Ben & Jerries goes full pro-migrant as a SJW retard, again!
More migrants have to be moved from refugee camps in the middle east and Africa to Western-Europe, according to Ben & Jerries, specifically the UK and The Netherlands.
Ben & Jerry who were last month caught employing 2 illegal migrants, who were arrested during their strike in US Vermont for higher pay, is now setting their sight for cheap labor within Europe.
Earlier in March the CEO of Ben & Jerry, (((Jostein Solheim))) issued a public statement against Trump on the companies website, while urging others in the business community to do the same.
Ben & Jerry Together with a Dutch based 'refugee aid' NGO who works on smuggling economic migrants into Europe, VluchtenlingenWerk Nederland, is now starting a campaign to convince these politicians in Europe to bring more "vulnerable" refugees to Europe.
>'We have a young following, who we want to activate for this mission. People in the UK have already objected (no proof for this) and asked us why we can't just focus on making icecream rather then politicizing their icecream. We have always been socially active within society for the past 40 years. Especially concerning climate kangz and (((civil rights))) and we simply can't let that go!' says Laura Giel, mission manager of Ben & Jerry's.
Every year, the Dutch government itself invites 500 vulnerable refugees from refugeecamps around the world who are ill, faggots, single mothers and or orphaned children to the Netherlands outside the standardized asylum procedures, and gives these 'vulnerable' refugees dutch citizenry. CUCKS! VluchtelingenWerk wants the Dutch government to raise this figure to 5000 a year, a tenfold increase.
According to the UN, there is a drastic need for 1,2 million refugees who need immediate asylum granted as they belong to these same vulnerable groups. but every year there were only 125,000 places available worldwide, of which the US and Canada took the majority of these economic migrants. (thanks king Nigger) Now that this is coming to a end under Trump and they are expecting to lose some 100,000 spots due to US no longer accepting refugees, they need new spots available. Let's grab a crowbar and destroy Europe even further.
In Brussel this summer the unelected (((European Commission))) and their lackeys are working on a new settlement directive with a plan for the entirety of the European Union. As a retort, Ben & Jerry together with VluchtelingenWerk are launching their new influential campaign named 'Home Safe Home' #HomeSafeHome to influence these politicians. Later this summer a special brand of Ben & Jerry Ice flavor will appear to support this campaign including TV commercials filled with emotional drivel, to push the cancer that are these economic migrants on to the Whites of Europe. This media campaign will run primarily in the UK, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark and France. I have no doubt the US will receive it's fair share just to virtue signal more to the left, because Trump n shieet.
'The Story has to make sense!'
Rik Riezebos of brand expert 'Brand Capital' says he increasingly sees companies who commit themselves to certain (((societal goals))). As Ben & Jerries does now. Rik thinks it's a wonderful idea that more companies are now doing this (counting his shekels). There are however dangers to this according to Rikydick, How do you remain credible as a company? There is no logical link between their product and the campaign. (other then hiring illegal filth) If the people see through this sham, they exclaim that you are only doing this for attention to create more brand awareness. So rik really recommends Ben & Jerries to get their story straight.