¦OMB APPROVALOMB Number:¦3235-0006Expires:Oct 31, 2018Estimated average burdenhours per response:23.8Report for the Calendar Year or Quarter Ended:06-30-2017Check here if Amendment Amendment Number:This Amendment (Check only one.): is a restatement. adds new holdings entries.Institutional Investment Manager Filing this Report:Name:ROTHSCHILD INVESTMENT CORP /ILAddress:311 S WACKER DRSUITE 6500CHICAGO, IL 60606Form 13F File Number:028-05772
Circle the relevant shit in the pictures nigger, I've no idea what to look at.
Brandon Collins
What a huge fucking surprise (said no1) Sketchy paperless Kike currency gets brought by Kike bank Kings
Nolan Sanders
and AdolfCoin
Caleb Rivera
Seriously I hope nobody on Holla Forums fell for this Jewish bullshit. It was shilled pretty aggressively on here for a while
Jordan Hill
Hunter Barnes
This I see nothing related to bitcoins in this image or any of the shit you quoted
David Edwards
How does this not help validate bitcoin? If the rothschilds are taking this seriously, it will be considered something less fringe to most institutions.
Leo Long
bitcoin isn't even on the image you posted you moron. for everyone else, you have to look at the first link in the OP.
they bought $210,000 worth of BTC. it's fucking nothing.
William Wilson
kikes don't validate currency, they manipulate it into the ground for short term gain. how fucking new are you?
Gabriel Foster
If you were stupid enough to believe in a cryptocurrency you totally deserve to get assblasted.
Samuel Miller
So something becomes less valuable, if a kike also buys it? Is that what you're trying to say?
Anthony Gonzalez
op is an idiot or a kike shill trying to horde investments. many financial and banking institutions are buying into cryptocurrencies. ripple was adopted by japanese banks for example.
Jaxson Adams
Because OP is a fucking retard:
BITCOIN INVT TR SHS is a Bitcoin investment trust, basically a fund that holds Bitcoin.
I don't know if I should be pissed off or happy. I didn't buy any shitcoin so I guess happy. I hope this shit is over now, that they QE it like they're prone to do until 1 BTC equals one dollar and that we finally can get some peace.
Brandon Fisher
Can someone explain how this is bad? Maybe the kikes know that the fiat dollar will fall soon so they are investing in other things
Sebastian Martin
no, dipshit. get in while you can.
Isaiah Johnson
Sell off all bitshekels, buy into bitbay while its dirt cheap!
Jaxson Mitchell
I don't get the logic on this board. or maybe they're hedging their investments like everybody else.
Hudson Morales
I can't help but feel this is good for the short term but bad overall. Jews will corrupt bitcoin because they do not know how to work for their worth. It's only a matter of time before the bitcoin falls.
We need something like bitcoin that they would not touch…
Julian Rodriguez
if you want easy shekels and aren't afraid to use the yids own tactics this could be a nice moment to get in
what this means is that bitcoin after its first trail and errors is finally primed for the bigt boom and bust to this point butcoins have always been to problematic for the eternal normie to adopt however with the rise of many exchanges that even store the butcoins for you and all th recent news of people getting rich quick the market is primed for mass normie insertion
contrary to what most early butcoiners think this will not mean they will be the new central banksters and rothshilds of the world, it means the jew will starting buying now and then selling to the normie later on after which butcoin crashes one last time into irrelevance
No something becomes less valuable if the final kike boss decide to crash it.
Levi Young
bitcoin is limited supply, if they buy it all up and horde it then there isn't anyone trading with it, which makes it useless as a currency. Since its not a material good like gold is value is tied to the transactions that are made with it, BTCs value will crumble and they'll sell them off cheap to recoup their investment. Of course they aren't that stupid so as to do that, they're just buying some bitcoins as an investment and OPs a cock gargling retard.
Ethan King
You deserve everything you get, shitcoin users.
Jacob Reyes
they will never buyout the chinese. jews are last century's kikes. china is the new boss.
Austin Lewis
Stay poor, nocoins.
Lucas Wilson
Jonathan Bennett
I don't think you understand how rich Rotchilds are, they own more than there are wealth in the world, they own about 100% of the money and 100% of the debt in the entire world.
Eli Stewart
210 shares is nothing, pocket change for a Rothschild.
Dominic Morgan
I guess theres a lot of people who never bought buttcoin or learned the ideas behind it. But they want to feel good about their decision to ignore it
Blake Kelly
I guess I had the last laugh after all.
Chase Davis
But then again, the US Dollar is a scam in itself, because the total debt is equal to the total dollar notes in circulation, that doesn't apply to State notes, seemingly as those come from congress.
Kevin Lopez
how did you get rich?
p.s. that pic? you a bald nigga?
Blake Evans
Something to keep an eye on, but they only bought $210,000 worth of Bitcoin. That's honestly nothing compared to the amounts of money pouring in and out of the market. Shit thread OP.
Michael Jones
Care to share how?
Lincoln Clark
Several things. 1. I had a tech job and was earning quite a lot while living simply. Saved 60% of my paycheck. 2. I got a some lotto tickets for christmas even though I don't gamble from my white trash aunt honestly I was kinda annoyed with her. They actually fucking won.
Those two things combined put me over the top.
Logan Johnson
BitCoin is the currency of the white male. Seriously, no roasties are making money off of this
Jordan Baker
James Foster
hahahaha, nice skill here.
Logan Russell
I actually started thinking of playing the lottp jew
Jaxon Gomez
*lotto jew
Easton Fisher
i believe u bro
i don't have to work either, thx to unemployment benefits and medical benefits
Thomas Green
Did you fill them out how does it work? In my country you have to fill them out i think 5 columns with 5 number combinations from 1-40
Benjamin Ross
Your financial adviser's wizardry is matched only by your excess of chromosomes.
Parker Richardson
remember lads, gold/silver merchants accept bitcoin and will give you a better price than using a credit card.
if you wanna get out, get out with some substance.
Noah James
Checked Get rich owning sports cars ARE YOU HIRING user? I AM VERY INTELLIGENT AND HARDWORKING
Nathan Myers
They aren't directly buying bitcoins, they are investing in these companies that operate in this field. Rothschilds are known to aggressively buy up companies to own their patented products.
Landon Howard
The $12.2 million investment in Alphabet and $30 million in Apple might be something. And $10 million in Sands, I believe that's Sheldon Adelson. We can't tell from a spreadsheet if anything unusual is associated with these investments.
Nathaniel Hill
buttcoins uh huh huh huh huh
He said, "butt." (Pic related) ——- So, what is the basic 'prediction,' or, 'consensus' here? Some here say value of Bitcoin will go up and some here are saying Bitcoin will dissolve into nothingness and go kaput. So, which one is it? Do we even know????????
Leo Martin
It's going to go up first. That for sure will happen.
Joshua Turner
If you didn't cash out when the thing had a massive (((peak))) some months ago, you are retarded and deserve to suffer
Isaiah Taylor
Shut the fuck up, you kike shill. BitBay is more of a centralized scam than MOST other shitcoins out there.
Juan Gonzalez
BTC will break all time high tomorrow or the day after.
Noah Watson
All these (((peaks))) are completely manufactured to hype up the goyim and con them into buying into this bullshit
Andrew Nguyen
You are missing the point. It's their own corporations issued currency basically.
Thanks, user. God damn low effort phone posters.
Leo Jones
Thomas Adams
Yes you are right let's go back to jewish controlled money.
Please name other choice. I'm gonna laugh if you say metals.
Grayson King
Eli Collins
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Nearly 100% of the total gold and silver is in the hands of jews, there are more gold traded than actual gold on the market. You are just a bitter retard who got jewed by buying gold and wants other user to fall for the same trick. Gold has nearly no value, it's a good conductor, but it's value should be a few hundreds dollars per kg not tenths of thousands, his value is purely speculative. Look the charts and make your choice.
Julian Hall
Nowhere did I mention gold, kike I meant lead
Nolan Anderson
Fiat is a better way at storing value than lead retard.
Cooper White
Oh Christ we got a live one here
Julian Rivera
Yeah don't worry, you didn't pass for a fool at all by evading every questions so far.
Ethan Morris
The kikes are buying into Bitcoin to attempt to stabilize it because there is a lot of $$$ to be made from fluctuations due to the fact that bitcoin is a real market not a kike controlled one. Once the kikes control bitcoins they will control the fluctuations and proceed to Jew the hell out of bitcoins. Also once Jews get in control of bitcoins completely you will be aware of this because they will inflate bitcoins at a relative rate compared to the fiat currencies they own. Jews will turn bitcoin from a deflationary currency to one involving inflation by increasing the supply of bitcoins at will. Jews are losing a lot of money because a lot of people outside of the USA are putting their savings into bitcoins to thwart inflation in their own nation. Particularly the chinks, turkroaches, and other BRIC nations. If you were a dirty as fuck poo in the loo indian do you want your hard earned poo in the loo currency existing on some random ass jewish bank's ledger… or do you want your savings to be keps in a public ledger and to have your hard earny money in a deflationary currency vs a inflationary one , that is updated by people all over the world who aren't all kikes. All the foreigners are doing a run on the jewish banks across the world and converting into btc. that is why bitcoin is going to the moon in addition to the fact that its the de facto currency for drug users online. The drug users create a consistent demand for bitcoins because that is how they pay for their drugs so when people try to pump and dump bitcoins it doesn't dump (drug users start to buy on crashes) that far and keeps going up in value. more demand than supply i.e a deflationary currency. However I think the drug users at some point will move away from bitcoins and turn towards monero (xmr) because it is harder to track purchases w/ monero by a larger margin. When people start getting prosecuted for transferring bitcoins around monero will become the new currency that drug users feel safe conducting transactions in because monero obfuscates transactions to such a degree its impossible to tell what is a transaction and what is not. Also monero doesn't have a public blockchain (ledger) to track all transactions.
Remember the reason why on line currency is so privacy is because it is primarily used to buy narcotics anonymously. When that is no longer the case bitcon will crash and monero will rise in value dramatically. No telling when governments will start doing that tho.
Landon Thomas
This. Monero is among those in the "direct replacement" class that are technological upgrades to bitcoin.
Bitcoin exists still in name only, as people have not yet internalized the fact that multiple cryptocurrencies exist and many of them are not just different but upgrades to the Bitcoin idea. Keep in mind though that Ethereum will be implementing privacy measures and will begin to compete for those that value monero for the privacy properties. I like both of them.
The Bitcoin illusion may collapse if this forking business cuases too much grief, stay out of bitcoin imo.
James Gutierrez
Dylan Martinez
fucking kike trying to control the world
Hunter Torres
I've got a lot of processors mining for me for free, around 1,2KH/s (i dont pay for the electricity ehehehe) So far i've got 3 monero Muh shekels
Alexander Cruz
People here are incredibly retarded when it comes to crypto.
Grayson Butler
what a shit thread
Ryan Davis
I think you two are only seeing half the picture. Monero(or something similar) will most definitely supplant bitcoin in the sectors that do actually give a shit about anonymity. However there will also be a very large place for completely kiked coins because of speculation and normalfags preferring things that the media shills. zcash is one possibility here if they can't gain full control of bitcoin.
Jose Barnes
shut up jew
how much is 1 monero? im interested
Jack Lopez
Why would one lie on an image board.
Connor Ward
Monero is currently $43, I personally would not recommend investing in it unless you are going to consistently pay attention to crypto because it does not have the first mover advantage of bitcoin and thus is still very vulnerable to a superior privacy friendly coin. If you are going to pay attention you'd have time to convert from monero to anything that looks like its going to replace it though.
Nicholas Brooks
While I respect the dubs I don't think you understand how bitcoin works my man, bitcoin can't be inflated like fiat can be.
Benjamin Ortiz
Yids. Ogre.
Benjamin Cook
Monero looks better than Dash but Dash is worth more. Actually, I wish I had kept mining Dash back when it was still called Darkcoin. I need to try to open my wallet and see how much I still have…
Aiden Sanchez
Sounds like if anything you're overlooking how the markets work. If a group buys up almost all of the bitcoins somehow, they can then control scarcity for the rest of BTC users. What I mean by this is they can choose when to dump them on markets or buy them back, thus controlling the price since their buy/sell orders will far outnumber the orders of regular users.
They won't be able to make bitcoin suddenly become inflationary, but with enough on hand they could crash the markets, create down trends and buy back cheaper. If it goes too low they just buy back faster to float the price again. That said this kind of stuff is already happening in the crypto markets so to be scared of jews doing it any worse than chinese, russians, japanese, early-adopter whales, satoshi himself or whoever else is pointless.
David Allen
what if we create our own currency to stop kikes. i propose the name 'pollar'
Brandon Brooks
That's true, but that's market manipulation rather than bitcoin supply inflation. Same result, I get it, just worth mentioning for anyone not in the know. So that said, smart money is profiting from the volatility. If (((they))) want to manipulate bitcoin the least we can do is make them pay a heavy tax.
Jaxon Bailey
I'll work on the logo.
t. 4/g/ & 8/tech/
Gavin Scott
I lost a shitton of darkcoin thanks to bittrex. I'd be rich enough to never have to work another day in my life if that hadn't fucked me over. As it is I've still gotten a nice headstart on a retirement fund due to crypto(didn't have all my eggs in one basket thankfully).
Evan Gonzalez
Meant cryptsy.
Christian Edwards
Don't worry about it, Bittrex is shit too.
Zachary Kelly
>make (((them))) pay a tax You bring up a good point. No single exchange controls the price so they would generally end up paying transaction fees to the exchanges if they want to do this which is certainly different from the wallstreet shit with high-frequency-trade bots paying zero for gorillions of literal penny-pinching micro-transactions every second. This also means if crypto is to have a fair future we need to make sure no single exchange takes over the market as this has potential to allow price-control trickery.
Julian Jenkins
I don't even understand how Bitcoins works
Levi Richardson
Like anyone does.
Charles White
So get in, hold for X, get out.
Mason Martinez
Well in addition to transaction fees and general miner/network fees in bitcoin keeping the shekels from getting too greased up, there's trading, and that was the tax I was referring to. If Money Masters want to swing the price of bitcoin they have to pay anyone trading for that.
Benjamin Powell
They're probably using it to launder money. Also, there is no legitimate currency while the Rothschilds rule. Sage goes in all fields.
Brayden Lewis
some kike created a digital currency where people give cash for 'bits' and then they pass the bits around in exchange for goods. He created an 'exchange' so he could sell his bits for money and over time he began selling his bits for high amounts of money. Now normal people are buying and selling bits like it is actually worth something.
Easton Parker
Always don't do the opposite of what whites say.
Lucas Butler
''God has commanded us to take usury from the gentile and lend him only when he consents to repay with usury, in order that we do not create profit for him, even if there ac- crued no profit to us.'' (Talmud, Sepher Mizwoth, 73 a.)
Gavin Evans
They're buying into it because its the lesser of two evils for them, retard. 1. They try to ignore it and it supercedes their "print at will" money. 2. They buy into it and at least have a large stake of the pie. Option 2 isn't desirable to them either. They'd rather crypto doesn't exist at all as it destroys their fiat jewbux ponzi scheme.
Eli Green
It is a unique need that drives the current users of bitcoin though. Buying illegal things online that Visa and Mastercard won't touch means whichever coin wins will be the one that fills that niche the best. I've found that no one currently has any need to use cryptocurrency in place of credit card unless it is for a transaction that benefits from high privacy. The nice part about crypto world is they can't shill us too hard on their Chosen coins because we are at an intersection of interests. They want to control our currency and have full visibility, we want the opposite which is the entire use-case of the format to begin with.
Benjamin Ramirez
It's literally nothing. They probably just heard about shitcoins and said "eh, throw a million dollars in it and see what it does because I don't feel like looking at the historical charts."
Jace Watson
Well that definitely depends on if you restrict yourself to only those who actually use bitcoin for transactions. A huge chunk, and in my opinion majority, of people who have crypto have never even made a purchase with it and their interest is entirely speculative in nature. This group only cares about the privacy to the extent that it'll lead to gains for them and larger more (((reputable))) groups backing the crypto is a positive sign to them rather than a negative.
You seem to be laboring under the false impression that the only people who own crypto are interested in it for its originally intended purpose.
Cameron Lopez
No, I'm excluding them since they can speculate all day but if the tech is pointless there will not be demand in the coin outside "investment". If there is demand for a better coin that attracts actual users it would be a better investment since the market cap can benefit from an additional class of users that would otherwise pass on a shitcoin.
Lincoln Moore
You're presuming that the better coin will still attract as many speculators which is provably false just be looking at the existing situation when it comes to crypto.
Brody Nelson
Liam Sanchez
It would be foolish to spend coins that have not reached their long term stable value yet. The real value in bitcoin (and altcoins ) is avoiding a local fiat currency collapse or capital flight restrictions. It is for these two reasons many bitcoins have not been traded, they are an insurance policy against severe economic problems.
Aaron Perez
Henry Sullivan
You can fill it out yourself or just have the machine give you random numbers from what I understand.
Cameron Kelly
He's based upon an ethnic Greek actor I believe, anyways you should watch the cartoon series (Justice League, and Justice League Unlimited), really good cartoon that still holds up today with top tier voice acting throughout the entire thing.
Jonathan Walker
What do you guys think about Etherium?
Cooper Sanchez
lol immutable history is kike kryptonite, just because some powerful kikes have decided now is the time to dip their fingers in doesn't mean shit
Evan Moore
There is a very large internet campaign against bitcoin going on
You see the same thread bumped once a week from the grave until it dies again with the title "bitcoin is compromised". You can see in OP's own screenshots that it fucking says this data might not be correct and even if it is does this mean the Rothchilds are calling the shots?
Are they able to influence the programmers or the software at all just because their name is attached?
It has come to the point where the kikes are using their own names to shill against things to discredit it. Don't put all your savings in one investment including bitcoin, but it is still by far the biggest and most reliable crypto and the fact that it is under so much attack the last few months is proof they are trying to make (((their))) own cryptos more popular.
Address: 311 S WACKER DR SUITE 6500 CHICAGO, IL 60606 Form 13F File Number: 028-05772
Hunter Diaz
Probably got fucked by ransomeware or some other extortion shit.
Xavier Johnson
Blockchain removes the merchant of the currency. It's a fucking battle axe to the base of their money tree. No interest? That's a sin, goy. Limited quantity? You require reeducation you antisemite. All of which is why you'll see some ether app from them that's Cancer. Or they'll have it banned as national digital currencies are unveiled. These fuckers don't tolerate competition.
Sebastian Campbell
Eat lead.
Lucas Powell
China is Rothschild's pet project. If you're implying they're somehow no playing all sides you're sadly mistaken.
Noah Cook
kill yourself.
John Gonzalez
Christian Murphy
They're gonna tank the price and punish everyone who ever tried to get away from their (((banks)))
Cameron Stewart
Nationalist fiat is better because you aren't enriching neckbearded redditors by starting a nationalist fiat system. Bitcoin faggots get the rope too.
Brandon Jackson
you're so outdated it hurts, you need to use your outdated and impractical shitskin tools (hint your medieval nigger tribe era hemp ropes) and kill yourself with it.
Nathan Cook
Something important to mention. The Third Reich currency was not "fiat" although that is often stated as fact by well meaning NatSocs. The Reichsmark was backed by silver ( not just "fiat" for labor ) and was minting silver coins by the millions up until 1939. They unfortunately did not have any Gold because the Jews took it all with Treaty of Versailles. If the International Clique of White Traitors and Vermin had not impeded the paper notes worldwide would have disappeared entirely. Also, minting of coins ( money ) could become completely decentralized because there would be no fear of counterfeit.
*clink clink*
John Johnson
E-shekels more than doubled my savings, how are your yellow-colored stones doing?
Andrew Cruz
Stay envious, faggot. If only you guys knew how many insanely wealthy bitcoin barons are redpilled AF.
Anyone on here who thinks that a technology that undermines the current global welfare state maintained by the banks/IMF, and therefore represents complete economic liberation for the white man, is a bad thing is a complete retard.
Jayden Murphy
August 1st faggots, we shall see. Mark your calendars.
Owen Cruz
no matter what crypto wont go away, my litecoin will probably land on the moons of jupiter if bitcoin kike splits
Aaron Fisher
So many anons are salty about bitcoin. You fags must of sold all of yours or chose not invest back when they were worth $20. Now you are all butthurt because you missed out on the shekels.
Caleb Sullivan
I recently won the lottery advice on how I should approach my finances? 3.2 Mil
Nathaniel Rodriguez
hahaha you gotta have your heart in the coins man
i could give a fuck if i lose every bit of value I have put into digital currency.id rather try to shove a nuclear bomb down scholmos kike cock planet soul fuck fiat rape machine, then bend over and take it even if i would be better off financially if i did. you have to start believing in yourself, set yourself free to be the best person you know you can be, achieve things you once thought impossible. defeat enemies once thought invincible, to look around you and see that other people are too, and together incredible things are happening.
we are on the cusp of the greatest blow to the source of the suffering of mankind, our people, and our collective spirit. to free ourselves from the slavery of fiat based fractional reserve banking and not having to fire a single bullet. We are winning a war most of our ancestors never knew we were fighting, and after thousands of years all at once we are winning.
Mason Long
take enough of it and put it in long term investment options, typical market investments, mutual funds, trusts, bonds etc. set enough aside in those kinds of investments so you will have >50% of the money you would need to retire at whatever age you want to.
then the remaining 50% split again, this ratio is up to you but I would take a small percentage for immediate life enhancements, less car and more fixed up/remodeled house new appliance, etc. then another percentage to pad a savings account/emergency fund/purchase real estate/pay off your mortgage/all debt.
then what you have let I would try to buy as much btc you can get your hands on before aug 1st and withdraw it to offline wallets like a trezor or keepkey or even just paper if youre insane. you will have difficulty moving a lot of money like that unless you use cash in person and already have a lot of cash. but i would also pick up a decent chunk of ltc and potentially eth, on principle its aids, but for trading its in a weird place right now and the chaos surrounding bitcoin is certain to cause lots of speculative movement and panic driving a race to the moon or to hell but either way, so long as you keep you hands strong, and only dump along a spread that satisfies your minimum potential gains before selling then the worst case is you have to buy back in and miss profits not take losses.
Leo Lee
Thanks user.
Andrew Clark
You'd have to give out way more information than just that for anyone to have a prayer of giving you good investment advice, user. How old are you? How many dependents do you have? What is your current income? Etc.
Definitely look into cryptos like bitcoin if you are at all curious about how money really works. Learning about bitcoin can expand your mind and do good things for the performance of your investment portfolio.
Listen to this man, anons. Bitcoin has the potential to unfuck a lot of what has gone wrong thanks to out-of-control government and if we're lucky it will kill off the ZOG entirely.
Wyatt Myers
Thanks will do
Kevin Taylor
Solid advice.
Chase Ward
If I had spare cash and wasn't as bigger and unfortunate supporter of the alcoholic and tobacco jew, i'd stockade that shit. Nobody is going to give a fuck about gold when people are being raped and murdered in the streets. Lighters, booze, cigarettes, shit you can trade for medicine and ammo.
Tyler Phillips
Were you employed by jewgle? They pay extremely shit but i'm asking if you hit it in the early years and pulled out before they became dominant. What type of "tech" job was it? back-end programmers seem to be making the most dosh these days… sadly not a natural.
It's pretty simple OP, just make a bitcurrency and NOT take investment money from (((them))) or from (((their proxy companies)))
Gavin Torres
That doesn't worry me at all. There are already many decentralised digital currencies to trade with.
Dominic Lee
Fucking dig a hole and go die in it you retard.
Liam Morales
t. David DeRothschild
Kayden Walker
David James
Gavin Ortiz
Caleb Hall
The real point is that buttcoins are not safe from kikery. The only safe currency from kikery would be a White Nationalist government with nukes whose currency is backed by usable commodities.
Logan Jackson
Hey, now, guy. Let's work on those conjuctive commas.
Leo Perry
what happens if they all die then?
Jacob Russell
Carter Harris
Why wouldn't they buy Bitcoin? Fiat is dying and crypto is moving in to replace it. They might not like it, but better to buy into the inevitable than miss out altogether.
John White
not memorizing your key
Lucas Adams
yeah, except goldman sachs was commenting on bitcoin in 2013 so probably has money in it since 2011-12..
Justin Reyes
you neets are so fucking stupid. i dont understand how you fail to grasp basic concepts pertaining to crypto trading when you spend all day on the computer.
investors are going to invest. also, they wouldnt be able to tank the price significantly, if at all, ever. saging so that gullible idiots dont believe your stupid ramblings and miss out on a good investment.