4chan Holla Forums and Holla Forums

what do you think of the rest of us at Holla Forums and Holla Forums over at 4chan my friends? Do you accept refugees from Kekistan?

Not particularly.

Go back to 4/pol/, redditor

You're worse than the cucks. Fuck off, we don't want you here.

You're all idiots and if I say so myself. you're worse than Holla Forums since you only harm the movement

You are as bad as the Chanology idiots

You're welcome tell your friends


Kekistani are kikes. fuck off back to cuckchan.

It was funny at first but you fucking ruined it. Kek and all was great during the election, then you came along and ruined it.

Holla Forumswas fun
But Holla Forums is more fun now.
Do not come though. You will never leave

kekistan is a cancer on kekism.

Kill yourselves.

fuck off were full

tits and then get the fuck out

Get out

What do I think of you guys? Why, I think I should roll for some dubs!


Kill yourself faggot, go back to your shithole and stay there. You're cancer

I just want to tackle him
