Left Memes vs. Right Memes

Holla Forums btfo
how ever will we recover from this epic stumping

shitty leftist meme discussing / esoteric historical right-wing meme sharing thread


Meant to include:
Holla Forums, why don't you finish this cool list of cool ways cool communism is becoming cool again.

In 2017 this is considered an acceptable thread for a user to post to Holla Forums. Let that sink in.

And why oh why would anyone correct lefty/pol/'s meme strategy?

OP is a faggot who wants to """win""" against some random on yidder



Never correct an enemy's mistake.

1) It's the world's greatest weight-loss program!

We've mocked them over it for years, it hasn't made a difference so far. They simply do not have the culture in place to generate effective memes. The worst thing they can do is clumsily ape ours, which always fails. Think of the brutal failure that is Porky, Holla Forums's answer to Le Happy Merchant. (pic related) How bad do you have to completely fail at spamming a simple caricature of your enemy everywhere?

He himself is the joke here.



Porky itself is a jew, ironicly.

Oy vey, dat ain't koshah.

tbh that's almost certainly a joke. Referring to yourself with overly complex and contradictory political ideologies seems to be a universal joke.

This was actually a decent joke



Leftist memes look like what senior citizens share on Facebook.

The 1% are mostly Jews so it's an anti semitic meme whether they acknowledge it or not.

The happy porky looks a lot better in meme terms too.

Around 47% jewish with the other 53% having deep connections with jews. So around 6 million jews and those 6 million jews and the rest they wanna see dead. But muh holohoax and muh hitler is evil goy

…the fuck does that even mean? It's completely contradictory.

Oy vey, pointing that out is something Hitler would do. You're not a Hitler, are you, user?

thanks for the fap fuel partner, but I am trying to work on my no fap at the moment. Have some wholesome memes instead.

Take note the current memes I have provided are semi normalfag friendly which is both gay and important, it is gay because being normal fag friendly means you cant be as elaborately informative and your imagery choices are often more limited so as not to spook them. But redpilling normal fags is redpilling the majority and red pilling the majority is a corner stone to victory.


Oy vey, I almost forgot that the jewish cat of my great great great grand father who was a rabbi got holocausted by the Japanese natzees not once but six million times

The left is not funny because they have too many sacred cows. The only thing they are allowed to make fun of is straight white men.

Holla Forums is allowed to make fun of everyone, including straight white men, but because they are communist cucks.


They are far from men user.

The lefties have a broad autism spectrum.


Oh shit nigger, they have an OC thread.

Came here just to say this.

And yet you didn’t sage. Hmm.

Fourth image reads all out of order. Goddam they are bad at memes.

I now have fucking cancer, thanks OP

This is gaymergate tier shit and you should just kill yourself.

To be honest the one thing to come from Holla Forums that I actually found funny aside from watching them try to discuss anything that isn't convoluted mental gymnastics is the fact that IQ gets filtered to Autism Level, no idea why they set it to do that but I guess that's what makes it funny.

That first ones pretty funny because of its lack of awareness.

kill yourself.

That's not even accurate though. Really it's:

>making fun of all of the retarded shit the left does (TWO SCOOPS?)
>(also Jews and black people [seriously, if you're going to ACTUALLY say shit like "I dindu nuffin", you're going to get memed on])


uh oh im out of arguments ill just spam gore now


There should be more memes based on this comic. Maybe using cats as europeans and rats as jews


Eat shit, shill.
Your tactics are transparent.

Was this fag even trying?