Driving While Undocumented, and Facing the Risks

Do you think is hard to find these people on gmaps by looking at the car and the house?


Those license plates look like they're from Jew York.

Also sage for low effort thread, OP.

I'm I the only one who finds trailers comfy?

Nice golden watch.

Not a drop of Spanish blood in any of these spics


Even if there were, they're more bean than man now



We need to pressure people to stop saying "undocumented immigrant" and start saying "illegal aliens". We need to stop using the left's language.

no call them invaders

No. I own one. It was the smartest investment I have ever made. The difference I pay between ongoing rent rates and how much I pay in lot fee, I paid for the thing in three years. If you don't need a lot of space and don't give a fuck what other people think, they're a great option.


I believe the proper term was illegal alien?

Why don't we force the Latino Nations to give the anchor babies citizenship of their parents with the threat of blocking money remittance to their nations?

I bet a lot of Latino nations are dependents of US Dollars,and if they had to pick either economic collapse for citizenship for anchor babies they would pick the later.



My uncle who is a carpenter had one. No different than a house if you take care of it. The way property is all owned by companies now they are better to be honest.

That poor woman in OP can barely afford food or watches.

They are hands down the best interim option for housing, but long term you really should get a house.

I can think of a really funny way to mess with illegal spics by editing and posting that. Just imagine changing that 'sign any papers' to 'pretend to not speak English.'


probably no insurance either, so when they t-bone grandma's car, the state can foot the hospital bill

I grew up in a trailer park, and was fortunate enough to live in one that was mostly white people. thinking back on it now, it was like a microcosm of the days when we still lived in a high-trust society. we knew all our neighbors and neighbor kids, we'd go over to their houses without a problem, me and my brother would play outside all day (no money for vidya) all through the park and our parents didn't know where we were, but didn't mind because everyone looked out for the kids in the park. tornado sirens meant a party in the shelter until it passed, we knew who was driving every car coming in the entrance, and more than a few of the kids wound up marrying people they grew up with there. we learned to be thankful for what we had, and any hardships we faced only built a stronger community. honestly, i really miss it.
in fact, the only people we were warned away from were the couple of older guys who would spout what my parents called "political nonsense," and said not to fill our heads with their bologna. if only they could see me now.

that said, you really need to check the neighborhood first to make sure it's not full of shitskins. even white ex-cons will help keep up the neighborhood if they feel like they belong.

More like poor me for paying for her fucking healthcare when she has another beanchild

HEILED.I don't even want negotiation, no acquiescence, we are past the point of no return and need to fight. Can you imagine civilian arrest squads hunting down and turning in these fucking invaders in an organized fashion without government ties, just ordinary citizens?


Also, check out that fucking car. Carlos is a guaranteed street racer.

Rate my OC

sounds better then my life in the mixed race suburbs that is primarily jewish. Ugly jewish women everywhere with their hooknoses. I got a fucking kike as one neighbor and a mudslime as another neighbor. its awful I dont' trust either of them and I know when the electricity runs out they will turn into complete savages and expect whites to give them handouts etc. I really hope Trump starts camps sooner then later.

wouldn't bother photo is probably staged or stock photo anyway

This is absolutely the kind of cocksucker who will try to pass my Volvo with his shitty 1.8 engine with no muffler screaming in pain because he thinks his shit is fast. Except that's not even a shitty Honda. It's a Cavalier or a Metro. I hope they send him back to Mehico on a catapult.

What logic is it to give people who're in the country illegally driver licenses?

It's illegal to give illegal migrants driver licenses anyhow.

The Spanish is fucking weird, replace this words:

Abrialo: Abre la puerta (Open the door)

hacerle: Hacerte

wanted criminals

There is no logic to it. A move like that is pure commie malice against Americans. I mean, they wouldn't reward us driver's licenses if we snuck into Mexico.

Don't you mean unwanted criminals?


If we could identify that antifa guy with the bike lock based on his eye color and a short clip where the mask slipped and track Shia Lebuttfuck's faggy flag using the time the sun set and trails from passing planes, we can do anything.

Sorry, I don't speak spanish so I'm relying on google translate.


This beaner fuck hit me like an asshole and lied to insurance saying I hit him.

I couldn't use my insurance because was driving for the lyft jew at the time. I want vengeance. I am taking suggestions.

He got away with $1500 of damage to my car. Fucking spic.


Look at this piggy fat cunt. Food stamps sure are feeding her well. Someone who came here illegally takes money from citizens in order to get obese. Then she has the fucking gaul to look me in the face with an attitude. In a sane society these people are rounded up and dumped in the ocean.

why are you newfags trying to ruin already established propaganda?