HuffPo: "Women Aren’t The Only Ones Who Get Periods"
Note the use of the pronouns "they" and "their" to refer to one "person". The height of mental illness is to construct your reality around the mentally ill.
This takes attention whoring to another level haha
Yes these people are extremely mentallity forgone refering to faggots as a their or them. Although one could argue a man and wife are a them when married genesis 5:1. Is that shit seriously on their website? Normal faggots will hopeful be repulsed at this shit.
It's very much and very disgustingly real. Posted on the front page of HuffPo today actually.
More from the article
Don't you realize that this is all a part of the inevitable borg? There is no individual, only the 'we'.
The thing that really disgusts me is that anyone cites these publications as legitimate sources. It's a reminder of how brainwashed the population is.
You know, for a second, I was intrigued with this thread. I wondered how a male could actually have a period. Then I read it and it made sense, in a way I was (with my foolish hope for humanity) not expecting… it's a female LARPing as a man.
I can’t believe that I never thought about this. I completely forgot that women would still have periods even after hormones and self-mutilation. Does the “penis” sack of skin grafted to their crotch just collect the menstrual blood, which they squeeze out the tip, or something? How does this work?
Wait, I don’t care. I want them all dead.
Okay, a female LARPing as an ant.
How could you think they are attention-whoring when they made an entire poem to talk about their bodily functions?!
There is no clean way out of this mess.
Even if right wingers see themselves as builders of society and not destroyers, we will have to act and destroy this current social order. If we don't, it will destroy our race.
I dread the day those whopper turds have got to go.
What in the F U C K
Stop being such a faggot over this bullshit. This over accepting non sense is going to bite them in the ass in the now. A lot of this Tranny shit lost it's appeal last year and the only one keeping it up are the faggots that first bought into it. I have yet to run into a single tranny.
I'm pretty sure that's a peaty liner, not a menstrual pad.
The issue is not that this is going to propagate, the issue is that those resisting it are on the defensive and not the offensive. Whoever is on the offensive, is winning.
What is with chicks and obsessing over bodily functions? They're all getting devices to cram inside so they can piss standing up, describing their kid's bowel movements, and demanding people rub period blood all over themselves.
I used to think faggots were okay, as in, well why give them shit about it, it'd be like berating a cripple, or you know, Romans liked gay sex and stuff. It was (((them))) pushing transsexualism so hard that made me retroactively apply much of what I think a trans person's mentality works like into how faggots think and are made. They made me, and I'm sure many, against mainstream acceptance of homosexuality as a valid "lifestyle", they just don't know how to stop.
What there doing could hardly be considered to be an offensive maneuver. These faggots are trying hard to win normies who really don't give a shit and for the most part ignoring them. That really kills it for them as they can't stand getting the Apathy treatment. If they aren't the victims, they aren't winning.
How saying we need to act against degeneracy is "being a faggot over this bullshit"?
Cause this shit is going to burn out like Rap-Metal. No one sane gives a shit about these freaks, and it all panders to the faggots that chug this filth. The world at large isn't one metropolitan hellhole and no one can deny the subconscious. They're fucking freaks looking for attention.
They know they're disgusting, and they want to normalize it. That's basically what feminism is to them.
Kill them all. Problem solved.
Said paid shills about faggots in the 1990s.
Not an argument.
Faggots love attention, they can't run off apathy.
What's the name of that dystopian anime? I've seen a lot of screens posted on Holla Forums over the years and I want to watch it
frankensteiner on huffpo when
Legends of Galactic Heroes or something like that.
Is this a reverse trap?
Nah just a dyke dressing like a your standard San Fag for attention. None of these dykes actually want to be a man, they would loose their pity score.
Why are you surprised?
You know that the left considers that women who identify as men ARE men.
So what about the headline is surprising?
Your a dumb nigger if you don't know how Narcissistic faggots act. you don't listen to their shit, you ignore them.
They act like this is some sort of irrefutable proof and not just tomato sauce that's been poured on his crotch. When you are this delusional and expect people to just swallow such nonsense then the end can't be far away.
I look forward to the day when normal people completely tire of this bullshit and finally say enough is enough.
Ok, I'll try that with you.
This reminds me of that GamerGate-esque stuff that went down in South Korea.
Feminism is scary…
Isn't it shitty?
'Cats, which narrow-minded bigots call pigeons, have been observed flying around the town.'
Filtered, Faggot.
Yea, thats common, and a lot of pus, and necrosis etc.
Women getting periods is kind of like people taking a shit. It's healthy, natural, and normal, and the only "taboo" about it is that you keep it private, because it's undignified and messy not to (also unhygienic).
Thing that gets me about this is how staggeringly unnecessary it is.
can't to embed rite now. oc of valerie jarrett. bet this bitch don't period.
My sister fell for this fucking bullshit and it makes me consider suicide or genocide daily. The kikes can't pay dearly enough for this
I just want my little sister back guys
And just like that I was transported to my Holla Forums days circa 2009
You have to be the one to kill it. You know that, right? You have to look it in the eyes and pull the trigger. It’s not your sister anymore, user. She died on the mutilating table.
One day, when you're old of age, you will look at a brother with his sister, both acting like nature intended, and with no jews around to pervert them. You'll be sad that you're not the brother, but you'll be happy that nobody will have to face what you did. You'll be able to tell them all the things you went through to rid the world of those pretend-humans they'll read about in school, and she'll ask if there is a jew in the closet or below bed, and you'll tell her how you purged them all.
But you have to do it first.
men's periods are called hemorroids
they happen every saturday night in gay sex clubs
pic unrelated
Confirmed, I once had a behemoth sized kidney stone the size of a marble exit my urethra. I had a "period" for several days afterword.
So, I started jotting this down to see if there was any sense or reason to these "lyrics", and it fucking wasn't.
It's all the most basic end rhymes, not even near-rhymes or anything even slightly more exciting like that, just super basic bitch 3rd-grade tier stuff. There are no multisyllabic rhymes or anything of the sort. There are no middle rhymes, or anything even close to that. Shit, not even all the endings of the lines rhyme. I could probably fucking accidentally rhyme more than that without even meaning to.
I'm not even exaggerating when I say even niggers have better lyrical skills than this guy, which is sad as fuck, to be honest. Jesus.
I fucking wish I could say the same. One of my online friends I don't talk to any more was apparently one, but he was a chubby Mexican dude, so I don't even know. This other guy I met a little while ago in FFXIV was also one, but he was honestly one of the worst people I have ever had the displeasure of interacting with. Always so fucking negative, and obviously self-loathing. What a fucking shitty person.
The saddest one, though, is a long term friend of mine. Now, he was always a little weird, and not very masculine. Didn't really like doing stuff with the lads that much. Never liked competing. Didn't want to go lifting with us. Viewed games purely as a social activity and nothing else. Also heard from his whore ex that he likes it in the ass, which I thought at the time might've just been her being butthurt at him for dumping her, but in hindsight it's probably true. I'm honestly kind of at a loss of what to do with the dude. He plans to take hormones eventually too, and I think we all know that only ends in a noose once you're 30 and realise your life still sucks and now you're just an ugly freak. I love the guy, but I'm really not sure what to do about him.
Sage because I'm just blogposting at this point tbh.
So that was what he meant.
i've got a friend like that, trying to get him to nut up but he'll probably end up a gay redditor
My mother encountered a tranny once 20-odd years ago. It was a nurse assigned to look after her after she'd just given birth to my brother. Said tranny then dropped my brother's head in the incubator thing, hard. My brother has brain damage and the mental capabilities of a two year old, though he is in his twenties. I am not fucking fond of trannies.
Wow that blows. i guess Tranny don't last long in the heat out here.
Well played.
user, one of these options causes the kikes to win, the other causes them to lose. If you choose incorrectly, the kikes will win with you too. Chill for a bit and we'll collectively make them lose, the pendulum is already on its way back and you're not going to want to miss the show.
Dude has a twitter where he posts a bunch of semi-lewd pictures. One thing that struck me was he pointed out that he gets far more attention on his trap twitter than he did on his "normal" one. Which is true, but kinda points out to me that there's more at stake here in regards to fucked up mentality than just "feeling like a woman".
It's funny, though, because outside of the whole tranny nonsense, dude is pretty rightwing. Hates the tumblr nonsense, pretty racist and against immigration (Get this, someone who actually realises nogs and arabs hate everything the left stands for, what a twist), even runs a right-oriented Youtube show with a bunch of other freaks. He's generally a good guy, and that's what makes it so sad to me.
Honestly, the thing I just hope the most at the moment is that he doesn't give in and cuts off his dick, causing irreversible damage. Even if he does start doing HRT, you can still reverse much of that by taking test and lifting after the fact. It's not very good for you, but at least you're not permanently mutilating yourself.
I guess the best way to deal with Trannies is a big ol' heaping serving of the truth presented here . Show them in near constant misery of their own design.
At least he admitted to something
That reddit thread is depressing. And none of the fuckers involved in the process would tell the guy what would happen, probably for fear he wouldn't do it and they wouldn't get a fat amount of cash. It's disgusting all around.
I really feel for these people. These people obviously needed mental help, but instead you have a bunch of psychologists, doctors, and a lot of society leading them down a path of self destruction and mutilation until it's to late to turn back and they lose a part of themselves that they can never have back.
It's a real shame they can't get the real help they need.
I've read about trannies getting their sexuality inversed, i.e. biological women started being atracted to women, and stopped being atracted to men,as they "transitioned" onto being males.
This raised the idea that sexuality can be manipulated, and that homosexuals can be rectified into heterosexuals, and more worringly, that normal people can be forced onto homosexuality by being fed chemicals.
Think of it this way: if we don't kill the kikes off in a reasonable timeframe, we'll still be guaranteed to win in the long run because natural selection is going to ruthlessly weed out those among us who are susceptible to falling for their propaganda.
Cross-sex hormones eventually changes the brain regions to the size of the gender they correspond to. Kikes know full well they could cure faggotry with neurohormone therapy but instead they use it to turn vulnerable kids into abominations.
Spoiler that you fucking nigger.
An Idahoanon here, fucking rural potato country and everything, near the one big set of cities there is. When I still had my job, I saw at least two in-person. It's not as bad as the internet makes it look (internet would make you think they're fucking everywhere and growing in number rapidly), but you'd have to be a fool to think we're anywhere near in the clear. If fucking potatoland has trannies, there's a fucking problem.
So that's why they kill themselves afterwards. The pain forces reality back into their minds and overrides all the other bullshit they've been told.
Strange how this isn't too prevalent though. I thought with the amount of people getting SRS ops these days. More and more would be talking about the after affects.
I know trannies are active against those who de-transition as it would harm their cause. But these are pre-op trannies who just take hormones and dress as the opposite sex who then change their mind.
I thought this would be about "man periods", aka days where men feel a bit grumpy. Lo and behold, it's something even dumber.
I'd imagine quite a few things are in place to keep their voices coming across as a minority, kind of like you never hear about the trauma having an abortion has on women. You just get a bunch of celebrities talking about how cool they are.
I sort of want to slap your mother because you posted that without a spoiler and stern warning…
This is what happens when you tailor a society that tells girls and women need to emulate men in order to succeed and have a fulfilling life while telling men they are toxic, dangerous and need to curtail all their natural instincts because they are hurting people. Also why anyone who supports tranny horseshit deserves to be dragged out into the street and have all their bones broken before being summery executed with a bullet to the forehead.
This pisses me off to no end. You got a bunch of people that have obvious mental issues of confusing and identifying themselves with their anima, and all the kike psychologists do is rub their hands and put them through a rollercoaster of drugs, surgeries and overall misery, simply because it' s a source of constant stream of revenue. To them, these poor saps are just cattle to be milked from their cash until they off themselves.
And it all could have been prevented, had they not been around a bunch of absolute degenerates that are so up in their asses to feed their insecurities, that they make these people believe that yes, mutilating themselves and ignoring the reality of the physical universe is the way to go. It is difficult to put my disgust to words.
Well, bunk "science" aside, I've certainly observed some of the pajama boy faggots slinking around my workplace acting like they menstruate on a monthly basis.
Daily reminder to cut all fucking xenestrogens out of your diet.
owww, I physically felt pain when I read that
Jesus Christ, that subreddit is filled with regret. Look at this faggot who got his balls cut off then changed his mind:
Not to encourage the kikes, but if people are that imprintable by their designs, then maybe we can cut off some of the excess
I work a McJob in a small conservative town in Ontario.
We have a tranny here. Other than being a tranny, there isn't anything wrong with them (well, they have a boyfriend so technically it's just a gay couple). I don't think she has had surgery, but they did take HRT and have boobs.
I still have to eat too, y'know?
Actually it's being reinterpreted as a fetish more. That's where it'll find ground. The ultimate cuckery.
Currently got that. Pain in the ass.
Faggots won't stop their attention whoredom until you force them to shut up user.
Already happening with plastics in our food and water. It's causing major unseen issues, pulling strings that most don't see.
It fucks with the hive.
That's what was meritorious in CY-2. Just look how far we've come. Where will we be in another four years?
So you want to give attention whores a martyr? That works best when they pull an Alcorn and french a truck.
wuz janu
Are you fooled THAT easily?
Did we ever get shots of the corpse on this one? I'm not really a gurofag but I like keeping the high profile/salt producing ones in my collection.