==Hitlers True Intentions==

Greetings Holla Forums.

It is evident that the majority of individuals who frequent Holla Forums follow the national socialist ideology. Hitler pushed this this ideology for a very sinister reason, and it was not to preserve and cherish the white race, and here is why:

Hitler was in fact Jewish and many claim that he was a self-hating Jew who was attempting to overthrow the zionist agenda to prevent them from controlling the world and destroying the white culture and race, but the truth is that national socialism is one of the most powerful weapons ever conceived with the purpose of eradicating the white race. National socialism was greatly successful as it is a "great" ideology and appealed to the desires and needs of those it was meant to sway and control. It was capable of gaining the support of millions, it called for an aryan country free of degeneracy and taint from other races considered "below" the white race, and it urged for the protection of the family and good values that make a good civilization. It was a setup from the very beginning to make way for the holocaust hoax and to kill whites by drafting them into the military to fight against other "evil" countries with the idea that they were fighting for the white race instilled within their minds. The weapon failed, with the white race only being weakened and the weapon being turned into an ideology that was adopted by the remaining whites as it was meant to appeal to them from the start.

Yet another evident truth is the fact that the jews are undeniably more intelligent and more successful than the white race, they are very much two sides of the same coin. Both desire to eradicate one another, both desire to usurp control from one another and maintain control over the planet, both see other races as below themselves, etc.


sage. This post is retarded. Don't waste your time reading it too.

Greetings kike, enjoy the complimentary zyklon.

That explains why so many christians think he was a christian.
They love worshiping jews.


Here's your (you)

Not an argument. I expected more from Holla Forums. Instead of stating possible flaws or factual errors, you guys just resort to:

lol get a load of le absolutely cancerous kike behind this post


The Jews are the true Master Race with whites behind them. Admit it snow niggers, your intelligence and power has been usurped from you, and instead of looking at the past, look at the present, you idiots are not #1 anymore.

Two sides of the same coin.

for you


Nice try. Your not getting this technology.

Jews usurped power after WWII and look where their supposed mastery has led: nigh total hell on earth, and only getting worse. The Aryan spirit seeks to something much greater than mere material - which, mind you, jews take at the cost of fucking over those around them. Bump so that other anons don't read your shitty psyop and think anything of it.

At least you tried.


Literally the only reason this became a thing was because one guy said it in the Nuremberg trials with no evidence whatsoever backing it up.
Nobody really knows who Hitler's grandfather was. There are two likely candidates with some evidence supporting the claim and then there's the Jew hypothesis with no evidence.


Three strikes and you're out. ;^)




Reported for intl.

