Museum of the Bible: Sneak peek at billion-dollar venture devoted to world's most impactful book

Jews and atheists BTFO!!

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whoops here's the archive link for you niggers

It's just like cristianity today
I imagine this will be a museum of cringe since anytime cristians try to do something for publicity it turns out as gimicky cheap shit like Holla Forums memes

Why sage? Would you rather them build a museum for the GLBT or another holohoax museum?

Left it on from another thread.

no worries fam

Not so certain. There is a shit ton of money being thrown behind this thing; who are its financial backers? It wouldn't surprise me at all to see this museum pushing a kosher interpretation of the bible: you know, diversity, faggot acceptance, feminism - the degenerate hallmarks of (((modern christianity))).

It's going to have exhibits on how the kikes are still "muh chosen ppl", how America exists to protect Israel, despite what the Bible actually says. The fact that it's in DC makes me guarantee it.

Oh and not to mention perpetual allegiance to our greatest ally. Now that I think about it, the time is ripe for Jewish investment in the church, reaffirming the church's connection to Israel. There is no question that the amount of goyim knowledge is increasing exponentially - not just in the US, but worldwide. This could easily be an attempt of the jew to help ensure their support from Christians.


Yeah, nah. It's smack-dab in the heart of ZOG; there's no way it isn't going to be %6,000,000 kosher.

Well besides being able to disprove a great many of their exhibits as false by quoting the Bible, debating what the Bible is with them since gutenbergs is in err and in unreadable latin, and quoting leviticus 18:23 in any version these people seem dedicated to insulting Christianity everywhere with kosher kike exhibits of falseness. All for virtue signaling for their moloch. May God judge them.

Israel gets top billing. Definitely kosher.

Pick one and only one, kneeler

Reminder that Kikeinsanity is literally spiritual cuckoldry

What did you expect?

Do they have a sanctuary room to hold their fellow illegal spic visitors in to protect them against being deported like other churches do?


I pick jews btfo, why do you think they are so intent on destroying it.

Reported for intl.

From the article:

Judeo-christianity does not exist. This is the article’s fault.

i love the bible but with all the money going into this you know it's kikeified


Oh, its you again.

Forgot my pics.

Its entirely kiked, just like the Bible.
Just more bait for the Evangelicals to continue their blind support of Israel.

Updated with additional proof of Israeli involvement.

And the final version.

Tip Top Cuck.


Actual final version, including wtf Yad Veshem is.

(Its the Israeli government's Holohoax Remembrance organization.)

Fire the sub-editor. That's nearly as ugly an abuse of the language as "irregardless" or "malus". It's the linguistic equivalent of grit in the eye.

Holla Forums is such an archontic cess pit

Rejection of Christ makes you an honorary jew. Jesus was Celtic, not jewish. Roman christians & catholics would have you believe that Christ is jewish because of his ancestry through Joseph, but will also support the other story that Mary conceived Jesus through the holy spirit. Jesus was a Galilean, the name is rooted to the word 'Gaul'.

Go back new age cuck


Christians are the shock troopers that enforce the will of Israel and the Jews. If it wasn't for Christian churches refugees wouldn't have easily available housing, clothing, and food the moment they arrive here. Look at Minnesota, in the United States, the reason they are overrun with Somalians is because Lutheran churches successfully lobbied their state government to petition the federal government to bring them in. Which they then did, at great expense, all to feel good about doing "Gods work".

Christians on this board always bring up the fact that Jesus was critical of the Jews in his time, but they never acknowledge the truth of what the Christian movement, churches, and people are today, here and now. It doesn't really matter that Jesus objected to the Jews if the people who claim to follow him now eagerly do their bidding at every opportunity and violently oppose any attempt to sever the bloodsucking lamprey that is Israel from influencing and controlling our country.

In short, all the OP is doing is celebrating another Jewish contrivance that will successfully pry more shekels out of their most willing slaves hands. Hurrah.

What if we ripped out the Old Testament of the bible?

Your post makes no sense

It's true, modern Christians are utterly incapable of memeing.

Well no, that's not quite true. The Slav Christians can still meme. But American Christians certainly can't.

I always roll my eyes at the "Jesus was white" posts, but then I remember we recently discovered that the ancient Egyptians were more closely related to slavs than modern middle-easterners, and I don't know what to believe anymore.

I'm not reporting your for anything because you're not a shill. You're just sadly misguided.

Of course a jew like you wants me to believe that christ wasn't a gentile. If Jesus was here, he would fucking annihilate 'Israel' and the jews. If Christians (A substantial portion of mankind) awoke to the jewish demon and fucking read their books properly, there would manhunts world wide for every single kike with power. You literally have no other argument to this than 'you're jewish'. This is a typical jew trick, to completely project everything you are and what you are doing onto your victim to escape responsibility and incapacitate the goyim with convoluted information.

A true cuck is a man who rejects and works against his own king.

Read Willis A. Carto - Revenge Of The Neanderthal

It doesn't matter. Christians don't quote the Old Testament when they're shilling for refugees, they quote the New Testament and Jesus himself, albeit out of context, to justify their actions. The entire theology has been subverted and the people who subscribe to it now are equally subverted as such.

One of the hard truths that you come to realize if you study humanity long enough is that the truth doesn't matter. The facts don't matter. All that matters is the narrative. You can sit people down and show them, right in the book they claim to consider holy, Jesus condemning the Jews. You can show them the entire context of the Old Testament combined with the New Testament and that, the Jews were given all the blessings of God, and turned away from that, and thus are damned more fully than any other.

It doesn't matter. They will reinterpret what you show them, twist it around, and go right back to falling on their knees to service the Jews. Christianity doesn't even have the honor and dignity of being a dead faith, it is a complete mockery and perversion of what it was supposed to be, which makes it all the more hideous to behold.

That's why every time Christians on this board bring up their faith, they cloak it in the shadows of fantasy and imaginings of what Christianity "should" be, rather than what it is. They'd rather hang on with desperation to that fantasy version of Christianity and blind themselves to what the Christian movement, and the people that follow it, actually do and whose agendas they further.

And in all honesty Christianity failed to ever live up to Christs vision. The entire reason the Jews gained so much power in the first place in Western countries was because of Christian laws allowing them to gain unopposed control of every financial system in Europe. The Jews have expertly manipulated the Christians for at least 1100 years and it shows no signs of stopping now.

This guy's grandmother on his mother's side is a jew. How anons were ever lead into this rabbit hole still amazes me.

Utterly destroyed him. He isn't even bothering to spam the thread this time.

Do you accept the genealogy of Christ provided in the Gospel of Luke and the Gospel of Matthew? Or do you reject those portions of the Gospel?

Yeah, this is pretty certainly a Jewish co-opting business venture that also gives them a footing to dictate what the bible "actually" says to people who will never read it.

It's a cash grab for all the dumbshit patriotic evangelical tourists who visit DC to worship before the Temple of Lincoln and MLK Jr. It's little better than the "Arc Experience", except in this case they actually had some fucking sense when they picked out the location so it will probably be wildly successful.

Most do not even perceive the vast canyon between judeo-christianity (99.9% of Christianity in modern times) and the teachings of Jesus. The followers of the Talmud were at war with the Europeans long before he was even around, nay before Europe iteself, and Christ himself failed to make an impact on the native consciousness of the European people due to their widespread corruption. Citation of the bible is folly, the truth is extant.

Judaic mentality seperates man from his history by invading culture and tradition with a false time-space/cause-effect kabbalist weltanschauung. How far we must go back to find the right path is beyond all of this religious culture and tradition, but it is in our blood just as the curse laid upon the jew by God is in his blood.

completely jewed

It makes perfect sense, unlike your 'JESUS WAS A CELT' bullshit.

Jesus was a Jew. The Jews dislike him as a traitor, because he sought to take power for himself via appealing to the out-group, but the fact that they've managed to completely subvert the following of that traitorous Jew to serve their own ends, and have done so for centuries, is widely understood, denied only by Christians, who adhere to a faith of treason who engage in all manner of mental gymnastics to justify their continued espousal of such a traitorous ideology.
Like you.

The fact that you had to double-post shows just how buttflustered you actually are by what I've said.

He'd be a radical Jewish rabbi, just like he was when he was alive.

Says the guy who opened his commentary by calling me a Jew while shouting about how Jesus was actually a Celt.

A true cuck is a man who works against his own people for the sake of a foreign king, and that's you bro.

Jesus was a gentile; a Semite descended of Shem son of Noah via Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Jesus was a Galilean, a Nazarene. NOT a "jew" aka Edomite Rev 2:9 and 3:9. "jews" are NOT Semites, gentiles are.

The only "church" Jesus mentioned was when two or more gathered to have discussion in His name. Any modern "church" has nothing to do with actual Christianity, the study of the life of Jesus, for the fact that most of them operate on false doctrine, redacted and edited scripture which has been copyrighted. ONLY the KJV bears no copyright, which is the very reason the Jesuits hired Guy Fawkes to try to blow up King James and his parliament in the year 1605, into their second year of authenticating and translating scripture word-for-word into English.

Jesus certainly never said nuthin bout no "pope".

The Gospels of Luke and Matthew?

Well I suppose you and I both share a disdain for the bible. Christians were better when they couldn't read it and relied on a political class of priests to tell them what to think. As soon as biblical literacy went up, Christians stopped waging "Holy Wars" in defense of their homeland and started turning into cucks who wanted to teach and coddle the savages.

see the first pic:

Its too easy at this point.

Christians are some of the saddest mother fuckers around, second only perhaps to TRSodomites.
Both follow an organization/ideology which is unquestionably hostile to their own interests and the interests of their people, while screeching as loud as they can, with fingers in both ears, that they are the true forebearers of recovery and prosperity.
It'd be hilarious if it wasn't so tragic, but I still find the opportunity to laugh at them from time to time.

The two thousand year old culture war against a subversive Semitic sect of anti-spiritualism is the most important battle of our time. We cannot even begin to throw off the shackles of Semitic hegemony until we have freed the souls of our peoples.

There is no such thing as a good Semite, and that applies to Yeshua just the same as any kike.

I see the shills finally realized this topic is here.

Preety much this. Only exception being that those aren't churches or what "Christianity "should" be", those are synagogues of satan.

Fucking hell m8, this is like when kikes try to claim someone isn't Jewish because only their dad was a Jew, because Jewish law doesn't recognize them.

Which holy text do you consider the source of your faith?

Nevermind, didn't pay attention to the ID.

Ernst Zundel Tribute - Another Voice Of Freedom #9 w/ Professor Robert Odriscoll About The Celts

Also, are anons aware of the jewish coup of the church with the whole Vatican II scenario? Are anons aware that by violating the peace of the jew, we are (under God's decree) enabling them to undermine and conduct war upon our culture/gentile society?

You're just a typical user that doesn't understand the roman corruption of christianity and the eternal cuckism of the Vatican teachings and history.

The creation of the New Testament by Chancellor Bacon (Templar jew agent) basically confirms jewish control of the narrative. Society is still looking through this lens to this very day.

They are their own genetic subgroup so the rabbinical classification of who is/isn't a jew is an obvious control mechanism.

If you recognize the bible as a jewish creation, why call yourself a Christian at all?

My peoples faith was exterminated by Jew worshipers over a thousand years ago.

HAH! Pic fucking related.

I'll agree with you on the rabbinical control vector though, albeit, I don't give a shit about it because I'm not a Jew, and if your dad was a Jew you're a fucking Jew too.


Don't have one.

Idolization of Christ =/= Christianity

Is there some kind of graph showing the european nations least interbred with semites/jews vs. european nations most interbred with semites/jews?

Look, clearly I'd want a Christian neighbor than a Muslim no question and clearly (((nu-atheism))) is just another form of degeneracy… But how is it that Christianity gets a free pass on kike loving?

I feel like the earliest of men of our blood must have felt - we lack the tradition/history to tell us what to believe, so we must learn what we can and fashion our understanding of existence for ourselves, based upon the virtues and merits that we find within and without.

That which held my ancestors aloft for 10,000 years was burned by those who adopted the faith of a foreign land - but they could not burn it from our blood, and in the centuries-old ashes of millennia-old trees, new sprouts appear.
And I fear not the judgement of a Jewish deity.


Checked for I wish m8, but we can make some informed guesses.

Prior to just a few centuries ago, long-range travel was highly dangerous and often damn-near impossible with the current methodologies of the time. Thus, the further you were from where a people lie, the less likely you were to be interbred with them; thus, we can assume further geographic distance equates to greater probability of the absence of admixture, and the opposition of such, that being that greater proximity increases the probability of (and extent of) admixture.

What do you consider Christianity to be?
And if you have no religious text, then from what do you derive your notions of who Christ was and what his opinions were?

Nicely stated.

Considering the Jewish nature of the museum as exposed here:

And the ZOG-central location chosen for it, I'd say this thread is on topic for Holla Forums.

I'm curious what your ideas for moving forward from this fact are. To summarize my own thoughts, I'd say to apply archaeological and anthropological study of nativist Indo-European cultures to recover the basic memeplex while engaging in active shamanic relationship with the same forces as our ancestors as part of the construction of a restored culture.

You know, I haven't made an excursion there for study in some time. I shudder to think what new lows to which they've sunken.



Foster the new sprouts, and protect them against harm as best I can, with what limited power I possess, while trying to better understand the nature of… well, Nature, and man therein.

The old pagan ways were, it seems, largely a combination of two ideologies, one which conquered and incorporated the other in a way Christendom failed, if it even attempted, to do - the hunter gatherer folk of the truly-ancient Europe, and the more organized and militaristic invasive folk who I believe might be termed 'Indo-European', met in battle and in love and from that union that which we are arose.
… Fact is, we dunno what the fuck was going on back then, but I like that duality that is often seemingly espoused, for it is my ardent belief that man is not a fallen angel, but a rising beast, so any such religious belief I might hold should, I believe, espouse that duality, the combination of a struggle to understand both the beast and that which he ascends toward in earnest, the 'overman'.
Through struggle, and only struggle, does the beast that is man rise toward something more, of that much I am more certain than of anything else in this world. So, as our ancestors before us, we will struggle, to survive, to understand, to perceive, and in doing so, we shall rise, we shall grow upwards just as a new sprouted plant reaches ever more toward the Sun.

You said it much more clearly than I could, and I appreciate that.

I'm not the user you're asking, but I'm skeptical that "spiritual necromancy" could work. What's dead is likely to stay dead.

I think we need to encourage the organic growth of a new memeplex. Encourage people to teach each other by telling stories. Over many many generations, these stories will evolve and mix to become a sort of folk philosophy that embodies the principles of our blood.

Mass media is the enemy. Mass media makes people all tell the same stories, creating a monoculture controlled by Hollywood jews. Every normalfag who talks about harry potter or game of thrones has fallen victim to this. When you consume mass media, you're no longer participating in the spiritual process of telling stories that come from your own soul.

No, user, we cannot make a dead tree live again… But its remains make wonderful fertilizer, and its seeds are everywhere its shadow once touched.

Christianity ruined and d3stroyed the world.

Praise Kek.

Also, your post reminded me of this.

I think much of the old remains alive today, and could be used as a foundation to build upon. Aesop, various "fairy tales", etc. I doubt the old deities can be brought back to life, but figures that resemble them may yet emerge again. Insomuch as the old gods were a reflection of our innate nature, they should emerge again if given a fertile memeplex.

But right now the spiritual garden of our race is clogged with weeds, nothing productive will grow until these weeds are uprooted and burned. Pic related, weeds.

Kojima was a unwitting prophet.


Ah, well, that's because (((someone))) got into the garden, and started planting weeds.
Removing them is a requirement.

Those questions I am still working on, myself. Due to the compromised state of all european culture at this point in time, I am studying the works of historians of the early 20th/late19th century and folk texts predating the time of Christ. Josephus was a jew, so I do not consider the bible and it's components valid, however there are always echos of truth within the lies that one must learn to perceive. The Romans & Greeks were heavily cucked, so I reject the perspective that they are the fundamental influence of Christianity. There are theories that Jesus is a pharoah, theories that Jesus is Lucifer, all kinds of new age rationalisations that are semitic in origin. Narrative and history are often inseperable, and in this new paradigm of thought we are trained to discard the value system of race and therefore our ancestry. The whole seperation of racial identity from ideology over the centuries really makes it impossible to argue to a contemporary christian/jew that they are partaking in a system that is hostile to European blood and disassociates gentiles from their racial traditions. The mere mention of Jesus and his contest with the talmudic priests and prophets brings pain to the jew, and I believe there is a certain tangent of history that we must realise in order to transcend these religious smokescreens. I believe that the assertion of Jesus' celtic origin and the understanding of the jewish attack on european culture predating the biblical era are fundamental to this realisation

You seem like a very silly fellow… But I hope in time you find answers that allow you to cast aside the silly things you've incorporated into your worldview, and bring you peace of mind.

Also the return to our cultural roots and fashions, as well as the reevaluation of our moral systems that predate the contamination of semitic culture are fundamental to this realisation. Without these prerequisites we will always be spellbound by talmudic myths and exaggerations.

I'd be apt to think that spiritual necromancy is not only possible, but the most probable result, given that one is indeed a spiritualist. The Christcucks are quite fond of saying that the original European traditions are inaccessible due to their destructive efforts, but this seems strangely at odds with the belief in an immortal element of the soul. I also believe in synchronicities transcending the reference frame of human mortality, and therefore I do not think that even traditions which cannot be found in writing or in the echoes of the excavation pit are inaccessible.

However, I do not think that spiritual necromancy is the way to characterize such a process in the first place. The religion of our ancestors flows in our veins (depending on one's interpretation of epigenetic encoding, the experience of each ancestor is inscribed in our genes, and this is to say nothing of more spiritualist views of eternal recurrence creating such a link in non-physical ways) and the divine forces they revered still set the air abuzz between great stones sitting in alignment with the axes of reality. Those things did not die and by taking up the ways of living proper to our peoples we also take up the legacy of living spirituality.

Do you think Christians import the rapeugees because they want at a subconscious level to be persecuted?

Wasn't there something about 'thou shalt not steal?!?'

(((jews and christians))) BTFO!!!!

Jesus is an archetype of 'white' glory, that the jews have misrepresented with imagery and idolatry. This a battle not only of worldview, but the reflection of that entire sense upon the sense of self. We are the blessed, but there are those who reject the season of life and literally worship triviality and death. Each man and woman are their own beginning of a world with a particular heritage spanning back to the creation of mankind. We are subcreators, and Ideology is a reflection of our co-existential root consciousness. The ideology of the jew is the manifestation of the unconscious, with it's roots in death and decay. The world is itself a creation of pure unconsciousness, the void, and as it's proverbial children or offspring we must bring also ourselves out from the void into the light of consciousness. We are the future, and the jew is the past, and the closer we come (collectively) to this realisation the harder they are going to push for our division and extinction. Time and space cannot bind humanity and our consciousness, but humanity must eventually submit to death and what lies beyond the dialectic of existence.

Blood is our religion

Race is our religion

By reason of the talmud and so-called 'Christianity', God himself is an anti-semite. Never forget this.

Checked for continued silly blathering.

I don't think anybody here earnestly gives a fuck about shitskin property rights.

The talmud is neurotic ramblings of jews discussing the god of their torah. The god of the torah "hates" jews in much the same way that jews "hate" jews. By genociding anybody who crossed the jews.

The spirituality of our blood has been suppressed, much like a plant abused and neglected might fail to bloom. The true spirituality of our blood must be reawakened so that we can experience our greatest potential.

Gee, I wonder what OP looks like.

It's far more likely that OP is a misguided white man.

How's Eastern Orthodoxy?

They probably get their fix of that from secular society. Every time a fag forces them to bake a cake, they get a big dose of warm fuzzies because being persecuted puts them closer to Christ this is probably why their resistance to degeneracy is so feeble and ineffectual. They don't want to save society because their prophesies tells them it cannot be saved. They'd rather lose society to degeneracy while maintaining their own moral highground, than win and build a moral society. I think they want to import rapefugees because they earnestly swallowed the racial equality koolaid and believe that all those rapefugees will become members of their church and productive participants in our society once they're shown a good dose of Christian compassion and charity.

That's the shit my parent's church talks anyway. They want to import Somalians and teach them to be Lutherans. Some of them, like my parents, still have their whits about them and resist it, but the wealthier more influential members all push for it. They love sending their daughters off to Haiti and other similar nigger shitholes as "missionary work". They say they're helping build houses. I tell my parents that's absurd, the Haitians aren't in want for the manual labor of teenage white girls. They have plenty of able-bodied men that can work in construction. My parents understand this. But it comes to them transmitting this argument to their church peers, the message gets lost. I think my parents would rather meekly resist than actually take on the responsibility of getting their way.

Sometimes I think I should bite the bullet and become a Christian religious leader, despite my misgivings about the entire religion, just to herd a few of them back in a better direction.

Convert to Eastern Orthodox, become an Orthodox Leader and convert. From personal experience from jumping between different Christian faiths, Orthodoxy is the least fucked and most pro-nationalist out of all forms of Christianity. Roman Catholicism is cuck universalism since Vatican 2 and Protestantism has been on decline ever since the Scofield bible became part of their doctrine, allowing themselves to be infiltrated.

Seems difficult, given that I have zero slavic/eastern european background. Just German and Italian.

You don't have to be slavic or Eastern European to join. Thing is, that if enough members of a certain goup join Orthodoxy, they will appoint them their own church. The US has english speaking congregations. In Cuba, there are few Russian Orthodox churches, but filled with Cuban worshipers. Don't forget that Roman Catholicism is an ethnic club for spics, and many protestant churches are either filled with whites or niggers depending on neighborhood.