistance without concern for succes or failure as sutch is unpredictable.
So it basically means you get some sort of high when reading socialist texts and thinking to yourself "lulz whatever" and ripping out the pages from the book without planning to do anything with it.
So basically you guys have accomplished nothing. Good to know. :)
This is by far the most important question to ask, and I have an answer
As much as "/pol" is to an unquantifiably large extent comprised of mouthbreathers, some more repugnant than others, it is still a noteworthy, occasionally correct and often quite lulworthy phenomenon as a whole.
Anyhow, the ghost of a very famous french writer that had..quite similar views on one topic in partiuclar decided one day to manifest himself in this.."movement", apparently out of sheer boredom and a sense of self-righteous Schadenfreude
The way cuckold is now commonly used, i.e. "you are a willing lackey/subordinate" is by far his most striking trademark, I believe he even used the short form "cuck"
This criticism is not original. Even Marx criticised those who made detailed plans for a post-capitalist society.
Would the complete annihilation of humanity be anarcho-nihilist?
So, Lewdposter already posted a bunch of shit from Blessed is the Flame, but I doubt that most people are going to read through all of it.
The basic idea behind anarcho-nihilism is rejecting the possibility of a revolution altogether from our theory in favor of an anarchism comported towards the pure negation of the existent - that is, "Everything". As far as a nihilist is concerned, progressivist narratives (the inevitability of a mass movement and a popular revolution) are at best shallow comforts and at worst damaging to today's movements, because the problem with having hope in the revolution is that you are shaping your praxis today, from within capitalism, based on something that hasn't come into existence yet and that would by its very nature be a radical overturning of history and thus in the first place not be conditioned by the past.
For an anarcho-nihilist, anarchy cannot be even conceptualized without first annihilating bourgeois ideology and the apparatuses which reify and enforce and reproduce bourgeois ideology. And the annihilation of these structures of power is a worthwhile goal in itself, regardless of what comes afterwards. Serafinski conceptualizes this using jouissance in Blessed is the Flame, and I think that Monsieur Dupont in Nihilist Communism gives the best poetic account of what a nihilist cares about:
"This is the definition of class hatred. We are no closer now to rest, to freedom, to communism than they were, their sacrifice has bought us nothing, what they did counted for nothing, we have inherited nothing, we work as they worked, we make as they made, we are paid as they were paid. We do not possess either our acts or the world that conditions us, just as they owned nothing of their lives."
In other words: All I ask for as a nihilist is for the jouissance of vengeance.
It's nihilist, and it talks about things that are of interest to anarchists. I consider it to be as much a part of the anarcho-nihilist milieu as Desert is.
The thing about that is that anarcho-nihilism does not have any plans whatsoever, and consciously rejects after-the-revolution planning in any form. Anarcho-nihilism belongs to a different sort of temporality (Serafinski uses Benjamin's concept of "messianic time" to talk about it) that exists neither fixated on the past or future nor wholly absorbed in the present. The nihilist belongs to a history of revolutionary, emancipatory culture that is linked together non-linearly across linear time - him/herself in the here-and-now being at the forefront of Benjamin's annihilating angel of history.
Another way to think about it is in terms of negation. Anarcho-nihilists don't put forward any positive programme; they only look towards how to negate the existent. This involves on the one hand to physically destroy bourgeois society, but also involves a personal insurrection that Stirner talks about where we refuse to let ourselves be arranged by fixed ideas. AKA "de-spooking"
smh ignore the first quote
*quoted post
dropped, even if thats supposed to be some cagey double entendre
you dont know wtf youre talking about, this kind of garbage appeals to you because of how emotionally empty your life is, if you were in any way connected to your fellow man and not alienated you would see how autistic and pathetic this rambling about "annihilation" is, nevermind not understanding what something like that even means.
Im not going to read this shit I can already tell you are barely functioning, someone regurgitating this kind of nonce is the last person in any kind of position to act on it thankfully, how well would you do in some kind of all-out insurgency? I hope you get right son
Honest to God I wanted to post a serious reply (because I saw that you used the term "jouissance") but then I started reading and realized that this whole text diarrhea lacked any coherence.
It isn't really incoherent though: Successful revolution is currently impossible, so do anything possible to destroy bourgeois society instead. Any plans for the future are inevitably tainted by bourgeois society.
Ask me your questions about anarcho-nihilism and I will try to answer them in a manner that doesn't involve posting walls of quotes.
Am I supposed to take this shit seriously? Cry moar faggot.
Read the text itself then m8:
you took it seriously enough to answer you larping faggot, "cry moar" nigger you would be crying if you tried to start some kind of verbrannte erde insurgency, along with a whole lot of other people. Im not going to speak on you but that fucking spergfest above is very betraying, its really no different than a polack calling for all out Nazi masturbation fantasy or some other crazy shit, it stems from a mental imbalance
Thanks for the e-diagnosis Familie.