We need to convince white people, specifically Europeans, to migrate en masse to USA and Russia. We lost the land. But we can save the people. We also need to use our memetic sway to OPEN UP Russian and American immigration laws, SPECIFICALLY, for white people.
Europe is gone. But we can reduce our losses
Cucked Europe still has more whites, and a higher percentage. Come over here Americans, and help us fight back
There's more non-whites in both Russia and USA, why should whites migrate there instead of fighting for their own homelands?
Europe is far from gone you ignoramus.
Fuck you selfish fuck. The USA is full of niggers, burger, look outside your window. The only steps we'll take will be toward the horde. Standing or in bodybags, they, not us, will move.
Fuck off shlomo
Russia would probably be happy to take in well educated law abiding whites. Bonus points if you're Christian.
If you wanted to actually live there on the other hand. It's a pretty rough place, but can absolutely be improved. It's actually kind of an exciting new frontier.
Reported for being pic related
Nice trips.
Nice dubs.
Nice dubs again.
Europe isn't a never will be gone.
Eat shit and fucking die OP
USA is complete gone, 80% of children in Texas are non-white and it's spreading like the plague. In reality 45% of the USA is still white. It's over tbh.
Basically to save europe you just have to purge the cities.
Flyland will never surrender. This land will never be theirs. Never.
Hahaha, no.
There's no room for Socialist loving cucks here. The only Europeans worth taking these days are the ones who won't abandon their countries to the Globalist-Kikes.
Those pics. Goddamnit.
The opposite is true. America is gone. The USA contains an excess of 150 million non-Anglos and is ruled by Internationalist Jews. European countries are under Jew control as well but, demographically, they are much, much better off than America.
Russia is part slavic, part mongoloid. It is no place for Anglo-Europeans.
How about you Americans go on over and kill all the Mudslimes? Make up for your sins of your fathers killing all the Nazis.
USA needs some CHANGE
Because this worked out so well on a small scale, right?
Not just that but you're asking people to flee to countries that are even less white.
burger here, push the shitskins back; they'll destroy too much of our history if the europeans give up their land
Europe indeed is in trouble, but i dont want to move from my majority white country to a minority white country like the US, no matter how "gone" Europe is.
These (((type))) of threads just keep cropping up here.
Nigga the USA is Jerusalem II and Europe has seen worse.
Why the fuck you would want shitty european faggots into us?
Europe is doomed. America is doomed. Repent or perish. God is angry for the fags, the baby killing, the fornication and adultary. You've forgotten God and the answer is in the Bible not RWDS. This is why I say "we are doomed," because I know not a one of you will heed these words. The creator of the universe is angry with you and is cursing your nation. There is nothing to be done for it but to turn from your degenerate ways and mourn for your sins.
doesnt revelations literally say that jesus will lead the rwds against the evil people and then there will be a 1000 year reich?
Nigga, what would you know about God or Christianity, you're American. Do you even have a foreskin? Or do you have the mark of the jew on you?
I don't believe leaving your homeland from the problem will magically solve it.
Rather, fight and remove the problem in the first place (the jew first, the invaders later).
Mods, please be 12% less faggoty and ban all "give up land, goyim" threads. It's obviously a typical trick to blackpill us about France and Sweden, and I will personally gas the kike who made this shit OP.
But in the meantime, seriously, please fucking shoah these cunty homos.