Migrant media campaigns revving their engines

Ben & Jerries goes full pro-migrant as a SJW retard, again!

More migrants have to be moved from refugee camps in the middle east and Africa to Western-Europe, according to Ben & Jerries, specifically the UK and The Netherlands.

Ben & Jerry who were last month caught employing 2 illegal migrants, who were arrested during their strike in US Vermont for higher pay, is now setting their sight for cheap labor within Europe.

Earlier in March the CEO of Ben & Jerry, (((Jostein Solheim))) issued a public statement against Trump on the companies website, while urging others in the business community to do the same.

Ben & Jerry Together with a Dutch based 'refugee aid' NGO who works on smuggling economic migrants into Europe, VluchtenlingenWerk Nederland, is now starting a campaign to convince these politicians in Europe to bring more "vulnerable" refugees to Europe.

>'We have a young following, who we want to activate for this mission. People in the UK have already objected (no proof for this) and asked us why we can't just focus on making icecream rather then politicizing their icecream. We have always been socially active within society for the past 40 years. Especially concerning climate kangz and (((civil rights))) and we simply can't let that go!' says Laura Giel, mission manager of Ben & Jerry's.

Every year, the Dutch government itself invites 500 vulnerable refugees from refugeecamps around the world who are ill, faggots, single mothers and or orphaned children to the Netherlands outside the standardized asylum procedures, and gives these 'vulnerable' refugees dutch citizenry. CUCKS! VluchtelingenWerk wants the Dutch government to raise this figure to 5000 a year, a tenfold increase.

According to the UN, there is a drastic need for 1,2 million refugees who need immediate asylum granted as they belong to these same vulnerable groups. but every year there were only 125,000 places available worldwide, of which the US and Canada took the majority of these economic migrants. (thanks king Nigger) Now that this is coming to a end under Trump and they are expecting to lose some 100,000 spots due to US no longer accepting refugees, they need new spots available. Let's grab a crowbar and destroy Europe even further.

In Brussel this summer the unelected (((European Commission))) and their lackeys are working on a new settlement directive with a plan for the entirety of the European Union. As a retort, Ben & Jerry together with VluchtelingenWerk are launching their new influential campaign named 'Home Safe Home' #HomeSafeHome to influence these politicians. Later this summer a special brand of Ben & Jerry Ice flavor will appear to support this campaign including TV commercials filled with emotional drivel, to push the cancer that are these economic migrants on to the Whites of Europe. This media campaign will run primarily in the UK, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark and France. I have no doubt the US will receive it's fair share just to virtue signal more to the left, because Trump n shieet.

'The Story has to make sense!'
Rik Riezebos of brand expert 'Brand Capital' says he increasingly sees companies who commit themselves to certain (((societal goals))). As Ben & Jerries does now. Rik thinks it's a wonderful idea that more companies are now doing this (counting his shekels). There are however dangers to this according to Rikydick, How do you remain credible as a company? There is no logical link between their product and the campaign. (other then hiring illegal filth) If the people see through this sham, they exclaim that you are only doing this for attention to create more brand awareness. So rik really recommends Ben & Jerries to get their story straight.


Other urls found in this thread:


so what, goats milk ice cream?

Naturally, it's going to be frothy camel milk, really got to taste that desert.

You forgot to mark (((Ben))) and (((Jerry))).

Really can't wait for more and more right wing companies to replace these cucked companies.

The Jew finds any reason not to hire white people. But goy everyone in THE WHOLE WORLD deserves a chance to work here, because global capitalism

It always blows my mind that public figures can outright state intent to meddle in the affairs of a state they are foreign to and not a single person speaks out.

Boycotting isn't enough, promoting competition, alternatives, starting businesses to take market share away from jew businesses is needed.

That's foul. How can anybody eat this shit?

The number one consumer of ice-cream is obese single women, who are overwhelmingly leftist because they want government to be their husband.

Wait how in the fuck does #homesafehome make sense- the whole concept of a refugee revolves around leaving home during a period of turmoil but GOING BACK AFTER

It's not supposed to make sense. It's supposed to hijack a feel-good warm fuzzy normalfag meme to make people feel warm and fuzzy about this topic.

Nice ID

Ben and Jerry's is such a classic fake out. They pretend like it's still the small Vermont hippy company it was when it was founded. They assiduously associate all this stupid progressive political virtue signaling with the brand. They even have a small scale Potemkin factory in Waterbury, VT where they show off their high tech, environmentally friendly facility to a constant stream of tour groups.

But the whole thing has been owned by Unilever for decades. The showcase facility produces only a tiny fraction of their output. Unilever is obviously completely cynical and calculating about which progressive causes it ties to the brand. It's all a corporate marketing scam to get good progressive suckers to feel good about paying extra for something which isn't really any different from the stuff that comes out of any other Unilever facility.

But of fucking course. Christ I despise that show.

>implying their home countries will ever improve
>implying everything wrong with their home countries isn't their own goddamn fault
How do you not already know "refugees" are government funded cuck squads.

This. I used to work at one of their stores (worst job I ever had), and the first thing they told me when I was hired was that the company had actually been given the business end of Unilever's big international cock. They were also complete jews about serving sizes, demanding that every cup be measured exactly so the customer wasn't getting the tiniest bit extra.

Anyone expected otherwise?

fuck didn't mean to sage

Brazil really needs to get garage doors that close faster.

I would say that I'd never buy their ice cream again (especially after their "two scoop of the same flavor" bullshit - archive.is/Kxae1), and it's such a shame because it's so good… but no. I don't eat ice-cream.
On the other hand, I like pasta. Eating some right now.

Feels good fam

Are you fucking kidding me, to displace the native working class they're doubling down on hiring illegal immigrants who don't want to work for those peanut wages either! The stereotypes are wrong, jews are more motivated by their hatred of us than their love of gold.

How's that Brazil? It's snowing in the video.

Guy shoots point-blank five times at assailant and he doesn't drop, which leads me to believe he was using .380 ACP rounds, which is priced at US$ 1.50 per round.

Fun fact: civilians in Brazil are not allowed to carry 9mm guns. But they can use .40, for some retarded reason.

Got any favorite pasta recipes?

I've seen it before, it's brazil. The shooter is an off-duty cop. There is no snow in that video.


It starts around 30 seconds in or it could be plaster falling from the ceiling.

fuck this life

It is. Plaster, dust, something like that. The garage is indoors so it isn't snow.

Enjoying the frozen jew? Get some Italian ice it's better for you.

At least you can cuck, who are you?

/leftykike/ get out.

Camel milk is probably more nutritious than the crap (((processed milk))) found in Ben n Jewy's ice cream.

How do normalfags not see these (((tolerant))) companies just want cheaper and exploitable labor? Obviously they were treating their illegal employees like shit if they risked getting caught by ICE to protest.

They do, but they hate white people more than they care about fighting capitalism.

Kill the parents and release the nigglets into the wilds of African in the long run this would be the best for all.

Then you need to try Blue Bell ice cream fam, it's made in )))Texas((( and the company is ran by gentiles.

must heal eyes

You need to strike at the head of this beast and kill the parent's church pastor who probably told them it was a great idea to adopt niglets in the first place. Natural selection will ensure those niglets grow up to kill their foster parents anyway.


You're hilarious. Single most overrated state in the union. Ironically enough Texas owes it's international reputation to California (Hollywood).

In addition to having the best ice cream in the state of the union they also have the best crystal meth from what I understand.

Blue Bell is okay but overrated, along with most of the state, unfortunately I can't really say how good the meth is but the homeless seem to like it.

Chuck Norris, great example.

>popularized by (((Cannon Films))), owned by Israelis and perhaps the most jewish movie company to have ever existed en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cannon_Group,_Inc.
>associated with Texas through the (((CBS))) show Walker Texas Ranger

Great )))Texan((( icon you've got there.

So then most likely Chuck Norris has a great deal of red nigger in his woodpile.

Ok, I admit to shitposting lol.

It'd be a real shame if anons started coming up with some new Alt Flavors to spam on their twitter feed


=Fuck up EVERY display of Ben & Jerrys in your local supermarket, WalFart, Target, CVS, Walgreens, gas stations, etc. send these retarded cunts and distributors a message! As soon as stores start complaining, this shit will be over with, guaranfuckinteed.==

What a weak faggot you are.

Go Vegan, you dumb fucks. Meat and Dairy is kiked to the core.

It would be unfortunate if a few consumers got sick with salmonella which would force (((Ben))) and (((Jerry's))) to shut it down while they have to do a product recall across store shelves nation wide.

Agreed. There is more than one way to Jew a Jew.

You will never separate me from my lamb gyros or chicken parmigiana, fuck off.

regardless, there is no blood, so it seems like that dude missed every shot

tfw a quart of pecan praline to share with my gf during movie night
solidly good feels

Come up with flavors, fruits or nuts the mudslimes eat, and combine them with Blast, Explosion, Pride, etc.

Go against nature goy! Meat is only for the chosen!

Come on, user. Ben & Jerry's is the most obnoxious food company I've seen when it comes to their political agenda. Getting just about any other ice cream brand is acceptable. Some of the unique novelty flavors might hook you, but remember it's junk food and not worth giving your money and pride to a couple of deluded old fucks that are too cowardly to come out and say they want you and your descendents dead.


(((Ben Cohen))
(((Jerry Greenfield)))

Best ice cream is homemade ice cream.

Ah the scene that got me to stop watching modern anime. I remember that week. Always good to be reminded how ridiculously stupid and over the top pandering all became.

To add onto that, I used to buy Ben & Jerry's all the time, but when they went full pro-BLM, I dropped them like a rock and haven't bought their shit in years, even when I see a new flavor that I'd like to try. It's all a matter of will.

Oreo's recently came out with a variant containing pop rock candy. Would be a good ingredient to synthesize life in current year Europistan.

Just from a business perspective, what do you GAIN as a brand by doing this? A move like this can stand to alienate people from your product, even if they agree with what you're saying.

This is the moves of someone desperate it's the same as going out from behind cover and bum rushing the opposing forces hoping momentum and surprise will be enough to ensure a victory.

(dubbel dubs checked)
Penne alla vodka is one of my favorites. Penne, butter, cup of heavy whipping cream, a can of tomatoes, cup of vodka, one onion, garlic, cook it all down into a thick, thick sauce and (if you really want to go all out) serve with italian sausage. Heavenly.

This. my great-grandmother used to make the best guava ice cream in the world. Beat the hell out of any synthetic kike product.

Have fun voluntarily cucking your body.



get better taste pleb, or learn to make your own


Did I read that they hired to Mexicans or Aloha Snackbars who then protested against low pay
It's the South African bushwacker incident all over again

Their main audience is single 40 year old cat ladies

This is the only ice cream a white man should ever eat, sugar will kill you. You don't have to use this asshole's special XCT oil either, just use normal MCT oil.


A fucking bong.

Never trust a leaf




But they're different plants: Rubus allegheniensis vs Rubus occidentalis
(But I'm sure the product in the picture just uses a synthetic flavor agent)

I finally understand why they were so mad that Trump got two scoops.

They’re not blackberries, you stupid fucking faggot.

Sweet ID

fine, how about the youwillnevermakeitthisgoodyourself-tier ice cream?

buy local if you can unless your local sellers are assholes. i buy hudsonville ice cream, they were literally born like ten miles from where i live (jenison, mi). i'm not aware of them being active in any political causes.
it also tastes great and it's sold pretty much everywhere here.

from what i can tell, it's owned by a family that came over from bavaria in the 1800s

B A S E D ice cream

The company looks good (so do the flavors), but…

although, a nigger working is pretty unrealistic


Häagen-Dazs kicks the shit out of your kike ice cream you fucking pussy faggot.

The vegan agenda is the invention of kikes.

bernie got memed on by an ink maker IRL


There have been quite a few obnoxious outbursts from progressive wankers since the start of Trumps campaign but these ben and jerries kikes have been at this political agitation thing for decades.

Graders is amazing, even better in their physical stores. They're from my hometown and I'm not surprised that it is germanic in origin as our entire area is.

Tell that to the VeGAYnator. :^)

I'll never understand how Holla Forums reconciles (((porky))) being among the most vehement supporters of the left.

i unironically don't like ice cream. eat shit fatties

That baby was psychic.

Slavery was a huge mistake, Jews did it on purpose to.

Are you fuckers that gullible? Good lord, sure is summer out here.

Please tell me that shit ain't real. That woman's hips look like she recently gave birth. Are you telling me that she impregnated herself with nog juice and had nog babies herself?

Ben & Jerry's flavors:
Choc. Ur. privilege
Achmed's Religion of Reese's Pieces
Strawberry Slam Poetry

Full video: youtube.com/watch?v=sg0D1PpgCXs

Sorry, I don't know how to make a webm file.

>mfw never have tasted any (((ben and jerrys))) ice-cream

Jostein Solheim isn't a jewish name, it is Norwegian.

The founders are jewish and their 'activism' is because of their founders, not their current CEO


See this:

Isn't that Greek food?

Stopped buying their crap decades ago.


…this godamn thing. They didn't even adopt nigs because they couldn't have children of their own. She got knocked up with nigger filth instead of her husbands cuck sperm. When I first saw it, I thought it must be propaganda. It doesn't make any fucking sense why you wouldn't have your own children if you could.


Did you mean $0.15?

nytimes dot com/2017/07/25/dining/ben-and-jerrys-ice-cream-herbicide-glyphosate.html

What's wrong with the so called "(((processed milk)))" that's almost everywhere (i.e. both in kosher and non-kosher foods.) Unpasteurized raw milk is a major exception, but it's the drink of the Jill Stein fanboys.