Attempt to sway me towards your ideology in one paragraph or less.
Attempt to sway me towards your ideology in one paragraph or less
Boss needs you, but you don't need him.
Did nothing wrong.
Government girlfriends
A farmer has the capability to produce apples at a sunk cost of $4 per apple, including a 10% profit for him.
The government takes $3.5 dollars from your paycheck, and gives it to the farmer.
The farmer can now sell an apple to you for $1.
Enjoy your cheaper apples.
Public free use will remove the concept of rape, generally boost self esteem, remove inhibitions created by capitalist morality and destroy the nuclear family.
t. Huxleyian-Stirnerist
How is this an attractive proposition? Why would anyone want to do this?!
Multi-generational households are far superior
I don't understand the obsession with the nuclear family. Even if we accept the premise that it's the base unit of society, dismantling it only replaces it with a new base unit.
For fuck's sake the nuclear family is basically the creation of early capitalism anyway, it's not like it was always the basis of society. You twats love to post Ancient Greek busts all the time and call people plebs when the Greeks practiced polygamy.
We can't offer you the most comfortable answer, but we can offer you the truth.
I don't have an ideology, except I don't like tankies and I don't care for marxist-leninism.
All the other routes toward communism seem like valid options and I have no real preference.
It's stupid and inefficient. Live with friends, and let women work.
That's what happens when nuclear familys kids dont move out.
It's the most stable possible family in a post-scarcity society. At least scarcity in terms of food.
Capitalism started in the 1800s when families numbered 20 kids. What the fuck are you talking about.
Explain yourself.
But that's been around before the nuclear family.
Less time at work → time to socialise → girlfriend.
Because houses weren't as easy to build.
Now we can build an apartment building and give a unit to the kids from nuclear families, without a problem.
Apartment buildings with nuclear families = "multi generational households"
If democracy is the idea that you should have a say in decisions that affect you, why would you not want to have it in the area where you spend most of your waking life?
You are the unique one.
Some things never change.
different customs have their own value and in a diverse world they can all be protected by people integrating when they move to somewhere with new customs. so that everyone gets to live where they fit in and are welcome and has a place for themselves.
If you dont have a fanatical passion to your cause i dont need you in mine.
worker co-ops and economic democracy are
the only way.
corporatist detected
Porky ain't gonna employ you unless he can make more money from your work than he pay you,
Fuck, forgot my shitposting flag.
It has all the advantages of capitalism with none of its drawbacks, while having all the advantages of socialism with none of the drawbacks
I got this
We should only look to the past for that which works and discard the rest.
Technically capitalism is killing it anyways, so it's not like we have to do anything.
Except that's not what love is, love isn't fucking turning the US into Gilead.
You'll never understand this, because nobody will ever love you.
gilead handmaids weren't girlfriends. girlfriends are for sex and friendship.
And nobody should be forced to do shit for you for love, if it's not love you're in.
You can't simulate the strings of attraction that hold people closer, it's a random chance occurrence motivated by an enormous amount of circumstance, that's entirely optional.
Obsession over something purely optional is nobody's fault but your own. Another person does not automatically become your property and their time not yours, it will only make this "relationship" worse.
Which is what this goober fails to see.
idk, you'd get used to it and grow together. and if you didn't, the govt could switch you both to different partners.
Buddy, you've never been in a relationship together. The only thing holding two people who have absolutely 0 things in common in a house together would be through force of violence.
Humans just do not work like that.
like it's impossible to work out good pairings.
what is: payment
Oh boy is this another episode of
You can't pay people for the things love does. It involves everything and the motivation to do it from love itself.
Things like
1) Unclogging toilets
2) Having sex
3) Getting what your partner has, virus wise
This is just a window into what a relationship is. Especially in terms of viruses and the more unsafe and uncleanly activities relationships have?
Just like in the work place, if you have to force two people to do something, you have to then therefore legally allow it to be safe to be in.
So who's going to do that?
On top of the enormous amount of other problems I've detailed and hinted on.
It's a retarded idea.
Pajeet can fuck my wife for me.
The last capitalist country in the world is Lichtenstein.
All others have been gone for 40 years now.
This is why it is impossible for communism to occur, there is nothing for it to transition from.
Go own the means of production in the kitchen, slut.
Why don't you learn to cook while you still rely on your parents, you won't forever.
i really hope you are still young son, cause you got your ideas and categories all fucked up
I rely on Pizza Hut and my own two hands, because your shitty fucking movement has ensured no woman in North America knows how to prepare a meal of cereal.
If you're implying I want to rely on you, don't flatter yourself, Jabba the Hutt.
The environment is permanently fukt and industrial production is going to become automated.
How is that. I can make cereal just fine. I can also cook.
I'm glad you admitted you can do neither.
I'm insulted by your insinuations that I'm fat it's very rude
yes you can. of course you can. why can't you?
payment isn't force.
paid relationships can be safe.
not an argument.
maybe he plans on getting a wife/girlfriend.
You can pay people how much you like, but it's going to have to be a metric fuck ton to convince people to take up the expenses associated with relationships and settling down
Ergo, force.
Don't be stupid this is ridiculous and fails on every level
I'd rather people be in real relationships that are vaguely functional instead of forcing two people with a dollar to make out.
That's retarded.
Actually, it is an argument.
How would you like to live in a society where you (optionally) work the job of you're choice, have free education and healthcare, abolished private property, socialized robosex, and still be able to relax and enjoy life?
That was a sarcastic joke. The fact that you take it seriously shows how fucking retarded you are.
[citation needed]
What do you have on the stove right now?
It clearly was very serious. I took it very seriously.
Your emasculated incel cuck balls
except no? i'd date someone for enough money and do relationship stuff like housework.
a paid relationship can be safe and functional. better than some people's real relationships even.
no "i've hinted" isn't an argument. no "i said it somewhere else" isn't an argument.
So nothing?
Go eat your ice cream and cry to your cats about it, landwhale.
Thanks for proving even feminist women are whores though.
psst you have to be attractive before you can have any money, whore. landwhales have to pay.
You've never been there for more than a year, relationships are like the social problems of living in a habitat for 3 years on the way to Mars except on Earth.
You don't know it until you know it. Then you regret it.
You can pay as much as you want, it's not working.
Divorce has existed for so long for a reason.
These two words I really wouldn't ascribe. You're putting a giant sign up saying "CHEAT WITH THE PERSON YOU ACTUALLY LOVE" and when that happens, what exactly are you going to do? Punish them? What if they would rather live with the other?
And also, you still haven't brought up the circumstances of unsafe conditions existing in a household suddenly being thrust into the equation.
I didn't say hinted, I referenced the aggregate posts I've made so far. If I did say hinted, it was still in reference.
You're talking to the wrong one
Reading comprehension
The pejorative applies to any feminist.
Are you implying based on your posts ITT that technocracy wouldn't lead to a society with equality amongst the sexes?
How very inefficient
I really don't think so. Most of us are skinny. I'm not going to go down the line and indulge on your retarded jokes anymore though sorry
Women will soon be useless, and we'll never have to hear their whining again.
ffs obviously there are people i'd rather date and would date for less or wouldn't date at all if they are too unpleasant.
>you have to be attractive before you can have any money, whore.
i know that tbh it's a fantasy really not irl ;_;
so let me switch partner. a paid relationship doesn't have to be permanent if it doesn't work.
put up with it or be given a different partner.
if it becomes unsafe then i'd be taken away and given a different partner. that's a risk always and everywhere, in any relationship or with strangers in the street.
what are the other problems then?
Then what the fuck is the point of the paying. And what about the beuracracy involved in such a transaction? It's basically marriage 2.0
Then what the hell are the perks for marriage
On every single dimension I look at this, this idea is very stupid.
That's a really smart way to make everyone miserable. This should be a way to torture an enemy nation's civilians in war time.
You're not being paid on the other. You're not getting the issue.
I've been listing them.
I see. Maternal Issues
even with artificial wombs men will still need women, for companionship and sex and all the things like that.
so that you get a partner even if you can't find one yourself or they wouldn't put up with you except for pay.
it could be an alternative to marriage or on top of marriage.
wtf why?
ok then other situations where you get paid, like working any job or doing your work for the commune in communism.
link them.
Of course, the problem with that post in the first place is assuming that women are only good for making babbies, so the point is moot
When the results come in and everybody thinks its miserable who's going to even want it at this point if you can just cheat on someone you actually fell in love with
This is dumb and puts undue emphasis on being in a relationship at this point down the line in the logic.
I am really sighing at this point.
What's the point of being paid for a relationship? The only way I think you could is pay for labor provided
Read my posts first.
Sounds like we'll soon have sex slaves
Keep dreaming about Gilead and go enlist in the Taliban
if you're being paid then you'd lose your pay for cheating. you'd have to ask to be transferred to the partner you like better, if the pay is still worth it.
you'd be able to ask the state for something different if you didn't want a relationship. like casual sex.
not an argument.
to guarantee a partner for people like the nazi flag poster and landwhales. the pay could be worked out any way.
that's still not what gilead was.
What? Then, I don't understand that discourages actual love for a buck. That's still retarded.
Why are we even debating the loose logic of "paid communist relationships" this is fucking silly.
This is just nonsense at this point
Regardless I'm sighing because you've never been in a relationship and you don't really understand what they actually are.
Partners are entirely optional and the circumstances for having them are complex.
They are not a "right".
Sex slaves isn't what Gilead was? I think we read different editions.
tl;dr look how obtuse i can be!
no wonder people think women can't argue tbh.
So what if I'm being obtuse, it's better than being so desperate you converge your own politics with your desperation
i don't even agree with that i just think it wouldn't be the worst thing ever and even if it was real it wouldn't help me.
You haven't been through enough break ups yet to know what shit is hon. Being paid can't make something worth while between two people. People are viscous and cruel when they're that close.
i dream of being in a nicer gilead because i struggle to imagine being with another person and being happy while having any choice in it ;_;
"women" broadly speaking.
I don't understand how you want to be in that situation because news flash, if even the nicest bitch you'll ever know and the nicest bastard you ever know can't get along eventually and end up in screaming matches, being forced to endure someone's presence actually isn't that pleasant. At all.
It's nicer to wish for actual happenstance circumstances, that's really what makes love worth it for everyone.
Kantian government and society + Nietzschian individualism
i can't imagine being happy and in love without being in someone else's power. so i can't wish for actual happenstance because there's no real circumstances that would be right for me except where i'm a different person who needs better circumstances that really i couldn't cope in.
Babe. You're gonna make it fine in life. Every Rick Moranis looking fuck in the world can make it.
All you gotta do is be more confident that you deserve better than what life handed you.
I don't agree with the techie, but the sentence doesn't make sense.
Point is if theoretically women didn't exist anymore, half of men could be turned into decent looking women with current technology.
Future technology ought to make the process even more impressive.
I have a lot of fantasies where I call my gf my property and vice versa.
That's all it takes for Capitalism to eradicate itself and civilization as we know it in nuclear hellfire. Why don't you own a fallout shelter?
This thread is so bittersweet, I was missing anfems' shitpost and now I remember why I was calling them dumb whores in the first place
How about no ideology and let the individual decide how to be governed.
I would prefer robots or VR, but I'm fine with that too.
why live?
As if the men here aren't dumb whores
This world does not work like that sweetie.
idk. i struggle to make things better for myself. that's why i wish it wasn't my choice. i know it's weak and i know i should be better. thank you.
current technology isn't great. but that's what i meant, those women could provide the companionship that matters.
wew. i have a lot of fantasies that are against my politics and ones which aren't. not sure which kind if least healthy tbh.
wonder how she's voting this election.
tbh I think my fantasies are a bit too imbecilic of my ideology. Cuteboys and girls are all fine, and I want to play both sub and dom. Maybe I'm a bit too third way.
Considering Trump is more pro-lgbt and pro-woman than Hillary, she's probably voting for the Donald.
That's why his choices for vice president were Chris Christie or Mike Pence and how he's probably going to be played like a meat puppet
You have no idea how the government works or how any of this works and you need to stop posting now
But that means they'll finally understand the womynz anfem!
But with every post he makes, technocracy somehow starts to look even more stupid
"imbecilic of" your ideology? i don't understand.
how is trump more pro-woman?
he's more pro-lgbt because of islam? or gay marriage?
Woops that was autocorrect. Also I may have been thinking of a word that doesn't exist. I meant that it's very symbolically related to my ideology
i thought maybe you meant "inimical to", but it was the opposite.
why would your ideology mean calling her your property?
Trump is literally too left wing for most of the GOP elite.
He wanted to choose Christie, but Christie is also left wing.
In the end Trump had to choose some random right wing robot given to him by the GOP in order to appease them.
Hillary opposes gays period, treats women like shit, attacks rape victims, pays them less than men for the same work, and supports dictatorships that ENSLAVE women and kill gays.
She helped created ISIS for fucks sake!
Trump didn't do any of that shit. He's more pro-woman and pro-LGBT by default.
Well it's like when your in an enterprise in market socialism everyone owns it, although I guess this principle can be applied to other ideologies. In a relationship, it's like you both own each other, or at least that's my perverted ideal. Where I can both control and declare ownership of something precious, but also let go at times and feel loved by an entity greater than me. I've also read the ego and its own, so I think I got it a bit from that too.
Kill yourself friendo. Stormfag propaganda doesn't work here.
That's why his vice president is Mike Pence
ok if they want to work for her anyway tbh.
i don't really know market socialism but i think i get it. is the ownership of each other mutual or are there two fantasies, a sub one and a dom one?
The ownership is mutual. Both switch from sub to dom at different times. As for me personally, I can fantasize about either, but the ultimate fantasy is to have someone I can be both with. But if I find someone I love I can imagine I'll be doing more which ever they prefer. Being an anfem, I image you're more of a sub, correct?
Look at how cute this 2D girl is. With better technology, you can be a NEET and she can make love to you every day.
sounds comfy.
i'm not really an anfem, i hate feminism, but yeah. i love thought of submitting to someone who loves me and cares for me. sometimes i feel like i'm missing out by not being a switch but tbh i'm so sub it's never going to change.
It will be if I can find that person…
I get the appeal of a sub, but there's also a bunch of dominant parts of my personality, even in a sexual way that I can't ignore.
are you a guy or gal?
i read a girl talking about how being dominant to her bf and she said it was wonderful to see his sub side and know he trusted her enough to be that relaxed and free. it sounded so nice and i was sad that my personality is too subby to let me experience that.
only a trap ;_;
traps are the best tho! When I fantasize about traps I'm usually dominant tho. I'd definitely bully ur boiypussy
but i wish i was a real girl. i don't want to be that pic, i want to be more like cute girl pics. i want to my girlpussy to be bullied! ;_;
trannies will do too. I bet I could do a pretty good job of making you feel like a girl :^)
thank you user
you're welcome user. and I wish I had a bf/gf who would be happy with me. maybe one day we'll both find what we we're looking for. I'm probably gonna masturbate alone tonight to some traps and sissies
why haven't you found a bf/gf happy with you? i'm a trap so of course it's hard for me, but it should be easier for you!
I ain't exactly a prize either. Maybe I have my standards to high with irl people, or I just don't know how to properly go about it. IDK
i'm sorry user. keep your standards high! i hope you find someone to be your property.
You two should go on a fuck date
And record it for us
i'd love to do that kind of thing if i was a real girl. maybe not with anons from here though.
sounds like a gr8 deal m8