Memetic warfare weapons R&D thread

The goal is to brainstorm and develop memes and narratives to move society in the right direction.

Payload type 1: Redpills.
Target: Mass public.

Scientific and historical truth are widely rejected because they make people uncomfortable, or just because of enemy brainwashing. The latter can sometimes be overcome be presenting facts from trusted sources, but they will often be rejected because of cognitive dissonance, especially if they appear to be 'alt-right' or agenda driven.

Delivery mechanisms can include flyers, 1-on-1 slow redpilling (very effective), individuals such as youtubers (ecelebs), and organisations (high setup cost).

Payload type 2: Subversion.
Target: Enemy groups and ideologies.

There are too many enemies to list, and there is a lot of nuance in target selection and method of attack. Turning enemies against each other has potential - look for contradictions between group ideologies or conflicting interests for methods of attack. We can also exploit useful idiots or make groups toxic by stirring existing toxicity or attacking their reputation directly. If possible, getting a group to adopt a redpilled position on some topic will make them into a delivery mechanism for this redpill, and provide a path for members to move into better groups.

To implement these, twitter is probably the best bet, as it lets you pose as a member of any group with a little work.

Be as creative and Machiavellian as possible for brainstorming. Let's refine ideas here until they are strong and viable, then spin them out for Ops.

I'll go first with some quick ideas:

Tell feminists that they are implicitly criticizing muslim culture by claiming that sexism is wrong.
- This should either make them realize that the west is far better, or get them to shut up.

Start a conspiracy theory that whitey is deliberately making niggers kill each other by withdrawing police, as well as giving them bad education on purpose.
- This is a sneaky way to get people to share their SAT scores and murder rates, as well as attack Liberal politicians who are nearly always responsible for these shithole cities.

Remember, the initial step is as many ideas as possible. Even if they are bad, they might inspire a good one.

Other urls found in this thread:

We need to meme about white genocide more.

Any meme Majician needs to read the 48 Laws of Power and Rules for Radicals.

Best to use their own tactics against them.


New meme idea: guess the quote game where it's Hitler up against some well known person about the JQ. The quote always belongs to the other person not hitler

Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Martin Luther?

Yes, that's high priority. Any ideas for an angle?

How about a WWF style image with various European ethnicities labeled Endangered and Critically Endangered, with some figures about replacement rates?

Holding groups accountable by their own stupid rules will both demoralize them and show normies how full of shit their ideologies are.

Angles from the 48 laws of power that jumped out:

- Expose their intentions (white genocide, undermining the west etc)
- Trash their reputations.
- Starve them of attention and recruits by being more attractive and less shitty.
- Focus on action if possible. Even small IRL acts like posting flyers will get media coverage for free.
- Appeal to self-interest.
- Trick enemies into damaging themselves.
- Concentrate on one Op at a time.
- Rebrand? NatSoc is a pretty toxic label but many of the ideas are acceptable to the masses. PR is important even if autists have little patience for it.
- Attack leaders in enemy groups directly (through twitter etc).

This is what we should be doing. Disseminating pro-White propaganda memes IRL through poster activism.
If anyone has any questions on the subject, I will be glad to answer them to the best of my abilities.

If you relinquish the NatSoc brand to the enemy, then you allow the enemy to use it effectively as a weapon against us.

The jew will always call us "nazis", no matter what we call ourselves. That leaves us with a choice. Do we respond with
>No we aren't!
>So what?

Submissive weakness, or dominant strength?

When normies read "genocide" they think of mass killings, which would only be happening in south africa. Terrorist attacks in europe aren't frequent nor big and bloody enough to qualify yet


I get where you're coming from. I think there's room for other identities to act as stepping stones though.

Then we need to either show people the definition of the word and accept that it fits, or use different language. Colonization, extinction, replacement?

Correct. Saul Alinsky talks about this and his book is probably one of the best works on the subject as he himself is a Jew being more of less honest about how to subvert and push a narrative.

All I can say to that idiocy is, know your enemy.

Anyway, in order to normalize our words in the general public, we need to expose our people to them 24/7. is wrong, but can be forgiven as I once thought this war too. They key to effective propaganda is constant exposure, repeatability, and consistency. Not only is our racial replacement literally genocide by definition, but by calling it something so controversial we
1. grab attention
2. dilute the effect of the word whenever Jews use it
3. get people thinking about things in a racial context.

You cannot argue against the term genocide without helping our position get out into the public. Remember, whenever an op-ed lambashes our terminology they are always forced to admit that we call our replacement "White genocide" because European Peoples are rapidly being replaced and reduced to minority status in our own homelands. The more we can get people talking about this the better.

We use the term "genocide" to grab peoples' attention and get them thinking about the future of their race.

Finally, effective propaganda is not about trying to change YOUR language to suit the dialogue our enemy has set up. The goal is to CHANGE the language itself. He who controls the words, controls the discussion. He who controls the discussion, controls the narrative. This is how the Jews subverted our culture and it is how we must win it back.

Required reading for anybody who wants to into memetic warfare.

4. If you get people arguing whether or not white population replacement constitutes genocide, then they've already accepted the premise that white population replacement is happening.

This is making the target of the propaganda think past the sale. It's a common sales technique.

Indeed. This is an excellent point and yet one more reason why the phrase "White genocide" must be made a part of the zeitgeist.

I'd argue for finding a different word that carries the same shock value, but with a similar yet not entirely dissimilar meaning, like erasure, as your goal is to shock the reader into going deeper. We've paraded a businessman who's magnificent marketing has landed him into the whitehouse, why the fuck can't we replicate his techniques?

All of the above

Using quotes from jews about jews tbh would work very well.


yea the kvetching that incurs is amusing

I hope you don't mean to imply those three men were jews.

But yes, using quotes of jews about jews is a good technique in general. Barbra Spectre is a Holla Forums classic and a good model to follow.


This is wrong for the following reasons
1. We already have built up a massive bloc of people on the Mantra (by Bob Whitaker). You don't need to reinvent the wheel now. It already exists. Now is the time to use that wheel as intended through disseminating the meme.
2. erasure is simply a horrible phrase. Say it out loud; "White erasure"
It's just not catchy and would require explaining what it even means.
3. "Genocide" is far more shocking than replacement or erasure or any other word we could possibly use. It is good precisely because it immediately makes people upset. That is a good thing. It gets people thinking and the more they think about it, the more t sticks.
4. As puts it so eloquently,
That's exactly what we want. We want controversy. We want emotions.

Finally, think of the Jewish hate slur, "racist." That word means absolutely nothing. But through constant repetition and consistency, the Jews turned that word into the most powerful weapon against our race. How is this done? Though repetition and consistency. Hammer the phrase
Diversity is a code word for White-Genocide
over and over and over and it will become part of the zeitgeist. Make every White American hear or see the phrase
Diversity is a code word for White-Genocide
and they will begin to unconsciously start associating the word "diversity" with genocide. White genocide.

My posters say (among other things)
Diversity means no White countries.
Diversity means no White cities.
Diversity means no White communities.
Diversity is a code word for White-Genocide

Just hammer this message enough and it will be normalized.

When you show this to people, sometimes the more clever apologists will start talking about how google is returning results of blacks because when it's just white people in the image the word "white" isn't used. So it's returning you images associated with text like "white mother with black children" instead of "mother [implicitly white] with children [implicitly white]".

That's a clever apologist argument. Too bad for them it's complete bullshit. If they try this with you, show them the results Yandex returns.



Somebody was trying to tell me that this happens because when jewgle sees the word, "white", it searches for a white background instead of white people. I guess this debunks that theory.

then they'll stop using "diversity" (do they actually still use it?) and find another newspeak word.

see also:

If somebody tries to tell you that google is just fucking up, ask them if they think Yandex is a more competent search engine than Google. It's highly improbable that's the case just given the money and technical experience at each company, and of course somebody on the left would never admit the Russians have superior tech anyway. So that puts them in a Catch-22.

Either Russian search engine tech is better than American search engine tech, or the American search engines are deliberately corrupting their results. It's got to be one or the other, and they won't want to admit it's either.

The enemy being on the defensive is a good thing user. If they're not on the defensive, then you're not winning.

Good. Let them be on the defensive. As puts it.

That would be fun. Do you remember the one a few years ago where SJW and other (((groups))) were quoted spewing their anti-white hate and their instances of 'white' were replaced with 'black' or 'Jew' to show how nasty their sentiments were to the general populace? In the current zeitgeist, that might be a good one to revive sans the Jew used to evoke sympathy.

I think that exposing their intentions and just shining a bright light on them is what would be needed. The trickery and deception in the form of lying and manipulation is not conducive to long-term success since that is a major reason why we hate (((them))) so much in the first place and second dishonesty will inevitably be used against you in the future if you do it.

Probably what would be best defense right now is not to deny the Nazi label directly but just point out how 'everything you disagree with is a nazi, so what does it mean?' and eventually you just condense that whole message down to 'so what?' once the sentiment has permeated the zeitgeist. Eventually your goal would be to have people discussing NatSoc in public as openly as one would Democrats or Republicans rather than as a mere boogieman word. Either way you'll convey strength when you deny your opponents the strength of their words.

I think that is the main problem with genocide as the go-to term. Most people know the word only to mean mass-murder rather than ethnic cleansing through Reduce, Remove, and Replace, and so saying Diversity which is either seen as benign or irritating by most people as equivalent to mass murder seems absurd, even though we know better. The exaggeration might be useful though to get people thinking about it in the right mindset of you and your family being under threat as said:

Trump's major technique is to make a bold claim that grabs attention, a claim that in itself might be a mere exaggeration but is vague enough to let him explain later on. It's the hook that is meant to grab attention, then when he has that he clarifies more and frames the discussion in a way that people discussing it will argue his points for him even if he himself doesn't have to make them absolutely clear.

His other technique is to bait his opponents into making self-destroying mistakes based on their natural weaknesses. We are dealing with morally-vacuous zealots who fancy themselves hyper-intelligent moral arbitrators, and their main weaknesses are that they are ill-informed, emotionally unstable, and adore proclaiming what they believe makes them and their precious ideas 'right'. It's fucking easy to prod the fuckers into exasperation and saying shit like, "Yeah, maybe white people SHOULD be removed!" just to be 'right' in their own minds both intellectually and morally. No need to deceive them so much as lead them onto their own swords.

Same applies to us. We need to know what the weaknesses of our personalities and our positions are so that we can know when we are being led around.

And overdosing on that repetition could destroy its magic too by making it into an absolutely meaningless word. Could be excellent meme material - stamp literally everything as racist. Buildings, plants, people, rocks… Might be even more powerful if you label beautiful and wonderful things as racist in order to make the contrast of that thing's beauty against the ugliness of the 'racist' label and those who use it. It's how the whole 'Here comes the diversity!' idea works in the opposite, linking their supposed positive term with something viscerally negative. I'm obviously no memesmith, but maybe someone will have a better idea come from it.

I think targeting American Muslims with the message "Allah is a fagit" and just do that non stop. Creating a larger divide between Muslims is always a good thing. An upset crazy American Muslim going bonkers from getting sent the message "allah is a fagit" would be hillarious.

That's not how propaganda and sociology works. If you repeat something often enough, the lemmings will assimilate that as truth. Aiding the Jews in calling everything about western culture "racist" actually destroys our peoples' ability to resist them. That's why they're already doing that.
The Jews own the word "racist" and there is almost nothing we could realistically do to take it away from them. Instead of attacking the enemy at his strongest position, attack him where he is weakest. Simply pointing out that "racist" ONLY applies to White people and anti-racist is a code word for anti-White is the best possible comeback because it immediately puts the enemy on the defensive. Agreeing with the enemy that everything is racist only furthers their own cause in alienating and demoralizing our race.

made this little normie-friendly meme guidelines

Id definitely like to get into doing this with stickers. Were do you go to get them made without some normalfag complaining about what you want printed? Or how do you make them?

Something I have been wondering about our reach shitposting, are there other big social media networks e.g. Instagram or sites where comments are enabled and frequently visited where we can strategically bomb with red-pills.

The best way I find to combat this is to just calling something else that you came up with. For example I tell people Im a racial realist and a constitutional nationalist. I know it might sound autistic but it works and doesn't trigger the programed alarms that would kick in if you just outright said your a NatSoc

if u want to put stickers up make sure you are using egg shell stickers because they cannot be peeled off but instead fracture like an egg shell into little bits. forcing the person to scrape them off vs peeling the whole sticker off. for bonus points start shaving with a safety razor and take your old safety razors and place them under neath the egg shell sticker. now if someone is not using a tool to scrape away the sticker they will cut themselves. Super bonus points if u coat the razors in feces to insure they will get an infection from their wounds.

we will not lose our identity, natsoc it the core of our movement, i get where you are coming from, but in the long run the natsoc angle will be beneficial

the zeitgeist its not ready yet to handle the natsoc truth. we need to tackle all the point witch constitute the natsoc ideology by separate to latter tell the normies,"if you believe in the beauty of your race, the differences of race, the problem of the lying jewish media and the truth that the history its written by the victors. why is it that you refuse to believe that the nazis where actually the good guys?"

Print out whatever you want to paste and make a wheat-paste+glue mixture and then brush the front and backs of your sticker with the goop and slap it somewhere

Someone pasted pic related around a campus in my area. The college ran a story about these evil anti-semitic posters that appeared around the campus overnight. In their comment section I saw some genuine SJW types call bull shit on the poster, then start to dig, and find out some truths about the JQ. It was delightful.

what about leaflets? giving it out to the people so instead of pasting it to a dumpster we give it out so people can read it while they're walking, driving etc… enough information with facts and statistics so be can become more and more redpilled

First of all, I need to point out that while 's method of eggshell glue is effective, it is far more expensive than it could be. Also that razor idea is ridiculous. Don't waste your time.

Now, the method that I use is very effective, is waterproof (unlike wheatpaste), and is surprisingly difficult to remove, even with a screwdriver (I did some serious testing and was shocked at how difficult to remove my posters are). It is also dirt cheap.
1. Simply mix Tackey Glue and water at about 40%/60% ratio.
2. The posters I use are simply the above images printed out with a LASER printer on regular paper. Use a LASER printer, not ink so that the ink doesn't run when you apply the glue paste.
3. To apply to any flat surface, simply use a paint brush to paint over the entire surface you want to affix your poster on, then place your poster, and finally paint over the surface to seal it and make it waterproof.

I generally fly-post at night and carry a packet of several dozen posters under my shirt using safety pins to hold in in place. The glue-paste I carry in a splash-proof container I made myself.

When posting, you want to look for heavily trafficked areas. Use large font, simple posters at intersections and you can use more "wordy" posters in areas that receive a lot of pedestrian traffic.
I usually wear a baseball cap and a fake beard just in case.

Oh and BTW, the blank spaces under some of these posters are supposed to be cut off. My smaller posters are for signs and small spaces.

I'd suggest scouting out your first areas beforehand. Also, I strongly suggest making your first fly-posting mission small scale, maybe a dozen posters at most so you get the hang of it before doing things large scale. My biggest problem early on was juggling my paint, posters, and paintbrush. Now I have a system down and every item I carry is organized.

If there's anything else I can help you with or questions I can answer, feel free to ask.

Hail Victory.

PS, Since people usually ask me for my more "Identity Evropa" style posters, I'll supply them here. But do not make them your primary poster design. They are complimentary to the Mantra posters, but not nearly as effective. They're (imo) nice looking and serve as a morale boost to people already on our side. But our primary mission is to seed our words and our memes into the zeitgeist. So I'd suggest printing one for every 10 regular Mantra posters.

Not implying those guys were jews. I meant exactly like the Barbra spectre thing.

Are you so sure that it works when that message becomes wholly unpalatable and associated with being a nasty thing? I wasn't advocating to 'take' racist from them but to abuse it to the point of it becoming a meaningless term with negative connotations. You don't have to 'take' everything your opponents use to disarm them of it. Look how the left has associated legitimate and reasonable positions with derision and mocking laughter to teach the crowds to reject them, and how the best of memes do the same thing to dismantle their ideas. There are many ways to accomplish word buildup or denigration, and mere repetition is just one tool of many in the memetic toolbox.

Why hello there, FBI. Haven't seen you for awhile.

People generally hate leafleteers. They generally are an obstacle in your day, someone who you hope doesn't interact with you. It could work if you're charismatic enough or something, but likely what will happen is you will get the cops called on you for being 'offensive' or people will grow hyper-agitated with you which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it might be more trouble than its worth for the effect you will get.

How do you secure your identity against discovery/don't get into trouble? I'd like to put up useful posters, but I don't want to deface things if I can help it.

I got a real good idea for spreading memes but I cant fucking talk about it here because the second the concept is known by a single leftist it will not work.

If you lack a skill, then try to learn it. The internet allows you to obtain just about any skill if you just look for it and study it.

Been trying. Its something I need to invest a ton of time to learn but don't have that time. I've been going on discord to see if I can find someone in a group that seems trustworthy enough to either tell them or ask them to point me to someone who can handle it.

I generally go out with a baseball cap and a fake beard (I have a sort of Turner Diaries thing going on with a gf who is into theater production)
I must say however that out of all the times I have fly-posted, only once did something negative happen and that was a truckload of drunken morons screaming and challenging me to a fight over nothing. God I hate idiots.
Anyway, I dress and walk like a hobo and have never been bothered by anyone not drunk, even when I poster densely populated cities.

You're right about how the left… or rather the (((left))) intentionally tries to make things they want to discourage "low status" by mocking them. One podcast I'd recommend for you on that subject is Look for the podcast (the guy talks about this subject in one of the earlier ones). Interesting stuff. And he teaches you how to effectively and brutally mock the anti-Whites you will encounter. However I simply do not see how you could convey the irony of calling everything racist through poster activism.
Then again, that seems like a thing for Operation Pandemonium, assuming you've been here long enough to remember that.

I was talking about this today….
We should create some sort of anonPAC and buy up billboards across highways near military installations. These shouldn't be too expensive because most military bases aren't necessarily near largely populated places. Also, that means that military members will *have* to drive by them frequently, likely on the only highway.
So what am I talking about? If they drove by these, it would plant the seed of thoughts into their minds. slowly turning them into Holla Forumsacks en masse. Also, influential places like the towns with bridges over the Mississippi. Want to control the supply lines in this country? subvert those people too. People need leaders and our user culture has no leader. If we use the mechanisms already in place to shield our money we could do damage.

This is the most jewish thing I've read in a while.

Some time back I started doing something similar to this. I would post bits of some of Hitler's speeches and not cite who spoke them. More conservative normalfags would always eat it right up, then when they'd look up where it came from, they'd find Ol' Uncle Adolf.

Here is a William Pierce broadcast that every single man here needs to listen to. Lurking is good, but only by listening to William Pierce and ESPECIALLY this dissident voices broadcast here, can one attain the wisdom necessary to both post and recognize who the Jewish shills who infest this board are.


i think that the message we spread should, for the most part, be as extreme as we are. there's so much middle ground a grey area between us and the "blue pill" that we wouldnt get much benefit from it in unless with highly potent facts, and many times those wont even get through to people. it takes a long time to red pill somebody and there are many steps along the way, so instead of hoping that the "red pill" we deliver is at the particular step somebody is at, why not just post things on the final steps? basically what i'm saying is - dont water down the message. if people are gonna immediately discredit you as an evil/edgy/delusional racist then why not just go full force?

The real Prussian spirit.

You missed his point. That video is of Dr. William Pierce calling on people to do more than rant anonymously online.

With respect to Dr. William Pierce, he never met us and never saw our ability to effect the zeitgeist using viral messaging. What's more, at this stage I assert that leadership wouldn't enable us to do anything we can't do already. We don't need leadership structures to create and spread propaganda. Leadership will be necessary when "harder" operations commence, but at this stage it would be naught but something concrete for the enemy to identify and target. At the moment our formless nature works to our advantage and adopting a pseudo-military command structure would only introduce attack surface.

There is also the pragmatic issue of choosing leadership. So far, those who've offered themselves up as leadership are inadequate and very often suspect yes, I'm talking about the ecelebs. When the time comes that leadership will be necessary, I think the potential leaders actions will speak for them. Network with people locally. It is through local organizations that regional organizations will arise, and from those a true leader can be identified.

You can't identify proper leadership without action that actually puts prospective leadership to the test.

This is the thread I've been waiting for. Recently, I've started using my typewriter and some address stickers for envelopes to make subversive stickers. The font and format of them seems to give them a novelty that faggots love. I only have the typewriter because fuck paying for (((Microsoft))) every goddamn year and shit. I've spent 7 bucks on it since I got it.

Some of the stickers I've made lately have said,

"Sharia law for liberal women!"

"CNN is ISIS."

"Mohammad was homosexual, #PRIDE."

"Bill Clinton is a rapist."

They really fucking make people mad, and that needs to be the goal. These very pissed off faggots then either force people to realize how shitty their side is, or they double down, and eventually become a screaming faggot also, furthering the algorithm just described. Their side is atrophying, and this will help.

Placement of stickers is key. Pick liberal parts of town generally in the PROCESS of gentrification, that's where the sjws will concentrate the highest.

Mohammed was a slave owner.

There are those who have a natural inclination to be the moderating voice of reason. Those people will speak to the middle ground. Who but the most extreme will speak the most extreme positions? It's therefore the responsibility of every man to speak as he truly thinks, not to moderate his opinion for the general public. If the extreme moderate their speech, the extreme viewpoints will never be voiced and the moderates will define the boundaries of discussion.

>This is the thread I've been waiting for. Recently, I've started using my typewriter and some address stickers for envelopes to make subversive stickers. The font and format of them seems to give them a novelty that faggots love. I only have the typewriter because fuck paying for (((Microsoft))) every goddamn year and shit. I've spent 7 bucks on it since I got it.
You could get yourself libreoffice for word processing and print them with a B/W laser printer. B/W laser printers are very affordable to run (unlike inkjets) and unlike color printers don't include anti-counterfeiting watermarks.

But honestly I don't use a word processor at all for producing propaganda. I'd suggest getting gimp and learning how to make images with it. That's how I made these images: It's pretty easy, find an appropriate image, tweak it's color levels, slap some text on top in a nice big font. The less text, the better. Longer messages get fewer readers.

I recommend mimicking the graphic style of print advertisements you see in magazines and bus stops as best you can. Those advertisers spent a lot of money researching the most persuasive graphic styles, and you can take advantage of their research simply by mimicking their style. What's more, if you mimic their style the general public will perceive your propaganda as "fitting in", which will help them consume the message.

I shall address every point to the best of my abilities.
Maybe so, but he would still be highly critical of us as you and I both know WLP wanted organization and action, not online talk. Also, never overestimate our affect upon the public. It's not nearly as great as many people here seem to think. We did not "meme Trump into office." That itself is a meme. We are not impotent, but we are not a political force to be reckoned with. I know I will get angry responses for that but it is the truth.

That is true in one sense, and not true in another. At this stage, leadership (in the sense that we follow Hitler 2.0) is not necessary or even desirable. However, I do not preach picking an e-celeb and devoting our efforts to him. Instead, what we need desperately is organization. National Socialists know that it is "first and foremost our duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation" ~Adolf Hitler
Organized resistance to the Jews will always accomplish more than isolated, disorganized resistance. Furthermore, as you pointed out. in the future as things start to break down the people will need a leader and an organization, indeed a political organization to rally behind. If we lack this at the anointed time, some other group will take charge in the vacuum and we will lose our chance to save our race, possibly forever.

Regarding the ecelebs, we both know that if Hitler existed today, he'd have a youtube channel and would be attacked by Holla Forumsacks as an e-celeb, called a Jew, and slandered in every possibly way. I never, EVER help the Jews slander their enemies. I offer constructive criticism and that is all. Never peddle Jewish slander.
I agree with you, but I need to point out to many people here that there will never be a perfect leader. As I mentioned using Hitler as an example, even Hitler himself would be attacked by some less astute Holla Forumsacks as being "impure" or a "Kike agent!" or "an e-celeb" or "not a REAL national socialist" or "not hard core enough" or something. Expecting a perfect savior is tantamount to resigning oneself to inaction forever.

But I want to restate that I agree with you in most ways. A single "leader" for us is not necessary right now and identifying one would be difficult. I agree that when the time arises, one man will (Kek willing) step up to the challenge and *lead.* And I also agree that that time is not now and may be a long way off. But my point in supplying that broadcast was to enlighten those of us who seem to believe that organization is the enemy and we need to stay "isolated, anonymous warriors" forever. This is not true and would end up getting us all killed without achieving a single thing, were we to try it. My apologies if I was unclear.

Due to our lack of organization, we produce nothing bigger than a single man's effort can produce. It's a shame.

Our fuhrer may very well currently be making videos on youtube. But until we have true trials and tribulations to separate the wheat from the chaff, there is no way to separate him from the subversives who simply say the right things. The German people knew Hitler was the real deal. He marched arm in arm with his peers when they were gunned down by the police. He was imprisoned but continued fighting for the German people. Leaders must be put to the test, making good videos won't cut it.

Precisely what sort of organized resistance would you propose? I wager at this stage, similar action could be achieved without centralized leadership. As obnoxious as it may have been, that HWNDU thing showed us what unorganized user action can accomplish today.

Maybe so, but at the same time you'll be hard-pressed to find a young Trump supporter who doesn't voice his political opinions using language we invented. Often it's filtered down through several layers, perverted to a point we'd consider it cancer, but our influence is there nevertheless.

Our influence is particularly apparent among those that involve themselves in street brawls with communists/antifa. Among the most radical, the most active, our influence is the most apparent. The formative brownshirts of today listen to us, and speak to each other using our memes.

The corpus of Holla Forums memes and arguments is larger than any single man could produce. Need I remind you this is a memetic warfare thread?

Go read New Model Army, you faggots.

Right, my point is that we're practically limited to arguments, images, and simple videos that one person can produce. If we had organization we could be making films, websites, and higher level stuff.

We could make films if we had a more effective collaborative platform. Producing films would involve moving a lot of data back and forth, in a way Holla Forums really isn't set up for. Still, I think it could be done if the mods didn't get in our way… if one user took the initiative to tripfag as the primary editor/director and made a series of threads to brainstorm ideas with other anons, and to source information/clips/pictures.

This said, I don't think this would be the most effective messaging. I think that in the era of attention spans rotted by digital media, short videos a few minutes long at most are the most effective at conveying information to a large number of people. Videos short enough to be uploaded to many different social media platforms. Short enough that somebody can watch it on their phone while taking a shit then send it to their friends and reasonably expect them to watch it too. Getting a modern young man to sit through an hour long video is anything but easy. This is the world we're living in now. Even modern hollywood movies with their fast paced editing have trouble keeping people from getting bored and turning their attention toward their cellphones.

The most effective videos are videos that are short and have a low information density. They also have a viral vector that makes people want to spread the video. They should either be funny, or have a catchy beat.

An example of what I mean:

IMDB tells me the biggest movie of this year is Beauty and the Beast, which supposedly cost $160 million to make and so far has grossed $504 million in America. At $10 a ticket, that's 50 million people who've watched it. Pewdiepie gets that in less than two weeks, and he certainly doesn't spend $160 million doing it. His messaging is astronomically more efficient than Hollywood's.

You're just not being specific enou…

for fucks sakes.

The millions of people who watch pewdiepie are probably doing so out of boredom and most of them are probably really young kids. I doubt they would be receptive to our message (maybe to politics at all) even if we managed to create an star identity similar to pewdiepie (which I doubt we could, because I think there's a ton of luck involved).

Beauty In the Beast has been seen by millions already in theatre and will be seen by many more millions when it comes out on video/netflix/etc. It's something that people actually seek to watch and enjoy watching, not just something to pass idle time; it's a whole 90+ minutes, it's memorable, etc.

The fact that the internet is flooded with amateur crap makes it all the more important that we strive for excellence and greatness to show that it's possible and give people something to aspire for. Just as we aspire for strength in our personal lives, even though the majority don't, and seek to lead by example there.

Lets try one mor…

At least this one has less niggers, though it still has tons of Asians.

it has to be something wrong with the search engine.
I don't understand why I could get these results just fine?

What about something with the Mail System? How about buy 100 stamps and send redpills throughout your neighborhood?

Shit even this

It doesn't matter why they watch it.
The younger the better. The jews target our children for indoctrination, we shouldn't abandon that demographic to them.

And of course pewdiepie is just one example of countless, many of whom have older audiences (although I think you'd be surprised at how old pewdiepie's audience actually is. The figures I saw from 2 or 3 years ago said they were 16 years old on average, and they've likely aged with the channel. Most of his viewers are probably freshmen in college right now.) Digital media is fast outpacing traditional media both in terms of eyeballs and efficiency. More people watch it and content producers spend less money to get those eyeballs.

And you should consider what sort of person takes 90 minutes out of his day to watch a Holla Forums propaganda video. Probably somebody who's already on board with us. Somebody who's not already a true believer is unlikely to make that kind of time investment. If you want to reach a wider audience, 90 minute movies aren't the way to do it.

They're butchers, not surgeons. If they left the search engine alone it would produce broadly sensible results for all queries. They took a hatchet to it in an attempt to make it "progressive"; the inconsistent results you see are the result of their butchery.

says the kike who wants to make these stickers easier to take down. we got an oven to put you in fucking kike!

A scatological obsession is characteristic of jews. Telling us to attack our enemies with feces is something a jew would think of.

you are the one focusing on the scat jew. i'm merely suggesting ways to make the enemies think twice before trying to take an anti diversity sticker down. get in the oven now!



I agree with you that stress will separate the summer warriors from the true Patriots. But so far, our own Weimar is peaceful by comparison. In fact, I think that the collapse is a long way off so street battles and global depressions may not happen any time soon. Until then, I am supportive but neutral towards the various movers and shakers in the growing nationalist movement.

I'd love to see an organization that seeks to raise up White people as a race, not just a political organization, but a charity, security, and activist organization. Basically the Brownshirts or Golden Dawn. People naturally gravitate towards what is strong and nothing exudes strength like a real organized movement. While it is important to disseminate propaganda and redpills (I do it myself, obviously) the vast majority of people, the masses, the lemmings, do not respond to positive information no matter how compelling or critical. Instead, they respond to strength. Imagine the influence we could have if we had uniformed White soldiers operating as philanthropists in White communities. Helping our people directly and making inroads in rural White communities. Also, by being organized, we can achieve far greater propaganda feats. A few anons disseminating propaganda at random times throughout the country is great. (less so if they aren't distributing consistent messages. In otherwords, we should all be disseminating the SAME memes, not individually tailored memes) However imagine the effect that organized groups could have. We could pool resources and conduct propaganda feats that an individual could not dream of doing. And together we could form groups to agitate against particularly hated officials and gain the public's attention.


The reason I mention it one time again is to stop people from taking down the stickers that put down those who promote divseristy. Then you claim i'm jewish?

Sorry you are the kike who thinks i'm focused on scat. Like I keep telling you the oven is ready!

Having the idea to use shit as a weapon means you are definitely a kike. Foul kike ideas come from foul kike minds.

The editing in these photos makes no sense, why should that be hidden?

Francis E. December Esq. shitposting made possible.

Excessive paranoia probably.


At some point you will need something other than propaganda. Controlling factors of production (land, labor, capital), the ability to project force (or at a minimum deny the enemy the ability to project his force), and a functional control structure come to mind. Get a fellow user elected to a position with some actual authority (sheriff, mayor) to create safe areas of operation for like-minded people. Acquire productive assets (businesses, rental property, etc.) that allow you to use the cash flow to support more sophisticated operations. The left is a small minority (less than 1/3 people self-identify as liberal), but their ability to bus paid protestors and buy news agencies make them seem like a monolith.

If you just can't leave the house, learn a little programming and automate meme dissemination.

It's actually not excessive paranoia on my part. The organization I work for is afraid of offending the US postal service. They're also worried about any sort of logos at all so I just blur out all words and symbols to be safe. Is it reasonable? Probably not. But better safe than sorry I suppose…

user, I'm pretty fucking sure the USPS would realize that's a USPS box in that picture. If you don't want to draw their ire, either stick the posters on some other nearby surface, or don't upload pictures of it.

I am completely aware of that, user. I merely follow orders. I am not concerned with the postal service coming after an anonymous person who covered all his tracks. Thus I do not go to great lengths to obscure an image. However, I believe that blurring an image of a logo or whatever is enough to cover any potential legal action against my organization.

What, are you afraid you might have to pay licensing fees when posting pictures on imageboards? Do you think this is some "reality tv" thing where they duct tape over logos so they don't "have" to pay royalties for showing a product?

Learn to read, faggot.

Normies pay attention to fbi stats so add stats of how non-whites (Blacks/hispanics) endanger the general public through violence.

Emphasize how in 1960 the USA was 90%+ White & now we're 65% & in 20 years even less & "minorities" won't have mercy or special programs for us like we do for them.

Yes, I get it, you're a faggot.

You want memetic warfare, do memetic funding.

Get a host up in a censor free country with a new sort of patreon funding site that accepts bitcoin.

Use API to accept the anonymous cryptocurrency on the site. Use bitcoin and credit card processing. (They're used for independent baptists against fags.) Feed payment gateway into Stripe's bitcoin gateway.

Make the website open source or create a script that automatically publicizes all bans or removals/administration things which involve censorship in case of spam… or even have none needed since their pages will be separate.

I'd do this but I suck at making websites.

Okay. I see you're a Kike trying to derail the discussion.

They actually do that to avoid offending advertisers. If they show a product "for free", why should other products pay money for product placement?

I'm fond of stuff like this that's packed full of verifiable info, can we make stuff like this for pizzagate, the climate change BS, white genocide, illegal immigrants, welfare, taxes, etc.?

The jewiest of jews, I should expect nothing less.

Israel's birthrate.

Forget Iran. Is the Fertility Rate the Real Threat to Israel's Existence?
Israel's soaring population: Promised Land running out of room?
Israel has the highest birth rate in the developed world, and that's becoming a problem

Maybe some kind of anti-natalist or environmental message could be used. Use the jew's tools against him.

Isn't that photo from a (((news outlet)))

Always use different words to get around heavily programmed invididuals. Horus the Avenger has a lot of material on psychological warfare for anons that don't know, also.

Yup, that's it. WhiteRabbitRadio should be something everyone here is familiar with.

You can have a chain of command as long as it is in a private group. Do not unveil that chain to the public, and do not make the group too large, so that you no longer know the people in it. We're not far enough along for a large central group yet, but small independent groups will work better than being alone.

Good shit except that pic.

Fuck off you retarded shill.

I will be saving some of those I haven't seen before, based user.

No, you certainly aren't a memesmith. Just imitate the wizards here.

Don't forget that


But the study linked in the pic debunks the claims. 44% of jewish americans are in the top 18%, not the top 1%
Why make easily debunked false claims?

Criminally unchecked digits

Vantards aren't welcome here.

The middle image in the google results is bloody disgusting

You should add that it doesn't affect the popularity of the meme if it is using feelings based arguments or fallacies.

Found a New Slogan

Pretty good. What about an image with rich whites relaxing/sunbathing, while poor immigrants work and sweat in the fields?


If cucks say that the immigrants shouldn't have to work, then this leaves them vulnerable to lazy immigrants / welfare meme attacks.

Lots of good meta discussion and a little redpill discussion, with White Genocide as the priority.

Does anyone have ideas about how to damage enemy groups? E.g. extending their rules or ideas to make them look ridiculous and dilute the power of their claims or starting fights between them.

The common white people of America fear automation. Aligning ourselves with it would unnecessarily make ourselves their enemy.

I have been pushing the White Genocide memeplex for 10 years, and I have seen more of guys like you that I can count.

It's a lot of work getting random anons to use your concepts in their language when they explain their world view to others, and you don't have access to the schools system or the MSM.

So far nobody that have opposed calling it White Genocide have bothered to do this, and btw, the milder variants of WG, like the great replacement, kind of comes naturally to the ones that get that WG is happening, but don't want to laughed at by anti-whites for believing in the WG-myth.

Nothing about memes being funny? Successful memes are always funny to post and most of the time funny to see.
Also, they need to be fundamentally true as well. This is highly important, they must relate to a deep truth that people are avoiding.

Induce the sense of their inevitable defeat.


TARGET GROUP : White Female Populations

PURPOSE: Steer target group away from miscegenation behavior that has been urged upon by the kazaric ex-russo "jewish" money power structure.

REQUIREMENTS: Fake cell number, cell phone emulator - some cases just a normal computer and a smurf email address. Use highly attractive pictures of the finest male specimens as profile pictures. Use 4-6 pictures of the same specimen. This will pique their behavioral mind and guarantee them to click and read the profile.

MISSION ACTIVITY: Create dummy profiles on internet dating sites. Overly explain in your fake profile about the need to breed with your own kind and make white babies. Explain to the reader/consumer, facts about white genocide and what is actually happening to our races versus what they think is happening. Try to red pill hard but don't go over the top to get your fake accounts banned from the app/site. We need operational accounts.
Explain how you don't want a coal burning slag to be the future mother of your child. Explain that their children will find out what a slut you have been and that you burned coal. Taunt the reader into becoming normal…and plant rewarding "ataboys" in your text to the normal girls that have steered away from racial destruction.

NOTES: The female mind is a simple one. Use their defiant retardation against them. Use the same exact mantras that the jews have created for them but replace the subjects and names with our cause.

Well here in France it's not so ba-

That is the dankest Faberge Egg I've ever seen OP


Kikes aren't welcome. Yet you are still here trying to subvert the discussion and discourage activism.

Definitely required reading, but I'm not sure its accurate to call their model memetic warfare. The alinsky model uses coordinated and sustained pressure from a group to force an unnatural change. Their tactics are built on lies. A successful meme is built on truth. It has immediate impact and resonates with the viewer on a very basic level.

Consider the difference between our memes and their memes. Their memes are weak. They are the definition of forced memes. They lack humor and only catch through repetition. Our memes catch and spread organically.

That's the difference between our ideas and theirs. Our memes spread naturally. Theirs require forcing. Thats why the left and the zog can't meme for shit. Never forget this. It's our greatest asset.

What is your group's end goal?

The rekindling of White racial consciousness and the complete and utter destruction of Jews. You have a problem with that, Mr. Bloom?

Absolutely not. Apparently there has been a positive change from the PRcuckoldry and speedo posting days.

Memes as in pieces of information.
In that sense, "check your privilege" is a meme.

Not part of Vanguard. However regarding PR, PR is important. Hitler knew that PR was the single most important thing in politics. And he defeated a democracy… or rather a (((democracy))) electorally. I doubt we will be so lucky. But even if we want to do it Franco's way and just overthrow a Marxist government, we will need to have good public relations. We will need a direct link with the people. Similar to Golden Dawn.

One thing that harms the efforts of any movement is positions like
I have never met a Vanguard IRL. I like some of their propaganda and I disapprove of other aspects of their propaganda efforts. I have heard many rumors about them. Some may be true. Others are likely Jewish slander. But outside of constructive criticism, I do not engage in trying to help the Jews tear down every pro-White movement that emerges. If someone is willing to take a stand, talk about race, or distribute pro-White literature, I will NOT try to help the Jews discourage him from doing so. Indeed, I will offer constructive criticism where I can and be supportive if I must. One thing Vanguard can do better is less weird beach photos and more consistent propaganda. Beyond that they are doing great work so far as I can tell. I was particularly impressed with their simple "We have a right to exist" posters they hung up in Purdue, Texas, Maryland, PA, and other universities. The brilliance of these simple posters is that they are about as non-offending as any poster can be yet garnered disproportionate hysteria on the part of the mass media. The inoffensive nature of a poster that simply says "we have a right to exist" contrasted with the Talmudic hatred it garnered goes a long way to showing the anti-White hatred that the (((media))) has for White people. Brilliant. And therefore, I stole their design and distribute it where I can. Even my posters got on the anti-White hate propaganda the Jews call "evening news".

Honestly, it is clear evidence of the Jews' subversive expertise that they have tricked Holla Forumsacks into becoming their own attack dogs, mercilessly biting and gnawing at other pro-White organizations. I don't care if you're capitalist, socialist, Christian, secular, or whatever. The only thing that matters is that you are pro-White and DOING SOMETHING. No miniscule ideological difference is more important than the fact that our race is in a war of extermination with Jews and if we do not rekindle our racial consciousness, our race shall be wiped out irrevocably and the flame of European civilization will be extinguished forever. We will be turned into a mongrelized, coffee colored consumer cattle, mulatto race and the Jews will dominate a degenerate and cultureless world. If we really want to kill each other over petty differences, then fine! Let us do so AFTER we tackle the most important issue; our racial SURVIVAL. Then we can go back to butchering each other over ideological and ethnic reasons, if that is what we really want to do. But until we secure our existence, only a fool would join the Jews and try to tear down other pro-White organizations.

I don't think there are many real pro-whites that shit on public pro-white faces, but there are a lot of anti-whites that do it, pretending to be pro-white.

They over did it though, so the long term effect will be to vaccinate pro-whites against concern trolling.

Here's a caption for an anti immigration, anti negroid meme: "You think the US is bad with 40 million groids. The population of Africa will surpass 4 billion by 2100. Where do you think all those people will go?"

We should start crowd sourcing funds to build the wall. The kike websites will shut it down but it will send a message to the establishment that we are getting tired of their shit.

And since the media fags love investigations, we should make memes calling for an investigation into all 535 members of congress. Call it Trump's nuclear option.

Also, spread the lie: Russia did 9/11.
Anything useful here?

Well get independant, and to play a little game, pic related will want antifa cunts shoved down their large throats. The antifa friends of today are hysterical females better introduce some aryan brotherhood friends.

Everyone stronger than a dozend of them, deaths glove, striking them with an iron hand. Just pure mental iron packed into men.

Intelligence is a strange beast, following the rules of their paws, every step makes a unique print, and it follows its instinct just like physics follows their laws.

All their boobanimals will belong to us.

When we get our way, that answer shall be "hell".

Back to where they came from nigger. And if you antifa want to cheat us, we will make it very visible to not fuck with us, same goes for the politicians.



The only kind that makes posts here is intelligence or true believers.
Developing certain methods because your shit moves slow, you post what you post. But remember one thing you are just a pawn to me, just like i said from the get go, and it always stays consistant.

And once we figured out your "outsourced groups" we will know more. You disgrace, always a disgrace forever a disgrace.

Have any of the following been memed yet?
They say I'm privledged, but I can't like myself? Just because I'm white. I don't listen to them. I am white and that is alright.

I wasn't even disagreeing with you when I said we'd be sending niggers to hell, moshe.

Na you just sound like a fucking idiot by doing that shlomo.

Looks like someone doesn't wanna miss out on that precious BBC.

What stimulates me more is more raped leftists not niggers, they belong into africa, and by that measure i rape any intellectual just by looking at their face, i dont need to look at their bushmenfaces, i understand them, they are like the low hanging fruit.

Then deport all leftists to the Middle East, it's that easy.

Deport them to Israel.


Just laugh at them and point out how useless and retarded they are.
All they do is sit around on the internet all day anyway, doing useless shit like playing video games or jerking off or stroking their egos on social media or some shit.
It's like they're completely useless, none of them made anything with their own hands, i even bet that they don't even cook their own food anymore.

Also, actions speak louder than words, niggers.

I agree on cooking food with your own hands, and working out, otherwise we have to be jews.
And just and advice if you are a real natsoc, do it bit by bit, not full heiling, you know.

going around being a caricature has nothing to do with being a nationalist

Being a nationalist has always been edgy for the last century, but do you know what i sense, if you put enough current in, you will get your self fullfilling prophecy, given the naturals.

Working out without wrenching on something useful is degenerate, by some land or do some electrical experiments.
Also all of the history and science books are useless, especially since they don't reflect the thinking patterns of the particular era.
Another thing, this beta cuck shit about 'little bites' is completely retarded, if you have something that's worth following, based on the truth and you stick to it, you're either gonna have the right people by your side or nobody at all, and both are permissible.

And today it is like idiotic leftists attacking isreali libertarians for wanting an in depths discussion. How sad is that shit.

On 4chan I noticed they particularly enjoy posting pictures of models with subtle stars of david on them, or known jewess's to tempt us. Perhaps counter memeing with hot Nazi babes is in order?

I enjoy babes with huge natural tits on them.

Huge natural tits, do you feed them? I like them en do ci no logical.

4chans idol of a female is a sociopath like zoe quinn etc. not really pretty could have a dick, but they are mostly wrecked males, that have skewed perception.

And i just do not even need a picture of you i just need some words, some words that tell a story why you are here and where you came from, that is all i need, forever and a day, forever and some gaps, you just give it all to me. That is what is you and that you to make a sound amoug a million yous, just to strike that cord once, once in your lifetime, that is what you crave for, and i make them sound.

And we are walking around in circles just waiting to jump for that is promised. Around that beautiful mirros and that beautiful suns, just for that one gap, like that lense, like a sperm to to hit that jackpot.

Just like you walk around your beutifull see that is religion and just like you walk further just to explore, just to get to that gab that you cannot overcome and then you want to be the overman that can jump. I hope that a lot of big titties are on the other side.

Something like that pic related.

Dont know if this thread is dead or not, but I was thinking about this all day and an idea popped into my head while I was doing squats. What if we used guerilla tactics and counter-meme'd the enemies posters subtly. It would require a certain degree of sophistication but if we managed to print off near identical looking banners for political opponents and replace them in places like bustop ads and the likes we could make them look terrible, and unpalatable to the low info mass's. Simple changes like making the slogan on them seem bigoted, or altering their facial appearance to look ugly or evil. Just enough to influence peoples opinions of them, while not being obvious that its coming from us. We could also produce posters that appear to be coming from them but contain terrible slogans and ideas and plaster them everywhere. We need to control the media space of our cities to win this.

I doubt that too. What I want is for them all to have a look of shock and betrayal when they die.

Yes. We conducted an Operation for that. Lots of real low grade idiots (or shills) took part and made a mess of things (posting the posters they designed here instead of designing their own and distributing as well as just dumb ideas) but there were some intelligent people too. Obviously I can't tell you what to do or judge your character, but please, if you decide to false flag, DON'T post your designs here. Secondly, please give your posters some serious thought before you distribute them. I always advise people to use my positive propaganda designs because you would never believe just how many people here don't understand leftist propaganda and make a real mess of things. I'd suggest taking home a bunch of race related leftist leaflets home with you and working over them for a few days before you make your own. Another thing that I do is spend some time interacting with leftists as "one of them" on social media and getting fluent in their lingo. Have a Black twitter sockpuppet and a female reddit feminist puppet.

You will not be wasting your time. My false flag leftist posters are so indistinguishable from the real thing that they stayed up on a board dominated by leftists in my university. And many conservative but otherwise politically correct friends of mine commented to me about how anti-White these posters were and how uncomfortable they made them feel.

sorry to crosspost like a fag, but i didn't want to take credit as source from other op that posted links so here i go
(thread about links below)

New Headline: "SPLC Acknowledges Ongoing White Genocide Across Western World!"

warm up the memes/ovens time?