It's been 4 hours and I am still not banned

I have concluded… that I have become… a god. The new God of Holla Forums, blessed by based Pepe.
So, please post your wishes in this thread and I will try to grant them using my new based Pepepowers.

Maybe it's because after keeping with the same screeching of autism, not a single souls bothers to look at your excuse as being worth at anything. Just look at yourself. Lack of humor, originality, passion, everything. You're nothing but a hollow trashcan which people don't even care to throw their trash in. That's how low you are.

But you replied. . .
Also, where's the wish?

What attracts an attention starved faggot like you to an anonymous imageboard is beyond me. Go to tumblr or TRS or some other namefag place if you want to engage in pointless drama with your fellow narcissists.


Because someone in this entire universe has to tell it to your face. Or you'd prefer to be the king without clothes. Unless, you already know it…

Fine, guy, if you want it so bad, here.


stop pretending to be special

Thanks mods.

Okay, I'll stop pretending. I am now unique! Do NOT accept impostors. I am the one true BasedPepeOverlord777.

Kill yourself.
Like this ->
              .∥              .∥              .∥           ___  ∥        /    `ヽ∥      ,:'      、ゑ     ,'    ;  i  八、     |,! 、 ,! |  ,' ,〃ヽ!;、      |!| l川 l リへ'==二二ト、     リ川 !| i′  ゙、    ', ',     lルl ||,レ′   ヽ   ,ノ ,〉       |川'、  ,,.,.r'"    ,,ン゙        `T"  ! ,/ '.ノ,/|         /   ,!´ !゙ヾ{ |          /   ,'   i ゙ ! ,l゙      ,r‐'ヽ-、!   ',  l|      {    `ヽ   !  「゙フ      ,>┬―/   ;  i,`{     / /リ川'        ', ゙、    / ,/            ゙、 ゙、   ノ  /           ', `、   \_/   ;          ゙、ヽ、    l__   !        ___〕 ,、l       ̄`‐┬―r┬‐r'´ `'‐'′           |  .! |  |           |  | .|  |          | j |  !

This is an imageboard. You can post pictures, you know.

"Who" you are is of no importance - someone completely irrelevant. I know exactly WHAT you are, though, and that is a little bpd bitch with abandonment issues. You amount to nothing in real life and so you come to online communities to look for approval and attention that is denied to you in reality. And I told you before, this place is not gonna give that to you. This is an anonymous imageboard. There is no "you" here, just what you post. We don't care about you and your ego, all we care is the content you provide. And you provide none so enjoy your ban.

You are not unique, you are not special. Literally every internet community that has been around long enough has seen enough retards exactly like you come in and try to turn it into a personal relationship simulator. Fuck off and die.

Sounds like you have some personal experience with these matters. Projecting much?

user, I…
First I thought that your horrendous acting is embarrassing enough but now this.

Thank you

He's just trolling, man. No one could be that stupid.

Leftykun you're such a loser.

Mods are really high on drugs these past few weeks. Ban patriots, alow hope not hate shilling etc


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Oh yeah? Can you Zalgoface?
( ° ʖ °)

Fuck. It doesn't work here.


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Bonsai Tree


Pepe the Frog aka the "Feels Sad Frog"

My wish is that you realize the only reason you aren't banned is because the vols of this board are literal shitskins and far too stupid to coordinate a schedule so they all show up at the same time every day and then leave the board unmonitored the rest of the day.

Kill yourself.


Mods are all traitors, tbh.