New Jersey Raises Minimum Smoking Age to 21

New Jersey Raises Minimum Smoking Age to 21
Published at 1:50 PM EDT on Jul 21, 2017 | Updated at 8:36 AM EDT on Jul 22, 2017


It's quite possible that anons disagree with this but I think the age to be an adult should be raised to 21 as well. When it comes to smoking, I would agree with Uncle Adolf and crack down hard on people who would think to take up this awful habit. So what should be the age of legal adult hood and should government be cracking down on tobacco like Germany did?

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Anybody who smokes is a dumbass.

Fact: It was German medical scientists who first discovered the link between smoking and lung cancer, and the NSDAP was the first government to acknowledge this research. The corporate tobacco jews in America bribed the American government into refusing to recognize it for decades. It was only until they figured out how to profit from the lawsuits that they gave in.


Here's your (you) for making me laugh, faggot.



Fucking degenerate.

Smoking is terrible and a burden to others as well. If smokers all went and lived and died on some island away from everyone, I wouldn't care.

better call these guys up and make sure they know how degenerate they are for smoking


they probably died a long time ago. from lung cancer

This is stupid. Just make selling those cancer sticks illegal instead. Let our legal adults buy their own, actual tobacco and roll their own cigarettes.


Kill yourself faggot

I smoke and drink coffee and minor alcohol amounts. Those are my few vices and except for mildly degenerate porn.You can fuck off, I'm a Saint compared to most assholes you see. It's practically impossible to be moral nowadays, cocksuckers.

child detected

What are you, Injun ?

Why don't you take meth and steroids then you cheeky little shit, after all Hitler's submarine operators and infantry (among many) took them too. Don't forget the heroin abusers of Vietnam.

Fuck.. I started drinking coffee a year ago and you're right, but.. I don't know.

I occasionally smoke cigars, cigarettes are fucking gross

While it's ironic that a fat fuck signed this into law, I'm inclined to believe this is a good thing.

Agreed. The occasional cigar isn't really that degenerate.


it's like they say meat is bad for you. eh, I'm not buying it. I'm not saying smoking is good for you but, I don't think its the tobacco causing the cancer or even smoking tobacco. I think it has something more to do with the way in which it's manufactured and mass produced. like with cigarettes, arsenic is used as an additional chemical. But I don't really give a shit, we all have a day.

I need it because I'm epileptic and my meds make me sleepy, but I guess most of the population doesnt need it but rather take it because it gives them an "edge".

You wish only tobacco and arsenic were the only ingredients of cigarettes today (whether pre-made or tobacco in a pack). There's at least 40 carcinogens up in this bitch. Which, for all we know, could as well not be intentionally caused, since monoculture and shitty use of the same plot of land for decades turns it barren and makes it produce shitty quality output. Add chemicals like pesticides into that and you set yourself for a real unhealthy product.

Fucking ban ✡smoking✡ entirely.

I'll take Native American Spirits for $500 Alex.


IMHO we should all be reading mein kampf and butchering jws as our only vice, come on fellow natsocs leisure is not redpilled

puritans please kys



>Not smoking? Why, that's as ridiculous as living inside a plastic bubble!
Typical addict logic.

You're right. We should clearly replace all vices with reading Mein Kampf and trying to make children. 1488 my fellow nazi :)

There seems to be a lack of consistency here.

>If I can't smoke, I'll have nothing left to do!
Typical addict logic.

new jersey will pay off its debt by doing this because we all know the less you sell the more tax money you get.

wtf I'm a puritan now

brb going to cut relaxation out of my life

Wait, smoking relaxes you? It made me an anxious wreck which is why I stopped doing it.

Yeah, man. Having a nice steak relaxes me too… But I should probably give that up too because meat is jewish. Teach me to be a better moralizer, puritan-chan.

Yeah, I can get on board with this. I started buying smokes when I was 16, and I wonder if I hadn't been able to buy them if I might not have developed a habit. Teenagers are idiots.

In my country vaping nicotine is illegal which is absolutely retarded. I do think vaping is the way to go for a lot of people wanting to quit.

Which country?

Do you find that caffeine makes you more prone to seizures?

>If I can't smoke, I can't relax
Typical addict logic.

Typical puritan faggotry.

>smoking is the only way for me to enjoy myself
Particularly pathetic addict logic.

Smokers get the gas.


Have you read what Goebbels had to say on prudish moralists making their business to police other's business? Could you understand the meaning of his words? It's you who gets the gas for being a hindrance to any movement you purport to support and you are too dumb to realize it, basking in SJW-style feelings of moral superiority.

Honestly this doesn't go far enough. Psychology has shown that the human brain doesn't fully develop until around age 25. Car insurance companies know this and purposely give reduced rate starting at that age, same with the ability to rent a vehicle. At 25 you're considered fully developed and less likely to do something stupid.
They should repeal the 26th amendment and replace it with a new one to raise voting age to 25. Additionally raise the minimum age for drinking, smoking, and military enrollment as well.

>Goebbels told me smoking isn't degenerate and that I should live like a hedonist and do anything I want!
Delusional addict logic.

Smoking isn't good for you, but I can see why people would do it. Chemically induced pleasure is the go to method of coping with a materialistic-bourgeois society that has not only denounced but actively works against Tradition, Family, Nationalism, and Religion. If it's something that helps you get through life then I guess the good side outweighs the bad side. Just remember to try and find more purpose in life than to go from short term pleasure to short term pleasure.

Although the audacity of these kikes astounds me. How can you lack nuance so badly that there's no middle-ground between being healthy and perfectly fine for you, and prohibited to the fullest extent of the law? Discouraging the youth from smoking is wonderful; banning something entirely because you want to virtue signal is the cornerstone of leftist faggotry.

For fuck's sake, listen to yourself. You may as well convert to mohammedanism, I hear gals wearing skirts that show their ankles is paramount to adultery.

This is why you shouldn't smoke.

>if you don't smoke you may as well be a muslim
Deranged addict logic.

Good, now raise the voting age to 25


NSDAP also distributed some of the first anti-smoking 'propaganda'

Used to work at convenient store, literally nobody gives a shit if you sell at 16yo a pack of cigarettes. If the kids were from the neighborhood, boss usually didn't have a problem with it as they were "future customers." Selling alcohol to minors is a lot more trouble so that was off the table.

No. Goebbels told me no one wants to associate with moralist no fun types. And he was right, we don't want to alienate the average working class Joe that enjoys a cigarette, a beer or a nudie magazine on the grounds that we are intellectually and morally superior than them. Nor will we drive them away by promising them a totalitarian police state where your neighbors dictate your morals. Or tell me, is that in (((our))) best interest? Did you read my post? You get the gas for a reason, not because I don't like you or something, people like you are a hindrance, I'm guessing on purpose.

No the other guy is right. You're making excuses for bullshit behavior that is destructive as fuck. We might as well allow cocaine and other drug use while we're at it out of fear of alienating people. All the more reason why people who get cancer from smoking should be left to die without help instead of being a burden on anyone.

Not around here. They do stings with the high school police explorers once in a while and get a few dumb cashiers vanned for selling to minors. It is a crime in most places.

Incidentally, one time an illegal spic was buying beer and I was about to refuse him because he didn't have ID, but the manager said he was okay because they knew him.

You mean the ones who came back and almost to a man immediately kicked their habits with no issues, overturning the myth of heroin being impossibly addictive?

Smoking is a great eugenic factor for a variety of reasons.
It weeds out weak genetics and increases turnover of resources, freeing up property and jobs for the next generation.
You fucks constantly whine about "muh boomers got all the wealth, it isn't fair", so you should support smoking.

when was the last time somebody went on a nicotine bender and killed somebody top kek

The Jews say cocaine is bad, opium too.
Shh, don't tell that the reason for cocaine being outlawed in the first place was that it became known that soldiers on leave from WW1 were easing their pains in London by sniffing cocaine.
Fears of reduced killing ability led to a law being passed making it illegal to sell cocaine to soldiers and from there it was a simple matter to extend nanny state morality to everyone else.

It seems that every time White women fail to restrain their base urges, the entire body of White Knight and feminist society hunts for a scapegoat to blame for her degeneracy.
First it was the conniving Asians using their opium to seduce pure and innocent White girls into rice burning.
Then it was the lascivious negro and his demon weed with roots in hell; it's never the woman's own evil choices you see, it's always some alien and corrupting influence bending her pure will to coal-burning.

And little has changed.

Still entire groups plant, chemical or human are besmirched to hide the shame of women's bad choices.

Yes cocaine too of course, not my business. And if you want to help people don't ostracize users, a network of family and such is often what saves people. There's not a duality between endorsing and promoting stuff, and taking a prohibitionist approach. Only stuff like diddling kids, homosexuality, willing-full obesity, or say heroin and meth should be held as morally reprehensible, other than that you alienate people to feel superior to them and help squat both movement and society-wise. Or at least that's just, like, my opinion, man.

Keep your autism in the appropriate threads.

Sleeping around too, forgot that one, that should be held as reprehensible for good reasons, but if people jerk off or smoke it's really not your business. Encourage them to better themselves maybe, but becoming MADD is bullshit.

Cunt unmasked.

If they overeat or inject heroin it's not your business, either. If they buttfuck each other it's not your business. Keep your nose out of their business, goy. You wouldn't want to make them feel uncomfortable about their vices, would you?

don't forget eve

You want to live in a society where people are able and willing to live rich full lives. Not one where they are forced too. SMoking is bad and pleasurable, degenerate you say. Eating too much red meat, driving fast, staying up late, eating too much sugar, that's all bad too, is it degenerate? Should it be forbidden? Does that sound fun? You are overlooking a big part of personal liberty and shit, in you misguided crusade to make us a bunch of nagging busybody hags.

We really should tbh

You could begin with avoiding that goddamn nigger speak.


It should be looked down upon and discouraged, which is exactly what's happening in this thread, but you faggots can't admit you're weak and have to defend your vice instead of just admitting it sucks.

There is a noticeable christcuck bent to this mode of thinking.
Thing is, God didn't give Eve the pussy pass, he booted her and her cuck husband the fuck out of Eden.
Christians do exactly the opposite, they mollycoddle, they excuse, they point fingers anywhere by at the wamyn.

Just set a property requirement or make it so that those that take more out of the tax system than they pay in cannot vote. That right there would disqualify many or most women, muslims, spics, and nigs across the U.S. and Europe.

fucking this, raise the minimum voting age to 30-35 and the democratic party never wins another election

i vape now instead of smoking, maybe it's healthier i dunno, i feel better and it's cheaper. smoking is terrible, i wish never started, it's not fun lol, it's an addiction for sure. and quitting is not easy.

putting arbitrary limits on these things is the nanny state though, it's no different than no large soda's in new york. they can do this with anything that displeases them.

more importantly, how would everyone be reacting if they raised the minimum age the purchase a firearm and/or ammo to 25-30, 40?

They include vaping in this legislation.
When the government talks about "electronic smoking", they mean vaping.
They cling to the "smoking" label to keep its negative connotations and justify their sin taxes/tobacco-industry-friendly legislation.
Raising the bar to 21 is surely an attempt to increase smoking rates anyway, sorry for anyone who doesn't understand that.

ya that shit is stupid. you used to be able to vape anywhere, now it's now longer considered any different, and why?

there's no doubting it, anti-smoking legislation of any kind is a liberal left wing policy.

I'll admit I'm weak over not being willing to quit smoking and agree it should be discouraged for health reasons, however it's not about defending my vice per se, it's more like defending the abstract idea that you are entitled to a vice if you so chose in the name of personal liberty over some collectivist notion, that make sense?

Tobacco industry lobbying and hysterical anti-nicotine NGO lobbying.

good, only hipsters and nu-males drink that shit

Even though politicians have tried to equate the two, you can still vape in many places that disallow smoking. Usually, it's up to the business owner.

t. vaping inside my non-smoking apartment

well, that's one interpretation
i'd say women are supposed to take responsibility for her child, and the man responsibility for the woman.

I disagree. It's no mystery that these things are bad for you, so if you know and do it anyway, you deserve everything that's coming to you. Not that this law is gonna stop anyone, seeing that the current laws hardly slow underage smoking in the first place.

I don't even smoke, but this is bullshit. When you're 18, you should be allowed to do whatever the fuck you want.

We're going on 8 billion cock suckers on this rock with no signs of slowing down. We need less regulation on everything.

It's probably not meant to stop anyone. Look, teenagers don't crave drugs which are legal, because legal drugs aren't a kick, they aren't "cool", they have no edge.
If you want to increase smoking in the youth, raising the minimum age to 21 will accomplish it.
Because Jews.

Sounds right.

Depends where you live.
All public transport and public buildings are no vape zones in the UK.

You apparently think this is all some kind of joke. It's not.

Nicotine and caffiene are pesticides

I agree with this. The age to vote is 18 and that's the 26th amendment to the constitution. All other laws restricting age for anything else should follow this.

I don't even think the federal government has a right to set limits on anything food and drug related, how do they get away with this again? interstate commerce? I've heard plenty of arguments that the FDA is unconstitutional.

This isn't a federal government issue though, it's the state of new jersey, at which point it's states rights, which I support.

water is also used in pesticides and battery acid, you wouldn't want to drink battery acid would you?

What's the status of vaping in bars and restaurants? I know they banned smoking in bars many years ago.

I don't think a single person here is under the illusion that the government isn't fucking shit up, and intentionally so at that. The fucktards don't even try to hide it anymore, we've just gotten so used to it that hardly anyone bats an eye unless it's especially severe.

Listen goyim, you clearly don't know what's good for yourself and you're lucky we let you do it at all! Now let's get your child that transgender surgery they've always wanted, goy!

If you're old enough to get sent to the desert to die in a war for Israel, you're old enough to smoke a cigarette if you want to.

Fucking nanny state bullshit.

Pepper is a pesticide.

Caffeine without the other ingredients of coffee is just terrible. you need full complete coffee for a good decent energy boost or focus.

Avoiding suger when you drink coffee helps regulate the feeling of it and prevents spikes/downfalls.

there's cities all across california that ban all outdoors smoking, anywhere. I got stopped and frisked being a decent looking white male by two squadcars for walking down the street smoking in public in one of these cities.

So where can I smoke? In your own residence, but only if you own the house, it's not in a complex (no condo's), and good luck if you have kids. Also no smoking in your car if there's kids in it.

This law probably affects niggers more than anyone else, and not surprisingly the city I was in was zero percent niggers.

Depends on the establishment. The (hospitality) industry is behind it because the smoking ban did massive damage to pubs, bars, restaurants etc, but it's probably only a matter of time until it is outlawed.
Steps have already been taken to classify vapes as "medical devices" to get them under control and restriction.

Yeah, nah, that's fucking retarded.

Children can be enrolled in colleges and universities. You don't need to be a legal adult.

200mg caffeine has a very similar neurological effect as 5mg ritalin, so enjoy my self-medicating

I'm no rich fag that can spend $5 a cup though, I just get the cheapest shit at the store and brew my own.

best goyim

you don't have to be a high school graduate either

My family has been American tobacco growers since at least the 1700s. The tobacco plant is fine, and on it's own, it even has some medicinal properties that should be explored. It works wonders for things like allergic reactions to constrict swelling and also as a topical remedy for bee stings and other skin irritations.
When tobacco is processed for commercial cigarettes, it's made into a liquid slurry of chemicals like flavor enhancers, nicotine boosters, things to make it burn at a consistent rate, and all sorts of other nasties. Then end product it almost like rolls of paper that is then treated with preservatives and sliced into thin ribbons to be packed into the "fire safe" chemical soaked and bleached papers.
Cigarette tobacco is not the natural cured tobacco from the farm.

Watch out, muh lady's internet defense force is going to get you.

You lolbergs are going to the gas chamber too.

Holy shit you're right

True. A gifted child is (literally) wasting his time in high school and should be boosted straight to college or university. Basic numeracy and literacy is already instilled by the end of primary school and most degree courses treat the student as a blank slate, i.e they start from scratch with math etc, covering what is taught at high school level in a couple of weeks before progressing to the more advanced shit.
The state education system is really terrible. The ungifted stay far too long, and the gifted are forced to sit through stultifying mediocrity and non-subjects which their great intellects are wasted on.

Commercial tobacco is freebased using ammonia, to make it hit faster, harder and increase addiction.
It is also tainted before it even hits the process line, due to impurities in the fertilizers.
Tobacco smokers' main exposure to radioactivity is through inhaled polonium and uranium left over from the fertilizer. Their cigarettes also account for the majority of heavy metal exposure, specifically Cadmium.

I hate these studies which fail to differentiate between BURNED tobacco and raw product.
What are they actually referring to?
Another common fault is studies referring to nicotine but using data which actually derives from tobacco smoke.
Tobacco isn't nicotine.

Are you literally fucking rerarded?

Caffiene, nicotine, ephedrine are produced by plants as pesticides and their stimulant properties are a result of the same mechanism that kills insects. Cute how you tgink applying the broad principles of toxicology with water and battery acid as somehow negating what i stated.

In short, fucking kill yourself




who gives a shit, am i an insect? prohibition doesn't work and using the pesticide argument (they also use battery acid) is a leftist scare tactic.

prohibition doesn't work, it only encourages smuggling, it didn't work with alcohol it's definitely not working with tobacco. Any legislation trying to tax it out of existence or raise the minimum age is only go to give smugglers a larger profit margin.

Who was that dindu's name that got chocked to death in New York for selling cigs? laws like this will only increase that activity.

Salt's (sodium chloride) vital effect on osmotic pressure is the same effect which causes it to kill when over-consumed.
user is right to highlight the absurd broadness of your comment.
No one dies of caffeine poisoning by drinking coffee.
No one dies of nicotine poisoning by consuming tobacco products (nicotine is actually less toxic than caffeine.)
People aren't insects.

Authority cucks love over reach - they live in eternal hope that perhaps, maybe, if they are subservient and grovel enough, they might be rewarded with a reach around while being fucked in the ass.

Im against the war on drugs but people have some serious misconceptions about drugs, on both sides of the aisle.

I only say that as someone with in depth knowledge on pharmacology and medicinal chemistry, and i dabble with psychedelics. My point was that the whole "cigarettes contain x number of toxins" is fucking retarded because i bet you combusting cannabis has most of the same carcinogens/mutagens/irritants/etc.

There's such a thing as responsible drug use, kinda like how you can use things like dogitoxin as life saving medication. Tobacco on its own is a great example of potent medicinal herbs that is tainted by kike conglomerates selling a poisonous product when it doesnt have to be.

Same with many drugs in general. Look at ethanol, prohibition is clearly a disaster.

No one dies from eating burnt to a crisp bacon either but the black shit is established carcinogens

Well it's not correct to say that no one dies from bacon. Carcinogens (nitrosamines in this case) present a stochastic risk, you might get cancer, you might not. The lung cancer rate among food workers who cook bacon is elevated and undoubtedly some of them die from bacon related cancers. it doesn't need to be burned to a crisp by the way, normal cooking of bacon released nitrosamines, iirc it's the nitrites used in curing which are the source of this. Poisons such as nicotine and caffeine have deterministic effects, you ingest enough and you will die through acute effects.
But there's no strong evidence that nicotine is carcinogenic. For over 100 years the completely pulled-from-thing-air, made-up figure of ld50 "60 mg" has been accepted by "experts" as fact. It's even still being taught and used as a basis for policies relating to nicotine handling as we speak, despite being debunked as the unscientific opinion of one man and a couple of his mates, back in the 19th century.

You're a total retard. Childhood ends and adulthood begins when puberty starts. That's a scientific fact regardless of what cultural marxist-controlled governments say or what you've been indoctrinated to believe. Pic related. Also, smoking tobacco should be illegal like other drugs anyway. The same goes for alcohol. Brain-damaging degeneracy.

i've read that research. nicotine dosages, lethal, recommended, etc, were done by some scientists that decided fuck it one day and just drank a bunch of straight nicotine and reported the levels where they felt like shit and started puking.

they couldn't test it on humans because it's unethical, so they tested it on themselves. as far as i know it was never repeated.

Just to clarify, I'm not implying that the ld50 has anything to do with carcinogenicity, but it's an example of the massive misinformation surrounding nicotine in general, much of it stemming from Victorian puritanism and strange Christianity-based opposition to any mood elevation which doesn't come as a result of serving church, wife or government.

I think we're actually on the same page but due to the limitations of imageboard chatter we're getting borderline hostile

Exactly right, except the figures stated as having been consumed don't tally with the symptoms.
The lack of follow-up research is filled in by accidental poisonings and suicide attempts. The best estimate now for true lethal dose is somewhere between 500mg and multiple grams.

it's actually far more interesting when you start talking about vaping. when you buy the juice, it goes up to 24mg/mL nictoine, you can buy it higher in some places but that seems to be some arbitrary limit most place on it.

it usually comes in 10-30ml bottles, and 1 10ml will probably give you a couple hundred puffs depending on the device.

what happens if you chug a bunch of this juice? you can buy bottles up to 240ml. how much can you drink until you off yourself? i've never heard of as suicide by that method but it's probably not the most pleasant.

it also takes no account of tolerance.

the bigger point to this is nicotine and booze shouldn't be encouraged, but it's not the governments responsibility to tell me not to get high.

nicotine especially should not be encouraged, as much as i've spent on this shit in my life so far. I'm drinking a beer and vaping right now, but i have constantly everyday instead of smoking cigs and/or dipping. Am i getting high from the vape? Do I even feel good from it? Not really, not anywhere compared to the drink I'm drinking. It's habit for one, I like the smoke in my lungs, because I'm used to it, especially when drinking, it's mental. That and if I didn't, I would have a mean craving from it, i stopped for 15 minutes I would start craving it, and my brain would be willing to go pretty far to go get it. If I had to walk 5 miles, or 15 to the store to get it if I ran out, I would. Booze doesn't do that. Nicotine does. If I could have prevented myself from starting I would, but I started at 16, the 18 age limit law definitely didn't stop me.

That's possible.
I think my point is that the toxicity of these compounds, when consumed in the usual ways, i.e brews of tea, coffee, ephedra, smoked, snuffed, dipped or vaped, is far from being able to kill through poisoning (ephedra/ephedrine actually should probably not be on the list, it can be dangerous, especially if combined with another stimulant like caffeine).

Well such suicides are mentioned in that study. Without going back to check, I believe they had a case where 5 grams of concentrated nicotine was swallowed in a suicide attempt; the man survived with no lasting harm.

The 24mg limit is an arbitrary gesture towards self-regulation, you CAN obtain concentrates up to 96mg and beyond, but 96 is the highest "standard" concentrate iirc.
A 10ml bottle @ 24mg is only 240mg of nicotine. One of the first symptoms of overdose is nausea, in other words the body expels the toxin, this is probably why the man who drank 5 grams survived.
You could definitely work up a lethal dose using e-juice but you would need to combine it with an anti-emetic or else your death draught will just come right back up.
The main concern, or should I say "concern", kvetched about on the television and in the newspapers is the supposed danger of children mistaking the "colourful and sweet tasting e-liquids" as a tasty drink and unwittingly downing a lethal dose.
What these articles fail to factor in is that, even at these low concentrations, nicotine solution is not only bitter but causes a burning sensation when it comes into contact with the oral mucosa.
Possible yes, but very unlikely, besides normal precautions should prevail when children are in the house.
For some comparison, thousands of children are poisoned by those laundry detergent gel "tabs" each year but there's no outcry or regulation.

Yupp, we're on the same page. I only included ephedra because its one of those plant toxins that evolved to kill imsects but we as humans comsumed as stimulants because livers FTW

Good point, with tolerance the amount needed to kill will be even higher although perhaps you're hinting in the other direction, a nicotine naive victim of poisoning. Even taking naivety into account I am certain that 60mg is way below any credible amount.
Before this study was even conducted, oral tobacco users and vapers already knew that something was seriously amiss with the "60mg will kill a man" meme.
Spills of concentrate onto bare skin, swallowing of juice at "lethal" levels and regular oral use of snus and dip with concentrations which should be "lethal" all pointed towards serious inaccuracy.

As an example there is currently on the market a variety of Swedish snus which has 43mg of nicotine per portion.
If 60mg were truly a lethal 50%, then taking a single one of these portions would kill a significant number of people on their first try, popping two would virtually guarantee death.

I'm not sure about the evolved poison bit. I believe (but can't prove) that humans have been tending and selectively breeding these plants for thousands of years. I believe it is probably us who caused nicotiana tabacum to have its elevated levels of nicotine and the same probably applies to coffee, tea, coca, opium poppy.
Sometimes a new discovery hints at this past, an example that comes to mind is Salvia divinorum. It's believed to be a cultivar, yet the indigenous people have no idea where it came from or how they learned to use it. In other words, a civilization prior to them created it, as it created their great stepped pyramids and cities, and they are just squatters on the relics of that culture.
This is getting into Hancockian theories on the true age of humanity, which I do actually subscribe to. Psilocybin is often said to be a poison which the mushroom must have evolved to prevent grazing, but if that's what it is, it must be the worst evolved defence in the history of the planet given that not only herbivores but carnivorous animals (including humans) actively seek out the mushroom for its psychoactive effects.

I wonder if it matters? Does tolerance influence how much of something will kill you? I have a feeling it actually doesn't. I'm not sure. I know when I first tried dip I puked (like everyone I know) but once dipping on the regular it was nothing.

The 60mg thing is a total joke. I'm pretty sure I vaped 60mg in the last 2-3 hours, and I used to dip damn near 2 cans a day, and I threw in some pretty fat dips. Fat dips give you a decent head change though. I couldn't take it not a total tard and spit it out. Maybe if I injected it and had no choice any longer it would be different.

that also makes me think these numbers take no account of how long an inhale is held, how much nicotine is actually absorbed. naturally you inject the shit then you know, probably the same with eating it, but even then, some must be lost from eating, and i'm sure a ton of it is lost in the act of burning it (cigs) atomizing (vape) or sticking it in your lip, it doesn't take into account how long you keep that dip in, how often you spit, if gut it, there's all kinds of variables.

I'm sure the tobacco industry puts all kinds of shit into cigs, maybe dip, but that isn't the addiction, if it was I'd still be smoking, vaping takes care of it. Even straight nicotine gum will cure the craving in times where I can't do either for extended periods of time. So it's not the chemicals "big tobacco" adds, it's the nicotine.

it's hard to tell what's what anymore because all science is politically biased. there's not a single research study that comes out on anything that doesn't have a leftist political bias, usually heavy, associated with it, and right wing political bias is smashed. you'd think leftists love nicotine and caffeine, but they don't, it's evil, big pharma, big tobacco, etc, so every drug study that comes out is anti-drug, except for the totally illegal unregulated drugs they love, pot, cocaine, LSD, acid, etc.

scientists fucked themselves with their political bias

Tolerance definitely increases the amount required for lethal effects. Same goes for heroin, coke etc. I've seen vapers on their forums, worried or even panicking because they think they might have crossed the magic 60mg figure and are scared they will suddenly drop dead because "lethal amount."
Poisoning doesn't work that way, at least not with these substances. Just as you require more for the pleasant effect, tolerance pushes up the amount required to cause poisoning. The most dramatic example of this is probably in the opiate abuser. They need more to get high as tolerance builds, but that tolerance also protects against the lethal effects such as respiratory depression. An opiate abuser's normal dose can easily be several times the on-paper "ld50" and he can be perfectly safe in taking it.
One of the main causes of death by overdose in opiate abusers is when they get released from a spell in jail or prison, don't take account of the fact they've lost their tolerance, then take the dose they were on prior to incarceration.
Instant fatal overdose.

I sometimes use quite a bit of snus, personally I don't like to overdo it either, I don't like the speedy heart or the thumping of high blood pressure between my ears. Makes physical exertion uncomfortable and you pour with sweat if the day is hot. I really notice the drop-off of tolerance in between snus shipments (it's illegal in the UK, so I order from overseas, sometimes having to wait weeks for a refill). If I take one of those Siberia browns with the 43mg, without tolerance, it doesn't take long for a wave of nausea to start building.

I'm torn. Smoking is disgusting and degenerate and anyone who does it is a fucking retard, but I also hate new laws that impose on personal choice.

Bioavailability, the form the nicotine is in (salt/freebase) also is a factor.
Smoking is very wasteful. If you notice on the packet, the typical cigarette delivers around 0.8 to 1.0mg of nicotine. What many don't realize is that the tobacco, prior to being burned, actually contains around 20mg of nicotine, it's just that most of it never makes it into your body.
Funny thing is, it's a bit more complicated than that. Without the cigarette, nicotine isn't actually addictive. There have been studies done more or less proving this. What they call someone who has never smoked tobacco is a "never smoker."
When never-smokers are given isolated nicotine, they don't become addicted. Nicotine was given to patients to study its effect on various conditions, without going back to check I think it was Tourettes and ADHD. The nicotine was administered using nicotine patches and treatment lasted over a month. When the study concluded the patches were stopped.
Not a single test subject reported cravings or addiction.
The current theory is that the other psychoactive chemicals produced when tobacco is burned, such as MAO inhibitors, potentiate the nicotine and make it addictive.
Big tobacco also freebases the nicotine in cigarettes. Freebase nicotine is to regular tobacco nicotine, as crack is to cocaine.

Sometimes you can find politically incorrect conclusions but they're included tangentially. For example I found out that Blacks really do prefer menthol cigarettes and it probably has to do with genetic differences in the liver metabolism - but the study I read it in wasn't about that topic, the information just kind of slipped in under the radar. In general though, you won't get funding if you tell the truth, look what happened to James Watson (co-discoverer of DNA), he had to auction off his Nobel prize after leftists got all his teaching jobs cancelled.
His crime? Stating that Blacks are less intelligent as a population than Whites.

Just to clarify, once you've smoked, all forms of nicotine are addictive to you. Your brain is conditioned or programmed afterwards, so I'm not saying you can't be addicted to vaping or other non-smoking nicotine delivery systems, you can, but it should only happen if you've been a smoker at some point in your life.

there's a significant part of it that's mental, it's the feeling of smoke in the lungs, especially after meals, with coffee, with booze, first thing in the morning, before bed, etc. you do that shit for years it becomes a significant mental thing completely separate from the nicotine addiction itself.

what pisses me off is these kike politicians lump vapeing in with every other form of tobacco, vaping isn't even tobacco, it's straight nicotine mixed with PG/VG, some vegetable juice shit. It's supposed to be considerably safer. I don't doubt it's not the best for you, but it's considerably different from cigs and dip.

The basis of this is they want the tax revenue. As they continue to tax the shit out of tobacco products, people switch to vape, get the same satisfaction with half the health risks, oy vey, muh tax monies.

I'm sure there will come a time in the future where they restrict vape flavors to taste like dog-shit, and at the same time bump the taxes in it 500% up to cig rates.

It's kikery and government overreach and should be opposed. It's about money, not health, and even the health argument is about money. Nigs obviously aren't paying for their own health insurance and most of them smoke, so it's in their interest to restrict it and tax it as hard as possible, because god knows we have to treat the dindu's in the hospital when they do nothing but smoke and drink 40's all the way into their 60's off straight welfare and then need medical attention to extend their life another 3 years.

Vaping is actually a lot safer than 50%, it's pretty much endorsed by UK health professionals and the figure they use is "95% safer", but they're being conservative.

I still think that raising the age will promote rather than decrease the uptake of smoking in the young, the mystique, the rebellion etc. It even creates a black market for slightly older kids to supply the younger ones. I may be paranoid but I wonder if measures like this are the last desperate efforts of a dying cigarette industry to make smoking glamorous and edgy again.

Yes while humans selectively bred more potent strains of aformentioned, WE didn't breed tge plants to produce tgese alkaloids in the first place. Thats why im autistic about its pesticide classification. It has effects on the nervous system that are fatal to insects with simple pathways compared to us getting a mere buzz from our nervous system being jolted a certain way.

Dude i use tea leaves ive steeped and tobacco leaves with neem oil on plants i grow. I swear by it

Also im specifically mentioning natural stimulants, tobacco, tea, ephedra

Things like THC are resins that assist pollen sticking to the buds, which is why removing males make those slutty female plants so sticky and hungry for dat pollen.

Shrooms i think just happen to have a metabolite that makes us trip dick. Its not really toxic in any sense and fungi/animals produce a lot of related compounds. DMT, melatonin, seratonin. Its just a shared biopathway.


Kill yourself


naw, it's okay to eat 100% raw, organic, unprocessed biomass.

impressive digits BTW

among people who would wait until middle age to start having children.

Note that Trump doesn't smoke.

The best pro-smoking argument is the lolbertarian one.

Or you could smoke rarely.

You mean cavaliers who are all rural whites and opposed the bringing of kikes into England and unfortunately lost that civil war?

As a geologist I'll say that most water contains heavy metals, and asbesto-form minerals, and various contaminants.

Everything is fool of toxic materials and I hate this fucking food-purity bullshit. Here's a bit of advice, stop eating so much. Smoking once a month won't give you fucking cancer. Drinking one soda won't make you fat. And whatever other "Xic jew" you hate won't do shit if you don't intake it habitually.

How about we just kill or allow to die all the faggots who cannot control themselves rather than restricting access to readily available chemicals. I understand using laws to put niggers in prison for life so don't think I'm some lolbertarian retard. I don't value freedom or choice, I also don't value some arbitrary purity. I value survival and propagation at all costs. Death to the weak by any means.

Explain Jedi Master Hitler.

What would i do with my hands?

Is this just your roundabout way of saying there are no arguments in favor of smoking?

vices are not crimes.
just wait for that hate speak treaty to roll out, you'll get to hear your arguments all over again

this, this is why their called sin taxes and not crimes.

if you can't make it illegal, tax the shit out of it. this is the argument for recreational marijuana everywhere. in california under prop 215 it wasn't taxable, you had to get a doctors note for it. this was kind of a scam on the system, because their were doctors everywhere willing to give the rec for anything, you pay the money, go in, say you have a headache, tldr; your not walking out after paying the $25-75 without a recomendation, but after that, it was illegal to tax the dispensaries.

with recreational marijuana, it's free for all, but the government now get's to put a 50% tax on it. it's always about kikery


Gas yourself kike

Don't you think it's wrong to invoke the Holocaust? Lots of members of the Alt-Right had family members turned into soap and lampshades during the Shoah.

You came after the great exodus. Don't deny it.

Holla Forums is not your home, lolbergs

(1), report kike


He was defending TRS.

what about those who are 18-19 in NJ who are already addicted?

i actually thought about that. kind of fucked for anyone was smoking legally at 18-21, and all the sudden they get fucked,

i'd hope fat man would grandfather this, make it apply past a certain birth year or something.

Good. I hope the whole industry gets removed. Fuck cancer sticks.

I'd rather they raise the voting age to 21. Or better yet, 25.

Guess what, nearly every vegetable you eat has active substances against insects/natural enemies in it. Fuck off with your disinfo straight edge faggot.

Raise it to fifty to get all the boomers out for Jeb!

(1) low energy kikes arriving late to the thread

What about pipe tobacco, or cigars? I've heard that it's healthier for you, which is the reason that I stick exclusively to them.


fucking waste of time, they should have just mandated gnarly pictures on everything

its the only antismoking measure empirically proven to make smokers smoke less

I doubt any of those was actually caused by smoking though.

there was nothing I enjoyed more at 16 than having a beer and a shot, fucking my girlfriends, and then having a cigarette in bed after fucking. great times fam

What's up with all the (((lolbertarian))) retards ITT whining? Of course the state must restrict smoking. The health of the volk is the number one priority.

Caffeine calcifies your pineal gland and is a biproduct of xanthine which has more negative than positive effects and should not be used internally. The only reason you should have coffee is for it's antioxidant effects, so avoid the beverage and just have a little bit of cacao powder in your cereal. Sometimes I use decaf with cacao powder, maca powder and raw honey. Alternatively you can have something like matcha tea or bilberry which is way higher in antioxidants.

Also, have a shot of apple cider vinegar per day and drink plenty of low-micron filtered water if you want an aryan lifespan.

I thought that was fluoride?

Completely retarded. If you're gonna ban smoking, ban it for all ages.

This is just keeping the youth in a perpetual infantile state. If they had their way, only boomers would be able to vote.

-t 29 year old who has never smoked a cig in his life


They're all the faggots who came in after the great exodus, and won't even deny it. The ones who stayed on 4/pol/, until it's end.


I was here before that, retard.

imkikey btfo & EXPOSED!


imkikey btfo & EXPOSED!


imkikey btfo & EXPOSED!


imkikey btfo & EXPOSED!


imkikey btfo & EXPOSED!


imkikey btfo & EXPOSED!


imkikey btfo & EXPOSED!


imkikey btfo & EXPOSED!


Healthier, to a degree. Basically trading a lower risk of lung cancer for a higher risk of mouth/nose cancer.

a boogieman. A search of imkikey shows evoking of this "person" that's supposed to be shitposting 24/7 in multiple forums, obviously not possible.

Oy vey, don't stop people from smoking, we DESERVE their money!

You want to be safe? Smoke cigarettes or cigars - because they keep the blood flowing when your body starts to shut down.

check the dubs

Far from it

Cool story bro, refute literally anything

Faggots and trannies don't breed either, is that reason enough to tolerate them?


oh yeah, that's pol all over, constantly, oh wait it's not, at all. did you mess up your shitposting thinking you were still at your regular haunt at leftypol?

Kind of, it makes my arm "twitch" sometimes, but no hard seizures. When I'm typing on the keyboard sometimes my hand just moves away randomly.

Meds for seizures are different than meds for other things like Depression or Anxiety or whatever people take. I actually need those meds to keep my mind stable and not go full ADHD: reloaded edition. My seizures are not violent, I only lose my consciousness completely which is really counter-productive, worst thing is that I wasn't born this way, something happened (unknown cause) that made me this way.

But what do you use for wake effectiveness during the work day? I tend to only use one cup (regular black) per work day.

My guess is ausfailia. Which is doubly ironic since they have the most hardcore antismokijg imagery ever on their cig packs, like dead babies and shit. Post Port Arthur oz is fucksville.

That's right, avoid the cost of living issue a bit longer. Give the soccer moms and various self righteous asshats something to rally behind so they can forget about their ever shrinking income in the face of rising inflation.

Call me when they legislate the decentralization of the banking system.

What the fuck are you even talking about?
Go back to reddit you piece of shit.

I'm talking bread and circuses. Who gives a flying fuck about the smoking age. Kids just get homeless guys or family members to get them smokes.

suck a dick you dumb faggot.


I don't think anyone should smoke but I know fucking with the age limit isn't going to stop underage smoking for shit. If you think otherwise you're retarded.

.t Holla Forums


How did I do that?

Those are two different things my dude. Also tea still contains caffeine.

Just like a minimum age of 21 to drink alcohol prevents teenagers from getting drunk. Yeah right, this is going to work. It's not like proxy purchasing ever happens.

Go back to 4chan.

For some reason, that logic features prominently in leftist doctrine. If you can't solve a problem completely all at once, you shouldn't solve it at all. When they argue against immigration control and the wall, they often cite that crime still comes into the States over the northern border. To them, if you can't secure every border, you might as well secure no borders at all.

ate pole has always been a board of refugees

cacao has caffeine in it too. i had to give up both for it to work.

why do liberals want to ban Tobacco but legalize pot?

Is that what the man in the white coat told you?

it's called cognitive dissonance

The health of law-abiding volk is priority. Those who persist in smoking must suffer lawful, summary execution.

Any souce to learn more?

Nice LARP.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle and virtuous morals is not prudish, you imbecile. If it is taken to insufferable extremes, maybe, but that's you projecting, mate.
Promoting a healthy lifestyle and combating degeneracy is not "moral superiority." We have no purpose if you think that. It probably has more to do with your attitude when interacting with people.


Holy shit you are fucking delusional.


enjoy your fucked brain


Fixed that for you. The reason we have such stupid laws, such as sending kids to jail and making them register as sex offenders for taking nude selfies, is the same as the reason our factories are in Mexico and our bombs are in Afghanistan: Jews.

Fifty years ago, we lived in a fairly high-trust society. My mother was born in the '40s, and she once told me a story about a white stranger reaching out from the window of his truck and grabbing her by the hand at an intersection when she was about four years old. It startled her, but he let go and told her not to stick her arm out of car windows. My grandmother leaned out her window and thanked the man for what he did. Can any of you repulsive neckbeards imagine what would happen to you now if you reached out of a car and touched somebody else's little girl? Is there an outcome of that that doesn't involve a cop kneeling on your spine? And even if you're not beaten to death by the mob, can you imagine the girl's mother thanking you?

The reason for this is simple: Jews kicked open the door, and now America has a bunch of spic and sandnigger child-rapists. So now we all have to be treated like potential pedos, which has the fun side effect of eroding our communities and making the dollar-Jew and the media-kike much more influential, since our "community" is now whatever filth is on the Talmudvision.

We are likewise made to walk through metal detectors at public events and public buildings, as if we were niggers who might chimp out with a stolen gun and shoot a judge for sentencing our dindu kid. We are forced out of making adult jokes and references in the office, on pain of firing and prosecution, because apparently none of us can be trusted to know where the line is between harmless fun and criminal harassment. Grown men without children are wise to just avoid places where kids play, lest some busybody call the cops on a suspected pedo. This also has the fun side effect of almost entirely removing young men from contact with children, where they might be an example to the boys and a harmless crush for the girls. . . Nope! They all have to be treated as if they might be that spic who kept the girl in his basement for 20 years.

The other problem is equality. A long as we're pretending to be equals with the wildlife, we can't pass a law that requires niggers and muds to take off their shoes at the airport, but wave the whites through. We can't herd the spics away from kids they're sizing up at the playground, or make them pass a breathalyzer before driving, without imposing the same onerous rules on ourselves. This is because, according to the Jews, there's no difference between races and whites are exactly as likely to sell crack as niggers. We are exactly as likely to molest kids as some faggot Mexican. We are exactly as likely to drive a Truck of Peace through a crowd as Muammar Abdullah al-Blowjabi.

Until we slay these twin evils, multiculturalism and equality, both spread by the Jews, we will all live as if we're on parole. Enjoy the day a Jewish propagandist or lawyer sends the cops to get you for sitting next to an unattended little girl at the park.

Good. They should increase the age to 80. If you manage to live to 80 only then you gain the right to choke and poison other people's lungs in the streets and their home balconies.

My grandad smoked prerolled cigs his whole life and got the emphazima at 84.

His dad did the same, and so does my dad.

We used to own a tobacco field in Triplett, VA.

And no, not a jew. Both sides of family were scottish.

I've chewed tobacco for 10 years i go to the dentist every year, no cancer at all or gum damage

Meant to say he rolled his own

Meh a non issue. I mean sure smoking is shit but considering all the shit in NJ this should be among the last items on the list. And no I don't smoke.

I think most people realize that tobacco itself is not the main issue.

Inhaling anything that's burning can be harmful to your health, but it's nothing compared to all the extra additives in cigarettes

The kids that populate this board now actually believe this shit.
Get in shape and stop worrying about how other people live. A man should never tell another man how to live his life.
How many white children do you have? What businesses do you own? When did you meet your blue eyed aryan wife?
Except that you don't have any of that. You're a miserable pussy who's never been near a decent white woman so you compensate by larping as a NatSoc on the internet when you're not playing video games right? Nobody who's been here more than 6 months has to try this hard to fit in.

Are you not aware you're in a shit posting summer thread?

You're right.
The primary cause of oral cancers in men is HPV contracted from cunnilingus.
Gnarly "mouth cancer from smoking" pictures are a mainstay of tobacco packets in the UK.
The other favourite is the "black smoker's lungs" but smoking tobacco doesn't turn your lungs black, that is a TOTAL MYTH and the photographs actually depict the lungs of coal miners whose lungs were wrecked to ensure that women stayed warm.
This is such a well memed lie that it's difficult to correct it.

So they only want the kids to get cancer from the regular air?

Yes, but what kind of god?

Good. That shit needs to be thrown in the trash too. If you ate healthy and stuck to a good sleeping schedule, you wouldn't need chemical crutches to get yourself up in the morning.

Milk, tea, and water are all a man needs.


Call me degenerate, idgaf, but I've been smoking since I was 15 (late 20s now). A few years back I switched from store-bought tobacco to whole leaf that I shred myself. I have to tell you, I felt the most terrible withdrawal symptoms, the same as I did when I quit for a short time, for the first week or so when I switched over. Before switching I also would get lightheaded, cloudy, and become very cranky if I didn't get 'my fix' every few hours. Now I have no problems even if I have a day where I can't smoke more than my morning cigarette. I went from two packs a day to (on average) 7 a day. The shit they spray it with is most certainly to get you 10 times more addicted.

we also need less cock suckers.

Please start with yourself and the other child killing illuminated fags.

fucking cucks in this thread prepping the fed bull

Burger laws are fucking retarded.

My bet is on his mother dying of too many fucking donuts, not too many cigarettes.

med for seriously debilitated people shouldn't be taxed but rec should get the tax.

also smoking joints isn't medicinal since it releases other shit.
vape, extraction/patch, or pill for med.

smoking and vape pen for rec.

you should also have to go through a drug safety course to get a rec permit because I see so many kids get BTFO from not knowing you cant drink and smoke unless you're seasoned.


Are you aware of what's in that tea, user?

Touch my smokes and i will have my stormtroopers beat you to a bloody pulp.

If you don't like smoking you're a complete fucking pussy- end of story. Why not just become muslim if you hate smoking (and probably liquor) so much?


pipe smoking is based.
smelly cancer sticks are degenerate.