All the boys in this family have AUTISM

Dumb hapa asian lady(her dads a white jew) got with a (((defective old white male))) with lerning disabilities and now her and her normal quapa daughter have to take care of the white passing sperg boys. !!!WMAF BTFO!!!

Other urls found in this thread:



Can us who are afflicted be any use to the cause? After the work is done will there be a place for us in the new world?

"muh misogynist dad wanted females to be subservient" *gets with old dude and makes her normal daughter take care of his sperg boys*

Hopefully, no. I don't want anyone to feel the pain of having no heritage ever again.

My mother and father threw theirs away when they had me. I don't want to be the cause of someone else throwing their heritage away, so unless I grab someone who wasn't going to breed otherwise, I'm just going to let this disease called "racemixing" die alongside me.

I'm talking about being autistic.


Eh, same reasoning applies.

dumb slide thread

what do we know about autism atm?

these people deserve to be sterilized



Is oldest child the non-aut daughter? Do women go on anti-depressants for postpartum depression, stay on meds and crank out more kids. Anti-depressants cause autism.

Pink skin you cunt

Sup y'all it's ya boy David Renz

Now this is why I'm not going to have kids. I have a toxic seed being an actual diagnosed autist myself, with a family history of Schizophrenia to boot.

No, we have to prevent our tainted blood from ever reaching the next generation. Nor do I think we should be allowed near children, best not continue the taint in a memetic way either. Admittedly, we generally act like beasts, even the most functional of us do to some extent. We generally lack an ability with language that is a cornerstone of what makes a human. Even if all this behavior can be reigned in by us, we shouldn't be passing any of the genes on.

I wonder if Judaism is the source of all autism? I wonder if autism is the source of all Jewish power in the world…

It'd explain why every person on Holla Forums has a bit of the 'tism.

we're getting to the point where every natural personality type is going to be diagnosed as a medical disorder. none of these kids have mental illnesses.

Sounds jewish

This, all the way. Nobody deserves to be rootless except for kikes, fuck 'em.

Kikes falling for their own racemixing propaganda again

They're very clearly kikes if you watch the vid. See

I would argue the mass yellow fever is down to kikes trying desperately to yid their way into Asia before things explode in the west.


It's all paternal line jews with 'tism, and their chubby but non-retarded jewsian daughter who wants to repeat the process so she can suckle as much off the teat of the state as possible. Mystery solved, my fellow white people.

Let me guess, they all broswe Holla Forums?


t. eurasiantiger

I know that feel but at least both my parents are white. Nobody should have to be a mongrel with no culture or homeland (besides the land of Amerimutts).

Living in SEA, I can tell you that lots of people of no heritage are happening. Though most of the people I directly know are other kinds of non-whites, which just makes it funny.

The moral of the story, create an abomination and God will make you pay for it.

If you don't believe psychologists when they say homosexuality isn't a disorder, why do you believe them when they say autism is?

Is this not proof that God hates the Jews? Do the Jews here really not see this?

Because when I was a baby there was an actual severe delay in the development of my speech. The only reason I'm verbal now is probably because of the speech therapy I received at an early age. Beyond that fact there are actual physical differences in the brains of most autists compared to NTs. So yes, I do happen to believe them in this case. Not because they're the "experts" but because I have other reasons to believe them beyond their word.

High functioning autists usually can do things normalfags can't. Whether it's memory-drawing, math, reflexes, or some other shit. Different wiring makes them see the world in a different way. That has both disadvantages and advantages.

also sage for /b-tier thread.

Unfortunately I'm not one of them as far as know. I do have an above average intellect but that's about it.

Can't know till you try it. Autists usually have high visual-spatial intelligence.

I've always known myself to be spatially retarded. I definitely have a harder time with things that rely on visual-spatial intelligence. So I guess the typical stat bonuses for autism just don't apply to me. Then again I may be overly critical of myself, who knows?

gengis khan descendant detected

I think jews are well aware that it causes autism but risk it hoping to produce high functioning autism they can use to out maneuver the goys.

You fucking retards realize that most whites now are more or less rootless right? Five or six generations of intermarriage between irish, british, scandanavian, germanic, eastern european, southern european and you get "white." with no real strong family history, so the individual just picks and chooses which side they "identify" with. Even "pure" whites have the same problems you retards have, even worse because the jews have done everything they could to annihilate whatever shreds of white culture remained.
Stop being babies.


Look at all these butthurt asian males, ITT

Look at all these white men throwing their ancestral purpose of having white babies away.

Is that a Jewish Version of Jeremy Clarkson

I've been wondering, is this all been a biological joke God wrote into the Bible?
We've gotten the translation wrong, not on accident…

how the fuck does this happen?

Unless you've got a supply of white eggs from the same woman. I've always wondered how that is morally speaking

IQ: 160 sd15
I can math pretty good.


Yeah, I have to be careful because I keep falling for autistic women who can't love back.

The worst is if she is hot.

It's going to be interesting to see some actual stuidies on genetic issues of jew asian mixes. Some reported events raise this concern.

Technically, race mixing should reduce the chance of genetic disorder correlated to specific ethnicity (eg. jew with colorblind issue, asians with eye issues and possible also diabete issues). But does it increase the chance of other genetic issues?

Asians and whites does not seem that problematic, though. But a study on jew and asian mixing will not be feasible unless jews need this to be figured out, even with that, we are not likely to see the actual results published.

Should have say this, but I am not saying race mixing is good. Reduction on genetic diseases is just one pro though.

Reasons could be they study math for longer time, or they are better at memory. This is unsure. Linear algebra relays on logic and memory. If autists can remember well, thye can actually do well on that. Would like to see more studies on autism and logical capbilities.

Attraction to asian women = low testosterone

Asians have more geniuses than Whites. Smart Whites recognize this and marry Asian women to produce smart children instead of marrying blonde bimbos who are only good at backstabbing their men for better men.

I was reading about MK ultra and mind control in general, and something interesting was that autism is said to give immunity to brainwashing. Considering the kikes use mini-MK ultra through the media it could explain why so many Holla Forumsacks have some 'tism. It could also explain why only (((anti-social))) people have it.

I'm not autistic. But you autists out there make sure not to be too hard on yourselves.

What Asians are actually good at is cheating. Those slant eyes cheat so goddamned much you honestly can't trust any official numbers they put out.

Can you be a little less obvious schlomo?

white woman reject detected

I think that we can be of use, but for both our sakes and normal people's we should be kept apart. There is definitely usefulness in some stereotypical autistic traits (unerring focus on subjects of interest, hyperspecialization, love of routine, etc) but what keeps us from shining at full force is that we are outsiders in a society not made for us, as it should be since we are a minority. I think most of us find this world utterly alien - it's loud, confusing and overly bright, people don't act like we think people should, etc.

There should be a kind of commune or town where only autists are allowed to live. We govern ourselves however we see fit and generate our own revenue. We, of course, get rid of our degenerate brethren (seems to be a 50/50 shot whether an autist will obsess over something useful like tech or fucked up shit like bronies). Call it neurological apartheid if you will. That way we aren't forced to cope with the world and the world isn't forced to cope with us.

I'm all for preserving the bloodline and keeping it as pure as is reasonable, especially when it's mine, but you autists should probably have kids anyway. It isn't about giving your children a good life or ensuring the purity of future generations, it's about HAVING a future generation.

I'm not saying go fuck an asian, but I am saying generate children.

From all the information that is available, autism doesn't appear to be a genetic trait. This means using your autistic focus for good and ensuring your children aren't exposed to the typical chemicals that are highly correlated with kids developing that shit.

If it was genetic, hold out for that crispr treatment on your sperm I guess. The point is, have kids. Have a lot of kids. Most importantly , teach them how not to fall for jew lies.

considering autism seems to be directly tied to poisonous heavy metals like mercury and aluminum among other toxic ingredients in the vaccine industry, it is not a far stone to throw to suggest that BigPharMafia (kike-funded) is doing so intentionally.

autism is caused by all the poison garbage of the modern world that is considered normal.

>drinks estrogenic (((microwaved))) (radiation poisoned) milk from xenoestrogenic plastic bottle
>baby starts to eat (((microwaved))) solid food (which is not proper food anyway)
>parents have (((phones))) near them, emitting radiation through their brains 24/7

The entire world envies us for our white women.
Why settle for anything less?

And, yes, they still envy us for them, today, at this very moment they are livid with anger that they aren't white.
Despite our many uggos and potato whores.

You can go be a supreme gentleman at a synagogue.


WELLLLL, if an user is an a position where settling produces children with an asian, I'm sympathetic even if I agree you should get white tail if you can. The problem is, white tail is increasingly becoming difficult to get and breed with. Most people aren't going to put the effort required in exhibiting the master-class game to get a white woman, breed with her, and maintain control over her so that she properly raises your children.

I'd rather white people have children with asians (preferably halfus) if the alternative is to not breed at all; your sons will definitely suffer for it so know what you're getting into, but the daughters will be fine.

fuck off kike. if you aren't having White children, you should not have children

Who wants White women? White women in Korea can't find any men.

If you can't reply to a white poster you shouldn't be posting.

Google “the most attractive race” and you’ll be shocked at how much discussion this topic continues to generate even in these politically correct times. Is it possible for a racial totem pole to exist in this day and age? Hell, yeah, it is.

Even if you don’t have a particular theory about which race is the most attractive race, it is very likely that the next woman you want to bang does believe in the racial totem pole. And chances are high that the racial totem pole will play havoc with your dating efforts if you are an ethnic man.

Before we get into the impact of the racial totem pole on your love life, I would like to clarify that gender has a big impact on the structure of the racial totem pole. For example, Asian women are typically considered more attractive than most women of other races whereas the same statement cannot be made when discussing Asian men. In a similar vein, while black men can occupy high positions in certain versions of the racial totem pole, black women are consistently featured at the bottom of all versions of the racial totem pole.

In this post, the terms “racial totem pole” and “most attractive race” are used when discussing the physical appearance, and consequently attractiveness, of men, not women. Having clarified this point, let’s get back to the racial totem pole and the havoc it can play with a man’s sexual market value.

A man’s appearance affects his chances with women based on which part of the world he is in. Dating behaviors of women in North America validate the racial totem pole of attractiveness found on Roosh V’s blog. Unfortunately for most black, Indian, Asian, and non-white Hispanic men, this racial totem pole is also relevant across the world if appropriate cultural modifications are made. Almost throughout the world, the Caucasian race is generally considered to be the most attractive race while the African race is generally considered to be the least attractive race.

asian master race


brandda up goyim

Fuck off


Wow thanks my fellow user I hate white women now :^)

Come on, be reasonable. I'd rather anons east aryan it up than go extinct. It is extremely achievable for an autistic white man to score a bangable jap, chink, or worst korean. It's even possible that they can keep them to raise their children.

Nice dubs, but that's precisely the kind of jewish trick that got us into this mess in the first place.

Solid info; good job user. It's important to note, especially if you decide to go after an asian, that your male offspring will not have as easy a time as your female offspring. You need to be aware that you are starting your male children off with a significant mating/societal handicap if you go through this route, which is to say nothing of the feeling of not being connected to anything they'll feel.

It's interesting though: While europeans who mix from across the continent with other europeans don't seem to suffer from this in burgerland, they sure as hell feel it in euro-land. Know what you are getting your children into: daughters make out fine while sons suffer immensely. You can make up for this, but you're going to have to work your ass off to raise your sons so that they don't anhero from the depression.

(((ok cupid)))


looks like a mixed asian/white hybrid

as people realized that asians are much smarter, their racial preference is changing


Yeah, Russian/Siberian cross. That's pretty common in Russia and their whites actually outbreed everyone else there these days (especially in Siberia, interestingly). Unless you hate ivans and think this is a terrible thing (not unreasonable), then I don't really see the problem with asians.

Your post is well structured, but come on, you know what I was getting at. It's about degrees.

Yes, absolutely aim for white tail. The problem is, that's not achievable (in a bangable format at least) for these autists. These guys aren't getting tail from white women. What do you want them to do? Go celibate? We're talking east aryans here; it's about degree.


Do the first decent thing you've ever done and end your own life. Don't make us come get you.

i am not scared of a dildo, i've shoved so many of them in your mother's ass.

You have no idea who you're fucking dealing with, do you?

I am the Korean shitposter, Koreans are 3lit3 FPS skills, you don't scare me, bro.

why are you trying to justify the existence of racial mutts?

First, you're not Korean, you're a kike. Second, what part of "whites only" is so hard to understand? Even if you were Korean, which you're not, you're a kike, (((you))) aren't the one special shitskin we all like in our countries. Holla Forums is for whites.

Damn it Goldberg, when did you get out the psychiatric hospital?

build a wall then, bro.


You know damn well that he's aware of being not white, he's back to derail with gookposting and trying to frame ano na to do illegal shot again

Listen you retard, you are literally asking everyone here to fuck literally 3 of well over hundreds of different races in Asia because you know absolutely nothing about Asia at all. You're so fucking ignorant that you deserve to get a family of retards that look like their face got flattened by a shovel. Those smart Asians? They study really fucking hard and memorize textbooks, that means absolutely shit and amounts to nothing when they sit on their asses and do fuck all but run restaurants in Chinatown. As far as they're concerned being here is just a matter of vacation from the mainland or a fullblown takeover.

I mean shit do you even know about things like the White Muslim sect in China? Fucking hit the books before you advocate this stupid shit.

*mean't for

haha, pic related.

I love shitting on Chinese people and I speak nip so iunno mang: I feel like I'm pretty knowledgeable about what I'm talking about. Do I know what philipnos, thai, or vietnamese are like? No; which is why I don't advocate for autists to settle for them.

Never mind that though, the point is that autists don't have options. telling them to not breed will be ignored at best, isn't productive, and will cause them to ignore the real truth of what you're saying that is important at worst. More importantly, I see plenty of people have gook wives and live happily with children despite having pathetic game. Moreover, I see properly raised half-asian children do alright for themselves. Some of them are probably in this thread right now.

As I repeatedly acknowledge, it not only isn't preferable, but has a real chance of harming your offspring in ways that are downright tragic for boys. People should still breed if that's their only option.

Having to fight the meme war means you've already lost it. Once people see the race-mixing nose, the pattern becomes easier and easier to spot.

Noice digits. The problem is the alternative you're offering is the not-breeding nose; another favorite pattern of our rabbinic friends. I'd rather them raise a family with nip waifus than be miserable the rest of their lives. Armenians are technically white, but no one is saying go make baby kardashians. Again, it's about degree.

Also, if you do it with Jomon-tier Japanese, you're not really race mixing anyway.

Fake consensus by using socks. Do you think I started on imageboards yesterday?

I'm not the faggot posting jewtube links that no one is going to click on.

I don't see what's wrong with race-mixing with Asians. it's every other race that isn't white that I'd avoid.

Not much is more disgusting than seeing a white guy with brown/blonde wavy hair and blue eyes with his chink wife and their two little black-eyed, straight haired chinklets. All racemixing is justifiably met with disgust because it's your genetic reaction to danger involving the extinction of your species.

So you're a kike and you're retarded. Typical.

Kek, you should mix with them, kike, you need to fix your inbred genes and start infiltrating their society next already.

The problem is that your male children will suffer for it. They'll belong to neither society and it will grate on them until the end of their days. You can get around this with extreme fathering and an emphasis on pride (even though neither culture will ever truly accept them).

I think, ultimately, european culture is easier on both male and female children, re: Russia. Japan worships halfu women which is a terrible environment to raise them in and the male children are regarded as gaijin monsters.

I never said Asians were white. Learn to read.

It would take hundreds of your lifetimes for white people to go extinct. What in the world are you worried about?

That's something to be worried about but they'll get over it. Most mixed kids seem pretty normal to me, and I've never met one that solved their problems by getting high–something white kids seem to do a lot.

I'm talking about the url the guy you accused me of being a sockpuppet of. Cointelpro is real, but they're usually not capable of taking a simultaneously middle ground.

The reason I know your side is not a sockpuppet is that you speak in memes without reason like a redditor.


Anecdotal, but that's not been my experience. Like I said, women get by just fine, but the males always feel like they never truly belong. Also, outside of America it's even worse for them. So if you plan on white flighting to one of the last remaining white countries, you're boned.

The last bit doesn't matter if your whtie flight target is Singapore though; whites are worshipped like gods there for whatever weird reason and halfus command some of that respect.

wew indeed.

So if Asians aren't white and they do not secure a future for white children, why would you mix with them?


Nice MAGA hat fuckface. I knew you wouldn't catch it, the JIDF/Alamo/whatever you kikes are calling yourselves today are a shadow of your former selves. I want 2006 JIDF back.

Read my other posts; I'm saying it's a last resort.

If the choices are between:


I think we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. I'm friends with a lot of half-Asians because several live nearby and they've always been pretty chill. I see a lot of Asian/White couples also happen to stay together for some reason so I honestly see more win than loss here. They seem to stick together more than white couples but that's anecdotal too so I wouldn't mind seeing some stats on that.

You're not sincerely suggesting you can force whites to just fuck whites through peer pressure and memes are you? As far as I'm concerned if it's an attractive female I'll fuck it, and if it's a somewhat intelligent one I'll consider having kids with it. I've yet to meet a smart white woman yet, so if a smart Asian girl comes along, well who knows?

Funny how that started right about when the right wing Alamo shilling really picked up again.

Until white females cease to exist it will never be a last resort. Siring mongrels doesn't turn out well (see: all of South America) as opposed to outright extermination amicably every time.
And how did you come to that conclusion? Because you like anime?

fuck off kike

And again, how does that in anyway follow the 14 words? Just accept that you're not pro-white, you're a civnat at best and be done with it. No one is forcing you to date within your race, but you can't claim to be a white (or any type of European ethnic group) nationalist either. Much like your mongrels can't claim to be European if they're not, well, European.

Thread turned into a dumpster fire.

And what do you do about what white females have become as of late? They're spoiled brats and feminists that haven't a clue what they want, and they're not getting better. If you ask me the greatest enemy of the white race is white women.

I honestly couldn't care less about that. What are you a teenager? Whatever the future may bring I'm sure future generations can handle it. It's not like whites will ever disappear, because they won't. For someone so desperately pro white you haven't a shred of faith in them.

Fair enough; that's the problem with anecdotal experiences. I want to believe, but I just haven't seen it. That you have is good news though—these kids deserve a chance.

Yeah, I've absolutely seen that. There are messy divorces a lot, but the ratio is absolutely below russian (which require master class game) or typical educated white burger female (which typically aren't worth the effort).

The solution is to marry beneath your intelligence it appears.

I have bad news for you user, white women are otherwise the creme of the crop in terms of intellect in female land. The appeal of asians is not that they are smart, but that they are (or at least used to be) subservient by default. You still have to apply game to them for maximum effect either way.

I submit to your digits. What orange text though? That shit is clearly pink.

Nigger, that's the problem: these fuckers can't land bangable white girls.

>And how did you come to that conclusion? Because you like anime?
No; Japan is a race mixed nation. Go look up the Jomon, Ainu, .etc. This is why so many japanese people look 100% white when they're 100% japanese.

Shit nigger, it's the opposite. You have to always be thinking of the future. White people matter; we want the race to continue. The 14 words should be a basis for agreement across all spectrum. Moreover, if claim the future can be handled by other people, it sounds childish in the extreme.

So you're argument has now degraded to:
Lol with that amazing logic I think we're done here. Remember to follow the 14 words or you're a civnat racialcuckold.

I won't be here for the future, but white people will either continue because they're the best, or they just won't. If white people manage to die out then I can only assume we weren't the best after all. I believe in survival of the fittest above all else.

Not all white women, just most of them. I work with enough divorcees and I don't want to add myself to the pile because I wasn't willing to put in the effort for a woman who thinks Cosmopolitan is an interesting read.

/thread. I think everyone can agree with this much. I think there's something in-between full blown civic nationalism and real nationalism though for people going this route though.

We're ground zero for poz in the world. It's not about asians being fit or whatever, it's about the jewish lies not having enough time to infest their countries yet. Give it time; japan is already getting the pozstick.

This is why you should take a stand; the future is what we make it.

So what if white women read cosmopolitan? All women are fundamentally the same creature; you're not there to have deep conversations with her, you're there to make (white) babies with her.

Wow. I've lost what little motivation I didn't even know I had. You can keep your future. I think perhaps maybe I'm better off alone.

Fuck user, stop acting like a woman. It isn't all about you; moreover, women are fine so long as you understand what they are. They're there to fuck, make babies, and help you raise those children not to be your best friend.

You have to be really racist if you think all asians have slant eyes. The picture you use looks middle-eastern. Actually a lot of east asians look arabic.

You're not seriously suggesting I should suffer the presence of an unbearable woman for the rest of my life for the sake of others are you? I'm just not that generous m8.

You're right and that's reasonable. Let me rephrase; I am saying you should learn game and figure out how to control them so that you can raise your children and enjoy it.

go find heartiste and learn to manage women; it will change your life. Women are to be enjoyed, not endured. I guarantee you that burger/eurotrash white women can be enoyed regardless of how stupid their hobbies appear.

full disclosure, kids are shit so I am saying you will have to swallow your distaste and have them or you're a degenerate.

Take it to >>>/polism/

most retarded thing I've read all day this board. Japanese people do not like white it any way shape or form. Black eyes are not European, jet black hair is not European, slanted eyes are not European. I could go on all day about difference in skull shape and height but you get the point. I can guarantee you the guy on that cover you posted is atleast half white not full jap.