Just cast my vote for based grandma.
Just cast my vote for based grandma
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Going after work.
I almost want to throw one at Hillary just to contribute to the Holla Forums meltdown when trump inevitably loses.
but I wont
I just couldn't bring myself to fill in the circle with her name next to it.
How does this work in America?
I can only vote for candidates who are running in my area, which is typically not alternative parties like greens or pirate party.
you can't do this
Organic™ food is a capitalist meme as is anything labeled Green™, I hope you realize this.
Organic literally just means chemicals are not used.
Everything material is a chemical.
That is a retarded statement and shows how deep the capitalist propaganda is rooted in even leftists.
you should all be put in a fucking work camp, its so sad that its funny, or the other way around
I wonder if petit-bourgeois children like you will see the proverbial light if hillary actually gets in and escalates with russia
kys yourself
Stein is a third worldist
ah yes lets ignore her pro-worker policies aimed directly at workers in the united states and call her a deranged hippy third worldist
Third worldism is an anti-worker ideology that undermines first world workers and negates any possible gains in labour rights
The Green Party seeks to build an alternative economic system based on ecology and decentralization of power, an alternative that rejects both the capitalist system that maintains private ownership over almost all production as well as the state-socialist system that assumes control over industries without democratic, local decision making. We believe the old models of capitalism (private ownership of production) and state socialism (state ownership of production) are not ecologically sound, socially just, or democratic and that both contain built-in structures that advance injustices.
Instead we will build an economy based on large-scale green public works, municipalization, and workplace and community democracy. Some call this decentralized system 'ecological socialism,' 'communalism,' or the 'cooperative commonwealth,' but whatever the terminology, we believe it will help end labor exploitation, environmental exploitation, and racial, gender, and wealth inequality and bring about economic and social justice due to the positive effects of democratic decision making.
Production is best for people and planet when democratically owned and operated by those who do the work and those most affected by production decisions. This model of worker and community empowerment will ensure that decisions that greatly affect our lives are made in the interests of our communities, not at the whim of centralized power structures of state administrators or of capitalist CEOs and distant boards of directors. Small, democratically run enterprises, when embedded in and accountable to our communities, will make more ecologically sound decisions in materials sourcing, waste disposal, recycling, reuse, and more. Democratic, diverse ownership of production would decentralize power in the workplace, which would in turn decentralize economic power more broadly.
I agree with you there, but regardless of even if she calls herself a thirdworldist, she clearly has policies that benefit american workers.
translation: they want socialism.
Fuck tankie bootlickers that think anything that is not operated by workers at the local level is socialism.
you remind me of a lot of growers, they think there is some magical line that seperates things
there isnt, its just that "natural" things are often chemically quite complex, they arent always easy to replicate, case in point THC and the other cannnabinoids, but they are still chemical compounds
pretty sure i explained that right im no scientist but I do know my way around more..practical horticulture
what are you babbling about sinner good job on avoiding the entire point I made you self-centered 1st world burger-nigger. Why dont you give your bullshit pro-worker speech to the people of detroit, yuppie
fuck off to the organic cucumber aisle of your local whole foods nigga, you probably couldnt work a fucking week in a real job nevermind be a farmboy in the US, nevermind somewhere else.
"eco-socialism" haw haw
Why is no one else voting for Emidio Soltysik? He is pretty IdPol but at least he is a real socialist candidate calling for revolution.
It's pretty clever of them, they even dismiss state socialism in order to ward off any accusations of being filthy pinkos.
It's thing whenever you like it or not, see
none of this matters if it is paired with disastrous energy and industrial policy, youll still be living in squalor in 20 years, grandma doesnt even understand nuclear power, its a complete red herring whether intentionally or unintentionally
I guess you could say the green party would be good if it werent for the "green" part of it.
you retards voting for her are still retarded, literally worse than writing in a candidate, you should all be forced to larp pre-industrail feudalism for like months at least
I know its a thing unfortunately, a very silly confused western liberal thing
epic. Now explain your view or go back to Holla Forums.
kek, leftcom tier
literally what are you on about?
I'm talking about that fagkaiser getting pissy about Greens
I can get voting for her because paternalist liberals think it should be illegal to not vote and she seems like the least shitty option right now, but why all the proselytism? What do you honestly think happens if greens get 5% of the vote? Or if by some miracle she won, what would be the real, tangible impact?
If she gets 5% of the vote it could lead to voting reform movements like abolishing the electoral college or implementing the alternate vote, as to give third parties a chance. Doing so would pave the way towards direct democracy, and so it is in the interest of anarchists.
If Jill actually won, her pro-union policies would greatly benefit anarcho-syndicalists.
And… wait…. your suggestion is Hillary?
What the fuck?
Am I on Holla Forums being berated for not voting for a BLACK BARONESS?!?!
hillary is black now?
wtf liberals
Why do people act like the president is a dictator from which all policy and legislation flows? Even if you're entertaining the absurd notion that she'll get elected its not like Stein and the Greens will be the sole voice in government. This fear mongering over nuclear energy or whatever is completely ridiculous.
So if someone has resigned themselves to voting who would be the best canidate in your eyes?
what position? my position is that voting for stein is not only pointless but counterproductive. The path to socialism is raising actual standard of living and reducing war, people that arent fearful for their lives or constantly hungry/on the run from a fucking disaster are a lot more receptive to it, for obvious reasons. Even if they arent, comfort is what ultimately provides you with the priviledge of actually being able to think about politics and not just about surviving, until we reach some kind of global standard people will always be goaded by the one that provides them with more stability, regardless of the flag he wears
Greenie nonsense, especially particularly incompetent greenie nonsense like we are seeing in germany right now is a sure fire way of undermining any kind of progress, you are pretty much guaranteeing standstill if not regression which will keep present strutctures in power
Stein is a part of this same shite(again, germany and the 68ers are key to understanding where all this shit comes from, they werent wrong about everything)
I like that shes at least attacking hilary and is anti-war but none of that fucking matters because a) as brainwashed a a lot of burgers can be they are never going to vote in a greenie and b) her policies would be a catastrophe in the making, a timebomb with a fuse of a few decades, as many people have pointed out
Voting for Stein is the equivalent of thumbing your own asshole, or writing a letter to an editor or something, there is only one choice here for anyone that has been paying attention, and you all know what it is deep down. You dont have to tell anyone you did it, just do it.
Bill was the first black president, that makes Hillary a black baroness by association.
I completely agree that raising living conditions is vital right now, but I think Jill would do that with her pro-union and pro-free-education policies. I think that her greenie bs is indeed harmful to society, but I also think its completely reversible and it might even have slight benefits right now in terms of slowing global warming.
I want to protect that smile.
Black baron = robber baron. Read a fucking book.
Stein could at least start the discussion.
Radioactives are ridiculously dangerous, nukes aren't even close in destructive power.
Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki? They're thriving cities now. If USA decided to cover them with radioactives they could have sterilized those cities and made them unusable for thousands of years.
If you want an analogy, nukes are bullets, and radioactives are sarin gas. Google how many people a bullet's weight in sarin gas can kill.
Voting for a crony capitalist car salesman is counterproductive. Voting for a socialist with a doctorate is productive. Fuck off CTR.
And how does voting for Hilldog, who wants to rob Americans and declare war on Russia, going to improve living standards "reduce war"?
Aside from the environmental impact that uranium extraction and disposal of waste bring with it, nuclear energy is more efficient and less wasteful than standard fossil fuels. It's a good transitional power source until we can properly work off of green energy.
This is so vague and nebulous that it could be the path to almost any liberal platitude.
Fuckin trump is the only way to vote, its never been such an obvious choice in US history as much as it irks me on some level and probably most here as well
Michael Moore is right, the only thing left to say to all of this is fuck you, we are going with orange pepe man, hes kinda despicable but hes better than all of these fucking crooks
I would counter that you are kinda right but that the president still has quite a bit of power in the US, just look at all the executive orders Obama signed, even more than bush who already broke records.
Do I think Stein would go all eco-dictator and force us to collectively wipe our asses with berry leaves as we peddle to work in flintstones cars? No, but her energy policies are very worrysome, and like i said we are already seeing DE sign its fate with their policies which also stem from being browbeat by low-information feel good greenies
until I see a coherent debate of hers with an actual scientist that isnt from some lobby Im going to stay well away from the greens and continue to call them out, im glad that my stateside brothers are a lot more wary of this kind of thing, you should see how greenpeace gets sucked off here by yuppies of all flavors
oh boy im not even gonna go there, im definitely not qualified. I can see how she appeals as one of the more reasonable people right now and there is definitely some good stuff in their literature last i looked, but yeah I just cant im already watching this play out here a few years down the line and its not looking good. I dont think Pocahontos would sell out like the greens have here, but I think they suffer from the same underlying problems
Just voted for Hillary lads. Glad to get it over with.
So why does Donald get a pass? I think he needs to have a serious debate with a climatologist.
kill yourself.
If Trump's saber rattling against China is any indication, we'll be going to war anyway.
True, but a nation that has access to nuclear power can produce a cobalt nuke that can irradiate the entire planet, and kill everything on it.
This is a slight downside.
Maybe if we put a massive nuclear reactor on the moon, and have it be controlled by an international body.
It could safely beam power down without the threat of extinction.
Look, I don't like it either, but… you know trumps going to win right? I'd prepare yourself, things are going to get ugly here.
It isnt a platitude you sheltered cul-de-sac brocialist (yes im using that unironically)
standard of living is pretty easy to quantify and is really just a summation of the hierarchy of needs, it comes down to a few factors with one main factor giving you probbaly the most accurate meter of it.
water, food, shelter, peace, education, ENERGY, and lastly "love"(which is probably best described as how alienated/connected are you to your community/culture, etc p.p)
I hope im not leaving out something glaringly obvious, cant look it up right now
Energy density/output is and will be the defining factor, it correlates and causates with human development, this is why you need to be very wary of anyone talking about curbing it, especially new technologiess that promise magnitudes more
Hell ill agree with you there, but thats not the main ussue here, the main issue is keeping a saudi-funded neocon bankster globalist witch out of the white house, as Seedman tier as that sounds. Hes the first admittedly obnoxious "outsider" weve had in generations, and the americans are smart to embrace him even despite his obvious problems. Anyone claiming he is going to start rounding people up is ludicrous, hes backpedalled on most of that tuff, it was appealing to the base nature of his base
Any talk of stein is really theoretical, i think its more warranted to follow it through like that, with trump its literally "because hes way less worse and might actually do one or two good things although we cant really know"
Just voted for Jilly. Cutest granny ever.
Honestly, I'll be suprised if she gets 5%. That memester Gray Johnson might, just so we can have another flavor of alt-right getting funding.
If Trump wins and there's a large Stein vote, maybe that will hint to the DNC that selecting a crony capitalist isn't working.
Maybe 4 years from now they'll back a proper socialist, and we can get this over with.
Besides she looks like a less voluptuous version of my mom.
God, if she could at least get 5 percent, that would be the one roll of toilet paper in this shit show of an election.
There's about 1000 nuclear power plants on the planet you fucking goon. Get a grip.
pot, meet kettle.
When did this place turn into a liberal shithole?
you're right she does
I just voted Trump but Jill would have been my second choice. Her and Trump are the only genuine people in the race.
Left out a few parts:
If we build a nuclear power station in a shithole state, and allow that state to gain a reactionary leadership, and allow that leadership to build a cobalt bomb, they will use it to blackmail us back into feudalism, or kill us all.
Read a fucking book.
yah huh, sure buddy. Dont fall off yer unicycle. I guess you could consider it contrarian, but its the good kind of contrarian, the loud "fuck you im not going to take it anymore" kind. Voting for trump is telling the establishment to suck a dick, EVEN if he turns around and does nothing or is completely co-opted, the message still stands. People will fucking turn on him if he does, theyve invested too much into this, its the cry for help before a "falling down" moment, figuratively speaking
We are surronded by apocalyptic nuclear weapons that are almost uncomprehendable and retarded amateur tom clancies like you are babbling about cobalt bombs, stfu nigga lmao you sound like the weekly standard or a Kagan
Barely half of the country votes on a good year. These are least popular candidates in the last century. You people are delusional.
I just got back from voting and the lines are crazy.
It might be but only about 50-60% of eligible voters turn out during a presidential election. That's hardly half the country.
I don't think you know what a hipster is and I can't wait till you just decide to go full Gavin McInnes.
And voting third party doesn't piss people off and send a message? Christ, do you remember how everyone demonized Nader?
Sure thing, bucko.
Look, I honestly don't care if he gets in, but you have a fixation if you think it really matters.
Hillary is fairly unpopular.
Trump has brought millions of brand new voters into the GOP though.
He's also alienated the traditional GOP base.
This election is not a normal election. I bet we get at least 70% turnout.
lol nigger what are you reading the new yorker?
people care about this one, trumpettes are high..E..highly motivated and the brainwashed hilltards think they have to do everything they can do stop Adolph Trump the serial woman molestor and crazy man on da button
im guessing record turnout, its all up in the air right now, anybody that claims they know what will happen even sans possible manipulation is talking out of his ass, my guess is it will definitely go into major overtime for some nebulous reason or another
And scared millions of others away. That's why Johnson is having some success in the polls. All are republicans who don't want to vote for Trump. He is the most hated candidate in history, more than Hillary Clinton.
keep telling yourself that, "Trump has hollowed out the GOP and wears them like a skin".
The base likes him a lot from what i can tell, even the evangelical crowd, especially after the recent leaks
real people dont answer polls
We'll see. I'm just basing it off of historic trends.
Trumps favorability rating is sitting around 60/40. The past three Republican canidates have all been around 80/20 at this point in the election. He's not as popular as you guys think.
Might have something to do with the mainstream media making up bullshit about him and exaggerating everything while flat-out ignoring or downplaying everything Hillary does. We get leaked emails revealing all kinds of shady shit and they just talk about some recipes. We get a video of her collapsing and being dragged into a van and the media says she tripped on the curb. It's ridiculous. Anyone who could support a candidate backed by such obvious corruption is fucking blind or shortsighted.
Hes alienated neocons, who tried to form their own party (red debel?).
Traditional GOP base hasn't been in charge of the GOP for thirty years but theyre waking up.
Johnson is stealing hispanic votes with his pandering. Look up his voter demographics.
Uses media polls. Media only polls people who are "most likely to vote", which means people who voted in the last few elections.
If Trump is pulling in new people, the media wouldn't even poll them.
This. Trump is getting huge support from alienated voters who had given up on the bullshit system and the corrupt establishment.
oh god the neocon party i remember that that was hilarious, pure panic mode
Fucking hell.
Shadman strikes again.
I kinda want to wank to it just to see just how disappointed in myself I will be after it.
He's got a whole series of loli Hillary, you fucking degenerate.
The only people who think that way are baby boomers who don't have access to the internet, and alt-righters who spend too much time on the internet. A large swath of the population hate these options.
Voted for her this year and in 2012. Doesn't do much but it makes me feel a little better. Besides, I was going to vote anyways because our water bills have gotten so high the Republican Town council is ready to buy the company just to try and fix it.
C'mon now. Trust in the mainstream media is at an all-time low thanks to the bullshit they've pulled this election season. Even if you're not a big fan of Trump, surely you can see that the political establishment is fucking terrified of him and that's a good thing.
Plus, he's way more likely to support voting reform to finally give third parties a chance in American than any partisan candidate like Hillary or a standard republican.
Where the fuck did I say that?
I don't care about porkys fighting other porkys for their porky reasons, no.
He's going to tow the party line and be Paul Ryan's butt boy.
What porkies are backing Trump? And if you're not gonna support an anti-establishment candidate, then what's your plan? Bitch forever? Wait for the country to collapse?
Why? Just because they find him untenable or too vulgar doesn't mean they won't work with him once he's in office or that he won't be a lame duck who takes his marching orders from the establishment.
No. He's really not. What motivation does he have?
You really have to believe in the opportunist rhetoric to be living the dupe life as hard as Trump supporters are.
Nigga, he IS porky.
This has to be Holla Forums
That's the thing, they don't "work with" people in office. They bribe them and blackmail them. Trump's a multi-billionaire, they can't buy him. And all his dirty laundry came out during these past few months. You could argue that Congress won't be cooperative and that is a problem, but that's still an improvement over yet another establishment candidate from the Bush/Clinton oligarchy.
Not much, and I don't think it's something he's ever talked about. But it's something most of his base would support, and it's something that a party republican or democrat would never fucking ever support because it would weaken their stranglehold on American politics.
I know it's unlikely he'll fulfill every single goal he has while in office. But even if he just manages 1/4, especially things like term limits for Congress (which Ron Paul has been all about for forever) then that'll make a huge difference. Plus, there's a huge number of cabinet positions open and a Supreme Court justice slot to fill, which means Trump/Hillary will have a lot more influence that just being the president.
This is all conjecture. You don't know how willing Trump will be to work with them. He could very well be selling the country a bill of goods and wind up doing a complete 180. This man has a past of lying, cheating, and stealing to get what he wants. I honestly can't believe you guys buy into the garbage he's peddling.
He's got 20 more hampers full of the stuff in his basement. His opposition doesn't want to reveal all their cards prematurely.
Perhaps Trump is backed by another, competing group of elites. It's very possible, but that is also just conjecture. What we do know is that the people that currently control America hate him, and that speaks volumes.
Good for you for rejecting the two party system; however the Green Party, despite progressive pretenses, is a bourgeois pro-capitalist party. The experience of Greens in government in Europe, imposing austerity and supporting war, demonstrates the true character of their politics.
Read this analysis.
The Green Party platform: Reformist politics in the service of imperialism
Lul I got banned for this, dont like me pissing in grannies bonnet do you faggot
what a fucking joke, everybody bans anything that makes their fucking pussy hurt, you are no better than /pol
this this this, im glad you arent all a bunch of fucking self-centered yuppies virtue signalling about your fucking carbon footprint
This was written before they amended their platform to be explicitly anti-capitalist
that doesnt mean anything anarchoid, there are inherent flaws within the greenie platform that will always be in service to imperialism and even worse, they are about as anti-revolutionary as you can get which is a very bad thing even if you dont really believe in the traditional revolution
let me google this for you
Millions of Dollars Pouring in for Trump at Last Minute
The last seven days of the election has brought a flood of money.
Exclusive investigation: Donald Trump faces foreign donor fundraising scandal
The billionaire donors standing behind Donald Trump after the tape
by comparison with Clinton, he's a small fish
largely due to his incompetence
even the remote chance of him winning is getting the markets shaked up
being an economic illiterate moron doesn't make you an enemy of the capitalists or the system itself
if anything they'll gang up on him, have a talk and with some money flowing he'll start to town it down or pay his way out of their opposition against him with tax money
this sounds retarded, but please explain what a "traditional revolution" is
Greens in Europe are not the Greens in America. And anyway, the fact that the US is a two party system makes a third party a far less of a good haven for opportunists than in Europe.
In terms of corruption, yep. So why pretend they're equally bad? The political establishment of the US hates hates hates 'im.
I can't believe I'm agreeing with moustache flag over here but - pretty much This. Trump is regular porky, only that he scares other porkies because he's just so stupid that he is no longer good enough for serving their interests. But because he's so incompetent it's also very likely he'll be just as status-quo as Hillary, simply because he'll have very little idea what to actually do and have, instead, to rely on the rest of the ruling class (the people Clinton is already preparing to serve) to guide him.
Seems suspicious…
We have a thread for Trump shills.
It's the American politics thread.
Me too, OP.
AynCrap-chan pls
You mean like Iran or Pakistan or Hungary or Brazil?
This, for what it's worth
Maybe because your post
has needless spaces
that make you look
like a fucking retard
and take up
more space
than necessary
also it's obvious
that you're a shill
and assblasted
Porkies backing Doland Cumclump
Porkies backing Shrillery Killington
highlights include:
Shady Businessman is a cock-devouring autismic turbonigger who would rather fuck his pigs than try to fix his brokenass datamining site
So were some of the best communists… or if not porky, at least aristo.
Dude are you retarded?
Trump probably not going to win. Even if he does, while we might adjust our strategy somewhat, not much irl is going to change.
they are in the same race numbnuts, you want to talk about throwing your vote away on the eco-grannie because youre a limpdicked yuppie and I want to point out that you are being willfully retarded and endangering us all
One of those lists is WAY fucking worse you fucking armchair commie, you cant just duck out of this like you are above it all faggot, dale would spit in your face you snarky nigger.
Those examples are shit and meaningless, and your bile about such irrelevant things betrays what a vapid self-centered western cunt you are, especially when you have golden sacks, the saudis, and most of the military industrial complex backing hilary. Alone the fact that you are linking to fucking wikipedia, you should be linking to wikileaks for her fucking donors and backers.
go back to watching tv faggot, as for my spaces fuck you
small device its happens unintentionally, stop being a fucking sperg
I won't say which because I'm too busy sucking other men's cocks, nor will cite any examples, and God forbid I acknowledge the porobability that my pet retard is a Pied Piper candidate and I and the other trumpenproles are being played like fiddles. Again.
That's right, I'm politically uninvolved and Stalinist, just like everybody here with the flags that say they are other things.
That's my line, way to try unsuccessfully to project.
Ah, now here the problem is a failure to communicate rather than you suffering from severe mental retardation. I didn't mean to say that those were the worst examples morally, just the cringiest and lulziest.
My bile is that fucking idiots like you have given me the non-options today of Pig-Happy Porky Faggot with Bad Rug, Nuke-Happy Porky Faggot with Kim Jong Il's Pantsuit, and probably-meaningless gesture. I doubt I could fuck over any of the people you mention by posting links with evidence that they've backed Cunton (which you haven't done, fancy that) on a dying Sri Lankan mural appreciation BBS, but I might at least do some trivial amount of damage to the careers of the actors and media shills who think their opinions matter by humorously drawing attention to their inept and cringeworthy shilling. Way to not get the joke, autismo.
>my next line is that I shouldn't have to show you any evidence and that asking proves what a good goy you are
You do it, faggot. You're so fucking passionate about it, why don't you do something moderately worthwhile with your empty existence?
More imblying imblications
more evidence of any kind of your imblying imblications
Then you're a normalfag with a smartphone who doesn't understand how technology works and are too anally pained to learn to use it properly.
You first friendo.
Because that has not worked even once in American politics?
It worked in the case of Trump, you idiot.
GOP failed so hard with R-Money that they were forced to allow weird candidates like Trump onto the ticket.
Find the nearest blender and stick your face in it.
Lenin was a hereditary nobleman, and Marx was a rich jew.
And Trump is a capitalist who has 0 interest in Marxism. Are you trying to make a point here, or what?
Oh you're a mind reader?
Do you even know what capitalism is?
Do you even know what a mans innermost thoughts and feelings on the state of the proletariat are?
No, that's exactly what he is according to Marx. Either you're from Holla Forums or from reddit because you obviously don't know what a capitalist is.
Trump was running against a group of Republicans who were more or less the same people. As a result, he got the alt-right vote (44% of the total vote), while the entire party scrambled to choose between the 11 other candidates.
YOU are a fucking idiot.
Same here
Trump might be a fucking idiot, but fuck Hillary for making people think that they only have one option. And fuck her campaign for calling you a racist/sexist/etc for voting for anyone other than her.
Worst likely scenario with Chump
Worst likely scenario with Cunton
Worst likely scenario with Stein
This is a meme. I could see Trump invading Iran, but not Hillary and Russia. Furthermore, Trumps tariffs plan will ruin the country in a way Trumpenproles only hope Hillary would.
Trump is literally a capitalist. Like that is what he does - he is a capitalist. He is a rich man, who uses his wealth to invest in the expansion of his capital. Technocrats are morons.
You should read more carefully, I said
>nuclear or otherwise disastrous war with Russia,
And please, do tell us how Chump's tariff plan will fuck us just as hard as the NAFTA 2: Trans-Pacific Boogaloo forcing us to compete with Indonesian sweatshop workers for jobs.
I voted Hillary
eat my ass
I reject a war with Russia happening because Russia has nukes. Trump invading Iran is a possibility and something the GOP have been pushing for.
It'll drive up the price of consumption significantly and could cause another crash. I can't see Hillary bringing on the end of the world - that isn't what purveyors of the status quo do. You're taking all the unfounded liberal fantasies that Trump is Hitler and shifting that onto Hillary.
Meant for
Doesn't matter. Were screwed either way. Don't worry about it
Listen, buddy, we don't need Nuclear. It's the Hillary of energy production- Better than coal [Trump] but shittier than turbines and panels and so on
Right, they only devastate continents and send their youth to murder each other so Porky could have more things.
What's unfounded about it? The TPP was written by for and of the Porkies, it will send jobs overseas by eliminating trade barriers between the USA and third-world shitholes with garbage human rights and workers' rights. Nice armchair shrink attempt though.
wait, i thought it was the exact opposite
Nuclear isn't as susceptible to chance though. You can keep it on overnight and it won't have highly variable output like wind has. It's probably necessary for nuclear or something like it to be the backbone of any independent, "green" energy grid
And again, Lenin is literally a nobleman.
How does being a capitalist prevent Trump from becoming a socialist later on?
Isn't the natural end of the dialectic to turn capitalism into socialism? How is that supposed to happen without capitalists becoming socialists?
This is our final push. Do not give up!
I don't think many of you guys quite actually realize just how fucking taboo that spirit cooking shit is to the Latino and Hispanic community. They hate anything that has to do with satanism.
I mentioned it to one of my mexican neighbors, and the look on his face was that of pure dread. I didn't even need proof.
Can we make some Spanish info-graphs for our Spanish speaking anons to spread on twitter and wherever else Hispanics hang out online?
Why are you still here? You obviously don't know what the difference is between an active capitalist and a wealthy Marxist. you should probably quit to save face.
The eternal cry of the angsty idpol hipster.
Make me.
The issue isn't whether he can, its whether he is. There no indication that he's anything other than a typical capitalist that will continue being a capitalist. If your standard is "what could be", then that applies to Clinton too. She's just as likely, and by that I mean not at all, to turn socialist in the middle of her term. How is this not getting through to you?
I'm not denying that Hillary would go to war, I'm arguing against her going to war with Russia.
I mean your fears about her starting a war with Russia, which are unfounded.
He's a New Yorker, and possibly one of the most left-wing republicans ever to run for office.
Clinton is from fucking Arkansas.
No one ever said someone can't act outside their class interest, the Bolsheviks were funded by a Swedish banker (he ran a bank for co-ops though), There's no indication Trump is a socialist, you're most likely a Holla Forums troll.
Clinton pushed for medicare for all at one point, there's more indication of her being a socialist than Trump. But if all you have to offer up are claims that their geography somehow indicates there beliefs and not their behaviour, you really are far gone.
Halloween was last week, now is not the time for spookiness.
Of course I fucking know who dale would vote for nigger, dont try to make that literal, im suprised at how snarky and simultaneously autistic you are.
Dale is a caricature of a 90s texan, im from the southwest i literally had neighbors like dale listening to Bill Cooper and worrying about the fucking white helmets invading the country and enforcing UN mandated marshal law. One of the biggest conspiracies of the time was Mena, Arkansas with clinton fingerprints all over it. Dale would be terrified of hilary, he would do anything to avoid her presidency, as should you if you are even a burger.
ahhgaa so much snark but at least you are making an effort
Whatever, man. Im being a pragmatist, thats all. I dont expect trump to save the US, I dont even fucking like him, i find him occasionally amusing at best. Still, you simply can not argue that he is as bought and paid for as Clinton, he has no reason to do this other than ego. The system is so fucked in the us this is the best option right now, thats the bottom line, hes said some good things, and some stupid things, but you can argue that the stupid things were said for a reason.
stop moaning and blaming everything on others, I didnt do shit to you you pussy and it may sound heartless but the pigs being out of control in the us is a secondary problem at best, keeping that fucking madwoman from trying to pull some shit on russia outweighs it by far right now
I never called you a shill either you jumpy bitch stop trying to act like im /pol
You are the one that fucking came in here to do a mock jon stewart piece about how they are both backed by the evul corporations you cockwaffle, dont pull a reverse-O on me nigger like damn
As you were writing this earlier someone just found whispers in the latest podesta mails of 1.5 million for a superpac, her dirty laundry is spilling all over the floor and you are linking to her legit sponsors on her fucking wikipedia, its like an alternate reality; I wasnt fucking challenging you to produce links, I was pointing out how ludicrous the comparison is.
Shes backed by the saudis, this is admitted, 30 mil at least. Huma abedin is a Saudi plant, theres no fucking denying this. The banks are behind her, alone trump even mentioning Glass-Steagall spooked the fuck out of them, the MIC is as well for the most part. The military is not, even high command
Its pretty clear where the fucking line is right now, and you are being blinded by ideology and idpol if you dont see it
The pantsuit line was preddy gud and the BBS was decent but otherwise fuck you, seriously, you are letting personal feelings cloud your judgement or you simply dont know how fucking crazy these neocon state dept assholes really are
No, she pretended to push, and dropped it after a few weeks.
It's called culture.
Next you'll tell me someone from USSR was as likely to be a socialist as someone from the UK.
Zizek being a woke ass nigga, maybe you will listen to your darling /leftypol:
hes literally talking about OP
wew lad.
That shit doesn't matter when you've been groomed to be a capitalist all your life. Same goes for anyone living in russia
You're under the impression people here fear Trump, or that they have the same worries liberals do.
The reason many of us vote Jill is because neither of them are really straying that far from the status quo in reality.
oh boy time to read more of his textual cottage cheese discharge
You said you did and were passionately angry about it in your last post. Don't try to fucking deny it.
How the fuck did you mean it then, you simpering faggot?
>better show some actual evidence too nah fuck that that's for pussies lol
Says you. I think he's a parody of gonsbiracy nuts in general, and unless you're Mike Judge, my opinion on what a cartoon character would do in a given situation is as valid as yours. That's the cool thing about art: it's open to interpretation.
Then you should have said that and not "I know what a cartoon character thinks." You seem to have problems making yourself understood, and make yourself look like a fumbling retard.
Wow you sure convinced me with all the evidence you posted about this thing you care so much about
I disagree, I think you're being an idiot.
Fair enough.
I just did. And posted evidence.
Right, and he's so humble on not known for grandiose, vainglorious gestures that cost people their livelihoods.
Nice boilerplate, too bad it's another empty catchphrase you're parroting.
That you won't enumerate or expand on at all
That you won't defend or mention the specifics of
I can argue the Queen of England lives in my pants and every night she makes anime real just for me, that doesn't make it true. For somebody who hates wiki so hard, you sure love using the 'some argue' weasel-words bullshit that's pretty much their callnig card.
I didn't vote for either of the two interchangeable chucklefucks in the primaries or today, you say you have voted for one of them and seem to thing I should too, despite me saying in my original post that I already cast my vote. How is it not your fault, dumbass?
Keep telling yourself that.
Dead is dead you histrionic bumbleshit. It doesn't matter if it's by billy club or MIRV.
I never called you Holla Forums you schitzoid assbandit stop trying to act like im shill :^)
Here is where you call me a shill^
Which I provide actual evidence of, that you haven't refuted yet
Instead your mongloid ass tries to say that it's still on me to prove your point for you, and acts offended and bootyblasted that I don't.
That you won't link
Mixing with your amply-flowing spaghetti
Once again, you call people who disagree with you shills. Once again, you post no proofs of your assertation, just more of your written-down hissyfit.
No, that's what I am and have been challenging you to do, but I guess you're too challenged already as it is.
Too bad you don't cite specific examples and use emotional arguments because it's aparently that time of the month for you.
Nobody has to deny it, you post no proofs.
[citation needed]
[citation needed]
[citation needed]
More abstracts and meaningless boilerplate from the tech-illiterate fucktard. How surprising.
More lack of self-awareness from the autist. How surprising.
Thanks, I do try.
That's not a new thing, I think maybe you not lurking moar might be what the problem is here.
Nope, just refusing to vote for one of two bought-out apendages of the state and reading you projecting your personal problems onto me.
But Chump's promise to give the pigs even more power is a secondary concern? Which is it?
polite sage for having to break my stool into two chunks.
Legitimately offended.
you are so mad you forgot how to read english nigger, also a two-parter le-mao.
how could you take this as a denial and quote it at the same time? adhd and autism? I feel bad for you son
confirmed for pansexual liberal that has never talked to truckers, bikers, the trailerly and other a-socialites. Where are you from nigger rep yo state bitch theres something fucky about you..
He isnt just some conspiracy nut hes a very specific caricature, theres a judge interview about him and anybody that knows the type instantly recognizes it, Bill cooper, early Jonestown jones, usually reading some rightist shit like spotlight, going on about Iran/contra, Mena, Mcveigh, etc. 90s conspiracy nuts were different from the zeitgeist internet kind, they would generally hang around/gun shops or surplus stores some of the first visible autists I remember kind of like train or airplane enthusiasts just more dangerous to the governmentthey were also right about a lot of shit**. Art is up to interpretation but youre interpretation is wrong because you dont know what the fuck you are talking about in this regard, and yes I am aware that we are arguing about a fictional cartoons opinion on the next POTUS. Im still right.
How do Trumps vain and glorious(?) gestures and his shitty sense of interior decoration undermine my claim that he is doing this for his ego? you are again just contradicting yourself, why you heff to be mad, also this nitpicking, you havent proven that they are equally corrupt in the least, fine ill post some fucking links if it will keep you from regurgitating this bull
another blatant tell on who you are
I dont like the police stateside either, you dont have to be black or an hombre to realize its out of control, but yes it very much is a secondary issue you small-minded peasant, Even if the police go full spectrum jackboot at least you arent starting fucking "humane limited thermonuclear engagement". Read the zizek "article" in the other thread that I quoted here, your fears are thankfully still ludicrous despite the "militarized" police and the pentagon having a year long fucking yard sale
You are exaggerating, chances are you dont even directly suffer from police oppression, its a huge fucking problem but if you think its more important than this you are wrong.
You act like i have to convince you, im just pointing out that your John Oliver bit was disingenious, shit, and only about 15% funny tops. I know im not convincing you.
Article admitting Clintons extensive ties To Golden sachs/Banks salty over trump/Glass-Steagall:
Neocons Backing Hilldawg:
Are you gonna deny the saudis too, do you want me to do a little whiteboard connect the faces "the wire" number for huma abedin?
you either looked for this shit or you are sipping wine listening to amy goodman or NPR, I dont give a fuck about celebs these are the prime forces behind the machine, and the last thing they want is fucking trump because hes a bit of a loose cannon and for the time being they wouldnt know how to control him. Hes not initiated.
Oh no you didant nihihihiga did you just hit me with a two-parter? Someone is huffy, le-mao, you know I must retort in equal measure-
How could you take this as a denial and quote it at the same time? English not yer first language? adhd and autism? I feel bad for you son
confirmed for pansexual liberal that has never talked to truckers, bikers, the trailerly and other a-socialites, probably under 20, unlikely that you know anything about huntan, innawoods, or firearms. Where are you from nigger, rep yo state bitch
He isnt just some conspiracy nut hes a very specific caricature, theres a judge interview about him and anybody that knows the type instantly recognizes it, Bill cooper, early Jonestown jones, usually reading some rightist shit like spotlight, going on about Iran/contra, Mena, Mcveigh, etc. 90s conspiracy nuts were different from the zeitgeist internet kind, they would generally hang around/gun shops or surplus stores, some of the first visible autists I remember kind of like train or airplane enthusiasts just more dangerous to the government. They actually read books to their creditthey were also right about a lot of shit.
Art is up to interpretation but youre interpretation is wrong because you dont know what the fuck you are talking about in this regard, and yes I am aware that we are arguing about a fictional cartoons opinion on the next POTUS. Im still right.
How do Trumps vain and glorious(?) gestures and his shitty sense of interior decoration undermine my claim that he is doing this for his ego? you are again just contradicting yourself, why you heff to be mad, also this nitpicking, you havent proven that they are equally corrupt in the least, fine ill post some fucking links if it will keep you from regurgitating this bull
another blatant tell on who you are
ahggaahh ffuuu AIRR
Stein repeatedly shows that she's willing to follow the best path available on basically everything as established/proven by science or other legitimate means. Please go jump into traffic you gigantic faggot.
this user has it right - it's the only viable choice for anyone remotely considering themselves left in the U.S. Basically if you're not voting Stein you're either a misguided liberal or an absolute fucking moron (and sometimes both). I think a lot of people must be fucking straight-up hypnotized sometimes, I just don't understand both those true believers in either of the majority parties and also the special snowflake socialists who, when presented with the closest thing they've seen to socialism in the U.S. in any recent history somehow turn their noses up at it because of whatever fucking excuse for a good reason they come up with.
Motherfuckers need to get off that instant-gratification addiction and consider the future. Perhaps the discontent in the U.S. is enough today that if Greens do get the percentage they need to be allowed relevancy (assuming that's actually permitted by the establishment), we might see some real shit in the next cycle, or the ones after. Are you not aware that they've adopted a specifically anti-capitalist stance in their platform?
And you wonder why the AnCom is a supporter?
Nice projected insecurities - what makes you so concerned about the adoption of clean energy? Can you not bear the thought of a world where there may not be enough electricity available to power all the cheap electronic commodities that sell you ideology and make you a fucking zombie to capital while exploiting the labor of workers in lots of shit-hole countries? Do you really think that anything that drastic would actually even happen? You're a fucking coward who needs to be coddled by the comfort you get from someone in the ruling class pretending to be your friend.
We hate both, tbh.
That I admittedly did fuck up, noticed as soon as I posted. Completely invalidates everything else I said too, right?
your next line will be 'heh, I don't understand the concept of comedic exagerration because I'm retarded, and I didn't call you one of those things in you mentioned in that comedically long list, funny you'd deny being that'
Great argument, I'm sure you have a ton of evidence to back that one up like with all your other arguments
Unless you're Mike Judge or have evidence of that, you can shut the fuck up about it, faggot. Nobody wants to hear your aspergic ramblings about your boringass life that nobody has ever or will ever give a rat's ass about in place of actual arguments.
>or see the irony in semicoherently making fun of you for that after posting that you should shut up because I know my waifu Hoxha Dale better than you do
READ NIGGA READ merriam-webster.com
I'm not trying to undermine shit, you fucking mental defective. I'm agreeing that he does shit because of his ego, just like I was in the post you're misquoting. I'm saying he has done stupid shit because of his bloated ego, and since he's insulated by his money from the consequnces of his actions, he's likely to do it again.
Right, because that wasn't my argument. Since your reading comprehension continues to suck a fat cock I'll type this out again for ya champ: I'm arguing that they are both about equally likely to kill me, you or this site, or to drive us both into the poorhouse, because both are part of the alienated Porky elites. It's not about which sack of shit smells worse if the fumes from either of them will kill you dead within seconds.
You sure do suck ass at formatting on your faggy little smartphone.
You keep saying that, and then you launch into a paragraph of defending them.
Oh look, another mouldering catchphrase for "the group agrees with me on X issue and you should too even if I provide no evidence that I'm right or even that people agree with me" that sounds lifted from some shit-tier local news muppet with establishment dick hanging out of their mouth. You sure convinced me.
Now we see the violence inherant in the system! Violence inherant in the system! Violence inherant in the system! I'm being repressed! Did you see him repressing me? :^)
I'm assuming you mean death by jackboot is preferable to death by nuke, and not that I personally am going to start World War III. Once again, I will repeat that I disagree since death is an absolute state. I'd also add that Porky stands to lose a lot more in terms of assets and political capital from nuking either of our hometowns than from having either or both of us quietly disappeared.
quoted where?
Prove it faggot.
I'm not acting like it, m8, you're trying to convince either me or the people who are still totally watching us jack each other off on this thread that I'm wrong.
Right, because I'm everybody you hate.
Well that's a good start at least. Do you know you're probably not going to convince anybody else here either? Have you stopped to think about why that might be other than 'because the other person is [insert thing I dislike] and therefore won't see reason no matter what'?
I'm surprised it loaded, most NY Times shit is behind a paywall. Was that so hard to do? So hard you couldn't have done it a few posts ago?
Okay. Neocons Backing Doland:
There were a few more before the pussy-grabbing tape inanity, but they bailed out after that.
Didn't deny anthing you insufferable faggot, all I did was tell you to present evidence of your claims, which until now you've failed to do.
Seriously though if you'd like to actually present evidence for the case you're arguing instead of aspergically flailing about how right you are and how I can't handle THE TRUTH, that's great. Go for it. But again, my argument was that they were both alienated Porkies and a danger to people who are not alienated Porkies.
lol, more imblying imblications, more evidence. Keep it up, champ.
My point exactly. They are alienated Porkies hiring other alienated Porkies to shill for them like we care.
[citation needed]
lol, trying to play off 'loudmouthed fuckup' as 'maverick who gets the job done no matter how many rules he has to break'
Pretty sure he's tied in with the Epstein thing. I distinctly remember somebody taking the 5th when questioned about Epstein, Chump, a 14-y/o and a chopper. If not, he's in enough debt that they could control him with that. Or since you seem to be le eppid gonsbiracy expert, how about the Bohemian Grove? Or the Secret Service or a dozen other things.
What you mean like Anti-vax Trump and Videogames-are-as-evil-as-pornography Clinton?
Feels bad man.